Progress in industrial mathematics at ECMI 2006 (Berlin; Heidelberg; New-York, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаProgress in industrial mathematics at ECMI 2006 / ed. by Bonilla L.L., Moscoso M., Platero G., Vega J.M. - Berlin; Heidelberg; New-York: Springer-Verlag, 2008. - xxi, 988 p.: ill. - (Mathematics in industry, The European consortium for mathematics in industry; 12). - - Contr. ind.: p.985-988. - ISBN 978-3-540-71991-5; ISSN 1612-3956.

Оглавление / Contents
Part I Plenary Lectures

On the Mean Geometric Densities of Random Closed Sets,
and Their Estimation: Application to the Estimation of
the Mean Density of Inhomogeneous Fibre Processes
   V. Capasso and A. Micheletti ................................. 3

Synthesis of Micro and Nanoparticles from Coaxial
Electrified Jets
   A. Barrero and I.G. Loscertales ............................. 35

Numerical Simulation of Induction Furnaces for Silicon
   A. Bermudez, D. Gomez, M.C. Muniz, P. Salgado,
   and R. Vazquez .............................................. 48

Growth and Pattern Formation for Thin Films
   R.E. Caflisch ............................................... 66

On Waves in Fluids: Some Mathematical, Physical and
Engineering Aspects
   L.M.B.C. Campos ............................................. 73

Quantum Diffusion Models Derived from the Entropy Principle
   P. Degond, S. Gallego, F. Mehats, and C. Ringhofer ......... 106

Statistical Aspects of Size Functions for the Description
of Random Shapes: Applications to Problems of Lithography
in Microelectronics
   A. Micheletti, F. Terragni, and M. Vasconi ................. 123

Part II Minisymposia

Minisymposium "Flow Control in Aircrafts"
   A. Abbas and J.M. Vega ..................................... 137

Using Non-Normality for Passive Laminar Flow Control
   C. Cossu, L. Brandt, J.H.M. Fransson, and A. Talamelli ..... 139

On the Catalytic Effect of Resonant Interactions in
Boundary Layer Transition
   X. Wu, P.A. Stewart, and S.J. Cowley ....................... 146

Stabilization of Tollmien—Schlichting Waves by Mode
   С. Martel, E. Valero, and J.M. Vega ........................ 157

Acoustic Streaming and Lower-than-Laminar Drag in
Controlled Channel Flow
   P. Luchini ................................................. 169

Recent Progress in the Use of Compliant Walls for Laminar
Flow Control
   P.W. Carpenter ............................................. 178

Minisymposium "Global Flow Instability"
   V. Theofilis ............................................... 188

Helical Instability and Breakdown of a Batchelor Trailing
   M.S. Broadhurst and S.J. Sherwin ........................... 191

A Finite-Element Alternative for BiGlobal Linear
Instability Analysis
   L.M. Gonzalez .............................................. 196

Numerical Considerations in Spectral Multidomain Methods
for BiGlobal Instability Analysis of Open Cavity
   J. de Vicente, E. Valero, and V. Theofilis ................. 201

Minisymposium "Analysis of Dynamical Problems in
   С. Martel and R. Corral .................................... 207

Modal Identification of Mistuned Bladed Discs
   M. Berthillier, B. Salhi, and J. bardies ................... 208

Aeroelastic Instability of Low-Pressure Rotor Blades
   R. Corral and J.M. Gallardo ................................ 214

Recent Advances in Numerical Analysis of Nonlinear
Vibrations of Complex Structures with Friction Contact
   E.P. Petrov ................................................ 220

Minisymposium "Numerical Methods for Conservation Laws"
   G. Russo ................................................... 225

Central Runge—Kutta Schemes for Stiff Balance Laws
   G. Puppo and G. Russo ...................................... 226

Flow Calculations using Shock Capturing Schemes Based on
Power Limiters
   S. Serna ................................................... 231

A Comparison Between Relaxation and Kurganov—Tadmor Schemes
   F. Cavalli, G. Naldi, G. Puppo, and M. Semplice ............ 236

Minisymposium "Multibody Dynamics"
   B. Simeon .................................................. 241

The Reverse Method of Lines in Flexible Multibody Dynamics
   C. Lunk and B. Simeon ..................................... 242

Fast Simulation of Quasistatic Rod Deformations for VR
   J. Linn, T. Stephan, J. Carlsson, and R. Bohlin ............ 247

Simulation and Optimization of Suspension Testing Systems
   M. Speckert and K. Drefiler ................................ 254

Minisymposium "Some Topics in Astrodynamics and Space
   J.M. Gambi and P. Romero ................................... 259

Optimal Station Keeping for Geostationary Satellites
with Electric Propulsion Systems Under Eclipse Constraints
   P. Romero, J.M. Gambi, E. Patino, and R. Antolin ........... 260

International Reference Systems for Astrodynamics and
Space Geodesy
   M. Folgueira, N. Capitaine, and J. Souchay ................. 265

Post-Newtonian Covariant Measurement Formulations in Space
   J.M. Gambi, M.L. Garcia del Pino, M.C. Rodriguez,
   M. Salas, and P. Romero .................................... 270

Minisymposium "Clean Coal Conversion Technologies"
   C. Dopazo and P.L. Garcia- Ybarra .......................... 276

Mathematical Modelling of Coal Particles Combustion in
Pulverised Coal Furnaces
   A. Bermudez, J.L. Ferrin, A. Linan, and L. Saavedra ........ 277

Transport of Particles and Vapors in Flue Gases and
Deposition on Cold Surfaces
   J.L. Castillo and P.L. Garcia-Ybarra ....................... 284

A Comprehensive Mathematical Model of Flue-gas
   N. Fueyo, A. Gomez, and J.F. Gonzalez ...................... 290

Determination of the Kinetic Parameters of a Pulverized
Fuel from Drop Tube Experiments
   S. Jimenez and J. Ballester ................................ 296

Minisymposium "Mathematical Problems in Oil Industry"
   A. Fasano .................................................. 301

An Asphaltene Precipitation Model Using a Lattice Approach
   S. Correra ................................................. 302

Formation and Growth of Wax Deposit in the Pipelining of
Crude Oils
   S. Correra, D. Merino-Garcia, A. Fasano, and L. Fusi ....... 307

Simulations of the Spurt Phenomenon for Suspensions of
Rod-Like Molecules
   С. Helzel .................................................. 312

Minisymposium "Flow in Porous Media"
   N. Svanstedt ............................................... 317

Multiscale Stochastic Homogenization of Convection-
Diffusion Equations
   N. Svanstedt ............................................... 318

Numerical Approximation of Boundary Layers for Rough 
   N. Neuss ................................................... 323

Upscaling in Nonlinear Thermal Diffusion Problems in
Composite Materials
   C. Timofte ................................................. 328

Effective Two-Phase Flow Models Including Trapping Effects
at the Micro Scale
   C.J. van Duijn, H. Eichel, R. Helmig, and I.S. Pop ......... 333

Minisymposium  "Shallow Water and Simulation of
Environmental Flows"
   С. Pares ................................................... 340

ADER DG and FV Schemes for Shallow Water Flows
   C.E. Castro and E.F. Того .................................. 341

Numerical Simulation of Bedload Sediment Transport Using
Finite Volume Schemes
   M. Castro Diaz, E.D. Fernandez Nieto, and A.
   Ferreiro Ferreiro .......................................... 346

New Trends and Applications in Oceanographic Numerical
   L. Ferrer, Ad. Uriarte, and M. Gonzalez .................... 351

Study and Development of Numerical Models for
the Simulation of Geophysical Flows: The DamFlow
   M.J. Castro, A.M. Ferreiro, J.A. Garcia, J.M. Gonzalez,
   and C. Pares ............................................... 356

On Variational Data Assimilation for ID and 2D Fluvial
   J. Gejadze, M. Honnorat, F.X. Le Dimet, and J. Monnier ..... 361

Minisymposium "Multiscale Problems in Materials"
   A. Carpio .................................................. 366

An Asymptotic Solution of Aggregation Dynamics
   Y. Farjoun and J. Neu ...................................... 368

Atomistic Simulations of the Incipient Plastic Deformation
Mechanisms on Metal Surfaces
   O. Rodriguez de la Fuente .................................. 376

Critical Thickness for Misfit Dislocation Formation in
InAs/GaAs(110) Heteroepitaxy
   J. Plans, A. Carpio, L.L. Bonilla, and R.E. Caflisch ....... 381

Discrete Dislocation Dynamics in Crystals
   M.P. Ariza, A. Ramasubramaniam, and M. Ortiz ............... 387

Interconnection of Continuum and Discrete Models of
Dislocation Pile-ups
   R.E. Voskoboinikov, S.J. Chapman, and J.R. Ockendon ........ 392

Simplified Pn Models and Natural Convection—Radiation
   R. Pinnau and M. Seai'd .................................... 397

Minisymposium "Nonlinear Charge and Spin Transport in
Semiconductor Nanostructures"
   G. Platero ................................................. 402

Electronic Transport in Nanowires at Different Length
   A.-P. Jauho ................................................ 404

SU(4) Kondo Effect in a Mesoscopic Interferometer
   R. Lopez ................................................... 421

Josephson Effect and Magnetic Interactions in Double
Quantum Dots
   F.S. Bergeret, A. Levy Yeyati, and A. Martin-Rodero ........ 426

Quantum Shuttle: Physics of a Numerical Challenge
   A. Donarini ................................................ 431

Microscopical Model for Hyperfine Interaction in Electronic
Transport Through Double Quantum Dots: Spin Blockade Lifting
   J. Inarrea, G. Platero, and A.H. MacDonald ................. 440

Rabi Dynamics in Driven Tunneling Devices
   R. Sanchez and G. Platero .................................. 444

Quantum-Transmitting-Boundary Algorithm with Local Spin-
Orbit Coupling
   L. Serra and D. Sanchez .................................... 449

Spintronic Transport in II—VI Magnetic Semiconductor
Resonant Tunneling Devices
   D. Sanchez ................................................. 454

Hysteretic Linear Conductance in Single Electron Transport
through a Single Atom Magnet
   J. Fernandez-Rossier and R. Aguado ......................... 460

Minisymposium "Ferromagnetic Carbon Nanostructures"
   T. Makarova and M.A.H. Vozmediano .......................... 466

Ferromagnetic Carbon Nanostructures
   T.L. Makarova .............................................. 467

Looking for Ferromagnetic Signals in Proton-Irradiated
   M.A. Ramos, A. Asenjo, M. Jaafar, A. Climent-Font,
   A. Munoz-Martin, J. Camarero, M. Garcia-Hernandez,
   and M. Vazquez ............................................. 477

Ferromagnetism and Disorder in Graphene
   M.P. Lopez-Sancho, M.A.H. Vozmediano, T. Stauber, and 
   F. Guinea .................................................. 483

Topological Defects and Electronic Properties in Graphene
   A. Cortijo and M.A.H. Vozmediano ........................... 488

Transport Through a Graphene Transistor
   F. Guinea, A.H. Castro Neto, and N.M.R. Peres .............. 494

Minisymposium "PDAE Modelling and Multiscale Simulation
in Microelectronics and New Technologies"
   G. Ali and R. Pulch ........................................ 499

Domain Decomposition Techniques for Microelectronic
   G. Ali, М. Culpo, and S. Micheletti ......................... 500

A Concept for Classification of Partial Differential
Algebraic Equations in Nanoelectronics
   A. Bartel and R. Pulch ..................................... 506

Numerical Simulation of a Class of PDAEs with a Separation
of Time Scales
   B. Chachuat and P.I. Barton ................................ 512

Model Order Reduction for Nonlinear Differential Algebraic
Equations in Circuit Simulation
   T. Voss, A. Verhoeven, T. Bechtold, and J. ter Maten ....... 518

Minisymposium "Numerical Methods for Semiconductor Kinetic
Equations (COMSON Minisymposium)"
   A. Majorana ................................................ 524

Comparing Kinetic and МЕР Model of Charge Transport in
   A. Majorana and V. Romano .................................. 525

A Deterministic Solver to the Boltzmann-Poisson System
Including Quantization Effects for Silicon-MOSFETs
   M. Galler and F. Schürrer .................................. 531

Minisymposium of the ECMI SIG "Shape and Size in Medicine,
Biotechnology and Material Sciences"
   A. Micheletti .............................................. 537

Size Functions Applied to the Statistical Shape Analysis
and Classification of Tumor Cells
   A. Micheletti and G. Landini ............................... 538

A Mathematical Morphology Approach to Cell Shape Analysis
   J. Angulo .................................................. 543

Reconstruction of Transducer Pressure Fields from Schlieren
   R. Kowar ................................................... 548

Plant Growth Modeling
   N. Morozova, N. Bessonov, and V. Volpert ................... 553

Minisymposium "New Trends in the Analysis of Functional
Genomics Data"
   J.M. Carazo and A. Pascual ................................. 559

Bayesian Classifiers with Consensus Gene Selection: A Case
Study in the Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
   R. Armananzas, B. Calvo, I. Inza, P. Larranaga,
   I. Bernales, A. Fullaondo, and A.M. Zubiaga ................ 560

The Quest for Biological Significance
   A. Sanchez and J.L. Mosquera ............................... 566

Functional Classification of Genes Using Non-Negative
Independent Component Analysis
   M. Chagoyen, H. Fernandes, J.M. Carazo, and A. Pascual-
   Montano .................................................... 571

New Trends in the Analysis of Functional Genomic Data
   D. Montaner, F. Al-Shahrour, and J. Dopazo ................. 576

Minisymposium: "Inverse Problems and Applications"
   0. Dorn and M. Moscoso ..................................... 581

A Robustness Analysis of the Iterative Multi-Scaling
Approach Integrated with Morphological Operations
   D. Franceschini, M. Donelli, R. Azaro, and A. Massa ........ 582

Iterative Microwave Inversion Algorithm Based on the
Adjoint-Field Method for Breast Cancer Application
   O. Dorn, M. El-Shenawee, and M. Moscoso .................... 587

Iterative Microwave Inversion for Breast Cancer Detection
Using Level Sets
   N. Irishina, M. Moscoso, and O. Dorn ....................... 592

Characterization of Reservoirs by Evolving Level Set
Functions Obtained from Geostatistics
   R. Villegas, 0. Dorn, M. Moscoso, and M. Kindelan .......... 597

Reconstruction of Simple Geometric Objects in 3D Optical
Tomography Using an Adjoint Technique and a Boundary
Element Method
   A. Zacharopoulos, O. Dorn, S.R. Arridge, V. Kolehmainen,
   and J. Sikora .............................................. 603

High Contrast Electrical Impedance Imaging
   N. Polydorides ............................................. 608

Minisymposium "Finance" (Oxford)
   S. Howison and K. Schmitz .................................. 613

Pricing Exotic Options Using Strong Convergence Properties
   K. Schmitz Abe and M. Giles ................................ 614

Credit Contagion in a Structural Framework
   H. Haworth ................................................. 630

The Valuation of Elementary Exotics with Strike Resets
   E.C.K. Yu .................................................. 637

Minisymposium "On Optimal Strategies of Multivariate
Passport Options"
   J. Kampen .................................................. 643

Foresight Bias and Suboptimality Correction in Monte—Carlo
Pricing of Options with Early Exercise
   C.P. Fries ................................................. 645

On the American Option Value Near its Exercise Region
   E. Chevalier ............................................... 650

Free Boundary Problems in Mathematical Finance
   J. Chadam .................................................. 655

Optimal Strategies of Passport Options
   J. Kampen .................................................. 666

Minisymposium "Meshfree Methods for the Solution of PDEs"
   M. Kindelan ................................................ 671

Solving One-Dimensional Moving-Boundary Problems with
Meshless Method
   L. Vrankar, E. J. Kansa, G. Turk, and F. Runovc ............ 672

Meshless Simulation of Hele-Shaw Flow
   F. Bernal and M. Kindelan .................................. 677

Minisymposium: "Mathematical Models for the Textile
   T. Götz .................................................... 683

Dynamics of Curved Viscous Fibers
   S. Panda, N. Marheineke, and R. Wegener .................... 685

Modeling and Simulation of Non-Woven Processes
   M. Günther, R. Wegener, and F. Olawsky ..................... 691

Asymptotics of Fiber Spinning Equations
   T. Götz, A. Klar, and A. Unterreiter ....................... 697

Three-Dimensional Elastica for Modelling Fibre Assemblies
   R.B. Ramgulam and P. Potluri ............................... 703

Effective Properties of Nonwoven Textiles from
Microstructure Simulations
   A. Wiegmann ................................................ 708

Minisymposium "Approximate Algebraic Techniques for Curves
and Surfaces"
   B. Jüttler ................................................. 713

Computing the Intersection Curve Between a Plane and the
Offset of a Parametric Surface
   F. Carreras, L. Gonzalez-Vega, and J. Puig-Pey ............. 714

Approximating Offsets of Surfaces by using the Support
Function Representation
   J. Gravesen, B. Jüttler, and Z. Sir ........................ 719

Semantic Modelling for Styling and Design
   C.E. Catalano, V. Cheutet, F. Giannini, B. Falcidieno,
   and J.C. Leon .............................................. 724

Minisymposium "Web-based Learning Environments in Applied
   M. Heiliö .................................................. 729

An Industrial Application of an Integrated Framework
for Production of Interactive Documents
   G.M. Grasso, C.L.R. Milazzo, and S. Runci .................. 731

An e-Learning Platform for Applications of Mathematics
to Microelectronic Industry
   G. All, E. Bilotta, L. Gabriele, P. Pantano, and
   R. Servidio ................................................ 736

Web Based System for Graduate Studies: Optimization, Games,
and Markets
   M. Heiliö and J. Mockus .................................... 741

Web-Tool on Differential Equations
   P. Miidla .................................................. 746

Part III Contributed Papers

Model and Method to Increase the Thermal Efficiency of Micro-
Heat Exchangers for Aerospace Applications
   A. Velazquez, J.R. Arias, and B. Mendez .................... 753

Influence of Trailing Jet Instability on the Dynamics of
Starting Jets
   C. Marugan-Cruz, M. Vera, C. Martinez-Вazan, and
   G. Pawlak .................................................. 758

Modelling and Computational Analysis of the Dynamic
Crash Behaviour of Fabric Reinforced Composite 
Automotive Structures
   E.V. Morozov and V.A. Thomson .............................. 763

Theoretical Modeling of Flame—Acoustic Interaction
   M.L. Bondar, J.H.M. ten Thije Boonkkamp, and
   R.M.M. Mattheij ............................................ 768

Air-Blown Rivulet Flow of a Perfectly Wetting Fluid on an
Inclined Substrate
   J.M. Sullivan, S.K. Wilson, and B.R. Duffy ................. 774

The Effect of the Thermal Conductivity of the Substrate
on Droplet Evaporation
   G.J. Dunn, S.K. Wilson, B.R. Duffy, S. David, and
   K. Sefiane ................................................. 779

The Effect of Particles on Linear and Weakly Nonlinear
Instability of a Two-Phase Shallow Flows
   A. Kolyshkin and S. Nazarovs ............................... 784

Water Quality Simulation of a Future Pit Lake
   A. Bermudez, L.M. Garcia Garcia, P. Quintela, and
   J.L. Delgado ............................................... 790

Optimal Management and Design of a Wastewater Purification
   L.J. Alvarez-Vazquez, E. Balsa-Canto, and A. Martinez ...... 795

Estimation of Fuzzy Anomalies in Water Distribution Systems
   J. Izquierdo, M.M. Tung, R. Perez, and F.J. Martinez ....... 801

Investigation of the Evolution and Breakup of Electrically
Charged Drops
   S.I. Betel, M.A. Fontelos, U. Kindeldn, and O. Vantzos ..... 806

Homogeneous Nucleation of Dipole Domains and Current Self-
Oscillations in Photoexcited Semiconductor Superlattices
   J.I. Arana and L.L. Bonilla ................................ 812

Numerical Analysis of a Nickel-Iron Electrodeposition Process
   N. Alaa, M. Iguernane, and J.R. Roche ...................... 817

A Simplified Finite Element Formulation for Spray Transfer 
GMA Weld Pools
   M. Edstorp ................................................. 822

Numerical Solution of a Non-Local Elliptic Problem 
Modeling a Thermistor with a Finite Element and a Finite
Volume Method
   C.V. Nikolopoulos and G.E. Zouraris ........................ 827

Numerical Solution of 3D Magnetostatic Problems in Terms 
of Scalar Potentials
   A. Bermudez, R. Rodriguez, and P. Salgado .................. 833

Optimization Methods for a Win Location System
   A. Martinez, L.J. Alvarez-Vazquez, F. Aguado-Agelet,
   and E. Balsa-Canto ......................................... 838

Flow in the Canal of Schlemm and its Influence on 
Primary Open Angle Glaucoma
   A.D. Fitt .................................................. 843

A One-Phase Model for Air-Breathing DMFC Cells with 
Non-Tafel Kinetics
   M. Vera and F.J. Sanchez-Cabo .............................. 848

Optimising Design Parameters of Enzyme-Channelling
   D. Mackey and A.J. Killard ................................. 853

Breast Nodule Ultrasound Segmentation Through Texture-
Based Active Contours
   M. Alemdn-Flores, L. Alvarez, and V. Caselles .............. 858

A Contrast Invariant Approach to Motion Estimation: 
Validation and Application to Motion Estimation Improvement
   V. Caselles, L. Garrido, and L. Igual ...................... 863

A Mathematical Model for Prediction of Recurrence in 
Bladder Cancer Patients
   C. Santamaria, M.B. Garcia-Mora, G. Rubio, and
   J.L. Pontones .............................................. 868

Use of the Fourier Transform in the Distributions Sense
for Creation Numerical Algorithms for Cone-Beam Tomography
   O.E. Trofimov .............................................. 873

Shapley Value vs. Proportional Rule in Cooperative Affairs
   R. Amer, F. Carreras, and A. Magana ........................ 877

A Wide Family of Solutions Based on Marginal Contributions
for Situations of Competence-Cooperation with Structure of
a Priori Coalition Blocks
   J.M. Gimenez ............................................... 882

Time-Varying Grids for Gas Dynamics
   F. Coquel, Q.L. Nguyen, M. Postel, and Q.H. Tran ........... 887

Meshless Poisson Problems in the Finite Pointset Method:
Positive Stencils and Multigrid
   B. Seibold ................................................. 892

Basics of a Differential-Geometric Approach to Diffusion:
Uniting Lagrangian and Eulerian Models on a Manifold
   M.M. Tung .................................................. 897

Diagnostic Modelling of Digital Systems with Binary and
High-Level Decision Diagrams
   R. Ubar, J. Raik, H. Kruus, H. Lensen, and T. Evartson ..... 902

Numerical Integration in Bayesian Positioning
   H. Pesonen and R. Piche .................................... 908

Singular Problems With Quadratic Gradient Term
   A. Vitolo .................................................. 913

Pattern Matching for Control Chart Monitoring
   D. Cantone and S. Faro ..................................... 918

Index Characterization in DAE Circuit Models Without
Passivity Assumptions
   A.J. Encinas and R. Riaza .................................. 923

Fingerprint Classification using Entropy Sensitive Tracing
   P. Mihailescu, K. Mieloch, and A. Munk ..................... 928

An Invariant Domain Preserving MUSCL Scheme
   С. Berthon ................................................. 933

A Stable CE-SE Numerical Method for Time-Dependent
Advection—Diffusion Equation
   R. Company, E. Defez, L. Jodar, and E. Ponsoda ............. 939

A Random Euler Method for Solving Differential Equations
with Uncertainties
   J.C. Cortes, L. Jodar, and L. Villafuerte .................. 944

Cubic-Matrix Splines and Second-Order Matrix Models
   M.M. Tung, L. Soler, E. Defez, and A. Hervas ............... 949

Part IV Color Plates

Color Plates .................................................. 957

Part V Contributor Index

List of Contributors .......................................... 985

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