Recent advances in polyphenol research; 1 (Oxford, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаRecent advances in polyphenol research. Vol.1 / ed. by Lattanzio V. - Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2008. - xxi, 393 p. - ISBN 978-1-4051-5837-4

Оглавление / Contents
Contributors .................................................. xvi
Preface ........................................................ xx

1. Plant Phenolics - Secondary Metabolites with Diverse
   Functions .................................................... 1
      Vincenzo Lattanzio, Paul A. Kroon, Stephane Quideau
      and Dieter Treutter

   1.1. Secondary metabolism in the interactions between
        plants and their environment ............................ 1
   1.2. Function and use of plant phenolics ..................... 5
        1.2.1. UV sunscreens .................................... 6
        1.2.2. Phenolics as signal compounds .................... 6
        1.2.3. Phenolics as pigments ............................ 8
        1.2.4. Phenolics and plant growth ....................... 9
        1.2.5. Phenolics and plant defense ..................... 11
      Fungal pathogens ....................... 13
      Phenolics and plant-insect
                        interactions ........................... 17
        1.2.6. Plant phenolics and health ...................... 22
   1.3. Note ................................................... 24
   1.4. References ............................................. 24

2. Lignification: are Lignins Biosynthesized via simple
   Combinatorial Chemistry or via Proteinaceous Control
   and Template Replication? ................................... 36
      John Ralph, Gösta Brunow, Philip J. Harris, Richard
      A. Dixon, Paul F. Schatz and Wout Boerjan

   2.1. Introduction ........................................... 36
   2.2. The current theory ..................................... 37
   2.3. Is there a need for a new theory? ...................... 37
        2.3.1. The challenge hypothesis (proteinaceous
               control and template replication) ............... 38
        2.3.2. Has the challenge hypothesis become
               a theory? ....................................... 38
   2.4. Are criticisms of the current theory valid? ............ 38
        2.4.1. Lignification as a biochemical anomaly .......... 38
        2.4.2. The (3-ether frequency anomaly .................. 39
        2.4.3. 'Obligatory' linkages? .......................... 40
   2.5. Is there anything wrong with the dirigent
        hypothesis? ............................................ 40
        2.5.1. Monomer substitution ............................ 40
      Has monomer substitution been
                        disproven? ............................. 41
      Malleability of lignification: what
                        makes a good monolignol substitute? .... 43
        2.5.2. 'Well-defined primary structure' ................ 45
      Sequencing of lignin oligomers ......... 45
      Monomer-independent sequences .......... 46
      The 'urgent need to sequence lignin
                        primary structure' ..................... 47
        2.5.3. Lignins' racemic nature ......................... 47
      The'number of isomers'problem .......... 48
        2.5.4. Comments on template replication ................ 48
        2.5.5. Polymer branching ............................... 49
   2.6. Why the new hypothesis is not in contention ............ 50
   2.7. Is lignification a biochemical anomaly? ................ 51
        2.7.1. Ferulate dehydrodimerization is
               combinatorial ................................... 51
        2.7.2. Polysaccharide primary structure is NOT
               absolutely dictated ............................. 51
   2.8. Summary comments on the dirigent/replication
        hypothesis ............................................. 52
   2.9. Conclusions ............................................ 53
   2.10.Notes .................................................. 55
   2.11.References ............................................. 58

3. Flavonoid-Protein Binding Processes and their Potential
   Impact on Human Health ...................................... 67
      Olivier Dangles and Claire Dufour

   3.1. Introduction ........................................... 67
   3.2. Biologically relevant chemical properties of
        flavonoids ............................................. 68
   3.3. Binding processes prior to absorption .................. 71
   3.4. Binding processes involved in flavonoid
        bioavailability ........................................ 72
        3.4.1. Absorption and conjugation ...................... 72
        3.4.2. Transport in plasma ............................. 73
        3.4.3. Tissue distribution and cellular metabolism ..... 73
   3.5. Binding processes involved in the potential health
        effects of flavonoids .................................. 74
        3.5.1. Inhibition of enzymes involved in ROS
               production ...................................... 74
        3.5.2. Modulation of the redox properties of
               flavonoids by binding to proteins ............... 76
        3.5.3. Inhibition of protein kinases ................... 78
        3.5.4. Inhibition of cytochrome P450 enzymes ........... 79
        3.5.5. Regulation of gene expression ................... 80
   3.6. Conclusion ............................................. 83
   3.7. References ............................................. 83

4. Methods for Synthesizing the Cocoa-Derived Oligomeric
   Epi-Catechins - Observations on the Anticancer Activity
   of the Cocoa Polyphenols .................................... 88
      Alan P. Kozikowski and Werner Tüchnantel

   4.1. Introduction ........................................... 88
   4.2. Synthesis of procyanidins .............................. 89
        4.2.1. General chemical properties of cocoa
               procyanidins .................................... 89
        4.2.2. Earlier synthetic work .......................... 91
        4.2.3. The synthesis of benzyl-protected building
               blocks .......................................... 92
        4.2.4. Inter-flavan bond formation using benzyl-
               protected building blocks ....................... 94
        4.2.5. Establishment of inter-flavan bond
               stereochemistry ................................. 97
        4.2.6. Further developments ........................... 102
   4.3. Anticancer activity ................................... 105
   4.4. Acknowledgments ....................................... 109
   4.5. References ............................................ 109

5. Gene Discovery and Metabolic Engineering in
   the Phenylpropanoid Pathway ................................ 113
      Luzia V. Modolo, Yongzhen Pang, Li Tian and Richard
      A. Dixon

   5.1. Introduction .......................................... 113
   5.2. Biosynthesis and functions of isoflavones ............. 113
   5.3. Dietary sources of isoflavones ........................ 115
   5.4. Metabolic engineering of isoflavones .................. 115
        5.4.1. Metabolic engineering by ectopic expression
               of IFS ......................................... 115
        5.4.2. Structural biology-assisted design and
               metabolic engineering with an artificial
               bifunctional IFS enzyme ........................ 116
   5.5. Gene discovery in the proanthocyanidin biosynthetic
        pathway ............................................... 117
        5.5.1. Structural genes for PA biosynthesis ........... 118
        5.5.2. Regulatory genes for PA biosynthesis ........... 121
   5.6. Metabolic engineering of PAs in plants ................ 122
   5.7. Glycosyltransferases for modification of
        phenylpropanoid compounds - in vitro biochemistry
        and in vivo function .................................. 123
        5.7.1. UGTs active with non-flavonoid phenolic
               compounds ...................................... 124
        5.7.2. Glycosylation of flavonoid compounds ........... 128
        5.7.3. Problems for the functional annotation of
               UGTs ........................................... 130
   5.8. Concerted strategies for metabolic engineering ........ 131
   5.9. References ............................................ 132
   5.10.Abbreviation list of the pathway genes ................ 138

6. Recent Advances in the Molecular Biology and Metabolic
   Engineering of Flavonoid Biosynthesis in Ornamental
   Plants ..................................................... 139
      Kevin M. Davies, Huaibi Zhang and Kathy E. Schwinn

   6.1. Introduction .......................................... 139
   6.2. Metabolic engineering of flavonoid production in
        flowers ............................................... 142
        6.2.1. Engineering yellow flower colors ............... 143
        6.2.2. Engineering blue flower colors ................. 144
   6.3. Anthocyanic vacuolar inclusions ....................... 149
   6.4. Regulation of anthocyanin biosynthesis ................ 152
   6.5. Concluding comments ................................... 157
   6.6. References ............................................ 158

7. Recent Advances in the Field of Anthocyanins - Main
   Focus on Structures ........................................ 167
      Øyvind M. Andersen

   7.1. Introduction .......................................... 167
   7.2. Anthocyanidins ........................................ 168
   7.3. Anthocyanidin equilibrium forms ....................... 178
   7.4. New anthocyanin glycosides ............................ 181
   7.5. New anthocyanin acylglycosides ........................ 183
   7.6. Flavonoid complexes including at least one
        anthocyanidin subunit ................................. 187
   7.7. Metalloanthocyanins ................................... 188
   7.8. Biosynthesis and molecular biology .................... 189
   7.9. Anthocyanin localization in plant cells ............... 191
   7.10.Acknowledgments ....................................... 192
   7.11.Notes ................................................. 192
   7.12.References ............................................ 193

8. Salicylic Acid and Induced Plant Defenses .................. 202
      Jean-Pierre Metraux, Elisabeth Lamodiere, Jeremy
      Catinot, Olivier Lamotte and Christophe Garcion

   8.1. Induced resistance and phenolics ...................... 202
   8.2. The biosynthesis of SA ................................ 203
   8.3. The network of signaling and the action of SA ......... 205
   8.4. Conclusions ........................................... 207
   8.5. Acknowledgment ........................................ 207
   8.6. References ............................................ 207

9. Phenols and the Onset and Expression of Plant Disease
   Resistance ................................................. 211
      Ray Hammerschmidt and Samantha I. Hollosy

   9.1. Introduction .......................................... 211
   9.2. Biosynthetic origins of defense-associated phenolic
        compounds ............................................. 212
   9.3. Phenolic compounds as preformed defenses .............. 212
        9.3.1. Resistance of onion bulbs ...................... 213
        9.3.2. Fusarium wilt of carnation ..................... 214
        9.3.3. Mango fruit and AIternaria ..................... 214
        9.3.4. Regulation of preformed antifungal
               compounds by phenols in avocado ................ 214
        9.3.5. Chlorogenic acid and the infection of stone
               fruit by Monilinia ............................. 215
   9.4. Active defense ........................................ 215
   9.5. Localized defenses .................................... 216
        9.5.1. Phenolic phytoalexins .......................... 216
        9.5.2. Phenolic structural defenses ................... 218
        9.5.3. Plant phenols and induced disease
               resistance ..................................... 219
   9.6. Responses of the induced plant ........................ 220
        9.6.1. Induced resistance in green bean and C.
               lindemunthianum ................................ 220
        9.6.2. Acibenzolar-S-methyl mediated induced
               resistance ..................................... 220
        9.6.3. Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria and
               induced resistance ............................. 220
        9.6.4. Silicon as a modulator of defense and
               phenolic compounds ............................. 221
   9.7. Chemical induction of phenolic compounds and
        resistance ............................................ 221
        9.7.1. Structural phenolic compounds and induced
               resistance ..................................... 221
        9.7.2. Antioxidant activity of phenolic compounds
               and plant defense .............................. 222
   9.8. Phenols and defense: a multitude of roles ............. 222
   9.9. Acknowledgment ........................................ 223
   9.10.References ............................................ 223

10.Bioactivity, Absorption, and Metabolism of Anthocyanins .... 228
      Giuseppe (Joe) Mazza and Colin D. Kay

   10.1.Introduction .......................................... 228
        10.1.1. Structural characteristics .................... 228
   10.2.Bioactivity ........................................... 229
        10.2.1.Antioxidant activity ........................... 230
        10.2.2.Anti-inflammatory effects ...................... 233
        10.2.3.Anti-atherogenic effects ....................... 233
        10.2.4.Anticarcinogenic effects ....................... 234
        10.2.5.Antibacterial and antiviral activity ........... 235
        10.2.6.Neuroprotective effects ........................ 235
        10.2.7.Prevention of obesity .......................... 235
        10.2.8.Gastric protective effects ..................... 236
        10.2.9.Improvement of vision .......................... 236
   10.3.Absorption of anthocyanins ............................ 236
        10.3.1.Variability of absorption ...................... 239
      in dosage .................. 239
      structure of the
                        anthocyanins .......................... 240
      matrix ........................... 241
      methodology ................ 241
        10.3.2.Elimination .................................... 242
        10.3.3.The concentration of anthocyanins in human
               blood and urine is very low .................... 243
        10.3.4.Suggested mechanisms of anthocyanin
               absorption ..................................... 243
        10.3.5.Structural transformations of anthocyanins ..... 245
   10.4.Metabolism of anthocyanins ............................ 247
        10.4.1.Human studies .................................. 247
        10.4.2.Animal studies ................................. 251 studies .................................. 251 studies .................................. 252
        10.4.3.Potential mechanisms of anthocyanin
               metabolism ..................................... 252
   10.5.Conclusions ........................................... 254
   10.6.References ............................................ 254

11.Bioavailability, Metabolism, and Bioactivity of Food
   Ellagic Acid and Related Polyphenols ....................... 263
      Francisco A. Tomas-Barberan, Maria Teresa Garcia-
      Conesa, Mar Larrosa, Begona Cerda, Rocio Gonzalez-
      Barrio, Maria Jose Bermudez-Soto, Antonio Gonzalez-
      Sarrias and Juan Carlos Espin

   11.1.Introduction .......................................... 263
   11.2.Ellagitannins and ellagic acid as examples of
        bioactive polyphenols ................................. 264
   11.3.Evaluation of antioxidant activity in vitro ........... 265
   11.4.Biological activity associated to ellagitannin-
        rich food intake; clinical studies .................... 265
   11.5.Questions arising after the demonstration of
        the large antioxidant activity in vitro and the
        biological activity associated with the intake
        of ellagitannin-rich food ............................. 266
        11.5.1.Bioavailability and metabolism of
               ellagitannins and ellagic acid and
               distribution of the metabolites in different
               tissues ........................................ 267
        11.5.2.Evaluation of the biological activity of
               ellagitannin metabolites produced in vivo ...... 269
   11.6.Conclusion ............................................ 275
   11.7.Acknowledgments ....................................... 275
   11.8.References ............................................ 275

12.Multiplicity of Phenolic Oxidation Products in Apple
   Juices and Ciders, from Synthetic Medium to Commercial
   Products ................................................... 278
      Sylvain Guyot, Stephane Bernillon, Pascal Poupard
      and Catherine M.G.С. Renard

   12.1.Introduction .......................................... 278
   12.2.Preparation and characterization of the
        caffeoylquinic acid o-quinone solution ................ 281
   12.3.Incubation of caffeoylquinic acid o-quinone in
        model solutions ....................................... 282
        12.3.1.Incubation of caffeoylquinic acid o-quinone
               with caffeoylquinic acid ....................... 282
        12.3.2.Incubation of caffeoylquinic acid o-quinone
               with (-)-epicatechin ........................... 285
   12.4.LC-MS analysis of oxidation products in commercial
        apple beverages ....................................... 288
   12.5.Conclusions ........................................... 290
   12.6.Acknowledgments ....................................... 290
   12.7.References ............................................ 290

13.Phytoestrogens in Drug Discovery for Controlling Steroid
   Biosynthesis ............................................... 293
      Sampo Karkola, Annamaria Lilienkampf and Kristiina

   13.1.Introduction .......................................... 293
   13.2.Aromatase ............................................. 293
        13.2.1.Natural phytoestrogens as aromatase
               inhibitors ..................................... 295
      activity of
                        phytoestrogens in human placental
                        microsome-based assays ................ 295
      activity of
                        phytoestrogens in cell-based
                        assays ................................ 298
      activity of
                        phytoestrogens in recombinant-
                        enzyme assays ......................... 299
      anti-aromatase activity of
                        various phytoestrogens ................ 299

        13.2.2.The structure-activity relationship of
               phytoestrogens ................................. 300
        13.2.3.Phytoestrogens as lead compounds for
               aromatase inhibition ........................... 301
        13.3.17.β-Hydroxy steroid dehydrogenases and their
                inhibition by phytoestrogens .................. 304β-HSDtypel ................................... 305
      of phytoestrogens to
                        17β-HSD1 .............................. 307β-HSD types 2 and 4 .......................... 307
        13.3.3.Fungal Hp-HSDcl ................................ 308
      of phytoestrogens to
                        17p-HSDcl ............................. 309β-HSDtype 3 .................................. 310β-HSD type 5 ................................. 310
        13.3.6.Phytoestrogens as lead compounds for
               17β-HSD inhibitors ............................. 311
   13.4.Conclusions ........................................... 312
   13.5.Acknowledgments ....................................... 313
   13.6.References ............................................ 313

14.Recent Advances in the Chemical Synthesis and
   Biological Activity of Phenolic Metabolites ................ 317
      Denis Barron

   14.1.Introduction .......................................... 317
   14.2.The different sites of generation of phenolic
        metabolites ........................................... 318
        14.2.1.The saliva ..................................... 318
        14.2.2.The stomach .................................... 319
        14.2.3.The small intestine ............................ 319
        14.2.4.The colon ...................................... 320
        14.2.5.The liver ...................................... 320
        14.2.6.Metabolism at the target tissues or cells ...... 321
   14.3.Nature of the metabolites of phenolic compounds ....... 321
        14.3.1.Flavone and flavonol metabolites ............... 321
        14.3.2.Flavanonone and flavanonol metabolites ......... 322
        14.3.3.Flavan 3-ol metabolites ........................ 324
        14.3.4.Ellagic tannin metabolites ..................... 324
        14.3.5.Lignan metabolites ............................. 325
        14.3.6.Isoflavone metabolites ......................... 325
        14.3.7.Hydroxycinnamic acid metabolites ............... 326
        14.3.8.Curcumin metabolites ........................... 327
        14.3.9.Resveratrol metabolites ........................ 328
   14.4.The chemical synthesis of phenolic conjugates ......... 328
        14.4.1.The preparation of O-glucuronides .............. 329
        14.4.2.The preparation of O-sulfates .................. 332
   14.5.The biological properties of phenolic conjugates ...... 334
        14.5.1.Antioxidant properties ......................... 334
      conjugates ................... 334
      conjugates .................... 340
      conjugates .................. 340
      3-ol conjugates ................ 340
      conjugates ................. 340
      case of the 7-O-conjugates ........ 341
        14.5.2.Pro-oxidant properties ......................... 342
        14.5.3.Interaction with signaling cascades ............ 343
        14.5.4.Enzyme inhibition .............................. 344
      reductase ...................... 344
     β-glucuronidase ....................... 344
      oxidase ...................... 344
      p-phosphate dehydrogenase .... 345
      ...................... 345
        14.5.5.Effect on vascular function and
               angiogenesis ................................... 345
        14.5.6.Non-covalent binding to proteins ............... 345
        14.5.7.Activity of microbial and tissular
               metabolites .................................... 346
   14.6.The cellular transport of phenolic conjugates ......... 346
        14.6.1.Cellular efflux ................................ 346
        14.6.2.Cellular uptake ................................ 347
   14.7.Conclusions ........................................... 348
   14.8.References ............................................ 350

15.Polyphenols and Gene Expression ............................ 359
      Uwe Wenzel and Hannelore Daniel

   15.1.Introduction .......................................... 359
   15.2.The effects of polyphenols on the expression of
        genes underlying detoxification mechanisms ............ 359
   15.3.Polyphenols and the expression of genes underlying
        cancer-relevant processes ............................. 363
   15.4.The impact of polyphenols on the expression of
        genes underlying atherosclerosis-relevant
        processes ............................................. 369
   15.5.References ............................................ 373

Index ......................................................... 379

The color plate section follows page 42

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