Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics; Vol.72, Part.l (Providence, 2004). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаFractal geometry and applications: a jubilee of Benoiit Mandelbrot: analysis, number theory, and dynamical systems / ed. by Lapidus M.L., van Frankenhuijsen M. - Providence: American Mathematical Society, 2004. - 517 p.: ill. - (Proceedings of symposia in pure mathematics; vol.72, part.l). - Ref.: p.516-517. - ISBN 0-8218-3637-4

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Оглавление / Contents
Part 1. Analysis, Number Theory, and Dynamical Systems

Preface ........................................................ ix
List of Tributes ............................................... xi

Fractal geometry and applications—An introduction to this
   Michel L. Lapidus ............................................ 1
Tributes ....................................................... 27


Reflections, ripples and fractals
   Michel Mendes France ........................................ 67

Lacunarity, Minkowski content, and self-similar sets in fig.1R
   Marc Frantz ................................................. 77

Fractals and geometric measure theory: Friends and foes
   Frank Morgan ................................................ 93

Eigenmeasures, equidistribution, and the multiplicity of
   Hillel Furstenberg and Yitzhak Katznelson ................... 97

Distances on topological self-similar sets
   Atsushi Kameyama ........................................... 117

Energy and Laplacian on the Sierpinski gasket
   Alexander Teplyaev ......................................... 131

Electrical networks, symplectic reductions, and application
to the renormalization map of self-similar lattices
Christophe Sabot .............................................. 155

Notes on Bernoulli convolutions
   Boris Solomyak ............................................. 207


Some connections between Bernoulli convolutions and
analytic number theory Titus Hilberdink ....................... 233

On Davenport expansions
   Stephane Jaffard ........................................... 273

Hausdorff dimension and Diophantine approximation
   M. Maurice Dodson and Simon Kristensen ..................... 305

Fractality, self-similarity and complex dimensions
   Michel L. Lapidus and Machiel van Frankenhuijsen ........... 349


The invariant fractals of symplectic piecewise affine
elliptic dynamics
   Byungik Kahng .............................................. 375

Almost sure rotation number of circle endomorphisms
   Sylvain Crovisier .......................................... 391

Kneading determinants and transfer operators in higher
   Viviane Baladi ............................................. 407

The spectrum of dimensions for Poincare recurrences for
nonuniformly hyperbolic geometric constructions
   Valentin Afraimovich, Leticia Ramirez, and Edgardo
   Ugalde ..................................................... 417

A Survey of results in random iteration
   Mark Comerford ............................................. 435

On fibers and local connectivity of Mandelbrot and
Multibrot sets
   Dierk Schleicher ........................................... 477

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