Introduction to grid computing (Boca Raton, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

Архив выставки новых поступлений | Отечественные поступления | Иностранные поступления | Сиглы
ОбложкаIntroduction to grid computing / ed. by Magoules F. et al. - Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2009. - xxiii, 310 p.: ill. - (Chapman & Hall / CRC numerical analysis and scientific computing). - Inl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.307-310. - ISBN 978-1-4200-7406-2

Оглавление / Contents
List of Tables

6.1. Security mechanisms in grid projects ..................... 156
6.2. Security mechanisms in grid projects (cont.) ............. 157
6.3. Data management mechanisms in grid projects .............. 165
6.4. Data management mechanisms in grid projects (cont.) ...... 166
6.5. Grid resource information and monitoring tools ........... 170
6.6. Job scheduling tools characteristics ..................... 174
6.7. Application areas of grid projects ....................... 177
B.l. Job submission commands .................................. 258
B.2. Job status retrieval commands ............................ 259
B.3. Job cancelation commands ................................. 259
B.4. Job retrieval commands ................................... 260
C.l. Filename variables during gLite installation ............. 265
C.2. Interaction between R-GMA and other grid resources ....... 266

List of Figures

2.1. Replica location formed by multiple LRCs and RLIs
     in a two-level hierarchical structure ..................... 30

3.1. Hierarchical structure of MDS ............................. 53
3.2. Petri-net representation of the mult service .............. 65
3.3. Petri-net representation for the solution of a linear
     system of equations ....................................... 66

4.1. Hierarchical structure of Public Key Infrastructure ....... 91
4.2. Client and authentication server message exchange in
     Kerberos .................................................. 96
4.3. Client and ticket granting server message exchange in
     Kerberos .................................................. 97
4.4. Client server message exchange in Kerberos ................ 98
4.5. Cross-realm authentication in Kerberos .................... 99
4.6. My Proxy server for delegation of credentials and access
     to GridFtp server ........................................ 114

5.1. Grid middleware in the grid architecture ................. 124
5.2. Architecture of UNICORE middleware ....................... 129
5.3. Architecture of Legion middleware ........................ 130
5.4. Legion objects in Legion middleware ...................... 131
5.5. Main components of Condor middleware ..................... 133
5.6. Condor and Condor-G Globus middleware .................... 135
5.7. Architecture of Ninf: client, metaserver and server ...... 137
5.8. Architecture of NetSolve system .......................... 139
5.9. Architecture of XtremWeb ................................. 143
5.10.Grid view with grid portal layer ......................... 145

7.1. Monte Carlo simulation of stock prices ................... 185

8.1. Acoustic simulation inside a car compartment ............. 208
8.2. Two dimensional spatial discretization ................... 211
8.3. Solution of the heat equation upon the time .............. 212
8.4. Final solution of the heat equation ...................... 212
8.5. Discretized domain divided into four sub-domains ......... 213
8.6. Parallelization in space ................................. 214
8.7. Discretized domain computed using four parallel nodes .... 218

A.l. Mutual authentication .................................... 230

B.l. Architecture of information service ...................... 242
B.2. Multiple access to resources ............................. 243
B.3. Hierarchic tree structure of monitoring and discovering
     system ................................................... 244
B.4. Internal structure of work management service ............ 245
B.5. Structure of computing element ........................... 249
B.6. Transition between transfer job states ................... 253
B.7. Security certificates .................................... 255
B.8. Life-cycle of job ........................................ 256


1. Definition of Grid Computing ................................. 1
   1.1. Introduction ............................................ 1
   1.2. Grid versus Other Distributed Systems ................... 2
   1.3. Motivations for Using a Grid ............................ 3
        1.3.1. Enabling Formation of Virtual Organizations ...... 3
        1.3.2. Fault Tolerance and Reliability .................. 3
        1.3.3. Balancing and Sharing Varied Resources ........... 4
        1.3.4. Parallel Processing .............................. 4
        1.3.5. Quality of Service (QoS) ......................... 4
   1.4. Grid Architecture: Basic Concepts ....................... 5
        1.4.1. Security ......................................... 6
        1.4.2. Resource Management .............................. 6
        1.4.3. Data Management .................................. 6
        1.4.4. Information Discovery and Monitoring ............. 7
   1.5. Some Standards for Grid ................................. 7
        1.5.1. Web Services ..................................... 7
        1.5.2. Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA) ........... 8
        1.5.3. Open Grid Services Infrastructure (OGSI) ......... 9
        1.5.4. Web Services Resource Framework (WSRF) ........... 9
        1.5.5. OGSA-DAI ......................................... 9
   1.6. Quick Overview of Grid Projects ........................ 10
        1.6.1. American Projects ............................... 10
        1.6.2. European Projects ............................... 11
        1.6.3. Asian Projects .................................. 13
   References .................................................. 15
2. Data Management ............................................. 17
   2.1. Introduction ........................................... 17
   2.2. Data Management Requirements ........................... 18
        2.2.1. Static Data and Dynamic Data .................... 18
        2.2.2. Data Management Addressing Problems ............. 19
   2.3. Functionalities of Data Management ..................... 19
        2.3.1. Data Replication Management ..................... 19
        2.3.2. Metadata Management ............................. 20
        2.3.3. Publication and Discovery ....................... 21
        2.3.4. Data Transport .................................. 21
        2.3.5. Data Translation and Transformation ............. 22
        2.3.6. Transaction Processing .......................... 22
        2.3.7. Data Synchronization ............................ 22
        2.3.8. Authentication, Access Control, and
               Accounting ...................................... 24
        2.3.9. Data Access and Storage Management .............. 24
        2.3.10.Data Integration ................................ 25
   2.4. Metadata Service in Grids .............................. 25
        2.4.1. Metadata Types .................................. 26
        2.4.2. Metadata Service ................................ 28
   2.5. Replication ............................................ 28
   2.6. Effective Data Transfer ................................ 31
   References .................................................. 33
3. Grid Scheduling and Information Services .................... 35
   3.1. Introduction ........................................... 35
   3.2. Job Mapping and Scheduling ............................. 36
        3.2.1. Mapping Heuristics .............................. 37
        3.2.2. Scheduling Algorithms and Strategies ............ 41
        3.2.3. Data-Intensive Service Scheduling ............... 44
   3.3. Service Monitoring and Discovery ....................... 47
        3.3.1. Grid Information System ......................... 48
        3.3.2. Aggregate Directory ............................. 51
        3.3.3. Grid Information Service Data Model ............. 52
        3.3.4. Grid Service Discovery .......................... 55
   3.4. Grid Workflow .......................................... 56
        3.4.1. Grid Workflow Management System (GWFMS) ......... 57
        3.4.2. Workflow Specification Languages ................ 62
        3.4.3. Workflow Scheduling Algorithms .................. 69
   3.5. Fault Tolerance in Grids ............................... 72
        3.5.1. Fault Tolerance Techniques ...................... 73
        3.5.2. A Framework for Fault Tolerance in Grids ........ 78
   References .................................................. 81
4. Security in Grid Computing .................................. 87
   4.1. Introduction ........................................... 87
        4.1.1. Authentication .................................. 87
        4.1.2. Authorization ................................... 88
        4.1.3. Confidentiality ................................. 88
   4.2. Trust and Security in a Grid Environment ............... 89
        4.2.1. Existing Security Technologies .................. 90
        4.2.2. Emerging Security Technologies ................. 104
   4.3. Getting Started with GSI .............................. 1ll
        4.3.1. Getting a Certificate .......................... 112
        4.3.2. Managing Credentials ........................... 113
        4.3.3. Proxy Certificates ............................. 115
   References ................................................. 118
5. Grid Middleware ............................................ 123
   5.1. Overview of Grid Middleware ........................... 123
   5.2. Services in Grid Middleware ........................... 125
        5.2.1. Elementary Services ............................ 125
        5.2.2. Advanced Services .............................. 126
   5.3. Grid Middleware ....................................... 127
        5.3.1. Basic Functional Grid Middleware ............... 127
        5.3.2. High-Throughput Computing Middleware ........... 132
        5.3.3. GridRPC-Based Grid Middleware .................. 137
        5.3.4. Peer-to-Peer Grid Middleware ................... 142
        5.3.5. Grid Portals ................................... 143
   References ................................................. 147
6. Architectural Overview of Grid Projects .................... 151
   6.1. Introduction of Grid Projects ......................... 151
   6.2. Security in Grid Projects ............................. 151
        6.2.1. Security in Virtual Organizations .............. 152
        6.2.2. Realization of Security Mechanisms in Grid
               Projects ....................................... 153
   6.3. Data Management in Grid Projects ...................... 155
   6.4. Information Services in Grid Projects ................. 164
   6.5. Job Scheduling in Grid Projects ....................... 169
   6.6. Grid Applications ..................................... 173
        6.6.1. Physical Sciences Applications ................. 175
        6.6.2. Astronomy-Based Applications ................... 175
        6.6.3. Biomedical Applications ........................ 175
        6.6.4. Earth Observation and Climatology .............. 175
        6.6.5. Other Applications ............................. 176
   References ................................................. 178
7. Monte Carlo Method ......................................... 181
   7.1. Introduction .......................................... 181
   7.2. Fundamentals of the Monte Carlo Method ................ 181
   7.3. Deploying the Monte Carlo Method on Computational
        Grids ................................................. 182
        7.3.1. Random Number Generator ........................ 182
        7.3.2. Sequential Random Number Generator ............. 183
        7.3.3. Parallel Random Number Generator ............... 183
        7.3.4. Parallel Computation of Trajectories ........... 184
   7.4. Application to Options Pricing in Computational
        Finance ............................................... 185
        7.4.1. Motivation of the Monte Carlo Method ........... 185
        7.4.2. Financial Engineering Based on the Monte
               Carlo Method ................................... 188
        7.4.3. Gridifying the Monte Carlo Method .............. 190
   7.5. Application to Nuclear Reactors in Computational
        Mechanics ............................................. 201
        7.5.1. Nuclear Reactor-Related Criticality 
               Calculations ................................... 201
        7.5.2. Monte Carlo Methods for Nuclear Reactors ....... 202
        7.5.3. Monte Carlo Methods for Grid Computing ......... 202
   References ................................................. 204
8. Partial Differential Equations ............................. 207
   8.1. Introduction .......................................... 207
   8.2. Deploying PDEs on Computational Grids ................. 207
        8.2.1. Data Parallelization ........................... 207
        8.2.2. Time Parallelization ........................... 209
        8.2.3. Spatial Parallelization ........................ 210
   8.3. Application to Options Pricing in Computational
        Finance ............................................... 214
        8.3.1. Black and Scholes Equation ..................... 215
        8.3.2. Discrete Problem ............................... 217
        8.3.3. Parallel Solution of Black and Scholes
               Equation ....................................... 217
   References ................................................. 222

A. Globus ..................................................... 225
   A.l. Overview of Globus Toolkit 4 .......................... 225
   A.2. Installation of Globus ................................ 226
   A.3. GT4 Configuration ..................................... 227
   A.4. Main Components and Programming Model ................. 229
        A.4.1.  Security (GSI) ................................ 229
        A.4.2. Data Management (RFT) .......................... 231
        A.4.3. Job Submission (GRAM) .......................... 232
        A.4.4. Information Discovery (MDS) .................... 233
   A.5. Using Globus .......................................... 234
        A.5.1. Definition of Job .............................. 234
        A.5.2. Staging Files .................................. 234
        A.5.3. Job Submission ................................. 235
        A.5.4. Job Monitoring ................................. 238
References .................................................... 239

B. gLite ...................................................... 241
   B.l. Introduction .......................................... 241
   B.2. Internal Workings of gLite ............................ 242
        B.2.1. Information Service ............................ 242
        B.2.2. Workload Management System ..................... 245
        B.2.3. Job Description Language (JDL) ................. 247
        B.2.4. Computing Element .............................. 249
        B.2.5. Data Management ................................ 250
   B.3. Logging and Book-Keeping (LB) ......................... 252
   B.4. Security Mechanism .................................... 254
   B.5. Using gLite ........................................... 255
        B.5.1. Initialization ................................. 255
        B.5.2. Job Paths: From Submission to Collection ....... 256
        B.5.3. Job Submission ................................. 257
        В.5.4. Retrieving Job Status .......................... 258
        B.5.5. Canceling a Job ................................ 259
        B.5.6. Collecting Results of a Job .................... 260
   References ................................................. 261

С. Advanced Installation of gLite ............................. 263
   C.l. Installation Overview ................................. 263
        C.l.l. Deployment of gLite ............................ 263
        C.l.2. gLite Packages Download and Configuration ...... 264
   C.2. Internal Workings of gLite ............................ 265
        C.2.1. Information and Monitoring System .............. 265
        C.2.2. Workload Manager ............................... 272
        C.2.3. Computing Element .............................. 274
        C.2.4. Data Management ................................ 278
   C.3. Logging and Book-Keeping Server ....................... 280
   C.4. Security Mechanism .................................... 282
   C.5. I/O ................................................... 283
        C.5.1. gLite I/O Server ............................... 283
        C.5.2. gLite I/O Client ............................... 285
        C.5.3. User Interface ................................. 286
   C.6. VOMS Server and Administration Tools .................. 288
   References ................................................. 290

Glossary ...................................................... 291

Index ......................................................... 307

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