Synthesis of porous materials (New York, 1997). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаSynthesis of porous materials: zeolites, clays, and nanostructures / ed. by Occelli M.L., Kessler H. - New York: Dekker, 1997. - xix, 718 p.: ill. - Ind.: p.705-718. - (Chemical industries; 69). - ISBN 0-8247-9759-0

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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ....................................................... iii
Contributors ................................................... xi

1. A Perspective on Zeolite Synthesis: How Do You Know
   What You'll Get? ............................................. 1
      M.E. Davis and S.I. Zones

2. Influence of Physicochemical and Structural Properties of
   Aluminosilicate Gel Precursors on the Kinetics of
   Crystallization Zeolites A and X ............................ 35
      B. Subotic, T. Antonic, I. Smit, R. Aiello, F. Crea,
      A. Nastro, and F. Testa

3. Homogeneous Versus Heterogeneous Zeolite Nucleation.
   A SAXS-WAXS Study ........................................... 59
      Theo P. M. Beelen, Wim H. Dokter, Harold F. van
      Garderen, and Rutger A. van Santen

4. Synthesis and Characterization of UTD-1: A Novel Zeolite
   Molecular Sieve ............................................. 77
      K.J. Balkus, Jr., A.G. Gabrielov, S.I. Zones,
      and I.Y. Chan

5. The Synthesis of Omega Zeolite From a TMA-Free System
   Which Uses p-dioxane as a Co-Solvent ........................ 93
      S.I. Zones

6. The Structure Directing Effect of Fluoride in the AI2O3-
   P2O5-HF-TEAOH-H2O System ................................... 115
      Erling Halvorsen, Arne Karlsson, Duncan Akporiaye,
      and Karl Petter Lillerud

7. Factors Affecting the MTW Zeolite Crystallization
   Process .................................................... 127
      Andrea Katovic and Girolamo Giordano

8. The Deposition of Zeolites from the Gas Phase .............. 139
      R. Althoff, B. Sellegreen, B. Zibrowius, K. Unger,
      and F. Schüth

9. Stable Suspensions of Colloidal Silicalite-1 Crystals
   Free from Organic Material ................................. 159
      Anders E. Persson, Brian J. Schoeman, Johan Sterte,
      and Jan-Erik Otterstedt

10.Semi-batch Synthesis of Silicalite-1 from Alkaline
   Aqueous Solutions by Monitored Addition of an Acid or
   an Alcohol ................................................. 175
      P.Y. Le Goff, P. Caullet, J.L. Guth, and E. Benazzi

11.Flux Growth of Millimeter-Sized Single Crystal
   Aluminate Sodalite ......................................... 189
      T. Okubo, J. Sun, C.B. Dartt, and M.E. Davis

12.Synthesis of Aluminophosphates in the Presence of Metal-
   Chelate Complexes .......................................... 197
      Stefan Ernst

13.Synthesis of Octahedral Molecular Sieves and Layered
   Materials .................................................. 215
      Steven L. Suib and Chi-Lin О Young

14.Preparation of Two Cobalt-Substituted Zincophosphate
   Molecular Sieves ........................................... 233
      Nevenka Rajic, Natasa Zabukovec Logar, Anton Meden,
      and Venceslav Kaucic

15.Synthesis of VPI-8: The First Large Pore Zincosilicate ..... 243
      M.A. Camblor, M. Yoshikawa, S.I. Zones, and M.E. Davis

16.Template Directed Synthesis of the High-Silica
   Microporous Materials RUB-3, RUB-4, RUB-10 and RUB-13 ...... 263
      B. Marler, U. Oberhagemann, S. Vortmann,
      A. Grünewald-Luke, and H. Gies

17.Synthesis and Characterization of Several Gallium-
   Containing Molecular Sieves with the Offretite Structure ... 283
      Mario L. Occelli, H. Eckert, P.S. Iyer, and P. Ritz

18.Synthesis and Characterization of Ga-substituted Zeolite
   ZSM-20 ..................................................... 299
      H. Kosslick, V. A. Tuan, G Walther, H. Miessner,
      R. Fricke, and W. Storek

19.Ferrierite: As Synthesized and Dealuminated with a Si/Al
   Ratio From 10 to Infinity .................................. 315
      Kristin Vinje, Conrad Ingram, Rosemarie Szostak, and
      Karl Fetter Lillerud

20.Kilogram Scale Production of EMT Zeolite: Optimization
   of the Synthesis Conditions ................................ 325
      D. Anglerot, F. Fitoussi, Ph. Schulz, T. Chatelain,
      F. Dougnier, J. Patarin, and J.L. Guth

21.The Kinetics of Solid-State Ion Exchange Between CuCl
   and Sodium Forms of Zeolites ............................... 335
      Ming Jiang, Jtirgen Koy, and Hellmut G. Karge

22.Heteropolytungstates with Cavities: the Influence of
   the Template on the Structure .............................. 345
      M. Holscher, A. Gammersbach, B. Zibrowius,
      U. Englert, and W.F. Holderich

23.The Synthesis and Reactivity of Zeolite NaX
   Encapsulated Ruthenium Perfluorophthalocyanines ............ 363
      Kenneth J. Balkus, Jr., Mona Eissa, and Rosario

24.Self-Assembly of Silicate-Surfactant Liquid Crystals
   During Mesophase Materials Synthesis ....................... 379
      A. Firouzi, G.D. Stucky, and B.F. Chmelka

25.A Simple Geometric Modelling of the Porosity of MCM-41
   Type Materials ............................................. 391
      G. Schulz-Ekloff, J. Rathousky, and A. Zukal

26.Ti-Modified Mesoporous Molecular Sieves, Ti-MCM-41
   and Ti-MHS ................................................. 405
      J. Sudhakar Reddy, Awa Dicko, and Abdelhamid Sayari
27.Synthesis and Spectroscopic Studies of Vanadium-
   Containing Molecular Sieves ................................ 417
      A. Sayari, I.L. Moudrakovski, C.I. Ratcliffe,
      J.A. Ripmeester, and K.F. Preston

28.Preparation and Characterization of Acidic Properties
   of MCM-41 .................................................. 431
      Ramesh B. Borade and Abraham Clearfield

29.The Synthesis of Hectorite: A Template Effect? ............. 451
      K.Y. Jacobs, J. Soers, and R.A. Schoonheydt

30.Synthesis of Dioctahedral 2:1 Layer Silicates in an Acid
   and Fluoride Medium ........................................ 465
      Laurent Huve, Ronan Le Dred, Daniel Saehr, and
      Jacques Baron

31.On the Structural Stability of Smectites Pillared with
   Al and Al-La Polyoxocations ................................ 491
      L. Caballero, J. M. Dominguez, J. L. De Los Santos,
      A. Montoya, and J. Navarrete

32.Silica-pillared Layered Metal(IV) Phosphates ............... 509
      Thierry Cassagneau, Deborah J. Jones, Pedro Maireles-
      Torres, and Jacques Roziere

33.Improvement of the Pillaring Process for Synthetic and
   Natural Beidellite ......................................... 523
      Jocelyne Miehe, Ronan Le Dred, Jacques Baron, and
      Daniel Saehr

34.Determination of the Pillar Structure in Chromia-
   Pillared Layered Phosphates Using X-Ray Absorption
   Spectroscopy ............................................... 537
      Deborah J. Jones, Jacques Roziere, Pedro Maireles-
      Torres, Antonio Jimenez-Lopez, Pascual Olivera-
      Pastor, Enrique Rodriguez-Castellon, and Anthony
      A.G. Tomlinson

35.Porous Networks Derived From Synthetic Polymer-Clay
   Complexes .................................................. 551
      Kathleen A. Carrado, P. Thiyagarajan, and Delwin
      L. Elder

36.Synthesis, Modification, and Catalytic Properties of
   Layered Silicates: Kanemite and Magadiite .................. 567
      E. Terres-Rojas, J.M. Dominguez, M.A. Leyva,
      R.P. Salas, and E. Lopez

37.Fatty Acid Chains in Lithium Aluminum Layered Double
   Hydroxides: A New Class of Gas Chromatographic 
   Stationary Phase ........................................... 595
      Michael Jakupca and Prabir K. Dutta

38.Post-Synthesis Modification of Layered Double
   Hydroxides ................................................. 607
      C. Forano, A. de Roy, C. Depege, M. Khaldi,
      F.Z. El Metoui, and J.P. Besse

39.Intercalation of Porphyrin in Zn-Al Layered Double
   Hydroxides ................................................. 627
      S. Bonnet, L. Bigey, С. Forano, A. de Roy,
      J.P. Besse, P. Maillard, and M. Momenteau

40.The Incorporation of Benzoate and Terephthalate Anions
   into Layered Double Hydroxides ............................. 641
      F. Kooli and W. Jones

41.Layered Hydroxycarbonates with the Hydrotalcite
   Structure Containing Zn, Al, and Fe ........................ 661
      C. Barriga, F. Kooli, V. Rives, and M.A. Ulibarri

42.Reactions of Hydrotalcite-like Compounds with Silicates
   and Phosphates ............................................. 675
      Verena Seefeld, Wolfgang Gessner, Ulrich Schulke,
      and Dirk Miiller

43.Synthesis of Hydrotalcite-Like Materials with a Sheet-
   Like Morphology ............................................ 691
      С.P. Kelkar, A.A. Schutz, and L.A. Cullo

Index ......................................................... 705

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