Advances in catalysis; 52 (Amsterdam, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

Архив выставки новых поступлений | Отечественные поступления | Иностранные поступления | Сиглы
ОбложкаAdvances in catalysis. Vol.52 / ed. by Gates B.C., Knozinger H., Jentoft F.K. - Amsterdam: Elsevir, 2009. - xiv, 474 p: ill. - Ind.: p.467-474. - ISBN 978-0-12-374336-7; ISSN 0360-0564

Оглавление / Contents
Contributors ................................................... ix
Preface ........................................................ xi

1. Applications of Photoluminescence Spectroscopy to the
   Investigation of Oxide-Containing Catalysts in the
   Working State ................................................ 1
      Masakazu Anpo, Stanislaw Dzwigaj, and Michel Che
   1. Introduction .............................................. 3
   2. Characterization of Catalytically Active Sites by PL
      Spectroscopy .............................................. 4
   3. Characterization of Acidic and Basic Sites by Means
      of Probe Molecules and Photoluminescence Spectroscopy .... 21
   4. Photoluminescence Investigations of Photocatalytic
      Processes Involving Bulk Semiconductor TiO2-
      Containing Photocatalysts ................................ 23
   5. Effect of Pressure on Photoluminescence Spectra .......... 28
   6. Effect of Temperature on Photoluminescence Spectra ....... 32
   7. Use of Photoluminescence Spectroscopy in High-
      Throughput Experiments ................................... 34
   8. Conclusions and Outlook .................................. 35
   Acknowledgments ............................................. 38
   References .................................................. 39

2. Structural Characterization of Operating Catalysts
   by Raman Spectroscopy ....................................... 43
      Miguel A. Banares and Gerhard Mestl

   1. Introduction ............................................. 45
   2. Advanced Raman Spectroscopy for Characterization
      of Samples in Reactive Environments ...................... 47
   3. Raman Scattering ......................................... 48
   4. Raman Investigations of Catalysts Under Controlled
      Environments ............................................. 65
   5. Perspective and Conclusions ............................. 113
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 115
   References ................................................. 115

3. Ultraviolet-Visible-Near Infrared Spectroscopy in
   Catalysis: Theory, Experiment, Analysis, and Application
   Under Reaction Conditions .................................. 129
      Friederike С. Jentoft

   1. Introduction ............................................ 132
   2. Theoretical Background .................................. 134
   3. Experimental: Optical Accessories for UV-vis-NIR
      Spectroscopy in Transmission Mode ....................... 148
   4. Experimental: Optical Accessories for UV-vis-NIR
      Spectroscopy in Reflection Mode ......................... 149
   5. Cells for Measurements in Controlled Environments ....... 160
   6. Data Acquisition and Analysis ........................... 167
   7. Examples ................................................ 176
   8. Conclusions ............................................. 203
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 205
   References ................................................. 205

4. X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy for Investigation
   of Heterogeneous Catalytic Processes ....................... 213
      Axel Knop-Gericke, Evgueni Kleimenov, Michael
      Hävecker, Raoul Blume, Detre Teschner, Spiros
      Zafeiratos, Robert Schlögl, Valerii I. Bukhtiyarov,
      Vasily V. Kaichev, Igor P. Prosvirin, Alexander I.
      Nizovskii, Hendrik Bluhm, Alexei Barinov, Pavel
      Dudin, and Maya Kiskinova

   1. Introduction ............................................ 216
   2. History of XPS Applied at Substantial Pressures ......... 218
   3. Description of XPS Apparatus ............................ 221
   4. Interaction of CO with Pd(lll) .......................... 229
   5. Dehydrogenation and Oxidation of Methanol on Pd(lll) .... 234
   6. Ethene Epoxidation Catalyzed by Silver .................. 240
   7. Methanol Oxidation Catalyzed by Copper .................. 247
   8. CO Oxidation Catalyzed by Ru(0001) ...................... 256
   9. Outlook ................................................. 266
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 267
   References ................................................. 267

5. X-ray Diffraction: A Basic Tool for Characterization of
   Solid Catalysts in the Working State ....................... 273
      Robert Schlögl

   1. Introduction ............................................ 274
   2. Objectives of XRD in Catalyst Characterization .......... 275
   3. Static Versus Dynamic Analysis .......................... 284
   4. Observations of Catalysts in Reactive Atmospheres ....... 287
   5. Cost of Powder Diffraction Under Catalytic Conditions ... 288
   6. Aim and Scope of Powder Diffraction Experiments ......... 289
   7. Scattering Phenomena .................................... 289
   8. Nanostructures and Diffraction .......................... 296
   9. Phases in Working Catalysts ............................. 303
   10.Applications of XRD to Working Catalysts ................ 307
   11.Combination of XRD Data with Auxitiary Information ...... 309
   12.Instrumentation ......................................... 310
   13.Case Studies ............................................ 313
   14.Summary and Conclusions ................................. 330
   References ................................................. 332

6. Characterization of Catalysts in Reactive Atmospheres
   by X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy ........................... 339
      Simon R. Bare and Thorsten Ressler

   1. Introduction ............................................ 342
   2. Importance of XAFS Spectroscopy to Catalyst
      Characterization in Reactive Atmospheres ................ 349
   3. Catalytic Reactors that Serve as Cells .................. 369
   4. XAFS Spectroscopy of Samples in Reactive Atmospheres
      Under Static Conditions ................................. 404
   5. XAFS Spectra Measured Under Dynamic Conditions .......... 428
   6. Look to the Future ...................................... 446
   7. Concluding Remarks ...................................... 456
   Acknowledgment ............................................. 456
   References ................................................. 456

Index ......................................................... 467

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