Nakamoto K. Infrared and Raman spectra of inorganic and coordination compounds; A (Hoboken, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаNakamoto K. Infrared and Raman spectra of inorganic and coordination compounds. Part A: Theory and applications in inorganic chemistry. - 6th ed. - Hoboken: Wiley, 2009. - xii, 419 p.: ill. - Ind.: p.415-419. - ISBN 978-0-471-74339-2

Оглавление / Contents
PREFACE TO THE SIXTH EDITION ................................... ix
ABBREVIATIONS .................................................. xi

Chapter 1. Theory of Normal Vibrations .......................... 1

1.1. Origin of Molecular Spectra ................................ 1
1.2. Origin of Infrared and Raman Spectra ....................... 5
1.3. Vibration of a Diatomic Molecule ........................... 9
1.4. Normal Coordinates and Normal Vibrations .................. 15
1.5. Symmetry Elements and Point Groups ........................ 21
1.6. Symmetry of Normal Vibrations and Selection Rules ......... 25
1.7. Introduction to Group Theory .............................. 34
1.8. The Number of Normal Vibrations for Each Species .......... 39
1.9. Internal Coordinates ...................................... 46
1.10.Selection Rules for Infrared and Raman Spectra ............ 49
1.11.Structure Determination ................................... 56
1.12.Principle of the GF Matrix Method ......................... 58
1.13.Utilization of Symmetry Properties ........................ 65
1.14.Potential Fields and Force Constants ...................... 71
1.15.Solution of the Secular Equation .......................... 75
1.16.Vibrational Frequencies of Isotopic Molecules ............. 77
1.17.Metal-Isotope Spectroscopy ................................ 79
1.18.Group Frequencies and Band Assignments .................... 82
1.19.Intensity of Infrared Absorption .......................... 88
1.20.Depolarization of Raman Lines ............................. 90
1.21.Intensity of Raman Scattering ............................. 94
1.22.Principle of Resonance Raman Spectroscopy ................. 98
1.23.Resonance Raman Spectra .................................. 101
1.24.Theoretical Calculation of Vibrational Frequencies ....... 106
1.25.Vibrational Spectra in Gaseous Phase and Inert Gas
     Matrices ................................................. 109
1.26.Matrix Cocondensation Reactions .......................... 112
1.27.Symmetry in Crystals ..................................... 115
1.28.Vibrational Analysis of Crystals ......................... 119
1.29.The Correlation Method ................................... 124
1.30.Lattice Vibrations ....................................... 129
1.31.Polarized Spectra of Single Crystals ..................... 133
1.32.Vibrational Analysis of Ceramic Superconductors .......... 136
References .................................................... 141

Chapter 2. Applications in Inorganic Chemistry ................ 149

2.1. Diatomic Molecules ....................................... 149
2.2. Triatomic Molecules ...................................... 159
2.3. Pyramidal Four-Atom Molecules ............................ 173
2.4. Planar Four-Atom Molecules ............................... 180
2.5. Other Four-Atom Molecules ................................ 187
2.6. Tetrahedral and Square-Planar Five-Atom Molecules ........ 192
2.7. Trigonal-Bipyramidal and Tetragonal-Pyramidal XY5 and
     Related Molecules ........................................ 213
2.8. Octahedral Molecules ..................................... 221
2.9. XY7 and XY8 Molecules .................................... 237
2.10.X2Y4 and X2Y6 Molecules ................................... 239
2.11.X2Y7, X2Y8, X2Y9, and X2Y10 Molecules ...................... 244
2.12.Metal Cluster Compounds .................................. 250
2.13.Compounds of Boron ....................................... 254
2.14.Compounds of Carbon ...................................... 258
2.15.Compounds of Silicon, Germanium, and Other Group IVB
     Elements ................................................. 276
2.16.Compounds of Nitrogen .................................... 279
2.17.Compounds of Phosphorus and Other Group VB Elements ...... 285
2.18.Compounds of Sulfur and Selenium ......................... 292
2.19.Compounds of Halogen ..................................... 296
References .................................................... 299
Appendixes .................................................... 355
I.   Point Groups and Their Character Tables .................. 355
II.  Matrix Algebra ........................................... 368
III. General Formulas for Calculating the Number of Normal
     Vibrations in Each Species ............................... 373
IV.  Direct Products of Irreducible Representations ........... 377
V.   Number of Infrared- and Raman-Active Stretching
     Vibrations for MXnYm-Type Molecules ...................... 378
VI.  Derivation of Eq. 1.113 .................................. 379
VII. The G and F Matrix Elements of Typical Molecules ......... 382
VIII.Group Frequency Charts ................................... 388
IX.  Correlation Tables ....................................... 393
X.   Site Symmetry for the 230 Space Groups ................... 407

Index ......................................................... 415

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