Schwoerer M. Organic molecular solids (Weinheim, 2007). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаSchwoerer M. Organic molecular solids / Schwoerer M., Wolf H.C. - Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2007. - xi, 427 p.: ill. (some col.). - (Physics textbook). - Ind.: p.417-427. - ISBN 978-3-527-40540-4

Оглавление / Contents
1. Introduction ................................................. 1
   1.1. What are Organic Solids? ................................ 1
   1.2. What are the Special Characteristics of Organic
        Solids? ................................................. 9
   1.3. Goals and Future Outlook ............................... 15
        Problems for Chapter 1 ................................. 16
        Literature ............................................. 24
2. Forces and Structures ....................................... 25
   2.1. Forces ................................................. 25
        2.1.1. Inductive Forces ................................ 26
        2.1.2. Van der Waals Forces ............................ 27
        2.1.3. Repulsive Forces ................................ 29
        2.1.4. Intermolecular Potentials ....................... 30
        2.1.5. Coulomb Forces .................................. 33
   2.2. Structures ............................................. 34
        2.2.1. Crystals of Nonpolar Molecules .................. 34
        2.2.2. Crystals of Molecules with Polar Substituents ... 39
        2.2.3. Crystals with a Low Packing Density,
               Clathrates ...................................... 40
        2.2.4. Crystals of Molecules with Charge Transfer,
               Radical-ion Salts ............................... 42
   2.3. Polymer Single Crystals: Diacetylenes .................. 43
   2.4. Thin Films ............................................. 47
   2.5. Inorganic-Organic Hybrid Crystals ...................... 51
        Problems for Chapter 2 ................................. 52
   Literature .................................................. 54
3. Purification of Materials, Crystal Growth and Preparation
   of Thin Films ............................................... 57
   3.1. Purification ........................................... 57
   3.2. Highest Purity ......................................... 61
   3.3. Crystal Growth ......................................... 63
   3.4. Mixed Crystals ......................................... 70
   3.5. Epitaxy, Ultrathin Films 71 Problems for Chapter 3 ..... 72
   References .................................................. 73
4. Impurities and Defects ...................................... 75
   4.1. Foreign Molecules, Impurities, and X traps ............. 75
   4.2. Structural Defects ..................................... 78
        4.2.1. Point Defects ................................... 78
        4.2.2. Dislocations .................................... 79
        4.2.3. Grain Boundaries ................................ 82
        4.2.4. Dipolar Disorder ................................ 83
   4.3. Characterisation and Analysis of Impurities ............ 84
   4.4. Characterisation of Defects ............................ 84
        Literature ............................................. 86
5. Molecular and Lattice Dynamics in Organic Molecular
   Crystals .................................................... 89
   5.1. Introduction ........................................... 89
   5.2. Intramolecular Vibrations .............................. 91
   5.3. Phonons ................................................ 93
        5.3.1. The Eigenvector ................................. 94
        5.3.2. The Wavevector .................................. 95
        5.3.3. The Frequencies Ω (K)............................ 96
        5.3.4. Excitations ..................................... 97
   5.4. Experimental Methods ................................... 97
        5.4.1. Inelastic Neutron Scattering .................... 97
        5.4.2. Raman Scattering and Infrared Absorption ........ 99
   5.5. The 12 External Phonons of the Naphthalene Crystal .... 100
        5.5.1. Dispersion relations ........................... 100
        5.5.2. Pressure and Temperature Dependencies .......... 104
   5.6. Analytic Formulation of the Lattice Dynamics in
        Molecular Crystals .................................... 107
   5.7. Phonons in other Molecular Crystals ................... 109
   5.8. Hindered Rotation and Diffusion ....................... 113
        5.8.1. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance ..................... 113
        5.8.2. Benzene Crystals ............................... 116
        5.8.3. Methyl Groups .................................. 118
        5.8.4. Diffusion ...................................... 120
        Problems for Chapter 5 ................................ 122
        References ............................................ 123
6. Electronic Excited States, Excitons, Energy Transfer ....... 125
   6.1. Introduction .......................................... 125
   6.2. Some historical remarks ............................... 126
   6.3. Optical Excited States in Crystals .................... 127
   6.4. Davydov Splitting and Mini-Excitons ................... 134
   6.5. Frenkel Excitons ...................................... 139
        6.5.1. Excitonic States, Fundamental Equations ........ 140
        6.5.2. Polarisation and Band Structure ................ 143
        6.5.3. Coherence ...................................... 147
   6.6. Charge Transfer (CT) Excitons ......................... 149
   6.7. Surface Excitons ...................................... 153
   6.8. Excimers .............................................. 154
   6.9. Exciton Processes, Energy Conduction .................. 156
        6.9.1. Sensitised Fluorescence ........................ 157
        6.9.2. Delayed Fluorescence by Triplet Excitons ....... 160
        6.9.3. Excitonic Processes ............................ 163
   6.10.Excitonic Processes in other Systems .................. 171
   6.11.Future Developments ................................... 173
        Problems for Chapter 6 ................................ 173
        Literature ............................................ 174
7. Structure and Dynamics of Triplet States ................... 177
   7.1. Introduction and Historical Remarks ................... 177
   7.2. Spin Quantisation in Triplet States ................... 182
   7.3. The Dipole-Dipole Interaction, Fine Structure ......... 183
        7.3.1. Zero Field (B0 = 0) ............................ 183
        7.3.2. Zeeman Splitting (B0 ≠ 0) ...................... 289
        7.3.3. Powder Spectra ................................. 192
   7.4. Mini-Excitons ......................................... 192
   7.5. Triplet Excitons ...................................... 199
        7.5.1. Anthracene and Naphthalene Crystals: Two-
               dimensional Triplet Excitons ................... 199
        7.5.2. Dibromonaphthalene Crystals: coherent, one-
               dimensional Triplet Excitons ................... 203
   7.6. Optical Spin Polarisation (OEP) ....................... 204
   7.7. Optical Nuclear-Spin Polarisation (ONP) ............... 222
   7.8. Perspectives .......................................... 214
        Problems for Chapter 7 ................................ 214
        Literature ............................................ 215
8. Organic Semiconductors ..................................... 217
   8.1. Preliminary Historical Remarks ........................ 220
   8.2. Conductivity and Mobility of nearly-free Charge
        Carriers .............................................. 223
   8.3. Charge Carriers in Organic Semiconductors: Polarons,
        Shallow Traps and Deep Traps .......................... 228
   8.4. Generation of Charge Carriers and Charge Transport:
        Experimental Methods .................................. 234
        8.4.1. The TOF Method: Gaussian Transport ............. 234
        8.4.2. Photogeneration of Charge Carriers ............. 238
        8.4.3. Contacts, Injection, Ejection, and Dark
               Currents ....................................... 244
        8.4.4. Space-Charge Limited Currents .................. 255
   8.5. Charge-Carrier Mobilities in Organic Molecular
        Crystals .............................................. 263
        8.5.1. Band- or Hopping Conductivity? ................. 263
        8.5.2. Temperature Dependence and Anisotropy of
               the Mobilities ................................. 265
        8.5.3. Electric-field Dependence ...................... 269
        8.5.4. Band Structures ................................ 272
        8.5.5. Charge-Carrier Traps ........................... 277
   8.6. Charge Transport in Disordered Organic
        Semiconductors ........................................ 279
        8.6.1. The Bässler Model .............................. 282
        8.6.2. Mobilities in High-Purity Films:
               Temperature, Electric-Field, and Time
               Dependence ..................................... 284
        8.6.3. Binary Systems ................................. 289
        8.6.4. Discotic Liquid Crystals ....................... 290
        8.6.5. Stationary Dark Currents ....................... 292
        Problems for Chapter 8 ................................ 303
        Literature ............................................ 303
9. Organic Crystals of High Conductivity ...................... 307
   9.1. Donor-Acceptor Systems ................................ 307
   9.2. Strong CT Complexes, Radical-ion Salts ................ 308
   9.3. The Organic Metal TTF-TCNQ - Peierls Transition and
        Charge-Density Waves .................................. 314
   9.4. Other Radical-ion Salts and CT Complexes .............. 322
   9.5. Radical-Anion Salts of DCNQI .......................... 323
   9.6. Radical-Cation Salts of the Arenes .................... 330
        9.6.1. Direct-current Conductivity .................... 330
        9.6.2. X-Ray Scattering ............................... 334
        9.6.3. Optical Reflection Spectrum .................... 335
        9.6.4. Magnetic Susceptibility ........................ 337
        9.6.5. Spin Resonance of the Conduction Electrons
               (ESR) .......................................... 339
        9.6.6. Charge-Density-Wave Transport .................. 343
        Problems for Chapter 9 ................................ 346
        Literature ............................................ 347
10.Organic Superconductors .................................... 351
   10.1.Introduction .......................................... 351
   10.2.Mainly One-dimensional Charge-Transfer Salts as
        Superconductors; Bechgaard Salts ...................... 353
   10.3.Quasi-Two-dimensional Charge-Transfer Systems as
        Superconductors ....................................... 356
   10.4.The Nature of the Superconducting State in Organic
        Salts ................................................. 359
   10.5.Three-dimensional Superconductivity in Fullerene
        Compounds ............................................. 361
        Literature ............................................ 363
11.Electroluminescence and the Photovoltaic Effect ............ 365
   11.1.Electroluminescence: Organic Light-Emitting Diodes
        (OLEDs) ............................................... 366
        11.1.1.Historical Remarks ............................. 366
        11.1.2.The Principle of the ОLED ...................... 368
        11.1.3.Multilayer OLEDs ............................... 373
        11.1.4. Electro-optical Properties .................... 377
   11.2.Photovoltaic Effect: Organic Photovoltaic Cells ....... 381
        11.2.1. Exciton Dissociation .......................... 382
        11.2.2. Photovoltaic Characteristics .................. 384
        11.2.3. CuPc/C60 Solar Cells .......................... 386
        Literature ............................................ 389
12.Towards a Molecular Electronics ............................ 391
   12.1.What is Molecular Electronics and What Will it Do? .... 391
   12.2.Molecules as Switches, Photochromic Effects ........... 392
   12.3.Molecular Wires ....................................... 395
   12.4.Light-Induced Phase Transitions ....................... 396
   12.5.Molecular Rectifiers .................................. 400
   12.6.Molecular Transistors ................................. 401
   12.7.Molecular Storage Units ............................... 406

Appendix: Coloured Plates ..................................... 411

Index ......................................................... 417

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