Scientific series of the Institute of Waste Management and Contaminated Site Treatment at Technische Universitat Dresden; 56 (Dresden, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаGasworks Europe: redevelopment, site managementt and contaminant issues of former MGP's and other tar oil polluted sites: proc. of MGP 2008 conf., Dresden, Germany, March 4-6, 2008 / ed. by Werner P., Bilitewski B., Hüsers N. - Dresden: Technische Universitaet Dresden, 2008. - 334 p: ill. - (Scientific series of the Institute of Waste Management and Contaminated Site Treatment at Technische Universität Dresden; 56). - ISBN 978-3-934253-48-3

Место хранения: 042 | Институт химии нефти СО РАН | Томск

Оглавление / Contents
Platform Presentations

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

18:00 - 20:00 Welcome Reception and Registration	

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

08:30 - 09:30 REGISTRATION

09:30 - 10:00 Welcome Address
              Jürgen Staupe
              (The Saxon State's Ministry of Environment
              and Agriculture, GERMANY)

10:00 - 10:30 KEYNOTE LECTURE - The Upcoming European
              Soil Framework Directive - Consequences
              for Management and Remediation of
              Contaminated Land
              Jörg Frauenstein (UBA, GERMANY)

SESSION I -   Risk Assessment and Sediment Management
              Chairman: Peter Werner (TUD, GERMANY)

10:30 - 10:55 Air Monitoring in the Vicinity of MGP
              Remediations ...................................... 5
              Dennis Unites, Robin DeHate, Brian Skelly
              (GEI Consultants, Inc., USA)

10:55 - 11:20 Soil Vapor Intrusion Assessment of Residential
              and Commercial Properties in the Northeastern
              United States ..................................... 6
              David Terry, Robin DeHate
              (GEI Consultants, Inc., USA)

11:20 - 11:45 Risk Assessment and Site Redevelopment: New
              Opportunities to Manage Large Portfolios of
              MGP Sites in Italy ................................ 7
              Roberto Scazzola, Rudi Ruggeri, Daniele Venneri,
              Stefania Verdelocco
              (ENSR, ITALY)

11:45 - 12:10 Innovative Approach for Establishing Remedial
              Objectives for PAHs in Sediment .................. 14
              David Nakles, Nicholas Azzolina, Joseph P.
              (ENSR, USA)

12:10 - 13:30 LUNCH BREAK

13:30 - 14:00 KEYNOTE LECTURE
              Interactive Use of Modern In-Situ-investigation
              Techniques for Efficient Site Investigation -
              Preconditions for an Effective Remediation
              Planning ......................................... 21
                 Jochen Grossmann, Michael Neuhaus, Gunnar
                 Laudel, Lars Tischer, Kai Müller
                 (GICON, GERMANY)

              PARALLEL SESSIONS (II and III+IV)

SESSION II -  Site Investigation and Natural Attenuation
                 Chairman: Jörg Weindl (BFM, GERMANY)

14:00 - 14:25 Best Practices Manual for Managing and
              Investigating Coal Tar DNAPL in Bedrock .......... 29
             Andrew Coleman, Bernie Kueper
             (EPRI, USA)

14:25 - 14:50 What is Representative of the Environment ........ 32
              Philip Mulvey, Louise Cartwright
              (EESI Contracting, UK)

14:50 - 15:15 Comparison of Laboratory and In-Situ Based
              Groundwater Investigations of a Coking Plant
              Site in Castrop-Rauxel ........................... 33
              Anne Berahoff, Anja Berning, Christoph
              Wortmann, Reinhard Wienberg, Bernd Mahro
              (University of Applied Sciences Bremen,GERMANY)

15:15 - 15:40 Single-Event Driven Release and Rate-Limited
              Mass Transfer of PAH from Coal Tar at MGP
              Sites ............................................ 43
              Kai Uwe Totsche, Markus Wehrer, Thilo Rennert
              (Friedrich-Schiller-Universitat Jena, GERMANY)

15:40 - 16:10 COFFEE BREAK
              Chairwoman: Juliane Hollender (Eawag, SWITZERLAND)

16:10 - 16:35 Comparison of Groundwater and Contaminant Mass
              Fluxes Derived with Integral Pumping Tests and
              Point Sampling ................................... 48
              Michael Dietze, Peter Dietrich
              (Technische Universitat Dresden, GERMANY)

16:35 - 17:00 Biodegradation of Mono- and Polyaromatic
              Hydrocarbons at a Former Cokery Evidenced
              by Isotopes and Metabolites ...................... 59
              Barbara Morasch, Daniel Hunkeler, Patrick
              Höhener,Brice Temime
              (University of Neuchatel, SWITZERLAND)

17:00 - 17:25 Natural Attenuation at Tar Oil Contaminated
              Site. Case Study ................................. 68
              Peter Werner, Norbert Hüsers, Stefan Schönekerl,
              Helmut Lorbeer, Carsten Leibenath
              (Technische Universitat Dresden, GERMANY)

17:25 - 17:50 Biodegradation of Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons
              under Aerobic Conditions: Capacities of
              Microflorae and Limited Accessibility ............ 75
              Denis Blanchet, Frank Haeseler
              (Institut Français du Pétrole, FRANCE)

17:50 - 18:15 The Nature of Bonding to Black Carbon - A Re-
              Evaluation of Risk of MGPs ....................... 80
              Philip Mulvey
              (University of Western Australia, AUSTRALIA)

SESSION III - NSO-Heterocycles and Cyanides
              Chairman: John A. Ripp (GEI, USA)

14:00 - 14:25 Heterocyclic Aromatic Compounds: Assessment of
              Substance Properties and Occurrence ............. 101
              Thomas Held, Jens Blotevogel
              (ARCADIS Consult GmbH, GERMANY)

14:25 - 14:50 NSO-Heterocyclic Compounds in Tar Oil
              Contaminated Groundwater - Does Natural
              Attenuation Take Place? ......................... 111
              Anne-Kirsten Reineke, Jens Blotevogel, Thomas
              Held, Juliane Hollender
              (Eawag, SWITZERLAND)

14:50 - 15:15 Ecotoxicity Assessment and Biodegradation of
              Heterocyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (NSO-HET) .... 112
              Anne Saaner, Andreas Tiehm
              (TZW, GERMANY)

15:15 - 15:40 Stable Carbon (12/13C) and Nitrogen (14/15N)
              Isotopes as a Tool for Identifying the Sources
              of Cyanide in Wastes and Contaminated Soils ..... 119
              Tim Mansfeldt, Jenny Weihmann, Ulrike Schulte
              (Universitat zu Koln, GERMANY)

15:40 - 16:10 COFFEE BREAK

SESSION IV -  Permeable Reactive Barriers
              Chairman: Andrew Coleman (EPRI, USA)

16:10 - 16:35 Permeable Reactive Barriers (PRBs) for Ground
              Water Remediation at Contaminated Former
              Manufactured Gasworks Plants (MGPs) and
              Related Sites: Design Features, Performances
              Achieved, and Outlook ........................... 123
              Volker Birke, Christine Schuett, Harald
              Burmeier, Ina Schlanges, Wolf-Ulrich Palm,
              Wolfgang Ruck
              (Leuphana University of Liineburg, GERMANY)

16:35 - 17:00 Remediation of a Former Gasworks by Funnel-
              and-Gate; Experience After Three Years of
              Operation ....................................... 124
              Jörg Weindl, Siri Romboy, Michael Koch
              (BFM Umwelt-Beratung-Forschung-Management GmbH,

17:00 - 17:25 Use-Related Remediation of the Former Coking
              Plant of Lauchhammer ............................. 134
              Volker Jungk, Uwe Steinhuber, Reinhard
              Herrmann, Gerd Fischer, Gabriele Fadtke,
              Hans-Dieter Beerbalk
              (ARCADIS Consult GmbH, GERMANY)

17:25 - 17:50 Passive NAPL Barrier Design and Construction .... 142
              Margaret Carrillo-Sheridan, Keith White,
              Joseph Molina, Tracy Blazicek,Christopher Ryan
              (ARCADIS BBL, USA)

17:50 - 18:15 Pilot Test and Field Construction of a Funnel-
              and-Gate Biobarrier at an Abandoned Tar
              Factory Site .................................... 152
              Andreas Tiehm, Axel Müller, Helmut Jacob,
              Hermann Schad, Christian Weingran
              (TZW, GERMANY)

18:30 - 19:30 POSTER SESSION

19:30 - 21:00 Conference Buffet

Thursday, March 6, 2008

08:30 - 09:00 KEYNOTE LECTURE
              Remediation of Manufactured Gas Plant Sites
              in the United States ............................ 160
              John A. Ripp
              (GEI, USA)

SESSION Va -  Remediation (Part 1)
              Chairman: Frank Haeseler (IFP, FRANCE)

09:00 - 09:25 MGP Groundwater Treatment: Evaluation of
              Physical and Biological Treatment Methods
              Including a Polishing Pond ...................... 171
              Thomas Wirthensohn, Paul Schoeberl, Wilfried
              Wittmann, Werner Fuchs
              (University of Natural Resources and Applied
              Life Sciences, AUSTRIA)

09:25 - 09:50 Oxygen-Enhanced Air Sparging for Remediation
              of NAPL at a Former Manufactured Gas Plant ...... 180
              Robert A. Ferree, Mark Klemmer, Geethani
              Jayakody, Kevin Wilson, Roger Whiting
              (ARCADIS, USA)

09:50 - 10:15 Equipment and Scale-Up Considerations for
              In-Situ Solidification of MGP Sites ............. 191
              Thomas Plante, Asbjorn Gustafson, Marcel Guay,
              Kevin Corradino
              (URS Corporation, USA)

10:15 - 10:45 COFFEE BREAK

SESSION Vb -  Remediation (Part 2)
              Chairman: Philip Mulvey (University of Western
              Australia, AUSTRALIA)

10:45 - 11:10 Manufactured Gas Plant Site Remediation and
              Redevelopment Using In-Situ Technologies ........ 201
              Alfred P. Leuschner, Timothy Olean, Maribeth
              McCormick, Edward Walsh
              (ENSR, USA)

11:10 - 11:35 Treatment of a Polynuclear Aromatic
              Hydrocarbon and Vinyl Chloride Contamination
              by Ultraviolet Light, Ozone and Advanced
              Oxidation Processes ............................. 210
              Jutta Eggers, Dietrich Maier, Matthias Maier
              (TZW, GERMANY)

11:35 — 12:00 Use of Thermal Conduction Heating for the
              Remediation of DNAPL in Fractured Bedrock,
              Site in Southeast, USA .......................... 220
              John Bierschenk, John LaChance, Gorm Heron
              (TerraTherm, USA)

12:00 - 12:25 Low Accessibility and Chemical Activity of
              PAHs Explain Failed Bioremediation of an MGP
              Site Soil ....................................... 222
              Fredrik Reichenberg, Ulrich G. Karlson,
              Philipp Mayer
              (University of Aarhus, DENMARK)

12:25 - 12:50 Complete Decontamination of the Old Gasworks
              Plant "Am Radeland, VAT/Gasworks" in Hamburg
              and Waste Disposal .............................. 223
              Carsten Meicht, Hartmut Born
              (IMS Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH, GERMANY)

12:50 - 14:10 LUNCH BREAK

SESSION Vc -  Remediation and Modelling (Part 3)
              Chairman: Andreas Tiehm (TZW, GERMANY)

14:10 - 14:35 Management Framework for Coal Tar DNAPLS at
              Manufactured Gas Plant (MGP) Sites .............. 237
              Alessandro Battaglia, Andrew Coleman,
              David Nakles
              (ENSR, Italy)

14:35 - 15:00 Full-Scale In-Situ Chemical Oxidation
              Treatment of MGP Sites .......................... 238
              Dan Bryant, Stijn Haghebaert
              (GCI, USA)

15:00 - 15:25 In-Situ Chemical Oxidation - A Proper
              Technique to Remediate Former MGP Sites ......... 248
              Wim Plaisier, Denny Schanze
              (In-Situ Technieken, THE NETHERLANDS)

15:25 - 15:50 A Maximum Plume Length Estimate to Support
              Contaminated Site Management .................... 249
              Rudolf Liedl, Peter Dietrich, Peter Grathwohl
              (Technische Universitat Dresden, GERMANY)

15:50 - 16:15 Process-Oriented Reactive Transport Modelling
              of Heterocyclic Hydrocarbons at a Former
              Gasworks Site in Southern Germany ............... 255
              Maria Herold, Thomas Ptak, Henning Prommer,
              Janek Greskowiak, Thomas Wendel, Peter
              (University of Gottingen, GERMANY)


16:45 - 19:00 PANOMETER DRESDEN (visit)

Poster Session

1.  Reactive Sediment Capping Pilot Study. Phase I:
    Background and Conceptual Design .......................... 265
       Nancy Gensky, David Bessingpas, Andrew Coleman,
       Danny Reible, Jeffrey Clock
       (ARCADIS, USA)
2.  Excavation of MGP Residuals in Soil Adjacent to an
    Active Railline and a Residential Community ............... 266
       Mikel Pype, Barry Raus, Lindsay Guiliano, Kimm Perlin
    (Jacques Whitford, USA)
3.  Investigation of MGP Purifier Box Fill Along a Creek
    Floodplain - Experiences with Ferric Ferrocyanide ......... 267
       Katie Ehret. Bruce Middleman, Patrice Donahue,
       Ben Henry
       (Jacques Whitford, USA)
4.  Remediation of a 3rd Party Owned MGP in an Active
    Business Setting .......................................... 268
       Bruce Middleman, Christine Jeffers, Michael Heffron,
       Kimm Perlin
       (Jacques Whitford, USA)
5.  Dyes, Spies, and Manufactured Gas ......................... 269
       Ben Foster
       (LFR, USA)
6.  Three New England Former Manufactured Gas Plant (MGP)
    Sediment Remediation Project Sites: Environmental
    Dredging and Capping Case Studies ......................... 270
       James Beaver, Mark Mahoney, Kenneth E. Lento
       (ARCADIS-US, USA)
7.  Tarry Material: Assessing the Most Sustainable
    Remediation Technology for a NE England Case Study ........ 271
       Louise Cartwright, Paddy Daly, Philip Mulvey
       (EESI Contracting, UK)
8.  Impact and Importance of Heterocyclics in Remediation:
    Adsorption on Activated Carbon ............................ 276
       Jan Sebastian Mänz, Eric Naumann, Wolf-Ulrich Palm,
       Wolfgang Ruck
       (Leuphana University of Liineburg, GERMANY)
9.  Analysis, Distribution and Fate of PAH, Polar PAH and
    N.S.O-Heterocyclics in the Aquifer of Tar-Contaminated
    Sites ..................................................... 277
       Ina Schlanges, Jan Sebastian Mänz, Dietmar Meyer,
       Wolf-Ulrich Palm, Wolfgang Ruck
       (Leuphana University of Liineburg, GERMANY)
lO. Safety During Tar Ponds Remediation - Risks and
    Integral Solutions ........................................ 278
       Jochen Grossmann
11. Reactive Barters Used in the Protection of Aquatic
    Echosystem ................................................ 279
       Joan Bica, Alexandru Dimache, Nicolae Alboiu,
       Iulian Iancu
       (Technical University of Civil Engineering
       Bucharest, ROMANIA)
12. REMOX®EC Stabilization Reagent Catalyzed Permanganate
    for In-Situ Biogeochemical Stabilization of MGP
    Constituents .............................................. 285
       Jim Mueller, Joanna Moreno, Fayaz Lakhwala,
       Alan Seech, Matt Dingens, Phil Vella
       (The Adventus Group, USA)
13. Case Study of the Investigation and Remediation of an
    MGP Site in New York City ................................. 287
       Terry Taylor, Neil O'Halloran
14. Ex-Situ Bioremediation of Grounds Contaminated with
    Hydrocarbons .............................................. 288
       Barbara Kotwzan, Kazimierz Grabas, Adam Pawelczyk,
       Mieczyslaw Steininger
       (WUT Wroclaw, POLAND)
15. The Susceptibility, Resistance, and Resilience of
    Microorganisms in Soil and Groundwater to Chemical
    Contaminants .............................................. 296
       Zdenek Filip, Katerina Demnerova
    (Institute of Chemical Technology, CZECH REPUBLIC)
16. Guidelines of NA Implementation at Tar Oil
    Contaminated Sites ........................................ 299
       Peter Börke, Norbert Hüsers, Peter Werner
17. Mobilization of Aromatic Compounds from a Fresh Tar
    Oil Source ................................................ 301
       Stefan Schönekerl, Norbert Hüsers, Helmut Lorbeer,
       Peter Werner
    (Technische Universitat Dresden, GERMANY)
18. Investigation of Natural Degradation Processes in a Tar
    Oil Contaminated Aquifer by the Means of an On-Site
    Column Facility ........................................... 303
       Stefan Schönekerl, Norbert Hüsers, Helmut Lorbeer,
       Peter Werner, Carsten Leibenath
    (Technische Universitat Dresden, GERMANY)
19. Remediation of Tar Ponds from the Point of View of the
    Responsible Companies - Presentation of Approaches and
    Problems Regarding the Implementation, Practical Examples
    from the Day-by-Day Remediation Business .................. 304
       Jochen Grossmann
20. Environmental Behaviour of Short Chain Alkyl Phenols ...... 305
       Hans-Dieter Beerbalk, Peter Börke, Thomas Fichtner,
       Norbert Hüsers, Carsten Leibenath, Holger Uibrig
       (Buero Dr. Beerbalk, GERMANY)
21. Sediment Remediation in Urban Rivers at North American
    Manufactured Gas Plant Sites .............................. 310
       William Gregg
22. Chemical Analysis of Cyanide in Surface Water Pitfalls,
    Interferences, and False Positives ........................ 317
       James R. Ash, Ray Siegener
    (GEI Consultants, Inc., USA)
23. Needs for Research of Remediation of MGP Sites with
    Regard to Limits of Natural Attenuation and Their
    Related Risk Assessment Methods ........................... 318
       Karl Rohrhofer, Paul Schöberl, Roland Rohrhofer
    (Buero Rohrhofer & Partner-OEKOREAL-GWCC, AUSTRIA
24. TERQ (Transparent Toxicological Exposure Risk
    Quantification) Site-Specific Health Risk Assessments
    and Definition of Remediation Goals, Taking into
    Account the Multiple Site Specific Pollutant Exposure
    as Management Tool for Environmental & Health
    Compliance and Investment Safety (M&A and Real Estate
    Development) .............................................. 319
       Frank Karg, Ulrike Hintzen
25. 0rganoclays Trap PNAH's and Creosote in Permeable
    Barriers .................................................. 320
       George R. Alther
    (Biomin, USA)
26. The remediation of contaminated sites using
    electrochemical methods ................................... 326
       Irina Aura Oprea, Elisa Ferrarese, Gianni
       Andreottola, Adrian Badea, Giuliano Ziglio,
       Tiberiu Apostol
    (University Politechnica, ROMANIA)

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