Young S. Signal processing and performance analysis for imaging systems (Boston; London, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

Архив выставки новых поступлений | Отечественные поступления | Иностранные поступления | Сиглы
ОбложкаYoung S. Signal processing and performance analysis for imaging systems / Young S., Driggers R.G., Jacobs E.L. - Boston; London: Artech House, 2008. - xv, 304 p.: ill. - (Artech House optoelectronics series). - Ind.: p.295-304. - ISBN 978-1-59693-287-6

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ...................................................... XIII

Part 1. Basic Principles of Imaging Systems and
        Performance ............................................. 1

CHAPTER 1. Introduction ......................................... 3

1.1. "Combined" Imaging System Performance ...................... 3
1.2. Imaging Performance ........................................ 3
1.3. Signal Processing: Basic Principles and Advanced
     Applications ............................................... 4
1.4. Image Resampling ........................................... 4
1.5. Super-Resolution Image Reconstruction ...................... 5
1.6. Image Restoration-Deblurring ............................... 6
1.7. Image Contrast Enhancement ................................. 7
1.8. Nonuniformity Correction (NUC) ............................. 7
1.9. Tone Scale ................................................. 8
1.10.Image Fusion ............................................... 8
References ..................................................... 10

CHAPTER 2. Imaging Systems ..................................... 11

2.1. Basic Imaging Systems ..................................... 11
2.2. Resolution and Sensitivity ................................ 15
2.3. Linear Shift-Invariant (LSI) Imaging Systems .............. 16
2.4. Imaging System Point Spread Function and Modulation
     Transfer Function ......................................... 20
     2.4.1. Optical Filtering .................................. 21
     2.4.2. Detector Spatial Filters ........................... 22
     2.4.3. Electronics Filtering .............................. 24
     2.4.4. Display Filtering .................................. 25
     2.4.5. Human Eye .......................................... 26
     2.4.6. Overall Image Transfer ............................. 27
2.5. Sampled Imaging Systems ................................... 28
2.6. Signal-to-Noise Ratio ..................................... 34
2.7. Electro-Optical and Infrared Imaging Systems .............. 38
2.8. Summary ................................................... 39
References ..................................................... 39

CHAPTER 2. Target Acquisition and Image Quality ................ 41

3.1. Introduction .............................................. 41
3.2. A Brief History of Target Acquisition Theory .............. 41
3.3. Threshold Vision .......................................... 43
     3.3.1. Threshold Vision of the Unaided Eye ................ 43
     3.3.2. Threshold Vision of the Aided Eye .................. 47
3.4. Image Quality Metric ...................................... 50
3.5. Example ................................................... 53
3.6. Summary ................................................... 61
References ..................................................... 61

Part 2. Basic Principles of Signal Processing .................. 63

CHAPTER 4. Basic Principles of Signal and Image Processing ..... 65

4.1. Introduction .............................................. 65
4.2. The Fourier Transform ..................................... 65
     4.2.1. One-Dimensional Fourier Transform .................. 65
     4.2.2. Two-Dimensional Fourier Transform .................. 78
4.3. Finite Impulse Response Filters ........................... 83
     4.3.1. Definition of Nonrecursive and Recursive Filters ... 83
     4.3.2. Implementation of FIR Filters ...................... 84
     4.3.3. Shortcomings of FIR Filters ........................ 85
4.4. Fourier-Based Filters ..................................... 86
     4.4.1. Radially Symmetric Filter with a Gaussian Window ... 87
     4.4.2. Radially Symmetric Filter with a Hamming Window
            at a Transition Point .............................. 87
     4.4.3. Radially Symmetric Filter with a Butterworth
            Window at a Transition Point ....................... 88
     4.4.4. Radially Symmetric Filter with a Power Window ...... 89
     4.4.5. Performance Comparison of Fourier-Based Filters .... 90
4.5. The Wavelet Transform ..................................... 90
     4.5.1. Time-Frequency Wavelet Analysis .................... 91
     4.5.2. Dyadic and Discrete Wavelet Transform .............. 96
     4.5.3. Condition of Constructing a Wavelet Transform ...... 97
     4.5.4. Forward and Inverse Wavelet Transform .............. 97
     4.5.5. Two-Dimensional Wavelet Transform .................. 98
     4.5.6. Multiscale Edge Detection .......................... 98
4.6. Summary .................................................. 102
References .................................................... 102

Part 3. Advanced Applications ................................. 105

CHAPTER 5. Image Resampling ................................... 107

5.1. Introduction ............................................. 107
5.2. Image Display, Reconstruction, and Resampling ............ 107
5.3. Sampling Theory and Sampling Artifacts ................... 109
     5.3.1. Sampling Theory ................................... 109
     5.3.2. Sampling Artifacts ................................ 110
5.4. Image Resampling Using Spatial Domain Methods ............ 111
     5.4.1. Image Resampling Model ............................ 111
     5.4.2. Image Rescale Implementation ...................... 112
     5.4.3. Resampling Filters ................................ 112
5.5. Antialias Image Resampling Using Fourier-Based Methods ... 114
     5.5.1. Image Resampling Model ............................ 114
     5.5.2. Image Rescale Implementation ...................... 115
     5.5.3. Resampling System Design .......................... 117
     5.5.4. Resampling Filters ................................ 118
     5.5.5. Resampling Filters Performance Analysis ........... 119
5.6. Image Resampling Performance Measurements ................ 125
5.7. Summary .................................................. 127
References .................................................... 127

CHAPTER 6. Super-Resolution ................................... 129

6.1. Introduction ............................................. 129
     6.1.1. The Meaning of Super-Resolution ................... 129
     6.1.2. Super-Resolution for Diffraction and Sampling ..... 129
     6.1.3. Proposed Nomenclature by IEEE ..................... 130
6.2. Super-Resolution Image Restoration ....................... 130
6.3. Super-Resolution Image Reconstruction .................... 131
     6.3.1. Background ........................................ 131
     6.3.2. Overview of the Super-Resolution Reconstruction
            Algorithm ......................................... 132
     6.3.3. Image Acquisition—Microdither Scanner Versus
            Natural Jitter .................................... 132
     6.3.4. Subpixel Shift Estimation ......................... 133
     6.3.5. Motion Estimation ................................. 135
     6.3.6. High-Resolution Output Image Reconstruction ....... 143
6.4. Super-Resolution Imager Performance Measurements ......... 158
     6.4.1. Background ........................................ 158
     6.4.2. Experimental Approach ............................. 159
     6.4.3. Measurement Results ............................... 166
6.5. Sensors That Benefit from Super-Resolution
     Reconstruction ........................................... 167
     6.5.1. Example and Performance Estimates ................. 168
6.6. Performance Modeling and Prediction of Super-
     Resolution Reconstruction ................................ 172
6.7. Summary .................................................. 173
References .................................................... 174

CHAPTER 7. Image Deblurring ................................... 179

7.1. Introduction ............................................. 179
7.2. Regularization Methods ................................... 181
7.3. Wiener Filter ............................................ 181
7.4. Van Cittert Filter ....................................... 182
7.5. CLEAN Algorithm .......................................... 183
7.6. P-Deblurring Filter ...................................... 184
     7.6.1. Definition of the P-Deblurring Filter ............. 185
     7.6.2. Properties of the P-Deblurring Filter ............. 186
     7.6.3. P-Deblurring Filter Design ........................ 188
7.7. Image Deblurring Performance Measurements ................ 199
     7.7.1. Experimental Approach ............................. 200
     7.7.2. Perception Experiment Result Analysis ............. 203
7.8. Summary .................................................. 204
References .................................................... 204

CHAPTER 8. Image Contrast Enhancement ......................... 207

8.1. Introduction ............................................. 207
8.2. Single-Scale Process ..................................... 208
     8.2.1. Contrast Stretching ............................... 208
     8.2.2. Histogram Modification ............................ 209
     8.2.3. Region-Growing Method ............................. 209
8.3. Multiscale Process ....................................... 209
     8.3.1. Multiresolution Analysis .......................... 210
     8.3.2. Contrast Enhancement Based on Unsharp Masking ..... 210
     8.3.3. Contrast Enhancement Based on Wavelet Edges ....... 211
8.4. Contrast Enhancement Image Performance Measurements ...... 217
     8.4.1. Background ........................................ 217
     8.4.2. Time Limited Search Model ......................... 218
     8.4.3. Experimental Approach ............................. 219
     8.4.4. Results ........................................... 222
     8.4.5. Analysis .......................................... 223
     8.4.6. Discussion ........................................ 226
8.5. Summary .................................................. 227
References .................................................... 228

CHAPTER 9. Nonuniformity Correction ........................... 231

9.1. Detector Nonuniformity ................................... 231
9.2. Linear Correction and the Effects of Nonlinearity ........ 232
     9.2.1. Linear Correction Model ........................... 233
     9.2.2. Effects of Nonlinearity ........................... 233
9.3. Adaptive NUC ............................................. 238
     9.3.1. Temporal Processing ............................... 238
     9.3.2. Spatio-Temporal Processing ........................ 240
9.4. Imaging System Performance with Fixed-Pattern Noise ...... 243
9.5. Summary .................................................. 244
References .................................................... 245

CHAPTER 10.Tone Scale ......................................... 247

10.1.Introduction ............................................. 247
10.2.Piece-Wise Linear Tone Scale ............................. 248
10.3.Nonlinear Tone Scale ..................................... 250
     10.3.1.Gamma Correction .................................. 250
     10.3.2.Look-Up Tables .................................... 252
10.4.Perceptual Linearization Tone Scale ...................... 252
10.5.Application of Tone Scale to Enhanced Visualization
     in Radiation Treatment ................................... 255
     10.5.1.Portal Image in Radiation Treatment ............... 255
     10.5.2.Locating and Labeling the Radiation and
            Collimation Fields ................................ 257
     10.5.3.Design of the Tone Scale Curves ................... 257
     10.5.4.Contrast Enhancement .............................. 262
     10.5.5.Producing the Output Image ........................ 264
10.6.Tone Scale Performance Example ........................... 264
10.7.Summary .................................................. 266
References .................................................... 267

CHAPTER 11.Image Fusion ....................................... 269

11.1.Introduction ............................................. 269
11.2.Objectives for Image Fusion .............................. 270
11.3.Image Fusion Algorithms .................................. 271
     11.3.1.Superposition ..................................... 272
     11.3.2.Laplacian Pyramid ................................. 272
     11.3.3.Ratio of a Lowpass Pyramid ........................ 275
     11.3.4.Perceptual-Based Multiscale Decomposition ......... 276
     11.3.5.Discrete Wavelet Transform ........................ 278
11.4.Benefits of Multiple Image Modes ......................... 280
11.5.Image Fusion Quality Metrics ............................. 281
     11.5.1.Mean Squared Error ................................ 282
     11.5.2.Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio ........................ 283
     11.5.3.Mutual Information ................................ 283
     11.5.4.Image Quality Index by Wang and Bovik ............. 283
     11.5.5.Image Fusion Quality Index by Piella and
            Heijmans .......................................... 284
     11.5.6.Xydeas and Petrovic Metric ........................ 285
11.6.Imaging System Performance with Image Fusion ............. 286
11.7.Summary .................................................. 290
References .................................................... 290

About the Authors ............................................. 293

Index ......................................................... 295

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