Handbook of parallel computing: models, algorithms and applications (Boca Raton, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаHandbook of parallel computing: models, algorithms and applications / ed. by Rajasekaran S., Reif J. - Boca Raton: Chapman & Hall / CRC, 2008. - xxviii, [1205] p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. and index. - ISBN 1-58488-623-4

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ...................................................... xiii
Acknowledgments ............................................... xxi
Editors ..................................................... xxiii
Contributors .................................................. xxv


1. Evolving Computational Systems
      Selim G. Akl ............................................ 1-1

2. Decomposable BSP: A Bandwidth-Latency Model for Parallel
   and Hierarchical Computation
      Gianfranco Bilardi, Andrea Pietracaprina, and Geppino
      Pucci ................................................... 2-1

3. Membrane Systems: A "Natural" Way of Computing with Cells
      Oscar H. Ibarra and Andrei Paun ......................... 3-1

4. Optical Transpose Systems: Models and Algorithms
      Chih-Fang Wang and Sartaj Sahni ......................... 4-1

5. Models for Advancing PRAM and Other Algorithms into
   Parallel Programs for a PRAM-On-Chip Platform
      Uzi Vishkin, George C. Caragea, and Bryant C. Lee ....... 5-1

6. Deterministic and Randomized Sorting Algorithms for
   Parallel Disk Models
      Sanguthevar Rajasekaran ................................. 6-1

7. A Programming Model and Architectural Extensions for
   Fine-Grain Parallelism
      Alex Gontmakher, Assaf Schuster, Gregory Shklover,
      and Avi Mendelson ....................................... 7-1

8. Computing with Mobile Agents in Distributed Networks
      Evangelos Kranakis, Danny Krizanc, and Sergio
      Rajsbaum ................................................ 8-1

9. Transitional Issues: Fine-Grain to Coarse-Grain
      Stephan Olariu .......................................... 9-1

10.Distributed Computing in the Presence of Mobile Faults
      Nicola Santoro and Peter Widmayer ...................... 10-1

11.Hierarchical Performance Model for Reconfigurable
      Ronald Scrofano and Viktor K. Prasanna ................. 11-1

12.Hierarchical Performance Modeling and Analysis of
   Distributed Software Systems
      Reda A. Ammar .......................................... 12-1

13.Randomized Packet Routing, Selection, and Sorting
   on the POPS Network
      Jaime Davila and Sanguthevar Rajasekaran ............... 13-1

14.Dynamic Reconfiguration on the R-Mesh
      Ramachandran Vaidyanathan and Jerry L. Trahan .......... 14-1

15.Fundamental Algorithms on the Reconfigurable Mesh
      Koji Nakano ............................................ 15-1

16.Reconfigurable Computing with Optical Buses
      Anu G. Bourgeois ....................................... 16-1


17.Distributed Peer-to-Peer Data Structures
      Michael T. Goodrich and Michael J. Nelson .............. 17-1

18.Parallel Algorithms via the Probabilistic Method basse
      Kliemann and Anand Srivastav ........................... 18-1

19.Broadcasting on Networks of Workstations
      Samir Khuller, Yoo-Ah Kim, and Yung-Chun (Justin)
      Wan .................................................... 19-1

20.Atomic Selfish Routing in Networks: A Survey
      Spyros Kontogiannis and Paul G. Spirakis ............... 20-1

21.Scheduling in Grid Environments
      Young Choon Lee and Albert Y Zomaya .................... 21-1

22.QoS Scheduling in Network and Storage Systems
      Peter J. Varman and Ajay Gulati ........................ 22-1

23.Optimal Parallel Scheduling Algorithms in WDM Packet
      Zhenghao Zhang and Yuanyuan Yang ....................... 23-1

24.Real-Time Scheduling Algorithms for Multiprocessor
      Michael A. Palis ....................................... 24-1

25.Parallel Algorithms for Maximal Independent Set and
   Maximal Matching
      Yijie Han .............................................. 25-1

26.Efficient Parallel Graph Algorithms for Multicore
   and Multiprocessors
      David A. Bader and Guojing Cong ........................ 26-1

27.Parallel Algorithms for Volumetric Surface Construction
      Joseph Jaja, Amitabh Varshney, and Qingmin Shi ......... 27-1

28.Mesh-Based Parallel Algorithms for Ultra Fast Computer
      Stephan Olariu ......................................... 28-1

29.Prospectus for a Dense Linear Algebra Software Library
      James Demmel, Beresford Parlett, William Kahan,
      Ming Gu, David Bindel, Yozo Hida, E. Jason Riedy,
      Christof Voemel, Jakub Kurzak, Alfredo Buttari, 
      Julie Langou, Stanimire Tomov, Jack Dongarra, Xiaoye
      Li, Osni Marques, Julien Langou, and Piotr Luszczek .... 29-1

30.Parallel Algorithms on Strings
      Wojciech Rytter ........................................ 30-1

31.Design of Multithreaded Algorithms for Combinatorial
      David A. Bader, Kamesh Madduri, Guojing Cong, and
      John Feo ............................................... 31-1

32.Parallel Data Mining Algorithms for Association Rules
   and Clustering
      Jianwei Li, Wei-keng Liao, Alok Choudhary, and Ying
      Liu .................................................... 32-1

33.An Overview of Mobile Computing Algorithmics
      Stephan Olariu and Albert Y. Zomaya .................... 33-1


34.Using FG to Reduce the Effect of Latency in Parallel
   Programs Running on Clusters
      Thomas H. Cormen and Elena Riccio Davidson ............. 34-1

35. High-Performance Techniques for Parallel I/O
      Avery Ching, Kenin Coloma, Jianwei Li, Wei-keng
      Liao, and Alok Choudhary ............................... 35-1

36.Message Dissemination Using Modern Communication
      Teofilo F. Gonzalez .................................... 36-1

37.Online Computation in Large Networks
      Susanne Albers ......................................... 37-1

38.Online Call Admission Control in Wireless Cellular
      Ioannis Caragiannis, Christos Kaklamanis, and Evi
      Papaioannou ............................................ 38-1

39.Minimum Energy Communication in Ad Hoc Wireless
      Ioannis Caragiannis, Christos Kaklamanis, and
      Panagiotis Kanellopoulos ............................... 39-1

40.Power Aware Mapping of Real-Time Tasks to
      Dakai Zhu, Bruce R. Childers, Daniel Mosse, and Rami
      Melhem ................................................. 40-1

41.Perspectives on Robust Resource Allocation for
   Heterogeneous Parallel and Distributed Systems
      Shoukat A.H., Howard Jay Siegel, and Anthony A.
      Madejewski ............................................. 41-1

42. A Transparent Distributed Runtime for Java
      Michael Factor, Assaf Schuster, and Konstantin
      Shagin ................................................. 42-1

43.Scalability of Parallel Programs
      Ananth Grama and Vipin Kumar ........................... 43-1

44.Spatial Domain Decomposition Methods in Parallel
   Scientific Computing
      Sudip Seal and Srinivas Aluru .......................... 44-1

45.Game Theoretical Solutions for Data Replication in 
   Distributed Computing Systems
      Samee Ullah Khan and Ishfaq Ahmad ...................... 45-1

46.Effectively Managing Data on a Grid
      Catherine L. Ruby and Russ Miller ...................... 46-1

47.Fast and Scalable Parallel Matrix Multiplication and
   Its Applications on Distributed Memory Systems
      Keqin Li ............................................... 47-1

Index ......................................................... 1-1

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