Rhythms in plants (Berlin; Heidelberg, 2007). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаRhythms in plants. Phenomenology, mechanisms, and adaptive significance / ed. by Mancuso S., Shabala S. - Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2007. - xx, 361 p.: ill. - Sub. ind.: p.357-361. - ISBN 978-3-540-68069-7

Оглавление / Contents
Part 1. Physiological Implications of Oscillatory Processes
        in Plants ............................................... 1

1. Rhythmic Leaf Movements: Physiological and Molecular
   Aspects ...................................................... 3
      Nava Moran

   Abstract ..................................................... 3
   1.1. Introduction ............................................ 3
        1.1.1. Historical Perspective ........................... 3
        1.1.2. The Types of Leaf Movements ...................... 4
   1.2. The Mechanism of Leaf Movement: the Osmotic Motor ....... 7
        1.2.1. Volume Changes ................................... 7
        1.2.2. The Ionic Basis for the Osmotic Motor ............ 8
        1.2.3. Plasma Membrane Transporters .................... 10
        1.2.4. Tonoplast Transporters .......................... 16
   1.3. Mechanisms of Regulation ............................... 17
        1.3.1. Regulation by Protein Modification -
               Phosphorylation ................................. 17
        1.3.2. The Perception of Light ......................... 21
        1.3.3. Intermediate Steps .............................. 23
        1.3.4. Regulation by Other Effectors ................... 28
   1.4. Unanswered Questions ................................... 30
        1.4.1. Acute, Fast Signalling .......................... 31
        1.4.2. The Clock Input and Output ...................... 31
   References .................................................. 32

2. The Pollen Tube Oscillator: Integrating Biophysics and
   Biochemistry into Cellular Growth and Morphogenesis ......... 39
      Nuno Moreno, Renato Соlaco and Jose A. Feijo

   Abstract .................................................... 39
   2.1. Finding Stability in Instability ....................... 39
   2.2. Why Pollen Tubes? ...................................... 42
   2.3. Growth Oscillations: Trembling with Anticipation? ...... 42
   2.4. Under Pressure ......................................... 45
   2.5. Another Brick in the Cell Wall ......................... 46
   2.6. Cytosolic Approaches to Oscillations: the Ions
        Within ................................................. 47
   2.7. On the Outside: Ions and Fluxes ........................ 51
   2.8. Actin Cytoskeleton: Pushing it to the Limit ............ 54
   2.9. Membrane Trafficking and Signalling on the Road ........ 55
   2.10.Conclusions ............................................ 57
   References .................................................. 58

3. Ultradian Growth Oscillations in Organs: Physiological
   Signal or Noise? ............................................ 63
      Tobias I. Baskin

   Abstract .................................................... 63
   3.1. Introduction ........................................... 63
        3.1.1. Oscillations as Window into Growth .............. 63
        3.1.2. Growth Versus Movement .......................... 65
   3.2. Circumnutation: Growing Around in Circles? ............. 65
   3.3. In Search of Ultradian Growth Oscillations ............. 68
   3.4. The Power of Bending in Plants ......................... 70
   3.5. Conclusion and Perspectives ............................ 73
   References .................................................. 73

4. Nutation in Plants .......................................... 77
      Sergio Mugnai, Elisa Azzarello, Elisa Masi, Camilla
      Pandolfi and Stefano Mancuso
   Abstract .................................................... 77
   4.1. Introduction ........................................... 77
   4.2. Theories and Models for Circumnutation ................. 81
        4.2.1. 'Internal Oscillator' Model ..................... 83
        4.2.2. 'Gravitropic Overshoot' Model ................... 84
        4.2.3. The 'Mediating' Model ........................... 85
   4.3. Root Circumnutation .................................... 86
   References .................................................. 88

Part 2. Stomata Oscillations ................................... 91

5. Oscillations in Plant Transpiration ......................... 93
      Anders Johnsson

   Abstract .................................................... 93
   5.1. Introduction ........................................... 93
   5.2. Models for Rhythmic Water Transpiration ................ 95
        5.2.1. Overall Description - "Lumped" Model ............ 95
        5.2.2. Overall Description - "Composed" Models ......... 97
        5.2.3. Self-Sustained Guard Cell Oscillations -
               (Ca2+)cyt Oscillations ........................... 98
        5.2.4. Water Channels .................................. 98
        5.2.5. Comments on Modelling Transpiration Rhythms ..... 99
   5.3. Basic Experimental Methods Used ........................ 99
   5.4. Experimental Findings on Transpiration Oscillations ... 100
        5.4.1. Occurrence of Transpiration Rhythms: Period
               of Rhythms ..................................... 101
        5.4.2. Some Environmental Parameters Influencing
               Oscillations ................................... 101
        5.4.3. Singularities of Transpiration Rhythms: Test
               of Models ...................................... 104
   5.5. Ionic Interference with Transpiration Oscillations .... 105
   5.6. Patchy Water Transpiration from Leaf Surface .......... 106
   5.7. Period Doubling and Bifurcations in Transpiration -
        a Way to Chaos? ....................................... 107
   5.8. Conclusions ........................................... 109
   References ................................................. 1ll

6. Membrane Transport and Ca2+ Oscillations in Guard Cells .... 115
      Michael R. Blatt, Carlos Garcia-Mata and Sergei

   Abstract ................................................... 115
   6.1. Introduction .......................................... 115
   6.2. Oscillations and the Membrane Platform ................ 116
   6.3. Elements of Guard Cell Ion Transport .................. 119
   6.4. Ca2+ and Voltage ...................................... 121
        6.4.1. The Ca2+ Theme ................................. 122
        6.4.2. [Ca2+i Oscillations ............................. 123
        6.4.3. Voltage Oscillations ........................... 124
        6.4.4. Membrane Voltage and the '[Ca2+]i Cassette' .... 125
   6.5. Concluding Remarks .................................... 127
   References ................................................. 128

7. Calcium Oscillations in Guard Cell Adaptive Responses
   to the Environment ......................................... 135
      Martin R. McAinsh

   Abstract ................................................... 135
   7.1. Introduction .......................................... 135
   7.2. Guard Cells and Specificity in Ca2+ Signalling ........ 137
   7.3. Ca2+ Signatures: Encoding Specificity in Ca2+
        Signals ............................................... 138
        7.4.1. Guard Cell Ca2+ Signatures: Correlative
               Evidence ....................................... 140
        7.4.2. Guard Cell Ca2+ Signatures: Evidence for
               a Causal Relationship .......................... 146
        7.4.3. Guard Cell Ca2+ Signatures: the Role of
               Oscillations ................................... 147
   7.5. The Ca2+ Sensor Priming Model of Guard Cell Ca2+
        Signalling ............................................ 148
   7.6. Decoding Ca2+ Signatures in Plants .................... 149
   7.7. Challenging Prospects ................................. 150
   References ................................................. 152

8. Circadian Rhythms in Stomata: Physiological
   and Molecular Aspects ...................................... 157
      Katharine E. Hubbard, Carlos T. Hotta, Michael
      J. Gardner, Soeng Jin Baek, Neil Dalchau, Suhita
      Dontamala, Antony N. Dodd and Alex A.R. Webb

   Abstract ................................................... 157
   8.1. Introduction .......................................... 157
   8.2. Mechanisms of Stomatal Movements ...................... 159
   8.3. The Circadian Clock ................................... 162
   8.4. Circadian Regulation of Stomatal Aperture ............. 164
   8.5. Structure of the Guard Cell Clock ..................... 166
   8.6. Mechanisms of Circadian Control of Guard Cell
        Physiology ............................................ 168
        8.6.1. Calcium-Dependent Models for Circadian
               Stomatal Movements ............................. 169
        8.6.2. Calcium-Independent Models for Circadian
               Stomatal Movements ............................. 170
   8.7. Circadian Regulation of Sensitivity of Environmental
        Signals ('Gating') .................................... 171
   8.8. Conclusions ........................................... 172
   References ................................................. 172

Part 3. Rhythms, Clocks and Development ....................... 179

9. How Plants Identify the Season by Using a Circadian
   Clock ...................................................... 181
      Wolfgang Engelmann

   Abstract ................................................... 181
   9.1. Introduction and History .............................. 181
   9.2. Examples for Photoperiodic Reactions .................. 184
   9.3. Bunning Hypothesis and Critical Tests ................. 185
   9.4. The Circadian Clock and its Entrainment to the Day .... 189
   9.5. Seasonal Timing of Flower Induction ................... 191
   References ................................................. 194

10.Rhythmic Stem Extension Growth and Leaf Movements
   as Markers of Plant Behaviour: the Integral Output from
   Endogenous and Environmental Signals ....................... 199
      Johannes Normann, Marco Vervliet-Scheebaum, Jolana
      T.P. Albrechtova and Edgar Wagner

   Abstract ................................................... 199
   10.1.Introduction .......................................... 200
        10.1.1.Life is Rhythmic ............................... 200
        10.1.2.Rhythm Research: Metabolic and Genetic
               Determination of Rhythmic Behaviour ............ 201
   10.2.Rhythmicity in Chenopodium spp ........................ 203
        10.2.1.Rhythmic Changes in Interorgan Communication
               of Growth Responses ............................ 206
        10.2.2.Local Hydraulic Signalling: the Shoot Apex
               in Transition .................................. 209
        10.2.3.Membrane Potential as the Basis for Hydro-
               Electrochemical Signalling, Interorgan
               Communication and Metabolic Control ............ 212
   10.3.Conclusions and Perspectives: Rhythms in Energy
        Metabolism as Determinants for Rhythmic Growth and
        Leaf Movements ........................................ 213
   References ................................................. 215

11.Rhythms and Morphogenesis .................................. 219
      Peter W. Barlow and Jacqueline Lück

   Abstract ................................................... 219
   11.1.Introduction .......................................... 219
   11.2.Developmental Theories and Their Application to
        Rhythmic Morphogenesis ................................ 220
   11.3.Rhythmic Patterns of Cellular Development Within
        Cell Files ............................................ 221
   11.4.Organogenetic Rhythms ................................. 227
        11.4.1.Angiosperm Shoot Apices and Their
               Phyllotaxies ................................... 228
        11.4.2.The Plastochron ................................ 231
        11.4.3.A Petri Net Representation of the
               Plastochron .................................... 232
        11.4.4.Rhythms of Cell Determination and
               the Plastochron ................................ 236
   11.5.The Cycle of Life ..................................... 237
   11.6.A Glimpse of Cell Biology and Morphogenetic Rhythms ... 238
   References ................................................. 240

12.Molecular Aspects of the Arabidopsis Circadian Clock ....... 245
      Tracey Ann Cuin

   Abstract ................................................... 245
   12.1.Introduction .......................................... 245
        12.1.1.Defining Features of Circadian Rhythms ......... 246
        12.1.2.Overview of the Circadian System in
               Arabidopsis .................................... 246
   12.2.Entrainment - Inputs to the Clock ..................... 247
        12.2.1.Light .......................................... 247
        12.2.2.Pathways to the Central Oscillator ............. 249
        12.2.3.Negative Regulation of Photoentrainment ........ 253
        12.2.4.Temperature Entrainment ........................ 253
   12.3.The Central Oscillator ................................ 254
        12.3.1.The CCA1/LHY-TOC1 Model for the Arabidopsis
               Central Oscillator ............................. 254
        12.3.2.Is There more than One Oscillator Within
               Plants? ........................................ 256
        12.3.3.Regulation of the Circadian Oscillator ......... 257
   12.4.Outputs of the Circadian System ....................... 258
   12.5.Concluding Remarks .................................... 259
   References ................................................. 259

Part 4 Theoretical Aspects of Rhythmical Plant Behaviour ...... 265

13.Rhythms, Clocks and Deterministic Chaos in Unicellular
   Organisms .................................................. 267
      David Lloyd

   Abstract ................................................... 267
   13.1.Time in Biology ....................................... 268
   13.2.Circadian Rhythms ..................................... 270
        13.2.1.Circadian Timekeeping in Unicellular
               Organisms ...................................... 270
        13.2.2.Cyanobacterial Circadian Rhythms ............... 270
   13.3.Ultradian Rhythms: the 40-Min Clock in Yeast .......... 271
   13.4.Oscillatory Behaviour During the Cell Division
        Cycles of Lower Organisms ............................. 277
   13.5.Ultradian Gating of the Cell Division Cycle ........... 278
        13.5.1.Experimental Systems ........................... 278
        13.5.2.The Model ...................................... 279
        13.5.3.Computer Simulations ........................... 279
   13.6.Chaos in Biochemistry and Physiology .................. 282
   13.7.Functions of Rhythms .................................. 284
   13.8.Biological Functions of Chaotic Performance ........... 286
   13.9.Evolution of Rhythmic Performance ..................... 286
   References ................................................. 288

14.Modelling Ca2+ Oscillations in Plants ...................... 295
      Gerald Schonknecht and Claudia Bauer

   Abstract ................................................... 295
   14.1.Introduction .......................................... 296
   14.2.Developing a Mathematical Model ....................... 297
   14.3.Discussion of the Model ............................... 304
   References ................................................. 309

15.Noise-Induced Phenomena and Complex Rhythms: Theoretical
   Considerations, Modelling and Experimental Evidence ........ 313
      Marc-Thorsten Hutt and Ulrich Luttge

   Abstract ................................................... 313
   15.1.Introduction .......................................... 314
   15.2.Case Study I - Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (CAM) ..... 315
   15.3.Case Study II - Stomatal Patterns ..................... 323
   15.4.Experimental Observations of Complex Rhythms in
        Plants ................................................ 327
   15.5.A Path Towards Systems Biology ........................ 330
   References ................................................. 335

16.Modelling Oscillations of Membrane Potential Difference .... 341
      Mary Jane Beilby

   Abstract ................................................... 341
   16.1.Introduction .......................................... 341
   16.2.Single Transporter Oscillations ....................... 342
        16.2.1.Proton Pump and the Background State in
               Charophytes .................................... 342
        16.2.2.Putative K+ Pump and the Background State
               in Ventricaria ventricosa ...................... 346
   16.3.Two Transporter Interaction ........................... 346
        16.3.1.Proton Pump and the Background State in
               Hypertonic Regulation in Lamprothamnium spp .... 346
        16.3.2.Interaction of the Proton Pump and the Proton
               Channel in Chara spp ........................... 348
   16.4.Multiple Transporter Interaction ...................... 350
        16.4.1.Hypotonic Regulation in Salt-Tolerant
               Charophytes .................................... 350
        16.4.2.Repetitive Action Potentials in Salt-
               Sensitive Charophytes in High Salinity ......... 352
   16.5.Conclusions ........................................... 354

References .................................................... 354

Subject Index ................................................. 357

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