Muller S.W. Frozen in time: permafrost and engineering problems (Reston, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаMuller S.W. Frozen in time: permafrost and engineering problems / ed. by French H.M, Nelson F.E.; Technical Council on Cold Regions Engineering Monograph; sponsored by Technical Committee on Cold Regions Engineering. - Reston: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2008. - xxxix, 280 p.: ill. - Inc. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.273-280. - ISBN 978-0-784-40989-3

Место хранения: 039 | Институт мерзлотоведения CO РАН | Якутск

Оглавление / Contents
List of Figures .............................................. xxxi
List of Tables .............................................. xxxix

Part 1: Introduction ............................................ 1

Definition of Permafrost ........................................ 1
History of Investigation ........................................ 5
Terminology .................................................... 13

Part 2: Permafrost Science ..................................... 23

Origin of Permafrost ........................................... 23
Geography of Permafrost ........................................ 27
Vertical Extent and Temperature of Permafrost .................. 32
Ground Ice ..................................................... 33
Permafrost Landscapes .......................................... 47
Vegetation ..................................................... 58
Physical Properties of Frozen Ground ........................... 66

Part 3: Permafrost And Engineering Problems .................... 81

Logistics ...................................................... 81
Investigation of Permafrost for Engineering Problems ........... 85
Excavation of Frozen Ground ................................... 101
Drilling Methods in Frozen Ground ............................. 108
Roads and Railroads ........................................... 114
Runways ....................................................... 137
Bridges ....................................................... 145
Dams and Reservoirs ........................................... 150
Mining ........................................................ 151
Buildings ..................................................... 157
Water Supply .................................................. 178
Utilities and Sanitation ...................................... 200
Materials ..................................................... 204
Miscellaneous Engineering Problems ............................ 207
References .................................................... 209

APPENDIX 1. Select Bibliography ............................... 217
APPENDIX 2. Glossary of Permafrost Terms ...................... 249
Appendix 3. Key to Glossary sources ........................... 269

Index ......................................................... 273


Figure 1. Diagram of profiles with permafrost.
Figure 2. Permafrost profile along a road through a swamp,
          Amur Province, Siberia (after Nikiforoff 1928).
Figure 3. Temperature of the permafrost in the Shergin shaft,
          Yakutskm Siberia (after Middendorf, 1862). 
Figure 4. Flow of heat between air and ground in tundra country.
Figure 5. Effect of snowfall in different seasons on the flow of
          heat between air and ground in tundra country. 
Figure 6. Distribution of permafrost in the Northern Hemisphere. 
Figure 7. Cross section through the Gorodskaya Protoka (channel
          of the Lena River) at Yakutsk showing extent of
          permafrost (after Svetozarov 1934). 
Figure 8. Permafrost map of Eurasia (from Sumgin 1940). 
Figure 9. Diagrammatic section through Siberia, from the Arctic 
          Ocean to the Sea of Japan, showing relative thickness
          of permafrost and the active zone.
Figure 10.Permafrost map of Eurasia (from Tumel' 1946).
Figure 11.Permafrost map of Eurasia (from Baranov 1959).
Figure 12.Ground ice occurrence: A. Lenses or intercalations,
          and veinlets, of ground ice near Whitehorse, Canada
          (courtesy of the U.S. Army Air Force). B.	Lenses and
          wedges of ground ice exposed by hydraulicking in the
          placer mining operations near Fairbanks, Alaska
          (courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey). C. Experimental
          freezing of sand (left) and clay (right) in an open
          system (approximately one half natural size): (A) Frozen
          cylinder, half sand, half clay. Much segregated ice in
          clay but not in sand. (B) Differential displacement of
          cylinder due to segregation of ice in clay but not in
          sand. Cavity caused by displacement of relatively dry
          sand (from Taber 1930).
Figure 13.Diagrams showing nature of water migration in: (A)
          sand with initial moisture of 13 percent; (B) sand
          with initial moisture of 20 percent; (C) sandy clay
          with initial moisture of 39 percent.
Figure 14.Diagram of ice-wedge exposures in an undercut bank of
          polygonal tundra (modified from Leffingwell 1919).
Figure 15.(A) Diagram illustrating deformation of a cube of
          ground. (B) Stresses in the upper layer of frozen
          ground. (From Dostovalov, 1957).
Figure 16.The stages of pingo growth: (A) early stage; there
          is the beginning of a bulge in poorly drained polygonal
          ground (photo by S.W. Muller); (B) "mature" pingo; the
          growth of the ice core ruptures the ground surface,
          exposing the ice. Melt of the ice produces trickles
          of mud along radiating cracks, giving the impression
          of a "mud volcano" (photo by S.W. Muller); (C)
          "mature" pingo (canoe in the foreground), Mackenzie
          Delta region, Canada (photo courtesy of J. Pihlainen);
          (D) pingo in the late stages of the cycle, near
          complete disappearance (photo by S.W. Muller).
Figure 17.Diagram illustrating formation of a frost blister.
          The mound is ruptured by hydrostatic pressure (and
          crystallization of ice?). Water freezes forming icing
          and ground ice. Occasionally, a hollow space is left
          in the core of a mound (after Nikiforoff 1928).
Figure 18.Moisture profile of frozen ground indicating approximate
          level of permafrost table (After Guterman)
Figure 19.Diagram showing ice ratio as percent of total moisture
          in different types of ground at various temperatures
          (after Tsytovich 1958).
Figure 20.Examples of fluvial erosion in permafrost terrain:
          (A) erosion of small gullies is effectively retarded
          by snowbanks that remain until late spring or early
          summer and the ground beneath the snow remains frozen,
          resisting erosion (photo courtesy of F.C. Erickson);
          (B) melting of ground ice (ice wedges) at the
          intersection of polygons ultimately produces the
          "beads" in a beaded stream; (C) "beaded" stream,
          a typical landscape feature of permafrost terrain
          (photo courtesy of F. С Erickson).
Figure 21.Profile of asymmetric valley: (A) northern part of
          the Arctic; (B) southern part of the Arctic and
          Subarctic (after Presnyakov 1955).
Figure 22.Examples of the types of patterned ground that
          occur in permafrost terrain: (A) Air photo of 
          stone stripes, northern Alaska (photo courtesy of 
          U.S. Navy). (B) Ice-wedge polygons with raised 
          edges and with secondary smaller polygons within
          the larger ones, Arctic Canada (photo courtesy of
          J.A. Pihlainen). (C) Raised-center polygons develop
          where water, which normally stands stagnant in the
          trenches, finds an outlet through a more or less well
          established drainage system. As more water is drained
          off from thawing ice wedges, the raised edges of
          the polygons gradually slough-off into the troughs
          (photo by S.W. Muller). (D) Air photo of large-scale
          ice-wedge polygons, Colville River delta, northern 
          Alaska (photo courtesy of U.S. Navy). (E) Oblique 
          air view of solifluction lobes or festoon terraces,
          Brooks Range, Alaska (photo by S.W. Muller). (F) 
          The pattern of ice-wedge polygons is accentuated by
          different kinds of vegetation and by standing water
          in some of the depressed-center polygons (photo by 
          S.W. Muller) (G) Stone rings (photo courtesy of
          T.L. Pewe).
Figure 23.Cave-in lakes, near Northway, Alaska: (A) in winter;
          (B) in process of formation; (C) near end of the 
          thaw-lake cycle (photos by S.W. Muller).
Figure 24.Air photo showing beaded stream and oriented thaw
          lakes along the Arctic Coastal Plain, northern
          Alaska (photo courtesy of U.S. Navy).
Figure 25.Thermokarst features: (A) a sinkhole produced by
          melt of ground ice; (B) residual mounds produced
          by the melt of ice wedges. Both photos are from near
          Fairbanks, Alaska (both photos courtesy of T.L. Pewe).
Figure 26.The combined effect of moss, peat, and snow on the
          distribution of roots and summer ground temperatures
          in I: forest, II: forest-tundra, and III: tundra, at
          latitudes 65°N, 68°N, and 70° N. (after Govorukhin
Figure 27.Distribution of permafrost in relation to relief and
          vegetation in southern Transbaykalia (after
          Tolstikhin 1941). 
Figure 28.Swelling of ground on freezing from the top (after
          Vologdina 1936).
Figure 29.Supercooling of water in ground of different texture
          (after Bozhenova 1955) 
Figure 30.Diagram illustrating heat conductivity of clay, sand,
          and water at different temperatures (after Evdokimov-
          Rokotovsky 1932). 
Figure 31.Diagram illustrating how annual ground temperature
          isotherms are affected by the shadow of an east-west
Figure 32.Work feasibility chart and climatic constraints,
          Point Barrow, Alaska (1) (modified after P.W. Roberts)
Figure 33.Work feasibility chart and logistical constraints,
          Point Barrow, Alaska (2) (modified after P.W Roberts).
Figure 34.Diagram showing the compressive strength of frozen
          ground at different temperatures (from Tsytovich
Figure 35.Sketches to illustrate measurement of ground
          temperatures during excavation. 
Figure 36.Testing of different materials and the design of
          apparatus to measure ground temperatures at the
          Fairbanks Permafrost Research Site (photo by
          S.W. Muller). 
Figure 37.Benchmark of standard design dislodged by frost
          heave (photo courtesy of T.L. Pewe).
Figure 38.Diagram illustrating the setting of a benchmark.
          A metal pipe perforated near the base is embedded
          in pre-thawed or augered ground to a depth three times
          (3h) the thickness of the active zone (h) (from Bykov
          and Kapterev 1940). 
Figure 39.Testing of different designs of benchmarks at the
          Fairbanks Permafrost Research Site (photo by
          S.W. Muller). 
Figure 40.Design of a "swellometer" (after Bykov and Kapterev
Figure 41.Hydrological problems: (A) a caisson constructed for
          a cesspool is flooded with water and mud from thawed
           permafrost and groundwater from taliks (photo by S.W.
           Muller); (B) small craters were formed by "siphoned"
          seepage of water into a borrow pit during the spring
          flood of the Yukon River (photo courtesy of T.L. Pewe). 
Figure 42.Use of ripping passes by caterpillar tractor. In the
          ripping process, the tractor first makes a pass with
          very slight penetration to loosen the surface. With
          resulting better traction, it then makes a series
          of passes, lowering the tooth deeper each time,
          until maximum penetration is reached (diagram 
          courtesy of Caterpillaer Tractor Co.) 
Figure 43.At one of the Mesabi mines, there was a saving of 88.8
          percent on overburden loosening costs by ripping
          of 4-ft. centers. Several passes were made in the
          direction of the upper right corner of the diagram.
          A final pass was made at right angles to the first
          to take advantage of weak points in the material.
          Cross-ripping produced the most effectively loosened
          material of all (diagram courtesy of Caterpillar
          Tractor Co.).
Figure 44.Excavating frozen ground using ripper techniques:
          (A) photo showing the 8-ft. ripper teeth reaching
          maximum penetration of about 4 ft. during ripping
          of frozen clay at Mesabi mine. Used as a substitute
          for drilling and blasting, the ripper was able to
          loosen frozen ground for shovel loading for between
          10 percent to 40 percent of comparable shooting costs.
          (B) When subject to ripping, the frozen overburden
          breaks off in large unwieldy slabs as power shovels
          attempt to loosen untouched material. Such large
          pieces are extremely difficult for power shovels to
          handle and result in additional maintenance for
          shovels used to break overburden (both photos courtesy
          of Caterpillar Tractor Co.).
Figure 45.Road maintenance: (A) sanding of icy roads on a grade.
          Note the high banks of snow along the shoulders; (B)
          snow scraped off the road onto the shoulders retards
          thaw of the shoulders in spring, obstructing normal
          subdrainage beneath the roadbed and producing
          impassable quagmires (both photos courtesy of the
          Bureau of Public Roads).
Figure 46.Road construction (1): (A) Wrong construction method;
          (B) right construction method.
Figure 47.Road constmction (2): (A) Shallow rooted trees are
          easily felled by bulldozer in clearing ground for
          road construction. The turf and top soil are also
          scraped, thereby exposing and allowing underlying
          permafrost to thaw. (B) Denuded of the insulating
          vegetative blanket, the melt of ground ice turns
          the road into an impassable quagmire (both photos
          courtesy of Bureau of Public Roads).
Figure 48.Road construction (3): (A) Vegetation on the path
          of a road is cut (not bulldozed) and spread over
          the ground to insulate and thus prevent the thaw
          of underlying permafrost. (B) Vehicular traffic at
          this stage of construction should be kept to a
          minimum (both photos courtesy of Bureau of Public
Figure 49.Road construction (4): (A) Non-frost-active
          basecourse aggregate (gravel) is dumped on the 
          vegetative blanket; (B) Additional fill on shoulders
          insures better stability of the road. More fill should
          be placed on the shoulder than is shown in the picture
          and the material (berm) should be graded to facilitate
          proper functioning of snow-removing equipment (both
          photos courtesy of Bureau of Public Roads).
Figure 50.Thermal effects of roads: (A) The effect of road fill
          on permafrost table; (B) Diagram of ground isotherms
          in road fill in September shows deeper thaw on the
          south side than on the north side (from Sumgin 1940).
Figure 51.Diagrams to illustrate varying hydrologic regime of
          terrain when traversed by a newly constructed road:
          (A) Sloping terrain prior to construction; (B) Thawing
          of permafrost under shoulders causes sloughing of road
          bed; permafrost bulge beneath road bed blocks subsurface
          drainage and causes icing in late winter; (C)
          Permafrost rises under berm; road bed remains stable;
          subsurface drainage intercepted and carried away in
Figure 52.Two views (A, B) showing an extended spillway from
          a culvert on the Alaska Highway that was constructed
          in order to prevent road shoulders from accelerated
          erosion and damage (both photos by S. W. Muller).
Figure 53.Diagrams showing: (A) lag of minimum  and  maximum
          ground temperatures at the base of the active zone
          at Skovorodino, Siberia; (B) lag of ground
          temperatures behind air temperatures (after
          Tsytovich and Sumgin 1937). 
Figure 54.Icings: (A) an icing on the Alaska Highway; В the
          "frost belt" in action. The icing is induced across
          the water course uphill from highway (3) (Both photos
          courtesy of Bureau of Public Roads). 
Figure 55.Diagram illustrating the elimination of icings by
          the "frost-belt" method: In cross-section "X" the
          freezing of ground down to the permafrost prevents
          water from percolating through the partly frozen
          active zone (down to level "b") causing icing at
          "A". In cross-section "Y", while undisturbed ground
          freezes down to level "c", the ground in the "belt"
          freezes down to permafrost while inducing an icing
          at "A", some distance uphill from the road (after
          Petrov 1930). 
Figure 56.Diagram showing the extent of the icing that occurs
          on the Amur-Yakutsk Highway at the Onon River
          crossing, Siberia. The plan also shows the projected
          frost belt. In the upper left, the flooded area with
          ice blocks (indicated by the wavy lines) is the 
          result of the explosion of an icing mound. 
Figure 57.Diagram illustrating a variant of the frost-belt
          method proposed by Bykov and Kaspterev (from Bykov
          and Kapterev 1940). 
Figure 58.Winter maintenance of roads (1): (A) A culvert
          plugged with ice is being thawed by an oil-burning
          flame thrower (photo courtesy of Bureau of Public
          Roads); (B) A steam jet is used to open an ice-
          plugged culvert (photo courtesy of the Signals
          Corps, U.S. Army). 
Figure 59.Winter maintenance of roads (2): Drums with burning
          oil facilitate drainage through the culvert
          (courtesy of the Signals Corps, U.S. Army). 
Figure 60.Photograph showing "mud jacking" on a runway that
          settled because of the melt of ground ice in
          underlying permafrost (photo courtesy of U.S. Air
Figure 61.Diagrams to show the effects of snow piled on the
          shoulders of a runway: (A) early winter, (B) late
Figure 62.Photo showing how surface drainage from a runway
          can be affected by an extended gutter that prevents
          erosion of the shoulders (photo courtesy of T.L. Pewe).
Figure 63.Diagram to show the relationship between the flying
          weight of an aircraft and the required thickness of
          freshwater ice that forms the airstrip. 
Figure 64.Typical profile of the permafrost table near a large
          river in Siberia (after Datsky 1937). 
Figure 65.Bridge construction in permafrost terrain (1): (A)
          Bridge damaged by frost heaving of the piles, Central
          Alaska; (B) close-up of the damaged bridge (both
          photos courtesy of T. L. Pewe). 
Figure 66.Piles driven during the construction of the Nisutlin
          Bridge, Alaska, have the butt end pointing upwards
          instead of the recommended practice of driving piles
          butt end downwards to ensure better "anchoring" and
          resistance to frost heaving (photo courtesy of Bureau
          of Public Roads).
Figure 67.Bridge construction in permafrost terrain (3): (A)
          Railroad trestle over a small gully shows the effect
          of frost heaving; (B) Side view of the same trestle
          showing the abandoned piles that were shortened during
          the winter frost heaving to maintain the grade of the
          track. The piles settle when the ground thaws during
          summer (both photos courtesy of T.L. Pewe).
Figure 68.Bridge construction in permafrost terrain (4): (A)
          A trestle bridge with short horizontal spans is more
          likely to be damaged by slabs of ice and other floating
          debris than a bridge constructed with long horizontal
          spans; (B) Damage to the Ток River Bridge, Alaska,
          washed out at one approach, because improper design
          obstructed flow of water laden with debris beneath
          the bridge. The backed-up water forced its way through
          the soft approach fill (both photos courtesy of Bureau
          of Public Roads).
Figure 69.Diagram showing how frozen ground thaws with different
          steam and water conditions (after Janin 1922).
Figure 70.Diagram showing thaw of frozen gravel using the Miles
          Method, in which the water is at natural temperatures.
          The less permeable layer thaws more slowly.
Figure 71.Sketch of a thaw point.
Figure 72.The thaw of frozen gold-bearing gravels: (A) using
          cold ditch water; (B) after the thaw points have been
          driven to the desired depth (both photos courtesy of
          U.S. Army Air Force).
Figure 73.Diagram to show the effect of (A) an uninhabited
          (that is, non-heated) and (B) an inhabited (that is,
          heated) house on the permafrost table (from Tsytovich
          and Sumgin 1937)
Figure 74.Ground isotherms under an experimental house in
          Transbaykaliya, Siberia (from Tsytovich and Sumgin
Figure 75.Effects of a heated building upon permafrost at
          Northway, Alaska: (A) Insufficient insulation beneath
          the concrete floor slab caused melt of ground ice
          in underlying permafrost and settling of the floor.
          Placement of steam pipes at floor level accelerated
          the thaw of underlying permafrost, (photo by S.W.
          Muller); (B) Hot water in the shower room caused
          rapid melt of ground ice and the settling and breakage
          of the concrete floor slab (photo courtesy of U.S.
          Army Air Force).
Figure 76.Diagram illustrating thaw of permafrost beneath
          a building: (A) shows the maximum permissible
          lowering of the permafrost table beneath the
          foundation; (B) illustrates how insufficient
          insulation or excessive heat transfer causes 
          ground thawing. If the thawed ground has low
          bearing strength the building settles and suffers
          damage (after Bykov and Kapterev 1937).
Figure 77."Mud jacking" of a floor inside a building at Northway,
          Alaska. Holes are drilled in the concrete floor slab
          and a mud-cement mixture is driven beneath the floor
          under high pressure to lift the floor to its original
          position (photo by S.W. Muller).
Figure 78.The suggested design of ceilings and floors for living
          quarters in permafrost areas.
Figure 79.The suggested design of a foundation for a steel
          tower in permafrost areas.
Figure 80.This building, near Fairbanks, Alaska, is almost
          completely engulfed in an icing that originated
          upslope from the shack (photo courtesy of U.S.
          Army Air Force).
Figure 81.Icings can be caused by buildings: (A) diagram to
          illustrate how the escape of water from the unfrozen
          active zone occurs through the interior of an
          inhabited house; (B) an icing that originated beneath
          this heated, now abandoned, building has completely
          filled the building interior and spilled into the
          yard through a window (photo from Tyrrell 1904).
Figure 82.An overturned barrel left standing in the yard started
          an icing which filled the lower half of the barrel
          and spilled through the plug-hole in the middle.
          This icing spread over the greater part of the yard
          and flooded some building (from A. V. L'vov 1916).
Figure 83.Piles in permafrost (1): This photograph illustrates
          faulty driving of piles for a building. The water-
          filled crater around the left pile indicates that
          the ground was pre-thawed by the steam jet in excess
          of need; the ground around this pile may not freeze
          back in time to anchor it in the permafrost and the 
          pile may heave during the coming winter. The ground
          around the right pile was not sufficiently pre-thawed
          and, as a result, the pile was not driven to its proper
          depth; the mashed top of the pile is evidence of the
          resistance to penetration (photo by S.W. Muller).
Figure 84.Piles in permafrost (2): (A) Piles pointed at the
          butt end are greased and wrapped in tar paper to
          reduce adfreezing and frost heaving during freezing
          of the active zone; (B) After this pile was anchored
          in permafrost, frost heaving in the active zone lifted
          the tar paper wrapping the pile (both photos by S.W.
Figure 85.Buildings at the Fairbanks Permafrost Research Site,
          Alaska: (A) Adequate subfloor ventilation protects
          the underlying permafrost from thawing and damaging
          this experimental house; (B) An experimental garage
          is built on a fill of gravel with adequate subfloor
          ventilation; (C) An experimental garage that failed
          (settled) because of inadequate subfloor ventilation
          that allowed heat from the building to melt the ground
          ice in the underlying permafrost (photos: A and В by
          S.W. Muller; photo С courtesy of T.L. Pewe). 
Figure 86.A sequence of photographs (A-D) showing the manual
          operation required to procure a water supply from a
          lake near Point Barrow, Alaska. 
Figure 87.The mechanized procurement of water supply from a 
          lake is achieved by a water tank on sleds installed
          inside a heated enclosure (wanigan) and pulled by
          a D-8 tractor (photo courtesy of D. Knudsen, Barrow,
Figure 88.Diagram showing the occurrence of ground water in
          permafrost regions.
Figure 89.Diagrams showing the laying of water pipes in 
          permafrost areas (From Tsytovich 1959).
Figure 90.A pump house, Alaska: (A) External view; diagonal
          wrinkles on the roofing paper indicate torsion during
          uneven settling of the building; (B) In the interior,
          the water-well casing on the left has separated from
          the concrete pedestal and the floor slab, placed
          directly upon permafrost without adequate insulation,
          has settled several inches. This damage was due to
          excessive heat in the building causing underlying
          ground ice in the permafrost to melt (both photos by
          S.W. Muller).
Figure 91.Water storage tank at Norway, Alaska: (A) General
          view; (B) Close-up of the support design of the 
          water tank (photos by S.W. Muller).
Figure 92.Utility lines, enclosed in utilidors to prevent
          freezing of steam and hot-water pipes (photo by S.W.
Figure 93.Diagram showing ground isotherms (Celsius) near to
          a water pipe before the flow of water (left hand
          side) and during the flow of water (right hand side).
Figure 94.Nomogram for determining temperature in water
Figure 95.Photo showing wiring pulled from a switch by the
          settling of the floor slab (photo by S.W. Muller).
Figure 96.Utility poles in permafrost: (A) the destructive
          effect of frost heaving on utility poles may be
          delayed but not entirely eliminated by bolting
          a cross-beam at the base of the pole. This photo
          shows the effect of one winter's heave; (B) The
          problem of "uprooting" of utility poles is solved
          through the use of tripods (both photos by
          S.W. Muller).
Figure 97.Photo shows gas pipeline lying on the ground surface.
          This makes maintenance and repair easy (photo
          courtesy of the Signals Corps, U.S. Army).
Figure 98.Graph showing curing time of concrete under
          cold-weather conditions (supplied by O.W. Walvoord).
          Editors' Note: There were 144 figures in the
          original manuscript. Some of these figures have been
          amalgamated. One figure in the manuscript (Figure 27,
          entitled 'Moisture profile of frozen ground') was not
          cited but is now in the text as Figure 18.


Table 1. Liquid and sold phases of water in frozen quartz sand
         of different textures (after Nersesova and Tyutnov 1957). 
Table 2. Effect of pressure on the amount of water in liquid
         phase in frozen ground (from Tsytovich 1957). 
Table 3. Supercooling of water in relation to intensity of
         cooling (from Bozhenova 1957). 
Table 4. Effect of moisture content and pressure on the
         temperature of the beginning of freezing of ground
         (from Bozhenova 1957). 
Table 5. Compressive strength of frozen ground at temperatures
         from -0.3°C to -2.0°C (from Tsytovich and Sumgin 1937). 
Table 6. Elastic arid plastic deformation of frozen ground
         under compression (from Tsytovich and Sumgin 1937). 
Table 7. Shearing strength of ice-saturated frozen ground
         (from Tsytovich and Sumgin 1937). 
Table 8. Effect of temperature on the shearing strength of
         frozen ground (from Tsytovich and Sumgin 1937). 
Table 9. Scope and plan of field investigation of permafrost. 
Table 10.Effect of temperature on tangential adfreezing
         strength of different materials (from Tsytovich and
         Sumgin 1937). 
Table 11.Effect of temperature and moisture content on the
         tangential adfreezing strength between different
         ground and water-saturated wood and concrete
         (from Tsytovich and Sumgin 1937). 
Table 12.Tangential adfreezing strength between different
         frozen ground and water-saturated wood (from Tsytovich
         and Sumgin 1937). 
Table 13.Values of permissible stresses on ice-saturated
         ground (from Tsytovich and Sumgin 1937). 
Table 14.Calculated values of tangential adfreezing
         strength in kg/cm2 (from Tsytovich and Sumgin 1937). 
Table 15.Classification of groundwaters in the permafrost
Table 16.Values of coefficient Kl and K2 cal/m2 per hour
         per °C during the normal operation of the
         distribution system.

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