Encyclopedia of algorithms (New York, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

Архив выставки новых поступлений | Отечественные поступления | Иностранные поступления | Сиглы
ОбложкаEncyclopedia of algorithms / ed. by Kao M.-Y. - New York: Springer, 2008. - liii, 1166 p.: ill. - (Springer reference). - Bibloigr.: p.1053-1155. - Ind.: p.1157-1166. - ISBN 978-0-387-30770-1

Оглавление / Contents
Abelian Hidden Subgroup Problem ................................. 1
   1995; Kitaev

Adaptive Partitions ............................................. 4
   1986; Du, Pan, Shing

Adwords Pricing ................................................. 7
   2007; Bu, Deng, Qi

Algorithm DC-Tree for к Servers on Trees ........................ 9
   1991; Chrobak, Larmore

Algorithmic Cooling ............................................ 11
   1999; Schulman, Vazirani

   2002; Boykin, Моr, Roychowdhury, Vatan, Vrijen

Algorithmic Mechanism Design ................................... 16
   1999; Nisan, Ronen

Algorithms for Spanners in Weighted Graphs ..................... 25
   2003; Baswana, Sen

All Pairs Shortest Paths in Sparse Graphs ...................... 28
   2004; Pettie

All Pairs Shortest Paths via Matrix Multiplication ............. 31
   2002; Zwick

Alternative Performance Measures in Online Algorithms .......... 34
   2000; Koutsoupias, Papadimitriou

Analyzing Cache Misses ......................................... 37
   2003; Mehlhorn, Sanders

Applications of Geometric Spanner Networks ..................... 40
   2002; Gudmundsson, Levcopoulos, Narasimhan, Smid

Approximate Dictionaries ....................................... 43
   2002; Buhrman, Miltersen, Radhakrishnan, Venkatesh

Approximate Regular Expression Matching ........................ 46
   1995; Wu, Manber, Myers

Approximate Tandem Repeats ..................................... 48
   2001; Landau, Schmidt, Sokol 2003; Kolpakov, Kucherov

Approximating Metric Spaces by Tree Metrics .................... 51
   1996; Bartal, Fakcharoenphol, Rao, Talwar 2004; Bartal,
   Fakcharoenphol, Rao, Talwar

Approximations of Bimatrix Nash Equilibria ..................... 53
   2003; Lipton, Markakis, Mehta
   2006; Daskalaskis, Mehta, Papadimitriou
   2006; Kontogiannis, Panagopoulou, Spirakis

Approximation Schemes for Bin Packing .......................... 57
   1982; Karmarker, Karp

Approximation Schemes for Planar Graph Problems ................ 59
   1983; Baker 1994; Baker

Arbitrage in Frictional Foreign Exchange Market ................ 62
   2003; Cai, Deng

Arithmetic Coding for Data Compression ......................... 65
   1994; Howard, Vitter

Assignment Problem ............................................. 68
   1955; Kuhn 1957; Munkres

Asynchronous Consensus Impossibility ........................... 70
   1985; Fischer, Lynch, Paterson

Atomic Broadcast ............................................... 73
   1995; Cristian, Aghili, Strong, Dolev

Attribute-Efficient Learning ................................... 77
   1987; Littlestone

Automated Search Tree Generation ............................... 78
   2004; Gramm, Guo, Hüffner, Niedermeier

Backtracking Based/c-SAT Algorithms ............................ 83
   2005; Paturi, Pudldk, Saks, Zane

Best Response Algorithms for Selfish Routing ................... 86
   2005; Fotakis, Kontogiannis, Spirakis

Bidimensionality ............................................... 88
   2004; Demaine, Fomin, Hajiaghayi, Thilikos

Binary Decision Graph .......................................... 90
   1986; Bryant

Bin Packing .................................................... 94
   1997; Coffman, Garay, Johnson

Boosting Textual Compression ................................... 97
   2005; Ferragina, Giancarlo, Manzini, Sciortino

Branchwidth of Graphs ......................................... 101
   2003; Fomin, Thilikos

Broadcasting in Geometric Radio Networks ...................... 105
   2001; Dessmark, Pelc

B-trees ....................................................... 108
   1972; Bayer, McCreight

Burrows-Wheeler Transform ..................................... 112
   1994; Burrows, Wheeler

Byzantine Agreement ........................................... 116
   1980; Pease, Shostak, Lamport

Cache-Oblivious B-Tree ........................................ 121
   2005; Bender, Demaine, Farach-Colton

Cache-Oblivious Model ......................................... 123
   1999; Frigo, Leiserson, Prokop, Ramachandran

Cache-Oblivious Sorting ....................................... 126
   1999; Frigo, Leiserson, Prokop, Ramachandran

Causal Order, Logical Clocks, State Machine Replication ....... 129
   1978; Lamport

Certificate Complexity and Exact Learning ..................... 131
   1995; Hellerstein, Pilliapakkamnatt, Raghavan, Wilkins

Channel Assignment and Routing in Multi-Radio Wireless
Mesh Networks ................................................. 134
   2005; Alicherry, Bhatia, Li

Circuit Partitioning: A Network-Flow-Based Balanced Min-Cut
Approach ...................................................... 138
   1994; Yang, Wong

Circuit Placement ............................................. 143
   2000; Caldwell, Kahng, Markov 
   2002; Kennings, Markov
   2006; Kennings, Vorwerk

Circuit Retiming .............................................. 146
   1991; Leiserson, Saxe

Circuit Retiming: An Incremental Approach ..................... 149
   2005; Zhou

Clock Synchronization ......................................... 152
   1994; Patt-Shamir, Rajsbaum

Closest String and Substring Problems ......................... 155
   2002; Li, Ma, Wang

Closest Substring ............................................. 156
   2005; Marx

Color Coding .................................................. 158
   1995; Alon, Yuster, Zwick

Communication in Ad Hoc Mobile Networks Using Random Walks .... 161
   2003; Chatzigiannakis, Nikoletseas, Spirakis

Competitive Auction ........................................... 165
   2001; Goldberg, Hartline, Wright
   2002; Fiat, Goldberg, Hartline, Karlin

Complexity of Bimatrix Nash Equilibria ........................ 166
   2006; Chen, Deng

Complexity of Core ............................................ 168
   2001; Fang, Zhu, Cai, Deng

Compressed Pattern Matching ................................... 171
   2003; Kida, Matsumoto, Shibata, Takeda, Shinohara,

Compressed Suffix Array ....................................... 174
   2003; Grossi, Gupta, Vitter

Compressed Text Indexing ...................................... 176
   2005; Ferragina, Manzini

Compressing Integer Sequences and Sets ........................ 178
   2000; Moffat, Stuiver

Computing Pure Equilibria in the Game of Parallel Links ....... 183
   2002; Fotakis, Kontogiannis, Koutsoupias, Mavronicolas,
   2003; Even-Dar, Kesselman, Mansour
   2003; Feldman, Gairing, Lucking, Monien, Rode

Concurrent Programming, Mutual Exclusion ...................... 188
   1965; Dijkstra

Connected Dominating Set ...................................... 191
   2003; Cheng, Huang, Li, Wu, Du

Connectivity and Fault-Tolerance in Random Regular Graphs ..... 195
   2000; Nikoletseas, Palem, Spirakis, Yung

Consensus with Partial Synchrony .............................. 198
   1988; Dwork, Lynch, Stockmeyer

Constructing a Galled Phylogenetic Network .................... 202
   2006; Jansson, Nguyen, Sung
CPU Time Pricing .............................................. 205
   2005; Deng, Huang, Li

Critical Range for Wireless Networks .......................... 207
   2004; Wan, Yi

Cryptographic Hardness of Learning ............................ 210
   1994; Kearns, Valiant

Cuckoo Hashing ................................................ 212
   2001; Pagh, Rodler

Data Migration ................................................ 217
   2004; Khuller, Kim, Wan

Data Reduction for Domination in Graphs ....................... 220
   2004; Alber, Fellows, Niedermeier

Decoding Reed-Solomon Codes ................................... 222
   1999; Guruswami, Sudan

Decremental All-Pairs Shortest Paths .......................... 226
   2004; Demetrescu, Italiano

Degree-Bounded Planar Spanner with Low Weight ................. 228
   2005; Song, Li, Wang

Degree-Bounded Trees .......................................... 231
   1994; Ftirer, Raghavachari

Deterministic Broadcasting in Radio Networks .................. 233
   2000; Chrobak, Gqsieniec, Rytter

Deterministic Searching on the Line ........................... 235
   1988; Baeza-Yates, Culberson, Rawlins

Dictionary-Based Data Compression ............................. 236
   1977; Ziv, Lempel

Dictionary Matching and Indexing (Exact and with Errors) ...... 240
   2004; Cole, Gottlieb, Lewenstein

Dilation of Geometric Networks ................................ 244
   2005; Ebbers-Ваитапп, Grune, Karpinski, Klein, Kutz,
   Knauer, Lingas

Directed Perfect Phylogeny (Binary Characters) ................ 246
   1991; Gusfield

Direct Routing Algorithms ..................................... 248
   2006; Busch, Magdon-Ismail, Mavronicolas, Spirakis

Distance-Based Phylogeny Reconstruction (Fast-Converging) ..... 251
   2003; King, Zhang, Zhou

Distance-Based Phylogeny Reconstruction (Optimal Radius) ...... 253
   1999; Atteson
   2005; Elias, Lagergren

Distributed Algorithms for Minimum Spanning Trees ............. 256
   1983; Gallager, Humblet, Spira

Distributed Vertex Coloring ................................... 258
   2004; Finocchi, Panconesi, Silvestri

Dynamic Trees ................................................. 260
   2005; Tarjan, Werneck

Edit Distance Under Block Operations .......................... 265
   2000; Cormode, Paterson, Sahinalp, Vishkin 2000;
   Muthukrishnan, Sahinalp

Efficient Methods for Multiple Sequence Alignment with
Guaranteed Error Bounds ....................................... 267
   1993; Gusfield

Engineering Algorithms for Computational Biology .............. 270
   2002; Bader, Moret, Warnow

Engineering Algorithms for Large Network Applications ......... 272
   2002; Schulz, Wagner, Zaroliagis

Engineering Geometric Algorithms .............................. 274
   2004; Halperin

Equivalence Between Priority Queues and Sorting ............... 278
   2002; Thorup

Euclidean Traveling Salesperson Problem ....................... 281
   1998; Arora

Exact Algorithms for Dominating Set ........................... 284
   2005; Fomin, Grandoni, Kratsch

Exact Algorithms for General CNF SAT .......................... 286
   1998; Hirsch 2003; Schuler

Exact Graph Coloring Using Inclusion-Exclusion ................ 289
   2006; Bjorklund, Husfeldt

Experimental Methods for Algorithm Analysis ................... 290
   2001; McGeoch

External Sorting and Permuting ................................ 291
   1988; Aggarwal, Vitter

Facility Location ............................................. 299
   1997; Shmoys, Tardos, Aardal

Failure Detectors ............................................. 304
   1996; Chandra, Toueg

False-Name-Proof Auction ...................................... 308
   2004; Yokoo, Sakurai, Matsubara

Fast Minimal Triangulation .................................... 310
   2005; Heggernes, Telle, Villanger

Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation ............................ 313
   1996; Shor, Aharonov, Ben-Or, Kitaev

Floorplan and Placement ....................................... 317
   1994; Kajitani, Nakatake, Murata, Fujiyoshi

Flow Time Minimization ........................................ 320
   2001; Becchetti, Leonardi, Marchetti-Spaccamela, Pruhs

FPGA Technology Mapping ....................................... 322
   1992; Cong, Ding

Fractional Packing and Covering Problems ...................... 326
   1991; Plotkin, Shmoys, Tardos 
   1995; Plotkin, Shmoys, Tardos

Fully Dynamic All Pairs Shortest Paths ........................ 329
   2004; Demetrescu, Italiano

Fully Dynamic Connectivity .................................... 331
   2001; Holm, de Lichtenberg, Thorup

Fully Dynamic Connectivity: Upper and Lower Bounds ............ 332
   2000; Thorup

Fully Dynamic Higher Connectivity ............................. 335
   1997; Eppstein, Galil, Italiano, Nissenzweig

Fully Dynamic Higher Connectivity for Planar Graphs ........... 337
   1998; Eppstein, Galil, Italiano, Spencer

Fully Dynamic Minimum Spanning Trees .......................... 339
   2000; Holm, de Lichtenberg, Thorup

Fully Dynamic Planarity Testing ............................... 342
   1999; Galil, Italiano, Sarnak

Fully Dynamic Transitive Closure .............................. 343
   1999; King

Gate Sizing ................................................... 345
   2002; Sundararajan, Sapatnekar, Parhi

General Equilibrium ........................................... 347
   2002; Deng, Papadimitriou, Safra

Generalized Steiner Network ................................... 349
   2001; Jain

Generalized Two-Server Problem ................................ 351
   2006; Sitters, Stougie

Generalized Vickrey Auction ................................... 353
   1995; Varian

Geographic Routing ............................................ 355
   2003; Kuhn, Wattenhofer, Zollinger

Geometric Dilation of Geometric Networks ...................... 358
   2006; Dumitrescu, Ebbers-Baumann, Grune, Klein, Knauer,

Geometric Spanners ............................................ 360
   2002; Gudmundsson, Levcopoulos, Narasimhan

Gomory-Hu Trees ............................................... 364
   2007; Bhalgat Hariharan, Kavitha, Panigrahi

Graph Bandwidth ............................................... 366
   1998; Feige 
   2000; Feige

Graph Coloring ................................................ 368
   1994; Karger Motwani, Sudan 1998; Karger Motwani,
Sudan Graph Connectivity ...................................... 371
   1994; Khuller, Vishkin

Graph Isomorphism ............................................. 373
   1980; McKay

Greedy Approximation Algorithms ............................... 376
   2004; Ruan Du, Jia, Wu, Li, Ко

Greedy Set-Cover Algorithms ................................... 379
   1974-1979, Chvatal, Johnson, Lovdsz, Stein

Hamilton Cycles in Random Intersection Graphs ................. 383
   2005; Efthymiou, Spirakis

Hardness of Proper Learning ................................... 385
   1988; Pitt, Valiant

High Performance Algorithm Engineering for Large-scale
Problems ...................................................... 387
   2005; Bader

Hospitals/Residents Problem ................................... 390
   1962; Gale, Shapley

Implementation Challenge for Shortest Paths ................... 395
   2006; Demetrescu Goldberg Johnson

Implementation Challenge for TSP Heuristics ................... 398
   2002; Johnson, McGeoch

Implementing Shared Registers in Asynchronous Message-
Passing Systems ............................................... 400
   1995; Attiya, Bar-Noy, Dolev

Incentive Compatible Selection ................................ 403
   2006; Chen Deng Liu

Independent Sets in Random Intersection Graphs ................ 405
   2004; Nikoletseas, Raptopoulos, Spirakis

Indexed Approximate String Matching ........................... 408
   2006; Chan, Lam, Sung, Tarn, Wong

Inductive Inference ........................................... 411
   1983; Case Smith

l/0-model ..................................................... 413
   1988; Aggarwal, Vitter

Kinetic Data Structures ....................................... 417
   1999; Basch, Guibas, Hershberger

Knapsack ...................................................... 419
   1975; Ibarra, Kim

Learning with the Aid of an Oracle ............................ 423
   1996; Bshouty, Cleve, Gavalda, Kannan, Tamon

Learning Automata ............................................. 425
   2000; Beimel, Bergadano, Bshouty, Kushilevitz,

Learning Constant-Depth Circuits .............................. 429
   1993; Linial, Mansour, Nisan

Learning DNF Formulas ......................................... 431
   1997; Jackson

Learning Heavy Fourier Coefficients of Boolean Functions ...... 434
   1989; Goldreich Levin

Learning with Malicious Noise ................................. 436
   1993; Kearns Li

Learning Significant Fourier Coefficients over Finite
Abelian Groups ................................................ 438
   2003; Akavia, Goldwasser, Safra

LEDA: a Library of Efficient Algorithms ....................... 442
   1995; Mehlhorn, Naher

Leontief Economy Equilibrium .................................. 444
   2005; Codenotti, Saberi, Varadarajan, Ye
   2005; Ye

Linearity Testing/Testing Hadamard Codes ...................... 446
   1990; Blum, Luby, Rubinfeld

Linearizability ............................................... 450
   1990; Herlihy, Wing

List Decoding near Capacity: Folded RS Codes .................. 453
   2006; Guruswami, Rudra

List Scheduling ............................................... 455
   1966; Graham

Load Balancing ................................................ 457
   1994; Azar, Broder, Karlin
   1997; Azar Kalyanasundaram, Plotkin Pruhs Waarts

Local Alignment (with Affine Gap Weights) ..................... 459
   1986; Altschul, Erickson

Local Alignment (with Concave Gap Weights) .................... 461
   1988; Miller, Myers

Local Approximation of Covering and Packing Problems .......... 463
   2003-2006; Kuhn, Moscibroda, Nieberg, Wattenhofer

Local Computation in Unstructured Radio Networks .............. 466
   2005; Moscibroda, Wattenhofer

Local Search Algorithms for /cSAT ............................. 468
   1999; Schoning

Local Search for/f-medians and Facility Location .............. 470
   2001; Arya, Garg, Khandekar, Meyerson, Munagala, Pandit

Lower Bounds for Dynamic Connectivity ......................... 473
   2004; Patrascu, Demaine

Low Stretch Spanning Trees .................................... 477
   2005; Elkin, Emek, Spielman, Teng

LP Decoding ................................................... 478
   2002 and later; Feldman, Karger, Wainwright

Majority Equilibrium .......................................... 483
   2003; Chen, Deng, Fang, Tian

Market Games and Content Distribution ......................... 485
   2005; Mirrokni

Max Cut ....................................................... 489
   1994; Goemans, Williamson 
   1995; Goemans, Williamson

Maximum Agreement Subtree (of 2 Binary Trees) ................. 492
   1996; Cole, Hariharan

Maximum Agreement Subtree (of 3 or More Trees) ................ 495
   1995; Farach, Przytycka, Thorup

Maximum Agreement Supertree ................................... 497
   2005; Jansson, Ng, Sadakane, Sung

Maximum Compatible Tree ....................................... 499
   2001; Ganapathy, Warnow

Maximum-Density Segment ....................................... 502
   1994; Huang

Maximum Matching .............................................. 504
   2004; Mucha, Sankowski

Maximum-scoring Segment with Length Restrictions .............. 506
   2002; Lin, Jiang, Chao

Maximum Two-Satisfiability .................................... 507
   2004; Williams

Max Leaf Spanning Tree ........................................ 511
   2005; Estivill-Castro, Fellows, Langston, Rosamond

Metrical Task Systems ......................................... 514
   1992; Borodin, Linial, Saks

Metric TSP .................................................... 517
   1976; Christofides

Minimum Bisection ............................................. 519
   1999; Feige, Krauthgamer

Minimum Congestion Redundant Assignments ...................... 522
   2002; Fotakis, Spirakis

Minimum Energy Broadcasting in Wireless Geometric Networks .... 526
   2005; Ambühl

Minimum Energy Cost Broadcasting in Wireless Networks ......... 528
   2001; Wan, Calinescu, Li, Frieder

Minimum Flow Time ............................................. 531
   1997; Leonardi, Raz

Minimum Geometric Spanning Trees .............................. 533
   1999; Krznaric, Levcopoulos, Nilsson

Minimum /(-Connected Geometric Networks ....................... 536
   2000; Czumaj, Lingas

Minimum Makespan on Unrelated Machines ........................ 539
   1990; Lenstra, Shmoys, Tardos

Minimum Spanning Trees ........................................ 541
   2002; Pettie, Ramachandran

Minimum Weighted Completion Time .............................. 544
   1999; Afrati et al.

Minimum Weight Triangulation .................................. 546
   1998; Levcopoulos, Krznaric

Mobile Agents and Exploration ................................. 548
   1952; Shannon

Multicommodity Flow, Well-linked Terminals and Routing
Problems ...................................................... 551
   2005; Chekuri, Khanna, Shepherd

Multicut ...................................................... 554
   1993; Garg, Vazirani, Yannakakis 1996; Garg, Vazirani,

Multidimensional Compressed Pattern Matching .................. 556
   2003; Amir, Landau, Sokol

Multidimensional String Matching .............................. 559
   1999; Kärkkäinen, Ukkonen

Multi-level Feedback Queues ................................... 562
   1968; Coffman, Kleinrock

Multiple Unit Auctions with Budget Constraint ................. 563
   2005; Borgs, Chayes, Immorlica, Mahdian, Saberi 2006;

Multiplex PCR for Gap Closing (Whole-genome Assembly) ......... 565
   2002; Alon, Beigel, Kasif, Rudich, Sudakov

MultiwayCut ................................................... 567
   1998; Calinescu, Karloff, Rabani

Nash Equilibria and Dominant Strategies in Routing ............ 571
   2005; Wang, Li, Chu

Nearest Neighbor Interchange and Related Distances ............ 573
   1999; DasGupta, He, Jiang, Li, Tromp, Zhang

Negative Cycles in Weighted Digraphs .......................... 576
   1994; Kavvadias, Pantziou, Spirakis, Zaroliagis

Non-approximabilityof BimatrixNash Equilibria ................. 578
   2006; Chen, Deng, Teng

Non-shared Edges .............................................. 579
   1985; Day

Nucleolus ..................................................... 581
   2006; Deng, Fang, Sun

Oblivious Routing ............................................. 585
   2002; Racke

Obstacle Avoidance Algorithms in Wireless Sensor Networks ..... 588
   2007; Powell, Nikoletseas

0(log log n)-competitive Binary Search Tree ................... 592
   2004; Demaine, Harmon, Iacono, Patrascu

Online Interval Coloring ...................................... 594
   1981; Kierstead, Trotter

Online List Update ............................................ 598
   1985; Sleator, Tarjan

Online Paging and Caching ..................................... 601
   1985-2002; multiple authors

Optimal Probabilistic Synchronous Byzantine Agreement ......... 604
   1988; Feldman, Micali

Optimal Stable Marriage ....................................... 606
   1987; Irving, Leather, Gusfield

P2P ........................................................... 611
   2001; Stoica, Morris, Karger, Kaashoek, Balakrishnan

Packet Routing ................................................ 616
   1988; Leighton, Maggs, Rao

Packet Switching in Multi-Queue Switches ...................... 618
   2004; Azar, Richter; Albers, Schmidt

Packet Switching in Single Buffer ............................. 621
   2003; Bansal, Fleischer, Kimbrel, Mahdian, Schieber,

РАС Learning .................................................. 622
   1984; Valiant

PageRank Algorithm ............................................ 624
   1998; Brin, Page

Paging ........................................................ 625
   1985; Sleator, Tarjan, Fiat, Karp, Luby, McGeoch,
   Sleator, Young 1991; Sleator, Tarjan; Fiat, Karp,
   Luby, McGeoch, Sleator, Young

Parallel Algorithms for Two Processors Precedence
Constraint Scheduling ......................................... 627
   2003; Jung, Serna, Spirakis

Parallel Connectivity and Minimum Spanning Trees .............. 629
   2001; Chong, Han, Lam

Parameterized Algorithms for Drawing Graphs ................... 631
   2004; Dujmovic, Whitesides

Parameterized Matching ........................................ 635
   1993; Baker

Parameterized SAT ............................................. 639
   2003; Szeider

Peptide De Novo Sequencing with MS/MS ......................... 640
   2005; Ma, Zhang, Liang

Perceptron Algorithm .......................................... 642
   1959; Rosenblatt

Perfect Phylogeny (Bounded Number of States) .................. 644
   1997; Kannan, Warnow

Perfect Phylogeny Haplotyping ................................. 647
   2005; Ding, Filkov, Gusfield

Performance-Driven Clustering ................................. 650
   1993; Rajaraman, Wong

Phylogenetic Tree Construction from a Distance Matrix ......... 651
   1989; Hein

Planar Geometric Spanners ..................................... 653
   2005; Bose, Smid, Gudmundsson

Planarity Testing ............................................. 656
   1976; Booth, Lueker

Point Pattern Matching ........................................ 657
   2003; Ukkonen, Lemstrom, Makinen

Position Auction .............................................. 660
   2005; Varian

Predecessor Search ............................................ 661
   2006; Patrascu, Thorup

Price of Anarchy .............................................. 665
   2005; Koutsoupias

Price of Anarchy for Machines Models .......................... 667
   2002; Czumaj, Vocking

Probabilistic Data Forwarding in Wireless Sensor Networks ..... 671
   2004; Chatzigiannakis, Dimitriou, Nikoletseas, Spirakis

Quantization of Markov Chains ................................. 677
   2004; Szegedy

Quantum Algorithm for Checking Matrix Identities .............. 680
   2006; Buhrman, Spalek

Quantum Algorithm for the Collision Problem ................... 682
   1998; Brassard, Hoyer, Tapp

Quantum Algorithm for the Discrete Logarithm Problem .......... 683
   1994; Shor

Quantum Algorithm for Element Distinctness .................... 686
   2004; Ambainis

Quantum Algorithm for Factoring ............................... 689
   1994; Shor

Quantum Algorithm for Finding Triangles ....................... 690
   2005; Magniez, Santha, Szegedy

Quantum Algorithm for the Parity Problem ...................... 693
   1985; Deutsch

Quantum Algorithms for Class Group of a Number Field .......... 694
   2005; Hallgren

Quantum Algorithm for Search on Grids ......................... 696
   2005; Ambainis, Kempe, Rivosh

Quantum Algorithm for Solving the Pell's Equation ............. 698
   2002; Hallgren

Quantum Approximation of the Jones Polynomial ................. 700
   2005; Aharonov, Jones, Landau

Quantum Dense Coding .......................................... 703
   1992; Bennett, Wiesner

Quantum Error Correction ...................................... 705
   1995; Shor

Quantum Key Distribution ...................................... 708
   1984; Bennett, Brassard 1991; Ebrt

Quantum Search ................................................ 712
   1996; Grover

Quorums	 ....................................................... 715
   1985; Garcia-Molina, Barbara

Radiocoloringin Planar Graphs ............................. 721
   2005; Fotakis, Nikoletseas, Papadopoulou, Spirakis

Randomization in Distributed Computing ........................ 723
   1996; Chandra

Randomized Broadcasting in Radio Networks ..................... 725
   1992; Reuven Bar-Yehuda, Oded Goldreich, Alon Itai

Randomized Energy Balance Algorithms in Sensor Networks ....... 728
   2005; Leone, Nikoletseas, Rolim

Randomized Gossiping in Radio Networks ........................ 731
   2001; Chrobak, Gacsieniec, Rytter

Randomized Minimum Spanning Tree .............................. 732
   1995; Karger, Klein, Tarjan

Randomized Parallel Approximations to Max Flow ................ 734
   1991; Serna, Spirakis

Randomized Rounding ........................................... 737
   1987; Raghavan, Thompson

Randomized Searching on Rays or the Line ...................... 740
   1993; Kao, Reif, Tate

Random Planted 3-SAT .......................................... 742
   2003; Flaxman

Ranked Matching ............................................... 744
   2005; Abraham, Irving, Kavitha, Mehlhorn

Rank and Select Operations on Binary Strings .................. 748

Rate-Monotonic Scheduling ..................................... 751
   1973; Liu, Layland

Rectilinear Spanning Tree ..................................... 754
   2002; Zhou, Shenoy, Nicholls

Rectilinear Steiner Tree ...................................... 757
   2004; Zhou

Registers ..................................................... 761
   1986; Lamport, Vitanyi, Awerbuch

Regular Expression Indexing ................................... 764
   2002; Chan, Garofalakis, Rastogi

Regular Expression Matching ................................... 768
   2004; Navarro, Raffinot

Reinforcement Learning ........................................ 771
   1992; Watkins

Renaming ...................................................... 774
   1990; Attiya, Bar-Noy, Dolev, Peleg, Reischuk

RNA Secondary Structure Boltzmann Distribution ................ 777
   2005; Miklos, Meyer, Nagy

RNA Secondary Structure Prediction Including Pseudoknots ...... 780
   2004; Lyngse

RNA Secondary Structure Prediction by Minimum Free Energy ..... 782
   2006; Ogurtsov, Shabalina, Kondrashov, Roytberg

Robotics ...................................................... 785
   1997; (Navigation) Blum, Raghavan, Schieber
   1998; (Exploration) Deng, Kameda, Papadimitriou
   2001; (Localization) Fleischer, Romanik, Schuierer, Trippen

Robust Geometric Computation .................................. 788
   2004; Li, Yap

Routing ....................................................... 791
   2003; Azar, Cohen, Fiat, Kaplan, Racke

Routing in Geometric Networks ................................. 793
   2003; Kuhn, Wattenhofer, Zhang, Zollinger

Routing in Road Networks with Transit Nodes ................... 796
   2007; Bast, Funke, Sanders, Schultes

R-Trees ....................................................... 800
   2004; Arge, de Berg, Haverkort, Yi

Schedulers for Optimistic Rate Based Flow Control ............. 803
   2005; Fatourou, Mavronicolas, Spirakis

Scheduling with Equipartition ................................. 806
   2000; Edmonds

Selfish Unsplittable Flows: Algorithms for Pure Equilibria .... 810
   2005; Fotakis, Kontogiannis, Spirakis

Self-Stabilization ............................................ 812
   1974; Dijkstra

Separators in Graphs .......................................... 815
   1998; Leighton, Rao 1999; Leighton, Rao

Sequential Approximate String Matching ........................ 818
   2003; Crochemore, Landau, Ziv-Ukelson 2004; Fredriksson,

Sequential Circuit Technology Mapping ......................... 820
   1998; Pan, Liu

Sequential Exact String Matching .............................. 824
   1994; Crochemore, Czumaj, Gatsieniec, Jarominek,
   Lecroq, Plandowski, Rytter

Sequential Multiple String Matching ........................... 826
   1999; Crochemore, Czumaj, Gqsieniec, Lecroq, Plandowski,

Set Agreement ................................................. 829
   1993; Chaudhuri

Set Cover with Almost Consecutive Ones ........................ 832
   2004;Mecke, Wagner

Shortest Elapsed Time First Scheduling ........................ 834
   2003; Bansal, Pruhs

Shortest Paths Approaches for Timetable Information ........... 837
   2004; Pyrga, Schulz, Wagner, Zaroliagis

Shortest Paths in Planar Graphs with Negative Weight Edges .... 838
   2001; Fakcharoenphol, Rao

Shortest Vector Problem ....................................... 841
   1982; Lenstra, Lenstra, Lovasz

Similarity between Compressed Strings ......................... 843
   2005; Kim, Amir, Landau, Park

Single-Source Fully Dynamic Reachability ...................... 846
   2005; Demetrescu, Italiano

Single-Source Shortest Paths .................................. 847
   1999; Thorup

Ski Rental Problem ............................................ 849
   1990; Karlin, Manasse, McGeogh, Owicki

Slicing Floorplan Orientation ................................. 852
   1983; Stockmeyer

Snapshots in Shared Memory .................................... 855
   1993; Afek, Attiya, Dolev, Gafni, Merritt, Shavit

Sorting Signed Permutations by Reversal (Reversal Distance) ... 858
   2001; Bader, Moret, Yan

Sorting Signed Permutations by Reversal (Reversal Sequence) ... 860
   2004; Tannier, Sagot

Sorting by Transpositions and Reversals (Approximate Ratio
1.5) .......................................................... 863
   2004; Hartman, Sharan

Sparse Graph Spanners ......................................... 867
   2004; Elkin, Peleg

Sparsest Cut .................................................. 868
   2004; Arora, Rao, Vazirani

Speed Scaling ................................................. 870
   1995; Yao, Demers, Shenker

Sphere Packing Problem ........................................ 871
   2001; Chen, Ни, Huang, Li, Xu

Squares and Repetitions ....................................... 874
   1999; Kolpakov, Kucherov

Stable Marriage ............................................... 877
   1962; Gale, Shapley

Stable Marriage and Discrete Convex Analysis .................. 880
   2000; Eguchi, Fujishige, Tamura, Fleiner

Stable Marriage with Ties and Incomplete Lists ................ 883
   2007; Iwama, Miyazaki, Yamauchi

Stable Partition Problem ...................................... 885
   2002; Cechlarova, Hajdukova

Stackelberg Games: The Price of Optimum ....................... 888
   2006; Kaporis, Spirakis

Statistical Multiple Alignment ................................ 892
   2003; Hein, Jensen, Pedersen

Statistical Query Learning .................................... 894
   1998; Kearns

Steiner Forest ................................................ 897
   1995; Agrawal, Klein, Ravi

Steiner Trees ................................................. 900
   2006; Du, Graham, Pardalos, Wan, Wu, Zhao

Stochastic Scheduling ......................................... 904
   2001; Glazebrook, Nino-Mora

String Sorting ................................................ 907
   1997; Bentley, Sedgewick

Substring Parsimony ........................................... 910
   2001; Blanchette, Schwikowski, Tompa

Succinct Data Structures for Parentheses Matching ............. 912
   2001; Munro, Raman

Succinct Encoding of Permutations: Applications to Text
Indexing ...................................................... 915
   2003; Munro, Raman, Raman, Rao

Suffix Array Construction ..................................... 919
   2006; Karkkainen, Sanders, Burkhardt

Suffix Tree Construction in Hierarchical Memory ............... 922
   2000; Farach-Colton, Ferragina, Muthukrishnan

Suffix Tree Construction in RAM ............................... 925
   1997; Farach-Colton

Support Vector Machines ....................................... 928
   1992; Boser, Guy on, Vapnik

Symbolic Model Checking ....................................... 932
   1990; Burch, Clarke, McMillan, Dill

Synchronizers, Spanners ....................................... 935
   1985; Awerbuch

Table Compression ............................................. 939
   2003; Buchsbaum, Fowler, Giancarlo

Tail Bounds for Occupancy Problems ............................ 942
   1995; Kamath, Motwani, Palem, Spirakis

Technology Mapping ............................................ 944
   1987; Keutzer

Teleportation of Quantum States ............................... 947
   1993; Bennett, Brassard, Crepeau, Jozsa, Peres, Wootters

Text Indexing ................................................. 950
   1993; Manber, Myers

Thresholds of Random k-Sat .................................... 954
   2002; Kaporis, Kirousis, Lalas

Topology Approach in Distributed Computing .................... 956
   1999; Herlihy Shavit

Trade-Offs for Dynamic Graph Problems ......................... 958
   2005; Demetrescu, Italiano

Traveling Sales Person with Few Inner Points .................. 961
   2004; Deineko, Hoffmann, Okamoto, Woeginger

Tree Compression and Indexing ................................. 964
   2005; Ferragina, Luccio, Manzini, Muthukrishnan

Treewidth of Graphs ........................................... 968
   1987; Arnborg, Cornell, Proskurowski

Truthful Mechanisms for One-Parameter Agents .................. 970
   2001; Archer, Tardos

Truthful Multicast ............................................ 973
   2004; Wang, Li, Wang

TSP-Based Curve Reconstruction ................................ 976
   2001; Althaus, Mehlhorn

Two-Dimensional Pattern Indexing .............................. 979
   2005; Na, Giancarlo, Park

Two-Dimensional Scaled Pattern Matching ....................... 982
   2006; Amir, Chencinski

Two-Interval Pattern Problems ................................. 985
   2004; Vialette
   2007; Cheng, Yang, Yuan

Two-Level Boolean Minimization ................................ 989
   1956; McCluskey

Undirected Feedback Vertex Set ................................ 995
   2005; Dehne, Fellows, Langston, Rosamond, Stevens; 2005;
   Guo, Gramm, Htiffner, Niedermeier, Wernicke

Utilitarian Mechanism Design for Single-Minded Agents ......... 997
   2005; Briest, Krysta, Vocking

Vertex Cover Kernelization ................................... 1003
   2004; Abu-Khzam, Collins, Fellows, Langston, Suters,

Vertex Cover Search Trees .................................... 1006
   2001; Chen, Kan], Jia

Visualization Techniques for Algorithm Engineering ........... 1008
   2002; Demetrescu, Finocchi, Italiano, Naher

Voltage Scheduling ........................................... 1011
   2005; Li, Yao

Wait-Free Synchronization .................................... 1015

Weighted Connected Dominating Set ............................ 1020
   2005; Wang, Wang, Li

Weighted Popular Matchings ................................... 1023
   2006; Mestre

Weighted Random Sampling ..................................... 1024
   2005; Efraimidis, Spirakis

Well Separated Pair Decomposition ............................ 1027
   2003; Gao, Zhang

Well Separated Pair Decomposition for Unit-Disk Graph ........ 1030
   1995; Callahan, Kosaraju

Wire Sizing .................................................. 1032
   1999; Chu, Wong

Work-Function Algorithm for к Servers ........................ 1035
   1994; Koutsoupias, Papadimitriou

Chronological Index .......................................... 1039

Bibliography ................................................. 1053

Index ........................................................ 1157

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