Pastor J. Mathematical ecology of populations and ecosystems (Oxford; Hoboken, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаPastor J. Mathematical ecology of populations and ecosystems. - Oxford; Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell, 2008. - xiv, 329 p.: ill. - Ref.: p.305-317. - Ind.: p.319-329. - ISBN 978-1-4051-7795-5

Оглавление / Contents
Prologue ...................................................... vii
Preface ........................................................ ix
Acknowledgments .............................................. xiii

Part 1: Preliminaries ........................................... 1

1. What is mathematical ecology and why should we do it? ........ 3
2. Mathematical toolbox ........................................ 11

Part 2: Populations ............................................ 51

3. Homogeneous populations: exponential and geometric growth
   and decay ................................................... 53
4. Age- and stage-structured linear models: relaxing the
   assumption of population homogeneity ........................ 65
5. Nonlinear models of single populations: the continuous
   time logistic model ......................................... 78
6. Discrete logistic growth, oscillations, and chaos ........... 92
7. Harvesting and the logistic model .......................... 110
8. Predators and their prey ................................... 129
9. Competition between two species, mutualism, and species
   invasions .................................................. 159
10.Multispecies community and food web models ................. 176

Part 3: Ecosystems ............................................ 187

11.Inorganic resources, mass balance, resource uptake, and
   resource use efficiency .................................... 189
12.Litter return, nutrient cycling, and ecosystem stability ... 218
13.Consumer regulation of nutrient cycling .................... 238
14.Stoichiometry and linked element cycles .................... 252

Part 4: Populations and ecosystems in space and time .......... 271

15.Transitions between populations and states in landscapes ... 273
16.Diffusion, advection, the spread of populations and
   resources, and the emergence of spatial patterns ........... 284

Appendix: MatLab commands for equilibrium and stability
          analysis of multi-compartment models by solving
          the Jacobian and its eigenvalues .................... 298

References .................................................... 305
Index ......................................................... 319

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