Billo E.J. Excel for scientists and engineers: numerical methods (Hoboken, 2007). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаBillo E.J. Excel for scientists and engineers: numerical methods - Hoboken: Wiley-Interscience, 2007. - xix, 454 p.: ill. + 1 CD-ROM. - Ind.: p.443-454. - ISBN 978-0-471-38734-3

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ........................................................ xv
Acknowledgments ............................................... xix
About the Author .............................................. xix

Chapter 1 Introducing Visual Basic for Applications ............. 1
The Visual Basic Editor ......................................... 1
Visual Basic Procedures ......................................... 4
   There Are Two Kinds of Macros ................................ 4
   The Structure of a Sub Procedure ............................. 4
   The Structure of a Function Procedure ........................ 5
   Using the Recorder to Create a Sub Procedure ................. 5
   The Personal Macro Workbook .................................. 7
   Running a Sub Procedure ...................................... 8
   Assigning a Shortcut Key to a Sub Procedure .................. 8
Entering VBA Code ............................................... 9
   Creating a Simple Custom Function ........................... 10
   Using a Function Macro ...................................... 10
   A Shortcut to Enter a Function .............................. 12
Some FAQs ...................................................... 13

Chapter 2 Fundamentals of Programming with VBA ................. 15
Components of Visual Basic Statements .......................... 15
   Operators ................................................... 16
   Variables ................................................... 16
   Objects, Properties, and Methods ............................ 17
   Objects ..................................................... 17
   Properties .................................................. 17
   Using Properties ............................................ 19
   Functions ................................................... 20
   Using Worksheet Functions with VBA .......................... 22
   Some Useful Methods ......................................... 22
   Other Keywords .............................................. 23
Program Control ................................................ 23
   Branching ................................................... 23
   Logical Operators ........................................... 24
   Select Case ................................................. 24
   Looping ..................................................... 24
   For...Next Loop ............................................. 25
   Do While... Loop ............................................ 25
   For Each...Next Loop ........................................ 25
   Nested Loops ................................................ 26
   Exiting from a Loop or from a Procedure ..................... 26
VBA Data Types ................................................. 27
   The Variant Data Type ....................................... 28
Subroutines .................................................... 28
   Scoping a Subroutine ........................................ 29
VBA Code for Command Macros .................................... 29
   Objects and Collections of Objects .......................... 29
   "Objects" That Are Really Properties ........................ 30
   You Can Define Your Own Objects ............................. 30
   Methods ..................................................... 31
   Some Useful Methods ......................................... 31
   Two Ways to Specify Arguments of Methods .................... 32
   Arguments with or without Parentheses ....................... 33
Making a Reference to a Cell or a Range ........................ 33
   A Reference to the Active Cell or a Selected Range .......... 33
   A Reference to a Cell Other than the Active Cell ............ 34
   References Using the Union or Intersect Method .............. 35
   Examples of Expressions to Refer to a Cell or Range ......... 35
   Getting Values from a Worksheet ............................. 36
   Sending Values to a Worksheet ............................... 37
Interacting with the User ...................................... 37
   MsgBox ...................................................... 37
   MsgBox Return Values ........................................ 39
   InputBox .................................................... 39
Visual Basic Arrays ............................................ 41
   Dimensioning an Array ....................................... 41
   Use the Name of the Array Variable to Specify the Whole
      Array .................................................... 42
   Multidimensional Arrays ..................................... 42
   Declaring the Variable Type of an Array...................... 42
   Returning the Size of an Array .............................. 42
   Dynamic Arrays .............................................. 43
   Preserving Values in Dynamic Arrays ......................... 43
   Working with Arrays in Sub Procedures:
      Passing Values from Worksheet to VBA Module .............. 44
   A Range Specified in a Sub Procedure Can Be Used as
      an Array ................................................. 44
   Some Worksheet Functions Used Within VBA Create an Array
      Automatically ............................................ 45
   An Array of Object Variables ................................ 45
   Working with Arrays in Sub Procedures:
      Passing Values from a VBA Module to a Worksheet .......... 45
   A One-Dimensional Array Assigned to a Worksheet Range Can
      Cause Problems ........................................... 46
Custom Functions ............................................... 47
   Specifying the Data Type of an Argument ..................... 47
   Specifying the Data Type Returned by a Function Procedure ... 47
   Returning an Error Value from a Function Procedure .......... 48
   A Custom Function that Takes an Optional Argument ........... 48
Arrays in Function Procedures .................................. 48
   A Range Passed to a Function Procedure Can Be Used as
      an Array ................................................. 48
   Passing an Indefinite Number of Arguments:
      Using the ParamArray Keyword ............................. 49
   Returning an Array of Values as a Result .................... 49
Creating Add-In Function Macros ................................ 50
   How to Create an Add-In Macro ............................... 51
Testing and Debugging .......................................... 51
   Tracing Execution ........................................... 52
   Stepping Through Code ....................................... 52
   Adding a Breakpoint ......................................... 52
   Examining the Values of Variables While in Break Mode ....... 53
   Examining the Values of Variables During Execution .......... 54

Chapter 3 Worksheet Functions for Working with Matrices ........ 57
Arrays, Matrices and Determinants .............................. 57
   Some Types of Matrices ...................................... 57
An Introduction to Matrix Mathematics .......................... 58
Excel's Built-in Matrix Functions .............................. 60
Some Additional Matrix Functions ............................... 63
Problems ....................................................... 66

Chapter 4 Number Series ........................................ 69
Evaluating Series Formulas ..................................... 70
   Using Array Constants to Create Series Formulas ............. 70
   Using the ROW Worksheet Function to Create Series
      Formulas ................................................. 71
   The INDIRECT Worksheet Function ............................. 71
   Using the INDIRECT Worksheet Function with the ROW
      Worksheet Function to Create Series Formulas ............. 72
The Taylor Series .............................................. 72
   The Taylor Series: An Example ............................... 73
Problems ....................................................... 75

Chapter 5 Interpolation ........................................ 77
Obtaining Values from a Table .................................. 77
   Using Excel's Lookup Functions to Obtain Values from
      a Table .................................................. 77
   Using VLOOKUP to Obtain Values from a Table ................. 78
   Using the LOOKUP Function to Obtain Values from a Table ..... 79
   Creating a Custom Lookup Formula to Obtain Values from
      a Table .................................................. 80
   Using Excel's Lookup Functions to Obtain Values from
      a Two-Way Table .......................................... 81
Interpolation .................................................. 83
   Linear Interpolation in a Table by Means of Worksheet
      Formulas ................................................. 83
   Linear Interpolation in a Table by Using the TREND
      Worksheet Function ....................................... 85
   Linear Interpolation in a Table by Means of a Custom
      Function ................................................. 86
   Cubic Interpolation ......................................... 87
   Cubic Interpolation in a Table by Using the TREND
      Worksheet Function ....................................... 89
   Linear Interpolation in a Two-Way Table by Means of
      Worksheet Formulas ....................................... 90
   Cubic Interpolation in a Two-Way Table by Means of
      Worksheet Formulas ....................................... 91
   Cubic Interpolation in a Two-Way Table by Means of
      a Custom Function ........................................ 93
Problems ....................................................... 96

Chapter 6 Differentiation ...................................... 99
First and Second Derivatives of Data in a Table ................ 99
Calculating First and Second Derivatives ...................... 100
   Using LINEST as a Fitting Function ......................... 105
Derivatives of a Worksheet Formula ............................ 109
   Derivatives of a Worksheet Formula Calculated by Using
      a VBA Function Procedure ................................ 109
   First Derivative of a Worksheet Formula Calculated by
      Using the Finite-Difference Method ...................... 110
   The Newton Quotient ........................................ 110
   Derivative of a Worksheet Formula Calculated by Using
      the Finite-Difference Method ............................ 111
   First Derivative of a Worksheet Formula Calculated by
      Using a VBA Sub Procedure Using the Finite-Difference
      Method .................................................. 112
   First Derivative of a Worksheet Formula Calculated by
      Using a VBA Function Procedure Using
      the Finite-Difference Method ............................ 115
   Improving the VBA Function Procedure ....................... 118
   Second Derivative of a Worksheet Formula ................... 120
   Concerning the Choice of Δx for the Finite-Difference
      Method .................................................. 123
Problems ...................................................... 124

Chapter 7 Integration ......................................... 127
Area under a Curve ............................................ 127
   Calculating the Area under a Curve Defined by a Table of
      Data Points ............................................. 129
   Calculating the Area under a Curve Defined by a Table of
      Data Points by Means of a VBA Function Procedure ........ 130
   Calculating the Area under a Curve Defined by a Formula .... 131
   Area between Two Curves .................................... 132
Integrating a Function ........................................ 133
   Integrating a Function Defined by a Worksheet Formula by
      Means of a VBA Function Procedure ....................... 133
   Gaussian Quadrature ........................................ 137
   Integration with an Upper or Lower Limit of Infinity ....... 140
Distance Traveled Along a Curved Path ......................... 141
Problems ...................................................... 143

Chapter 8 Roots of Equations .................................. 147
   A Graphical Method ......................................... 147
   The Interval-Halving or Bisection Method ................... 149
   The Interval Method with Linear Interpolation
      (the Regula Falsi Method) ............................... 151
   The Regula Falsi Method with Correction for Slow
      Convergence ............................................. 153
   The Newton-Raphson Method .................................. 154
   Using Goal Seek... ......................................... 156
   The Secant Method .......................................... 160
   The Newton-Raphson Method Using Circular Reference and
      Iteration ............................................... 161
   A Newton-Raphson Custom Function ........................... 163
   Bairstow's Method to Find All Roots of a Regular
      Polynomial .............................................. 166
Finding Values Other than Zeroes of a Function ................ 174
   Using Goal Seek... to Find the Point of Intersection of
      Two Curves .............................................. 174
   Using the Newton-Raphson Method to Find the Point of
      Intersection of Two Lines ............................... 176
   Using the Newton-Raphson Method to Find Multiple
      Intersections of a Straight Line and a Curve ............ 178
   A Goal Seek Custom Function ................................ 180
Problems ...................................................... 185

Chapter 9 Systems of Simultaneous Equations ................... 189
   Cramer's Rule .............................................. 190
   Solving Simultaneous Equations by Matrix Inversion ......... 191
   Solving Simultaneous Equations by Gaussian Elimination ..... 191
   The Gauss-Jordan Method .................................... 196
Solving Linear Systems by Iteration ........................... 200
   The Jacobi Method Implemented on a Worksheet ............... 200
   The Gauss-Seidel Method Implemented on a Worksheet ......... 203
   The Gauss-Seidel Method Implemented on a Worksheet Using
      Circular References ..................................... 204
   A Custom Function Procedure for the Gauss-Seidel Method .... 205
Solving Nonlinear Systems by Iteration ........................ 207
   Newton's Iteration Method .................................. 207
Problems ...................................................... 213

Chapter 10 Numerical Integration of Ordinary Differential
   Part I: Initial Conditions ................................. 217
Solving a Single First-Order Differential Equation ............ 218
   Euler's Method ............................................. 218
   The Fourth-Order Runge-Kutta Method ........................ 220
   Fourth-Order Runge-Kutta Method Implemented on
      a Worksheet ............................................. 220
   Runge-Kutta Method Applied to a Differential Equation
      Involving Both x and y .................................. 223
   Fourth-Order Runge-Kutta Custom Function for a Single
      Differential Equation with the Derivative Expression
      Coded in the Procedure .................................. 224
   Fourth-Order Runge-Kutta Custom Function for a Single
      Differential Equation with the Derivative Expression
      Passed as an Argument ................................... 225
Systems of First-Order Differential Equations ................. 228
   Fourth-Order Runge-Kutta Custom Function for Systems of
      Differential Equations .................................. 229
Predictor-Corrector Methods ................................... 235
   A Simple Predictor-Corrector Method ........................ 235
   A Simple Predictor-Corrector Method Utilizing
      an Intentional Circular Reference ....................... 236
Higher-Order Differential Equations ........................... 238
Problems ...................................................... 241

Chapter 11 Numerical Integration of Ordinary Differential
   Part II: Boundary Conditions ............................... 245
The Shooting Method ........................................... 245
   An Example: Deflection of a Simply Supported Beam .......... 246
   Solving a Second-Order Ordinary Differential Equation
      by the Shooting Method and Euler's Method ............... 249
   Solving a Second-Order Ordinary Differential Equation
      by the Shooting Method and the RK Method ................ 251
Finite-Difference Methods ..................................... 254
   Solving a Second-Order Ordinary Differential Equation
      by the Finite-Difference Method ......................... 254
   Another Example ............................................ 258
   A Limitation on the Finite-Difference Method ............... 261
Problems ...................................................... 262

Chapter 12 Partial Differential Equations ..................... 263
Elliptic, Parabolic and Hyperbolic Partial Differential
   Equations .................................................. 263
Elliptic Partial Differential Equations ....................... 264
   Solving Elliptic Partial Differential Equations:
      Replacing Derivatives with Finite Differences ........... 265
   An Example: Temperature Distribution in a Heated Metal
      Plate ................................................... 267
Parabolic Partial Differential Equations ...................... 269
   Solving Parabolic Partial Differential Equations:
      The Explicit Method ..................................... 270
   An Example: Heat Conduction in a Brass Rod ................. 272
   Solving Parabolic Partial Differential Equations:
      The Crank-Nicholson or Implicit Method .................. 274
   An Example: Vapor Diffusion in a Tube ...................... 275
   Vapor Diffusion in a Tube Revisited ........................ 277
   Vapor Diffusion in a Tube (Again) .......................... 279
   A Crank-Nicholson Custom Function .......................... 280
   Vapor Diffusion in a Tube Solved by Using a Custom
      Function ................................................ 282
Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations ..................... 282
   Solving Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations:
      Replacing Derivatives with Finite Differences ........... 282
   An Example: Vibration of a String .......................... 283
Problems ...................................................... 286

Chapter 13 Linear Regression and Curve Fitting ................ 287
Linear Regression ............................................. 287
   Least-Squares Fit to a Straight Line ....................... 288
   Least-Squares Fit to a Straight Line Using the Worksheet
      Functions SLOPE, INTERCEPT and RSQ ...................... 289
Multiple Linear Regression .................................... 291
   Least-Squares Fit to a Straight Line Using LINEST .......... 292
   Multiple Linear Regression Using LINEST .................... 293
   Handling Noncontiguous Ranges of known_x's in LINEST ....... 297
   A LINEST Shortcut .......................................... 297
   LINESTs Regression Statistics .............................. 297
   Linear Regression Using Trendline .......................... 298
   Limitations of Trendline ................................... 301
   Importing Trendline Coefficients into a Spreadsheet by
      Using Worksheet Formulas ................................ 302
   Using the Regression Tool in Analysis Tools ................ 303
   Limitations of the Regression Tool ......................... 305
   Importing the Trendhne Equation from a Chart into
      a Worksheet ............................................. 305
Problems ...................................................... 309

Chapter 14 Nonlinear Regression Using the Solver .............. 313
Nonlinear Least-Squares Curve Fitting ......................... 314
   Introducing the Solver ..................................... 316
   How the Solver Works ....................................... 316
   Loading the Solver Add-In .................................. 317
   Why Use the Solver for Nonlinear Regression? ............... 317
   Nonlinear Regression Using the Solver: An Example .......... 318
   Some Notes on Using the Solver ............................. 323
   Some Notes on the Solver Parameters Dialog Box ............. 323
   Some Notes on the Solver Options Dialog Box ................ 324
   When to Use Manual Scaling ................................. 326
Statistics of Nonlinear Regression ............................ 327
   The Solver Statistics Macro ................................ 328
   Be Cautious When Using Linearized Forms of Nonlinear
      Equations ............................................... 329
Problems ...................................................... 332

Chapter 15 Random Numbers and the Monte Carlo Method .......... 341
Random Numbers in Excel ....................................... 341
   How Excel Generates Random Numbers ......................... 341
   Using Random Numbers in Excel .............................. 342
   Adding "Noise" to a Signal Generated by a Formula .......... 344
   Selecting Items Randomly from a List ....................... 345
   Random Sampling by Using Analysis Tools .................... 347
   Simulating a Normal Random Distribution of a Variable ...... 349
Monte Carlo Simulation ........................................ 350
Monte Carlo Integration ....................................... 354
   The Area of an Irregular Polygon ........................... 354
Problems ...................................................... 362

APPENDICES .................................................... 363
Appendix 1 Selected VBA Keywords .............................. 365
Appendix 2 Shortcut Keys for VBA .............................. 387
Appendix 3 Custom Functions Help File ......................... 389
Appendix 4 Some Equations for Curve Fitting ................... 409
Appendix 5 Engineering and Other Functions .................... 423
Appendix 6 ASCII Codes ........................................ 427
Appendix 7 Bibliography ....................................... 429
Appendix 8 Answers and Comments for End-of-Chapter Problems ... 431

INDEX ......................................................... 443

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