Lecture notes in physics; 778 (Berlin; Heidelberg, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаTurbulence in space plasmas / ed. by Vlahos L., Cargill P. - Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer, 2009. - xi, 325 p.: ill. - (Lecture notes in physics; 778). - ISBN 978-3-642-00209-0

Оглавление / Contents
1. Waves and Instabilities in Space Plasmas ..................... 1
      K. Papadopoulos
   1.1. Introduction ............................................ 1
   1.2. Plasma Description - Response Function - Generalized
        Ohm's Law ............................................... 2
   1.3. Examples of Plasma Waves in Space - Isotropic Plasmas ... 4
   1.4. Properties of Plasma Waves in Isotropic Plasmas ......... 8
   1.5. Generation of Plasma Waves ............................. 14
   1.6. Plasma Instabilities ................................... 22
   1.7. Electromagnetic Emission from Isotropic Plasmas ........ 29
   1.8. Type III Radio-Bursts - Puzzles and Resolution -
        The Triumph of Strong Turbulence Theory ................ 34
   1.9. Epilogue ............................................... 41
   References .................................................. 42

2. Solar MHD: An Introduction .................................. 45
      C. Chiuderi and M. Velli
   2.1. Introduction ........................................... 45
   2.2. Plasma Physics and Magnetohydrodynamics ................ 46
   2.3. A Quick Tour of the Sun ................................ 51
   2.4. Plasma Instabilities ................................... 54
   2.5. Coronal Heating, Waves, and Turbulence ................. 60
   References .................................................. 68

3. An Introduction to Fluid and MHD Turbulence for
   Astrophysical Flows: Theory, Observational and
   Numerical Data, and Modeling ................................ 71
      V. Carbone and A. Pouquet
   3.1. Introduction ........................................... 71
   3.2. Fundamental Equations .................................. 74
   3.3. The Problem of Intermittency in Turbulence ............. 85
   3.4. Modeling Turbulence .................................... 92
   3.5. Theoretical Approaches ................................ 111
   3.6. Conclusions and Perspectives .......................... 117
   Appendix A: Data Analysis of Real Turbulent Field .......... 121
   Appendix B: Transition to Chaos in Low-Order Galerkin
   Approximations ............................................. 123
   Appendix C: About the Word Intermittency Encountered in
   Literature ................................................. 125
   References ................................................. 126

4. The Solar Atmosphere ....................................... 129
      V.H. Hansteen and M. Carlsson
   4.1. Introduction .......................................... 129
   4.2. The Photosphere ....................................... 131
   4.3. The Chromosphere ...................................... 136
   4.4. Coronal Heating ....................................... 143
   References ................................................. 154

5. The Solar Flare: A Strongly Turbulent Particle
   Accelerator ................................................ 157
      L. Vlahos, S. Krucker, and P. Cargill
   5.1. Introduction .......................................... 157
   5.2. Observational Constraints ............................. 159
   5.3. Models for Impulsive Energy Release ................... 176
   5.4. Particle Acceleration in Turbulent Electromagnetic
        Fields ................................................ 189
   5.5. Discussion of the Global Consideration of Particle
        Acceleration .......................................... 214
   5.6. Summary ............................................... 216
   References ................................................. 217

6. Diagnostics of the Solar Wind Plasma ....................... 223
      K. Issautier
   6.1. Introduction .......................................... 223
   6.2. Measuring the Key Parameters in the Inner
        Heliosphere ........................................... 224
   6.3. Measuring the Key Parameters of the Solar Wind ........ 227
   6.4. Comparison of Solar Wind Plasma Parameters ............ 236
   6.5. Large-Scale Variations of the Heliosphere ............. 240
   6.6. Summary and Perspectives .............................. 244
   References ................................................. 244

7. Physical Processes in the Solar Wind ....................... 247
      M. Velli
   7.1. The Solar Wind ........................................ 247
   7.2. Hydrodynamics of a Featureless Solar Wind Expansion:
        Why the Solar Wind Is Supersonic ...................... 248
   7.3. A Wind-Accretion Hysteresis Cycle ..................... 254
   7.4. Solar Wind Energetics and Empirical Solar Wind
        Models ................................................ 257
   7.5. Alfvenic Fluctuations and the Solar Wind .............. 260
   References ................................................. 267

8. Physics of Stellar Coronae ................................. 269
      M. Güdel
   8.1. Introduction .......................................... 269
   8.2. Stellar Coronae - Defining the Theme .................. 271
   8.3. The Coronal Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram ............... 271
   8.4. Non-flaring Radio Emission from Stellar Coronae ....... 272
   8.5. Thermal X-ray Emission from Stellar Coronae ........... 277
   8.6. The Structure of Stellar Coronae ...................... 286
   8.7. Stellar Radio Flares .................................. 300
   8.8. Stellar X-ray Flares .................................. 303
   8.9. The Statistics of Flares .............................. 315
   8.10.A Flare-Heating Approach .............................. 319
   References ................................................. 322

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