Zewail A.H. Physical biology (London, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаZewail A.H. Physical biology: from atoms to medicine. - London: Imperial College Press, 2008. - 567 p. - ISBN-13978-184816-199-3; ISBN-10 1-84816-199-9

Оглавление / Contents
Prologue by Ahmed H. Zewail .................................... xi

Chapter 1. The Preoccupations of Twenty-First-Century
           Biology .............................................. 1
              David Baltimore
Chapter 2. The World as Physics, Mathematics and Nothing Else ... 7
              Alexander Varshavsky

Chapter 3. Physical Biology: 4D Visualization of Complexity .... 23
              Ahmed H. Zewail

Chapter 4. Revolutionary Developments from Atomic to
           Extended Structural Imaging ......................... 51
              John Meurig Thomas

Chapter 5. Physical Biology at the Crossroads ................. 115
              Carlos J. Bustamante

Chapter 6. The Challenge of Quasi-Regular Structures
           in Biology ......................................... 137
              Roger D. Kornberg

Chapter 7. The Future of Biological X-Ray Analysis ............ 145
              Douglas C. Rees

Chapter 8. Reinterpreting the Genetic Code: Implications
           for Macromolecular Design, Evolution and
           Analysis ........................................... 165
              David A. Tirrell

Chapter 9. Designing Ligands to Bind Tightly to Proteins ...... 189
              George M. Whitesides, Phillip W. Snyder,
              Demetri T. Moustakas, and Katherine A. Mirica

Chapter 10.Biology by the Numbers ............................. 217
              Rob Phillips

Chapter 11.Eppur si muove ..................................... 247
              Michele Parrinello

Chapter 12.Protein Folding and Beyond: Energy Landscapes
           and the Organization of Living Matter in Time
           and Space .......................................... 267
              Peter G. Wolynes

Chapter 13.Protein Folding and Misfolding: From Atoms to
           Organisms .......................................... 289
              Christopher M. Dobson

Chapter 14.A Systems Approach to Medicine Will Transform
           Healthcare ......................................... 337
              Leroy Hood

Chapter 15.The Neurobiology of Consciousness .................. 367
              Christof Koch and Florian Mormann

Chapter 16.Computer-Aided Drug Discovery: Physics-based
           Simulations from the Molecular to the Cellular
           Level .............................................. 401
              J. Andrew McCammon

Chapter 17.Precision Measurements in Biology .................. 411
              Stephen R. Quake

Chapter 18.Potassium Channels and the Atomic Basis of
           Selective Ion Conduction ........................... 431
              Roderick MacKinnon

The 2007 Welch Award Papers ................................... 463

Chapter 19.Symmetry Breaking, Delocalization and Dynamics
           in Electron Transfer Systems ....................... 465
              Noel S. Hush

Chapter 20.The Initial Value Representation of
           Semiclassical Theory: A Practical Way for
           Adding Quantum Effects to Classical Molecular
           Dynamics Simulations of Complex Molecular
           Systems ............................................ 505
              William H. Miller

Biographies ................................................... 527

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