Condon J.B. Surface area and porosity determinations by physisorption: measurements and theory (Amsterdam; Boston, 2006). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаCondon J.B. Surface area and porosity determinations by physisorption: measurements and theory. - Amsterdam; Boston: Elsevier, 2006. - xiii, 274 p.: ill. - Auth. ind.: p.269-271. - Sub. ind.: p.273-274. - ISBN 0-444-51964-5

Оглавление / Contents
Foreword ....................................................... xi
Acknowledgments ................................................ xv
Symbol List .................................................. xvii


Introduction Scope and Terminology .............................. 1

General Description of Physisorption ............................ 1

Measuring the Surface Area by Physisorption ..................... 4

Preliminary Analysis ............................................ 6
   The Adsorption Isotherm Types ................................ 6
   Characterization of Hysteresis Loops ........................ 11

Measuring the Surface Area from the Isotherm ................... 14

Determining Porosity by Physical Adsorption .................... 16
   Micropores .................................................. 16
   Mesopores ................................................... 18
      Obtaining Pore Radius from the Two Slopes ................ 19
      The Use of the Kelvin Equation Value of rp for
      Mesopores ................................................ 21
      Macropores ............................................... 21

Statistical Treatment of Isotherms ............................. 21

Adsorption Types in Standard Isotherm Transformations .......... 23

References ..................................................... 26


Introduction: Equipment Requirements ........................... 29

The Volumetric Method .......................................... 30
   Equipment Description ....................................... 30
   Determination Method ........................................ 32
   Error Analysis for the Volumetric Method .................... 34
      Design Errors ............................................ 34
      Poor Calibration of V1 ................................... 35
      Molecular Flow Versus Viscous Flow ....................... 35
      Equation of State Errors ................................. 37
      Temperature Control of the Sample ........................ 37
      Limit of Detection ....................................... 37
   Advantages and Disadvantages of the Volumetric Technique .... 38

The Gravimetric Method ......................................... 38
   Equipment Description ....................................... 38
   Determination Method ........................................ 41
   Error Analysis for the Gravimetric Technique ................ 42
   Advantages and Disadvantages of the Gravimetric Technique ... 43

General Error Analysis - Common to both Volumetric and 
Gravimetric .................................................... 44
   Pressure and Temperature Measurements ....................... 44
   Kinetic Problems ............................................ 46
   Sample Density Problems ..................................... 46

Calorimetric Techniques ........................................ 47
   Adiabatic Calorimetry ....................................... 47
   Measuring the Isosteric Heat of Adsorption .................. 48
   The Thermal "Absolute" Method ............................... 49
   Differential Scanning Calorimetry ........................... 50

Flow Method or Carrier Gas Method .............................. 51

References ..................................................... 52


Objectives in Interpreting Isotherms ........................... 55

Determination of Surface Area from Isotherms ................... 59
   The BET Analysis ............................................ 60
   χPlot Analysis .............................................. 62
   The Method of Determining Surface Area by Dubinin et al ..... 63
   Toth T-Equation Isotherm .................................... 63
   The Harkins-Jura Absolute/Relative Method ................... 64

Porosity Determinations from the Isotherm ...................... 65
   Micropore Analysis .......................................... 66
   Mesoporosity Analysis ....................................... 68

Isotherm Fits which Yield Relative Numbers for the Surface
Area ........................................................... 72
   Langmuir Isotherm ........................................... 72
   Freundlich Isotherm ......................................... 74
   Polanyi Formulations ........................................ 75
   deBoer-Zwikker Formulation .................................. 76
   The Frenkel, Halsey, Hill (FHH) Isotherm .................... 76
   Analysis Using Standard Isotherms ........................... 77
   Standard Isotherms .......................................... 78
      The arCurve Standard (see Sing, Everett and Ottewill
      [6]) ..................................................... 78
      The α5-Curve ............................................. 78
      IUPAC Standards on Silica and Carbon ..................... 80
      RMBM Carbon Standard ..................................... 82
      KFG Segmented Standard Carbon Curve ...................... 84
      Cranston and Inkley Standard for Pore Analysis ........... 84
      Thoria Standard Curves ................................... 85
      Standard Curves for Lunar Soil ........................... 86

References ..................................................... 89


Introduction: Historical Background ............................ 91

Theory Behind χ Plots .......................................... 91
   The Disjoining Pressure Derivation .......................... 91
   The Meaning of Гm in the Hard Sphere Model .................. 93
   The Quantum Mechanical Derivation of the "Simple" χ
   Equation .................................................... 95
   The Meaning of αex - the Perfect Adsorption Equation for
      Hard Spheres ............................................. 98
   The Energy Correction ....................................... 99

Simultaneous Physisorption and Chemisorption .................. 102
Heterogeneous Surfaces ........................................ 104
   Additivity of χ Plots ...................................... 104
   Insensitivity for χ ≥ max χc ............................... 107
   Reformulation for a Distribution of Eα Values .............. 107

Heats of Adsorption ........................................... 108
   Isosteric Heat of Adsorption, qst .......................... 108
   The Integral Heats of Adsorption ........................... 109

Adsorption of more than One Adsorbate ......................... 111
   Binary Adsorption on a Flat Surface ........................ 112

Depth Profiles and χ Theory ................................... 116

The Thermodynamics of the Spreading Pressure .................. 119
   Gibbs' Phase Rule in Systems with Surfaces ................. 119
   Derivation of the Spreading Pressure ....................... 120
   Is the χ Plot Compatible with the Freundlich and Dubinin
      Isotherms? .............................................. 123

References .................................................... 125


Comparsion to Standard Isotherms .............................. 127
   The α-s Standard Plots ..................................... 127
   Cranston and Inkley Standard t Curve ....................... 128
   deBoer's Standard t-Plots .................................. 129
   Standard Thoria Plots ...................................... 130
   Standard Curves for Lunar Soils ............................ 134
   Isotherms by Nicolan and Teichner .......................... 136
   Isotherms Quoted by Bradley ................................ 136
   Conclusion and some Comments about Carbon .................. 138

The Observation of χc ......................................... 140
   Observations of the Energy Implications of χc .............. 141
   Direct Observation of χc ................................... 143
   Conclusion Concerning χc ................................... 148

Multiplane Adsorption ......................................... 149
   Examples of Two Plane Adsorption ........................... 149
   The Freundlich, Dubinin-Polanyi and Toth Isotherms ......... 150
   Conclusion Concerning Multiple Energies .................... 154

Heat of Adsorption ............................................ 154

Adsorption of more than One Adsorbate ......................... 156
   Adsorption on Non-Porous Surface ........................... 156
   Binary Adsorption in Micropores ............................ 158
      Lewis Rule Assumption ................................... 158
      Binary Adsorption at a Constant Pressure ................ 160
      Comparison to Experiments ............................... 161
   Conclusions Regarding Binary Adsorption .................... 165

Statistical Comparisons of other Isotherms to the χ Plot ...... 165

General Conclusions ........................................... 167

References .................................................... 168


Introduction .................................................. 171

Micropore Analysis ............................................ 172
   The BDDT Equation .......................................... 172
   The DR and DA Equations .................................... 174
   Standard Curve Analysis using Distributions -
   Uninterpreted .............................................. 175
   Chi Theory Interpretation of the Distribution Fit .......... 180
      Surface Areas and Pore Volume Calculations .............. 180
      Calculation of Pore Size Assuming a Geometry ............ 181
      Calculating rp from Δχp ................................. 181
      Examples of Results ..................................... 182

Analysis of Mesoporosity ...................................... 186
   Some Comments about the Standard Plot of Determining
   Mesoporosity ............................................... 187
   The Broekhoff-deBoer Theory ................................ 189

Is it Microporous or Mesoporous and Does it Matter? ........... 196
   Combined Mesopore/Micropore Equation ....................... 196
   The Interpretation of Mesopore Equation using Standard
   Curve ...................................................... 197
   The Boundary between Mesopores and Micropores .............. 198
   Does it Matter Whether to Use a Micropore or a Mesopore
   Analysis? .................................................. 199
   Real Data Examples ......................................... 201
   What Does Chi Theory Say about Hysteresis? ................. 202

Conclusions ................................................... 203

References .................................................... 205


Introduction .................................................. 207
What is a Functional? ......................................... 207
The Functional Derivative ..................................... 209
Correlation Functions ......................................... 211
A Quick Trip through Some Partition Functions ................. 212
Direct Correlation Functions .................................. 216
The Hard-Rod Approximations ................................... 217
Hard Rods between Two Walls ................................... 221
Percus-Yevick Solution Expansion for Hard Spheres ............. 223
Thiele Analytical Approximation ............................... 224
The Carnahan-Starling Approximation ........................... 225
Helmholtz Free Energy from the CS Approximation ............... 226
Non-Local Density Functional Theory ........................... 227
Modeling with the Presence of a Surface ....................... 230
References .................................................... 233

APPENDIX : EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS ........................... 235

Author Index .................................................. 269

Subject Index ................................................. 273

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