Jahrbuch der geologischen Bundesanstalt; Bd.149, Heft 1 (Wien, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаJahrbuch der geologischen Bundesanstalt. Bd.149, Heft 1. - Wien: Geologische Bundesanstalt. - 2009. - 337 S.: Ill. - ISSN 0016-7800

Оглавление / Contents
If not mentioned otherwise the papers are written in
German language.


   Haas J., Piros O., Görög A. & Lobitzer H.
Paleokarst Phenomena and Peritidal Beds in the Cyclic
Dachstein Limestone on the Dachstein Plateau (Northern
Calcareous Alps, Upper Austria).
14 Text-Figures, 4 Plates.
In English ...................................................... 7


   Kozur H.W., Moix P. & Ozsvart P.
New Spumellaria (Radiolaria) from the Early Tuvalian
Spongotortilispinus moixi Zone of Southeastern Turkey,
with some Remarks on the Age of this Fauna.
3 Text-Figures, 6 Plates.
In English ..................................................... 25

   Landau В., Harzhauser M. & Beu A.G.
A Revision of the Tonnoidea (Caenogastropoda, Gastropoda)
from the Miocene Paratethys and their Palaeobiogeographic
2 Text-Figures, 10 Plates.
In English ..................................................... 61

   Senowbari-Daryan В.
Coralline Sponges from the Norian-Rhaetian Dachstein Reef
of the Gosaukamm (Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria).
1 Text-Figure, 1 Table, 17 Plates ............................. 111

Economic Geology

   Horkel A. & Horkel K.
On the Security of Mineral supplies
and the Evaluation of Deposits of Solid Mineral Resources.
1 Table ....................................................... 169

Engineering Geology

   Moser M., Wunderlich T.A. & Meier H.
Kinematic Analysis of the Mountain Splitting Area of
Hornbergl - Reutte (Tyrol).
14 Text-Figures, 2 Tables ..................................... 177

   Weidinger J.Т.
The Gschliefgraben Massmovement at the Eastern Shore of
Lake Traunsee (Gmunden/Upper Austria) - A Tension Field
between Man and Nature Since Ever.
14 Text-Figures, 1 Table ...................................... 195

Geotope Protection

   Rosendahl W. & Döppes D.
The Frankenbach Gravel near Heilbronn (Southwestern
Germany) - An Important Archive and Geotope from the Era
of Homo heidelbergensis.
8 Text-Figures, 1 Table, 2 Plates ............................. 209

Buchbesprechungen Book Reviews

   Börner K. & Hill D.
Große Enzyklopädie der Steine. - Datenbank auf DVD ............ 223

   Brayard A. & Bucher H.
Smithian (Early Triassic) Ammonoid Faunas from
Northwestern Guangxi (South China): Taxonomy and
Biochronology ................................................. 223

   Bull W.B.
Tectonically Active Landscapes ................................ 224

   De Boer P., Postma G., van der Zwan K., Burgess P. (Ed.)
   & Kukla P. (Eds.)
Analogue and Numerical Modelling of Sedimentary Systems:
From Understanding to Prediction .............................. 224

   Harper D.A.T., Long S. & Nielsen C. (Eds.)
Brachiopoda: Fossil and Recent ................................ 224

   Hauptmann A. & Pingel V. (Hrsg.)
Archäometrie. - Methoden und Anwendungsbeispiele
naturwissenschaftlicher Verfahren in der Archäologie .......... 225

   Hesse M., Halbritter H., Zetter R., Weber M., Buchner R., 
   Frosch-Radivo A. & Ulrich S.
Pollen Terminology - An Illustrated Handbook .................. 225

   Kölbl-Ebert M. (Ed.)
Geology and Religion: A History of Harmony and Hostility ...... 226

   Rivard L.A.
Geohazard-associated Geounits (Atlas and Glossary) ............ 226

   Rohr Ch.
Extreme Naturereignisse im Ostalpenraum - Naturerfahrung im
Spätmittelalter und am Beginn der Neuzeit ..................... 226

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