Krammer K. Bacillariophyceaeж; 5 (Heidelberg; Berlin, 2000). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаKrammer K. Bacillariophyceae. Part 5: English and French translation of the keys / Krammer K., Lange-Bertalot H.; Ed. by Budel B. et al. - Heidelberg; Berlin: Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, 2000. - xiv, 311 p.: ill. - (Süsswasserflora von Mitteleuropa; 2/5). - ISBN 3-8274-1030-4

Оглавление / Contents
I. General part

1. Delimitation of the Bacillariophyceae ........................ 1
2. Terminology .................................................. 2
   2.1. Glossary ................................................ 2
   2.2. Appendix to glossary ................................... 13
3. Material and structure of the cell wall ..................... 17
4. Morphology of the cell-wall ................................. 18
   4.1. Form types and symmetry ................................ 19
   4.2. Morphological structures of the cell wall .............. 21
   4.3. Wall perforations without a velum ...................... 25
        4.3.1. Stigmata and stigmoids ("isolated puncta") ...... 25
        4.3.2. Apical pore fields and other mucilage
               producing structures ............................ 27
        4.3.3. Labiate- and strutted processes ................. 28
   4.4. Raphes ................................................. 29
        4.4.1. Median raphes ................................... 29
        4.4.2. Canal raphes .................................... 32
   4.5. Longitudinal canals .................................... 32
   4.6. Surface structures ..................................... 33
        4.6.1. Spines, connecting spines and setae ............. 33
        4.6.2. Other surface structures ........................ 33
   4.7. Teratological structures ............................... 34
   4.8. Structural elements of the cell girdle ................. 34
   4.9. Inner valves ........................................... 35
        4.9.1. Inner valve formation (Hautungen) ............... 36
        4.9.2. Resting spores .................................. 36
5. Reproduction ................................................ 37
   5.1. Asexual reproduction and changing the outline .......... 37
   5.2. Sexual reproduction - auxospore formation .............. 39
6. Euplasmatic structures ...................................... 41
7. Valve morphogenesis ......................................... 44
8. Movement .................................................... 45
9. Methods ..................................................... 47
   9.1. Preservation of field samples .......................... 47
   9.2. Separation from inorganic substances ................... 47
   9.3. Decalcification and separation from organic
        substrates ............................................. 48
   9.4. Removing organic remains ............................... 48
   9.5. Preparation of fossil material ......................... 51
   9.6. Preparation of slides .................................. 51
10.Taxonomic concept of this flora ............................. 52

II.  Keys from the Bacillariophyceae-Vols. 2/1-2/4

II.A. English keys ............................................. 57
      Classification of the Bacillariophyceae .................. 59
      A. Order Centrales (Vol. 2/3) ............................ 59
      B. Order Pennales (Vol. 2/1-2/4) ......................... 67
         1. Suborder Araphidineae (Vol. 2/3) ................... 67
            Family Fragilariaceae (Vol. 2/3) ................... 67
         2. Suborder Raphidineae ............................... 74
            1. Family Eunotiaceae (Vol. 2/3) ................... 74
            2. Family Achnanthaceae (Vol. 2/4) ................. 92
            3. Family Naviculaceae (Vol. 2/1) .................. 93
            4. Family Bacillariaceae (Vol. 2/2) ............... 163
            5. Family Epithemiaceae (Vol. 2/2) ................ 182
            6. Family Surirellaccae (Vol. 2/2) ................ 184
II.B. Clefs franchises ........................................ 189
      A. Ordre Centrales (Vol. 2/3) ........................... 189
      B. Ordre Pennales (Vol. 2/1-2/4) ........................ 197
         1. Sous-Ordre Araphidincac (Vol. 2/3) ................ 197
            Famille Fragilariaceac (Vol. 2/3) ................. 197
         2. Sous-Ordre Raphidineae ............................ 205
            1. Famille Eunotiaceae (Vol. 2/3) ................. 205
            2. Famille Achnanthaceae (Vol. 2/4) ............... 213
            3. Famille Naviculaceae (Vol. 2/1) ................ 224
            4. Famille Bacillariaceae (Vol. 2/2) .............. 282
            5. Famille Epithemiaceae (Vol. 2/2) ............... 303
            6. Famille Surirellaccae (Vol. 2/2) ............... 306

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