Studies in surface science and catalysis; 174 B (Amsterdam, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаZeolites and related materials: trends targets and challenges: Proc. of the 4th Intern. FEZA conf., Paris, France, 2-6 september 2008 / ed. by Gedeon A., Massiani P., Babonneau F. - Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2008. - xx, P.757-1387. - (Studies in surface science and catalysis; Vol.174 B). - Auth. ind.: p.1359-1369. - ISBN 978-0-444-53298-5; ISSN 0167-2991

Оглавление / Contents
 Part В

G - Characterization of microporous and mesoporous solids

On the intergrowth structure of zeolite crystals as
revealed by wide field and confocal fluorescence microscopy
of the template removal processes ............................. 757
   Lukasz Karwacki, Eli Stavitski, Marianne H F. Kox, Jan
   Kornatowski and Bert M. Weckhuysen

Fluorescent mesoporous hybrid materials based on GFP
adsorbed into SBA-15 .......................................... 763
   Simonetta Tumbiolo, Federico Catalabon Giuseppe Caputo
   and Salvatore Coluccia

Determination of Si-Al connectivities in zeolites with
2D Al-Si RAPT CPMAS CPMG HETCOR NMR techniques ................ 769
   Gordon J. Kennedy, Jerzy W. Wiench and Marek Pruski

High-Resolution scanning electron and atomic force 
microscopies: observation of nanometer features on zeolite
surfaces ...................................................... 775
   Sam Michael Stevens, Kjell Jansson, Neena S. John,
   Osamu Terasaki, Michael W. Anderson, Maria Castro,
   Paul A. Wright and Pablo Cubillas

Aluminum siting in the framework of silicon rich zeolites.
A ZSM-5 study ................................................. 781
   Jiri Dedecek, Stepan Sklenak, Chengbin Li, Blanka 
   Wichterlova, Vendula Gabova, Jiri Brus, Marek Sierka and
   Joachim Sauer

Molecular spectroscopy of alkaline silicate solutions ......... 787
   Istvan Halasz, Mukesh Agarwal, Runbo Li and Neil Miller

The influence of alkali cations on the structure of zeolite
precursor gels investigated by positron lifetime
spectroscopy .................................................. 793
   Sanja Bosnar, Cleo Kosanovic, Boris Subotic, Damir
   Bosnar, Zsolt Kajcsos, Laszlo Liszkay, Laszlo Lohonyai,
   Peter Major, Bela Molnar and Karoly Lazar

Zeolite structure determination using electron
crystallography ............................................... 799
   Junliang Sun, Daliang Zhang, Zhanbing He, Sven
   Hovmöller, Xiaodong Zou, Fabian Gramm, Christian
   Baerlocher, Lynne B. McCusker, Avelino Corma, Manuel
   Moliner and Maria J. Diaz-Cabanas

SANS study of the mechanisms and kinetics of the synthesis
of mesoporous materials from micelles of tri-block 
copolymers .................................................... 805
   Marianne Imperor-Clerc, Sabine Manet, Isabelle Grillo,
   Dominique Durand, Andrei Khodakov and Vladimir

Two-Dimensional correlation analysis to study Brensted
acid sites in zeolites ........................................ 811
   Beatrice Moulin, Nicolas Malicki, Frederic Thibault-
   Starzyk and Christian Fernandez

29Si NMR, XRD and HRTEM investigation of Ti-Beta particle
formation ..................................................... 817
   Mojca Rangus, Gregor Mali, Matjaz Mazaj and Venceslav

Water adsorption on high silica zeolites. Formation of
hydroxonium ions and hydrogen-bonded adducts .................. 821
   Petr Sazama, Zdenka Tvaruzkova, Hana Jirglova and Zdenek

Zeolite inner surface characteristics and influence on
confined phases ............................................... 825
   Jean Paul Coulomb and Nicole Floquet

Hydrothermal synthesis and characterization of perchlorate
enclathrated sodalite Na8[GaSiO4]6(CIO4)2 and silver
derivatives of the type Na8-xAgx [GaSiO4]6(C1O4)2 ............. 829
   A.V. Borhade and S.G. Wakchaure

Extraframework cations in faujasite type zeolites: 
analytical methods and general distribution trends ............ 833
   T. Frising, P. Leflaive, С. Pichon and A.A. Quoineaud

On the platinum species of Pt/H-MCM-22 catalyst for
methane combustion ............................................ 837
   С. Bisio, C.R. da Silva, И.О. Pastore and L. Marchese

Study by transmission electron microscopy tomography of
gold nanoparticles in reduced Au/zeolites ..................... 841
   Dalil Brouri, Vincent Richard and Pascale Massiani

Formation and nature of active sites in the FAU- and BEA-
composites .................................................... 845
   Veronika Pashkova, Kinga Gora-Marek, Priit Sarv and
   Mirosiaw Derewinski

IR extinction coefficients as a criterion for chemical
activation upon adsorption: propene interaction with
cationic forms of у zeolite ................................... 849
   I.R. Subbotina, V.B. Kazansky, F.C Jentoft and R. Schlögl

Co sites in CoZSM-5 and their interaction with propene
molecules ..................................................... 853
   Kinga Gora-Marek and Jerzy Datka

Determination of the 5 A zeolite acidity: an infrared study ... 857
   I. Batonneau-Gener, S. Degorce, P. Ayrault, O. Ducreux,
   P. Magnoux and S. Mignard

Probing the strength, concentration and environment of
basic sites in zeolites by IR spectroscopy .................... 861
   Beatrice Moulin, Laetitia Oliviero, Frangoise Mauge,
   Jean-Francois Groust, Jean-Marc Krafft, Guylene
   Costentin and Pascale Massiani

Nature of active sites in the Fe-TON zeolites: Mossbauer
and IR studies ................................................ 865
   Miroslaw Derewinski, Kinga Gora-Marek, Karoly Lazar
   and Jerzy Datka

Vibrational dynamics of small molecules adsorbed on cation
sites in zeolite channel systems: IR and DFT investigation .... 869
   R. Bulanek, К. Frolich, С. Otero Arean, D. Nachtigallova
   and P. Nachtigall

Study of the relation between the acidity and activity of
zeolites in the conversion of hexane .......................... 873
   Ferenc Lonyi and Jozsef Valyon

Solid-state ion exchange dynamics of cadmium in zeolite Y ..... 877
   György Onyestyak

Selective catalytic reduction of NOx by NH3 on V-Mo-zeolite
prepared by solid-state ion exchange method ................... 881
   M. Mhamdi, A. Ghorbel and G. Delahay

Structural study by solid state NMR and powder X-ray
diffraction of the pure silica chabazite through water
intrusion-extrusion processes ................................. 885
   Michael Trzpit, Severinne Rigolet, Jean-Louis Paillaud,
   Claire Marichal, Michel Soulard and Joel Patarin

Growth of nano-zeolite beta on montmorillonite: preparation,
characterization and catalytic performance .................... 889
   Zhizhi Zhang, Xiwen Zhang, Fengxiang Ling and Wanfu Sun

Combined TPD and theoretical investigation of CO
desorption from Cu-K-FER zeolite .............................. 893
   Roman Bulanek, Petr Nachtigall and Pavel Cicmanec

Study of the antacid properties of carbonated disordered
cancrinite and its intermediate phase ......................... 897
   Carlos F. Linares, Noheli Salas, Freddy Ocanto and 
   Caribay Urbina de Navarro

In situ study of dehydration of ECR1: Na-as synthesized and
NH4-exchanged in comparison ................................... 901
   Rossella Arletti, Alessandro F. Gualtieri and Francesco
   Di Renzo

Toward a better understanding of the templating effect in
the formation of porous frameworks: AlPO4-5 a case of study ... 905
   Mohamed Elanany, Bao-Lian Su and Daniel P. Vercauteren

Shape-dependent crystal growth of zeolite L studied by
atomic force microscopy ....................................... 909
   Rhea Brent and Michael W. Anderson

Determination of zeolite closed porosity in (ID) channel
systems (AFI and MTW types) ................................... 913
   Jean Paul Coulomb and Nicole Floquet

CAL-4, a structural study of a dual templated chabazite-
type silicoaluminophosphate ................................... 917
   Christine Gieck, Gesley A.V. Martins, Heloise O.
   Pastore and Leonardo Marchese

Translation and reorientation of CD4 molecules in zeolites
as studied by deuteron NMR relaxation ......................... 921
   A. Birczynski, M. Punkkinen, A.M. Szymocha and
   Z.T. Lalowicz

Copper exchanged Silicalite-1: evidence of the location
of copper oxide nanoclusters in the supermicropores of S-1 .... 925
   Giovanni Ferraris, Giuliano Moretti and Giuseppe Fierro

57Fe Mossbauer study of iron distribution in zeolite
A during zeolite crystallization process ...................... 929
   Cleo Kosanovic, Sanja Bosnar, Boris Subotic, Kdroly
   Ldzdr, Natasa Novak Tusar, Nenad Tomasic and Zsolt

Organosilver radicals in molecular sieves ..................... 933
   Marek Danilczuk, Dariusz Pogocki, Janusz Turek, Jaroslaw
   Sadlo and Jacek Michalik

27Al and 29Si MAS-NMR study of the MCM-22 zeolite
modified by steam and alkaline treatments ..................... 937
   Arjen van Miltenburg, Justyna Pawlesa, Aud M. Bouzga,
   Jiri Cejka and Michael Stöcker

Combined MS and NMR: attractive route to future
understanding of the first stages of nucleation of
nanoporous materials .......................................... 941
   David P. Petry, Stephen С.С. Wong, Mohamed Haouas,
   Francis Taulelle, Simon J. Gaskell and Michael
   W. Anderson

Nitrogen-containing carbon replicas of SB A-15 and MLV
prepared from pyrrole as carbon precursor ..................... 945
   Maria Lezanska, Jerzy Wloch and Jan Kornatowski

Solid-State NMR investigation of formation of mesoporous
thin films and powders ........................................ 949
   Gregor Mali, Matjaz Mazaj, Mojca Rangus, Galo J.A.A.
   Soler-Illia and Venceslav Kaucic

Acidic and adsorptive properties of Al modified SBA-15
samples ....................................................... 953
   B. Dragoi, E. Dumitriu, S. Bennici and A. Auroux

Pore shape affects the determination of the pore size of
ordered mesoporous silicas by mercury intrusion ............... 957
   Anne Galarneau, Benoit Lefevre, Helene Cambon, Benoit
   Coasne, Sabine Valange, Zelimir Gabelica, Jean-Pierre
   Bellat and Francesco Di Renzo

Synthesis of multiwall carbon nanotubes by using mesoporous
aluminosilicates .............................................. 961
   Vanessa Gallego, Luis F. Giraldo, Betty L. Lopez and
   Ligia Sierra

On the crystal structure solution and characterization 
of ECS-2, a novel microporous hybrid organic-inorganic
material ...................................................... 965
   Stefano Zanardi, Giuseppe Bellussi, Angela Carati,
   Eleonora Di Paola, Roberto Millini, Wallace О 'Neil
   Parker, Jr. and Caterina Rizzo

Methodology for the characterization of micro-mesoporous
acidic materials .............................................. 969
   L. Teyssier, M. Thomas, C. Bouchy, J. Martens and
   E. Guillon

Characterization of the acid-base properties of transition
aluminas by model reaction and correlation with IR study ...... 973
   Sonia Carre, Ngi Suor Gnep, Renaud Revel and Patrick

A kinetic study of the thermal degradation of cetyl-
trimethylammonium bromide inside the mesoporous SBA-3 
molecular sieve ............................................... 977
   Nevenka Rajic, Djordje Stojakovic, Maja Mrak and 
   Venceslav Kaucic

Sensitivity of the C-constant of BET-isotherm to the
content of micropore volume in mesoporous matrix .............. 981
   Pavol Hudec, Agdta Smieskova and Vladimir Jorik

I2 as a probe for aromatic rings in phenylene-bridged
periodic mesoporous organosilica .............................. 985
   Beatrice Camarota, Barbara Onida, Yasutomo Goto, Shinji
   Inagaki and Edoardo Garrone

Characterization of LTA- and СНА- type zeolites by means
of solid state NMR ............................................ 989
   J.A. Vidal-Moya, T. Blasco, F. Rey, S. Valencia and
   A. Corma

Effect of the preparation method on physico-chemical and
catalytic properties of transition metal M substituted
Keggin type MPMoi2O40 heteropolyoxometalates .................. 993
   T. Mazari, C. Marchal Roch, A. Saadi and C. Rabia

ТЕМ study of regulated mesoporous Mn2O3
hexagonal nanoplates .......................................... 997
   Tie-Zhen Ren, Zhong-Yong Yuan and Xiaodong Zou

Structural changes of MCM-41 spheres during ibuprofen
release to SBF ............................................... 1001
   Renato Mortera, Sonia Fiorilli, Edoardo Garrone and 
   Barbara Onida

Evidence of heterogeneous dual cation sites in zeolites by
combined IR and DFT investigation ............................ 1005
   Petr Nachtigall, Angeles Pulido, Karel Frolich and
   Roman Bulanek

H - Catalysis

Biodiesel production by immobilized lipase on zeolites
and related materials ........................................ 1011
   A. Macario, M. Moliner, U. Diaz, J.L. Jorda, A. Corma
   and G. Giordano

Oxidative desulfurization of sulfur compounds: Oxidation
of thiophene and derivatives with hydrogen peroxide using
Ti-Beta catalyst ............................................. 1017
   Laszlo Nemeth, Simon R. Bare, Wayne Rathbun, Michael
   Gatter and John Low

Degradation of pure and waste polyolefins and PVC in
the presence of modified porous catalysts .................... 1021
   Janos Halasz, Zoltan Konya, Zsanett T. Farago,
   Krisztina Siegert and Imre Kiricsi

Acidic properties of SSZ-33 and SSZ-35 novel zeolites:
a complex I.R. and MAS NMR study ............................. 1027
   N. Zilkova, B. Gil, S.L Zones, S.-J. Hwang, M. Bejblova
   and J. Cejka

Metallic active species for deNOx SCR by methane with
Co and Pd/Co HFER catalysts .................................. 1033
   Sandra Capela, Rita Catalao, Patrick Da Costa, Gerald
   Djega-Mariadassou, Fernando R. Ribeiro, Filipa Ribeiro
   and Carlos Henriques

The effect of cation siting in Co, Ag-ferrierite on CH4-
NOx-SCR ...................................................... 1039
   P. Ciambelli, D. Sannino, E. Palo, E. Balboni,
   A. Martucci, M.C. Dalconi and A. Alberti

Oxidation of Indole with CPO and GOx Immobilized on
SBA-15 ....................................................... 1045
   Dirk Jung and Martin Hartmann

Comparison of promoted alkaline-earth oxide catalysts
prepared through evaporation and sol-gel methods by their
catalytic performance in propane oxidative dehydrogenation ... 1051
   Diana Filkova, Bistra Savova, Maria Crisan, Molina 
   Raileanu and Jacques С. Vedrine

Rh-TPPTS/LDH - A new heterogeneous catalyst for the
synthesis of functionalized σ-lactone ........................ 1057
   Florentina Neatu, Kostas Triantafyllidis, Jean-Pierre
   Genet, Veronique Michelet and Vasile I. Parvulescu

Oxidation intermediates and reaction pathways of wet
hydrogen peroxide oxidation of p-coumaric acid over
(Al-Fe)PILC catalyst .......................................... 063
   Wahiba Najjar, Abdelhamid Ghorbel, Siglinda Perathoner
   and Gabriel Centi

Zeolite-bentonite hybrid catalysts for the pyrolysis of
woody biomass ................................................ 1069
   Atte Aho, Narendra Kumar, Kari Eränen, Mikko Hupa,
   Tapio Salmi and Dmitry Yu. Murzin

Modulation of zeolite acidity by post-synthesis treatments
in Mo/HZSM-5 catalysts for methane dehydroaromatization ...... 1075
   Agustin Martinez, Ernest Peris and Alejandro Vidal-Moya

Amino functionalized silica nanotube for base catalyzed
reaction ..................................................... 1081
   Young-Hui Seo, Sang-Cheol Han and Sang-Eon Park

Zeolite ITQ-21 as catalyst for the alkylation of benzene
with propylene ............................................... 1087
   Avelino Corma, M. Jose Diaz-Cabanas, Cristina Martinez
   and Fernando Rey

Catalytic activity of the beta zeolite with enhanced
textural properties in the Friedel-Crafts acylation of
aromatic compounds ........................................... 1091
   R.A. Garcia, D.P. Serrano, G. Vicente, D. Otero and
   M. Linares

Radioactive 11C-methyl labeling for study of methanol
co-reaction with methyl iodide on Fe - Beta zeolite .......... 1095
   Eva Sarkadi-Priboczki, Narendra Kumar, Zoltan Kovacs
   and Dmitry Yu Murzin

Ammoxidation of ethylene to acetonitrile over Cr-ZSM-5
catalysts .................................................... 1099
   Faouzi Ayari, Mourad Mhamdi, Gerard Delahay and
   Abdelhamid Ghorbel

n-dodecane thermal and catalytic cracking under
supercritical conditions ..................................... 1103
   M. Sicard, M. Grill, B. Raepsaet, F. Ser, C. Potvin
   and G. Djega-Mariadassou

Hydroisomerization of n-hexadecane on Pt/HBEA bifunctional
catalysts: effect of the zeolite crystallites size on
the reaction scheme .......................................... 1107
   Razika Merabti, Joao G. Abreu, Ludovic Pinard, Bertrand
   Leroux, Jean Louis Lemberton, Patrick Magnoux, Akila
   Barama, Fernando R. Ribeiro and Kjell Moljord

Liquid-phase alkylation of phenol with Г-Butanol over
H-MCM-22, H-ITQ-2 and H-MCM-36 catalysts ..................... 1111
   Daniela Meloni, Emil Dumitriu, Roberto Monaci and
   Vincenzo Solinas

Zeolite catalysed dehydration of alcohol to linear ether ..... 1115
   J. Tejero, A. Zywert, R. Bringue, S. Kowalak,
   E. Janiszewska and M. Iborra

Dehydroalkylation of toluene with ethane on zeolites
MCM-22 and ZSM-5 ............................................. 1119
   Ines Kley, Seyed A.S. Rezai and Yvonne Traa

N20 decomposition over (μ-oxo)(μ-hydroxo)di-iron complex
supported by ZSM-5 zeolite: effect of cluster size on DFT
energy profile ............................................... 1123
   Hazar Guesmi, Dorothee Berthomieu and L. Kiwi-Minsker

Oxidative dehydrogenation of propane over Fe-BEA catalysts ... 1127
   Naveen Kumar Sathu, Petr Sazama, Valentin Valtchev, 
   Bohumil Bernauer and Zdenek Sobalik

Charge transfer during diphenyl-polyene sorption in
acidic ZSM-5 zeolite: a primordial reaction for catalysis
processes .................................................... 1131
   M. Hureau, A. Moissette, C. Bremard and H. Vezin

n-Hexane hydroisomerisation over bifunctional Pt/MCM-22
catalysts. Influence of the mode of Pt introduction .......... 1135
   A. Martins, J.M. Silva, F.R. Ribeiro, M. Guisnet and
   M.F. Ribeiro

Ni-MCM-36 and Ni-MCM-22 catalysts for the ethylene
oligomerization .............................................. 1139
   Michael Lallemand, Oana Alice Rusu, Emil Dumitriu,
   Annie Finiels, Frangois Fajula and Vasile Hulea

Zeolite-chitosan composites: promising materials for
catalysis and separation ..................................... 1143
   A. Morsli, A. Bengueddach, F. Di Renzo and F. Quignard

Catalytic activity of MAPO-36 and ion-exchanged MAPO-36
in Beckmann rearrangement .................................... 1147
   S. Vishnu Priya, J. Herbert Mabel, M. Palanichamy and
   V. Murugesan

Ammoxidation of propane over Fe-zeolites: effect of
reaction variables, catalyst composition and catalyst
structure .................................................... 1151
   Roman Bulanek, Katefina Raabova, Gabriela Kosova-
   Kucerova and Libor Capek

Pulse reaction studies of gallium modified H-ZSM5
catalysts with propane ....................................... 1155

Arnaldo da Costa Faro Junior and Victor de Oliveira
Rodrigues Hydrodearomatization of sulphur and nitrogen
containing gas oils on bimetallic catalysts .................. 1159
   Jeno Hancsok, Gabor Nagy, György Pölczmann, Adam Beck
   and Denes Kallo

Effect of the preparative variables on the texture,
structure and activity of the Pd-ZSM-5 catalysts ............. 1163
   S. Fessi, H. Ben Boubaker, С. Amairia and A. Ghorbel

Hydroisomerization of n-octane over Pt-containing
micro/mesoporous molecular sieves ............................ 1167
   Stanislav V Konnov, Vitaly L. Sushkevich, Yulia V.
   Monachova, Valentina V. Yushcenko, Olga A. Ponomareva
   and Irina I. Ivanova

Zeolite based ceramics as catalysts for wet hydrogen
peroxide catalytic oxidation of phenol and poly-phenols ...... 1171
   T. Granato, A. Katovic, K. Maduna Valkaj and S.

Dehydrogenation of ethane over vanadium, cobalt and nickel
based catalysts .............................................. 1175
   Libor Capek, Lukas Vanek, Jiri Adam and Lucie Smolakova

Influence of zeolite structure on ethylbenzene
transformation ............................................... 1179
   P. Moreau, N.S. Gnep, P. Magnoux, E.Guillon, S. Lacombe
   and M. Guisnet

Synergism of acidic zeolite and Pt/zeolite in aromatics
transalkylation .............................................. 1183
   Shang-Tien Tsai, Pei-Hsiun Chao, Shang-Bin Liu and
   Tseng-Chang Tsai

Microwave synthesized mesoporous Tin MFI as efficient
catalyst for Baeyer-Villiger Oxidation of cyclic ketones ..... 1187
   Krishna Mohan Jinka, Seung-Cheol Lee, Sang-Eon Park and
   Raksh VirJasra

Reactive distillation of glycerol in the presence of
different porous type catalysts .............................. 1191
   Szilvia Meszaros, Janos Halasz and Imre Kiricsi

Zeolite-coated ceramic foams for VOCs removal ................ 1195
   Elisabete Silva, Rita Catalao, Joao Silva, Fdtima Vaz,
   Fernando Oliveira, Fernando R. Ribeiro, Patrick Magnoux,
   Thomas Belin and Filipa Ribeiro

Acylation of cyclohexene derivatives over zeolites ........... 1199
   D. Prochazkova, M. Bejblova and J. Mayerova

Selective oxidation of benzene to phenol over H-ZSM-5
catalyst: role of mesoporosity on the catalyst
deactivation ................................................. 1203
   S. Gopalakrishnan, S. Lopez, A. Zampieri and W.

Transformation of a natural zeolite into solid catalyst
for methanol to dimethyl ether reaction and kinetics
modeling ..................................................... 1207
   S.J. Royaee, M. Sohrabi and C. Falamaki

Comparative study on conversion of C8 and Ci6
paraffins on ZSM-5 catalyst .................................. 1211
   D.G. Aksenov, O.V. Kikhtyanin and G.V. Echevsky

Toluene and 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene conversion on
[A1]MCM-22 zeolite partially substituted by boron ............ 1215
   R.M. Mihalyi, I. Kolev, M. Kollar, V. Mavrodinova,
   Ch. Minchev and T.I. Koranyi

Effect of Cu-loading and structure on the activity of
Cu-exchanged zeolites for NH3-SCR ............................ 1219
   B. Moden, J.M. Donohue, W.E. Cormier and H.-X. Li

Development of modified mordenite-zirconia catalysts
active at low-temperature in n-butane isomerization .......... 1223
   D.B. Tagiyev, R.V. Starikov and M.I. Rustamov

Hydrotreatment of diesel feedstock over Pt-SAPO-31
catalyst: from lab to pilot scale ............................ 1227
   O.V. Kikhtyanin, L.A. Vostrikova, G.A. Urzhuntsev,
   A.V. Toktarev, M.I. Tselyutina, I.D. Reznichenko
   and G.V. Echevsky

Desilication of ZSM-12 and MCM-22 type zeolites and their
performance in isomerization of oc-pinene .................... 1231
   Lukasz Mokrzycki andBogdan Sulikowski

Improved performance of naphtha reforming process by the
use of metal zeolite composite catalysts ..................... 1235
   Jorge Beltramini andAkshat Tanksale

Acidic, physico-chemical and catalytic properties of
MCM-41 containing transitions metals ......................... 1239
   A.C. Oliveira, N. Essayem, A. Tuel, J.-M. Clacens and
   Y. Ben Taarit

A comparison of the reaction mechanism in acid- and in
basic-catalysed gas-phase methy lation of phenol ............. 1243
   N. Ballarini, F. Cavani, S. Guidetti, L. Maselli,
   A. Montaletti, S. Passeri and S. Rovinetti

Alkaline ions modified Fe-SBA-3 as catalysts for propene
epoxidation in the presence of N2O ........................... 1247
   Agnieszka Held, Beata Antkowiak and Krystyna Nowinska

A Comparison study of NiW and NiPW hydrodesulfurization
catalysts supported on SB A-15 and alumina ................... 1251
   Lilia Lizama, Miguel Perez and Tatiana Klimova

Photocatalytic degradation on Ni loaded Ti-containing
mesoporous silica prepared by a photo-assisted deposition
(PAD) method ................................................. 1255
   R.M. Mohamed, F.M. Ibrahim, K. Mori and H. Yamashita

Al-MCM-41 and Pt/H3PW12O40/Al-MCM-41: structure characterization
and catalytic properties ..................................... 1259
   J.A. Wang, L.F. Chen and L.E. Norena

Vanadium supported on sulfated Ti-pillared clay catalysts:
Effect of the amount of vanadium on SCR-NO by NH3 activity ... 1263
   J. Arfaoui, L. Khalfallah Boudali, A. Ghorbel and
   G. Delahay

Vanadium incorporated into three dimensional KIT-6:
optimization of the synthesis procedure and its catalytic
applications ................................................. 1267
   B. Rabindran Jermy, Sang-Yun Kim, K.V. Bineesh
   and Dae-Won Park

Short channeled amino functionalized SBA-15 catalysts
for the liquid phase reaction between 
2-hydroxyacetophenone and benzaldehyde ....................... 1271
   Shunmugavel Saravanamurugan, Eko Adi Prasetyanto,
   Sujandi and Sang-Eon Park

Synthesis and characterization of metal-
benzenetricarboxylate oxidation catalysts .................... 1275
   С. Sposato, E. Janiszewska, A. Macario, S. Kowalak,
   G. Braccio and G. Giordano

Gas phase hydrogenation of benzaldehyde over supported
copper catalysts. Effect of copper loading ................... 1279
   Kahina Lanasri, Adel Saadi, Khaldoun Bachari, Djamila
   Halliche and Ouiza Cherifi

Heterogeneous catalysts containing basic and palladium
centres for Heck reaction .................................... 1283
   Jan Demel, Sujandi, Sang-Eon Park, Jifi Cejka and Petr

Study of the benzylation of aromatics over Mg-Cr-
hydrotalcite catalysts ....................................... 1287
   Nadia Tahir, Zolikha Abdelssadek, Djamila Halliche,
   Adel Saadi, Ouiza Cherifi and Khaldoun Bachari

Synthesis of nano-sized Pt metal particle on Ti-containing
mesoporous silica and efficient catalytic application for
hydrogenation of nitrobenzene ................................ 1291
   Sayoko Shironita, Kohsuke Mori andHiromi Yamashita

Effect of the nature and the distribution of vanadium
Species on the catalytic behavior of vanadium-based silica
catalysts .................................................... 1295
   Roman Bulanek, Hsu Sheng-Yang, Petr Knotek and Libor

Alkylation of naphthalene over mesoporous metal
substituted SBA-1 catalysts .................................. 1299
   Robert Brzozowski and Ajay an Vinu

Synthesis, characterization and catalytic properties of
nanostructured porous carbon ................................. 1303
   F. W.O. Amarante, A.G. Souza Filho, J. Mendes Filho,
   P. de Lima-Neto, E. Longhinotti and A.C. Oliveira

Benzoylation of anisole catalysed by Ga/SBA-15 supported
on p-SiC ..................................................... 1307
   F.Z. El Berrichi, B. Louis, L. Cherifi M.J. Ledoux and
   C. Pham Huu

Preparation, characterization and catalytic application
of Fe- and Fe/Al-pillared clays in the catalytic wet
peroxide oxidation of 4-chlorophenol ......................... 1311
   Sesegma Ts. Khankhasaeva, Say ana V. Badmaeva and
   Elvira Ts. Dashinamzhilova

Glucose hydrogenation over Ru nanoparticles embedded in
templated porous carbon ...................................... 1315
   Jiajia Liu and X.S. Zhao

Mesoporous silica containing sulfonic acid groups as
catalysts for the alpha-pinene methoxy lation ................ 1319
   Jose E. Castanheiro, Liliana Guerreiro, Isabel M. Fonseca,
   Ana M. Ramos and Joaquim Vital

Effects of the treatment and the mesoporosity of 
mesostructured TiO2 impregnated with noble metal for VOCs
oxidation .................................................... 1323
   M. Hosseini, H.L. Tidahy, S. Siffert, R. Cousin,
   A. Aboukais and B.L. Su

Challenges in biocatalysis: immobilization of pepsin in
mesoporous silicates ......................................... 1327
   Haresh G. Manyar, Simonetta Tumbiolo, Enrica Gianotti,
   Yasuhiro Sakamoto, Osamu Terasaki and Salvatore 

A1-, Ga- and AlGa-materials as catalysts for the
N-methylation of aniline ..................................... 1331
   Maria J. Gracia-Trujillo, Maria J. Jurado-Pescuezo, 
   Maria D. Gracia-Serrano, Juan M. Campelo, Diego Luna,
   Jose M. Marinas and Antonio A. Romero

Steam reforming of methane on nickel aluminate defined
structures with high Al/Ni ratio ............................. 1335
   Nassima Salhi, Corinne Petit and Alain Kiennemann

Catalytic deoxygenation of stearic acid over palladium
supported on acid modified mesoporous silica ................. 1339
   Siswati Lestari, Jorge Beltramini and G.Q. Max Lu

Mesoporous materials as supports of Rh catalysts.
Synthesis, characterization and catalytic application ........ 1343
   Carmen Blanco, Vesna Krstic, Carmen Pesquera, Ana
   Perdigon and Fernando Gonzalez

Sulfonated mesoporous carbons as a solid sulfonic acid
catalyst ..................................................... 1347
   Xiao Ning Tian and X.S. Zhao

Development of new hybrid TiO2/SBA-15 mesoporous molecular
sieves and their use as supports for deep
hydrodesulfurization NiMo catalysts .......................... 1351
   Lilia Lizama, Juan Carlos Amezcua and Tatiana Klimova

Stability of copper supported pillared clay catalysts
during oxidation of model pollutant tyrosol in batch and
continuous reactors .......................................... 1355
   R. Ben Achma, A. Ghorbel, A. Dafinov and F. Medina

Author Index ................................................. 1359

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