Mathematical and numerical aspects of wave propagation. WAVES 2003 (Berlin; Heidelberg, 2003). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаMathematical and numerical aspects of wave propagation. WAVES 2003: proc. of the Sixth intern. conf., Finland, 30 june - 4 july 2003 / ed. by Cohen G.C. et al. - Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer, 2003. - xx, 932 p.: ill. - ISBN 3-540-40127-X

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Оглавление / Contents
Part I Invited Presentations

Dispersive Properties of High Order Finite Elements
   Mark Ainsworth ............................................... 3

Computing Solutions for Helmholtz Equation: Domain Versus
Boundary Decomposition
   Mikhael Balabane ............................................ 11

A Eulerian Geometric Optics Method for High Frequency
Electromagnetic Fields Computations in Presence of Fold
   Jean-David Benamou, Olivier Lafitte, Remi Sentis,
   Ian Solliec ................................................. 19

Exact and High-Order Non-Reflecting Computational
   Dan Givoli .................................................. 26

Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Methods for Induction
Logging Applications
   Alexander Bespalov, Yuri A. Kuznetsov, Lev Tabarovsky ....... 32

The Inverse Kinematic Problem in Anisotropic Media
   Gunther Uhlmann ............................................. 39

Part II Acoustic Waves

Aeroacoustics of Moving Compact Bodies Application to the
   Michel Roger, Stephane Aubert ............................... 49

Numerical Simulation of a Guitar
   Eliane Becache, Antoine Chaigne, Gregoire Derveaux,
   Patrick Joly ................................................ 54

Challenges and Requirements in the Modelling of Musical
   Antoine Chaigne ............................................. 60

A Webster-Lokshin Model for Waves with Viscothermal Losses
and Impedance Boundary Conditions: Strong Solutions
   Houssem Haddar, Thomas Belie, Denis Matignon ................ 66

Numerical Simulation of Acoustic Waveguides
for Webster-Lokshin Model Using Diffusive Representations
   Thomas Belie, Denis Matignon ................................ 72

Regularization of the Time-Harmonic Galbrun's Equations
   Anne-Sophie Bonnet-Ben Dhia, Guillaume Legendre, Eric
   Luneville ................................................... 78

Acoustic Transmission Through a Splitter Silencer:
A Technique that Avoids "Root Finding"
   Jane B. Lawrie .............................................. 84

Acoustic Waves Tunnelling into Whispering Gallery Waves
   Ivan V. Andronov ............................................ 90

High-Order Numerical Simulation of Rocket Launch Noise
   Bernhard Milller, Johan Westerlund .......................... 95

Part III Artificial Boundary Conditions

Lacunae-Based Artificial Boundary Conditions for the
Numerical Simulation of Unsteady Waves Governed by
Vector Models
   Semyon V. Tsynkov .......................................... 103

Active Absorbing Boundary for an Extended Boussinesq-
Like Model
   Philippe Sergent, Patrick Gomi, Khouane Meftah ............. 109

Stabilized Perfectly Matched Layer for Advective Acoustics
   Julien Diaz, Patrick Joly .................................. 115

Long-Time Behavior of the Unsplit PML
   Eliane Becache, Peter G. Petropoulos, Stephen D. Gedney .... 120

A New Construction of Perfectly Matched Layers for
Hyperbolic Systems with Applications to the Linearized
Euler Equations
   Thomas Bagstrom ............................................ 125

Discretely Nonrefiecting Boundary Conditions for Higher
Order Centered Schemes for Wave Equations
   Daniel Appelö, Gunilla Kreiss .............................. 130

Diffusive Realization of the Impedance Operator on Circular
Boundary for 2D Wave Equation
   David Levadoux, Gerard Montseny ............................ 136

Perfectly Matched Layers for the Convected Helmholtz
   Eliane Becache, Anne-Sophie Bonnet-Ben Dhia, Guillaume 
   Legendre ................................................... 142

Laplace Domain Methods for the Construction of Transparent
Boundary Conditions for Time-Harmonic Problems
   Thorsten Hohage ............................................ 148

Part IV Asymptotic Analysis

Vibrating Systems with Concentrated Masses: On the High
Frequencies and the Local Problem
   Eugenia Perez .............................................. 157

Bulk and Surface Waves in Porous Media: Asymptotic
   Inna Edelman ............................................... 163

Asymptotical Models for Wave Propagation in Media
Including Slots
   Patrick Joly, Marc Lenoir, Sebastien Tordeux ............... 169

Part V Control

Boundary Control of the Maxwell Dynamical System: Lack
of Controllability by Topological Reasons
   M. Belishev, A. Glasman .................................... 177

Global Exact Controllability of Semi-linear Time
Reversible Systems in Infinite Dimensional Space
   Xu Zhang ................................................... 183

Some Control Problems for the Maxwell Equations Related
to Furtivity and Masking Problems in Electromagnetic
Obstacle Scattering
   Lorella Fatone, Maria Cristina Recchioni, Francesco
   Zirilli .................................................... 189

The Effect of Group Velocity in the Numerical Analysis
of Control Problems for the Wave Equation
   Fabricio Macia ............................................. 195

Simultaneous Interior Controllability of Elastic Strings
   Rene Ddger ................................................. 201

A Study of Numerical Methods for Boundary Control of the
Wave Equation in ID
   Jan Marthedal Rasmussen .................................... 207

A 2-Grid Algorithm for the 1-d Wave Equation
   Mihaela Negreanu, Enrique Zuazua ........................... 213

Part VI Direct Scattering

Diffraction by Locally Perturbed Acoustic Grating
   Anne-Sophie Bonnet-Ben Dhia, Karim Ramdani ................. 221

A New Class of Integral Equations for Scattering Problems
   David Levadoux, Bas Michielsen ............................. 227

Scattering by Inhomogeneities
   P.A. Martin ................................................ 233

Wave Reflection by a Sheet of Sea Ice
   С.М. Linton, Hyuck Chung ................................... 239

Modification of Boundary Condition for the Problem
of Source Radiation in a Half-Space with a Curvilinear
Impedance Surface
   Lev P. Kogan, V.V. Tamoikin, Т.М. Zaboronkova .............. 245

A Domain Imbedding Method with Distributed Lagrange
Multipliers for Acoustic Scattering Problems
   Erkki Heikkola, Tuomo Rossi, Jari Toivanen ................. 252

A Galerkin Boundary Element Method for a High Frequency
Scattering Problem
   Simon Chandler- Wilde, Stephen Langdon, Lars Ritter ........ 257

Dirichlet-to-Neumann Boundary Condition for Multiple
Scattering Problems
   Marcus J. Grote, Christoph Kirsch .......................... 263

Generalized Brakhage-Werner Integral Formulations
for the Iterative Solution of Acoustics Scattering
   Xavier Antoine, Marion Darbas .............................. 268

Volume Singular Integral Equations Method for Solving
of Diffraction Problem of Electromagnetic Waves in
Rectangular Resonator
   Youri Smirnov, Alexei Tsupak ............................... 274

A Coupling of Spectral and Finite Elements for an
Acoustic Scattering Problem
   Salim Meddahi, Antonio Mdrquez, Virginia Selgas ............ 280

Transient Scattering from Metallic Enclosures Using 3D
Time Domain Methods
   J.L. Silveira, S. Benhassine, L. Pichon, A. Raizer ......... 286

Plane Wave Basis in Integral Equation for 3D Scattering
   Emmanuel Perrey-Debain, Jon Trevelyan, Peter Bettess ....... 292

Determination of Green's Tensor for a Conducting Magneto-
Viscoelastic Medium
   Gayatri Chattopadhyay, R.K. Bhattacharyya .................. 298

Numerical Analysis of Transverse Localization of
Radiation in Freely Propagating Electromagnetic
Bessel Beams
   Peep Adamson ............................................... 304

Part VII Domain Decomposition Methods

Space-Time Mesh Refinement for the Elastodynamic Equations
   Eliane Becache, Patrick Joly, Jeronimo Rodriguez ........... 313

Dealing with Cross-Points in a Non-Overlapping Domain
Decomposition Solution of the Helmholtz Equation
   Y. Boubendir, A. Bendali ................................... 319

On Handling the Boundary Conditions at the Infinity
for Some Exterior Problems by the Alternating Schwarz Method
   F. Ben Belgacem, N. Gmati, M. Fournie, F. Jelassi .......... 325

Part VIII Elastic Waves

Mathematical Modeling of Elastic-Plastic Waves in 
Granular Media
   Vladimir Sadovskii, Oxana Sadovskaya ....................... 333

Wave Excitation, Propagation and Diffraction in
Elastic Layered Structures with Obstacles
   Evgeny Glushkov, Natalya Glushkova, Alexander Ekhlakov ..... 339

On the Oscillation of a Punch Moving on Free Surface
of an Elastic Half-Space
   S. Gavrilov, G.C. Herman ................................... 345

On the Antiplane Dynamical Problem of Elasticity Theory
in a Domain with Crack
   Serguei Matioukevitch ...................................... 351

Diffusive Regime for the High-Frequency Dynamics of
Randomly Heterogeneous Plates
   Eric Savin ................................................. 357

Mixed Spectral Elements for the Linear Elasticity 
System in Unbounded Domains
   Gary Cohen, Sandrine Fauqueux .............................. 363

Element-Based Node Selection Method for Reduction of
Eigenvalue Problem
   Maenghyo Cho, Hyungi Kim ................................... 369

Part IX Electromagnetism

A Family of First-Order Conditions for the Long-Time
Stability of the Maxwell System
   Helene Barucq .............................................. 377

Mass-Lumped Edge Elements for the Lossy Maxwell's
   Gary Cohen, Xavier Ferrieres, Peter Monk, Sebastien
   Pernet ..................................................... 383

A Discontinuous Galerkin Method for 3D Maxwell's Equation
on Non-conforming Grids
   Nicolas Canouet, Loula Fezoui, Serge Piperno ............... 389

Two Implementations of Nedelec's Mixed Finite Elements
in fig.13
   Kevin Rogovin, Janne Martikainen ........................... 395

Space-Time Regularity of the Solution to Maxwell's Equations
in Non-Convex Domains
   Emmanuelle Garcia, Simon Labrunie .......................... 400

Maxwell's Equations in Nonlinear Biperiodic Structures
   Gang Bao, Aurelia Minut, Zhengfang Zhou .................... 406

Homogenization of the Maxwell Equations Using Floquet-
Bloch Decomposition
   Christian Engström,  Gerhard Kristensson, Daniel Sjöberg,
   David J.L. Wall, Niklas Wellander .......................... 412

Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Through Small Diameter
Tube Bundles
   J. David Abrahams, Gregory A. Kriegsmann ................... 417

Link Between the Parabolic Equation Method and Finding
the Gradient Index of Refraction
   Francisco Varela ........................................... 423

Part X Fictitious Domain Methods

A Fictitious Domain Method for a Unilateral Contact Problem
   Eliane Becache, Patrick Joly, Gilles Scarella .............. 431

A Fictitious Domain Method with Operator Splitting for
Wave Problems in Mixed Form
   Vrushali Bokil, Roland Glowinski ........................... 437

Part XI Guided Waves

Mathematical Analysis of the Guided Modes of Integrated
Optical Guides
   Evgueni Kartchevski, George Hanson ......................... 445

Rapidly-Convergent Local-Mode Representations for Wave
Propagation and Scattering in Curved-Boundary Waveguides
   Gerassimos A. Athanassoulis, Konstadinos A. Belibassakis ... 451

Riccati Equation for the Impedance of Waveguides
   Isabelle Champagne, Jacques Henry .......................... 457

Eigenvalues of the Steklov Problem in an Infinite Cylinder
   Oleg V. Motygin, Nikolay G. Kuznetsov ...................... 463

On a Method of Search for Trapped Modes in Domains
with Cylindrical Ends
   Viktor 0. Kalvine, Pekka Neittaanmaki, Boris A.
   Plamenevskii ............................................... 469

The Forced Motion of Structures that Support Trapped
or Near-Trapped Water Waves
   P. Mclver, M. Mclver ....................................... 475

Part XII Hydrodynamics and Gravity Waves

On the Motion of a Floating Body Supported by an Air
   Nikolay Kuznetsov .......................................... 483

Long Wave Approximations for Water Waves
   Jerry Bona, Thierry Colin, David Lannes .................... 489

Oblique-Angled Periodicity Lattice in Capillary-Gravity 
Waves Problems
   Irina Konopleva, Boris Loginov ............................. 495

Localized Waves in a Thin Film with Growing Islands
   Dmitry Indeitsev, Yulia Moehalova .......................... 500

Numerical Schemes for 2D Shallow Water Equations with
Variable Depth and Friction Effects
   Tomds Chacon Rebollo, Antonio Dominguez Delgado,
   Enrique D. Fernandez Nieto ................................. 506

Generalized Eigenfunction Expansions; an Application 
to Linear Water Waves
   Christophe Hazard, Francois Loret .......................... 512

Shallow Water Wave Modelling Using a High-Order
Discontinuous Galerkin Method
   Claes Eskilsson, Spencer J. Sherwin, Lars Bergdahl ......... 518

A Nonlinear Spectral Model for Gravity Waves Generation
and Propagation in a Bounded Domain
   Felieien Bonnefoy, David Le Touze, Pierre Ferrant .......... 523

Simulation of Internal Waves in the Strait of Gibraltar
Using a Two-layer Shallow-water Model
   M.J. Castro, J.A.  Garcia-Rodriguez, J.M. Gonzalez-Vida,
   J. Macias, C. Pares, M.E. Vazquez-Сendon ................... 529

Second Order Methods for the Simulation of Pressure
Waves and Cavitation of Water
   Anselm Berg, Uwe Iben, Andreas Meister ..................... 535

Raviart-Thomas Approximations for Variational 
Hydroacoustics Problems
   Artem Shynkarenko,  Vitaly Horlatch ........................ 541

Part XIII Inverse Problems

1-D Inverse Problem of Thermoelasticity
   Valery G. Yakhno ........................................... 549

Electromagnetic Propagation in Troposphere: Inverse 
Problem Using Optimization Approaches
   Mohamed Yassine Ayari, Arnaud Coatanhay, All Khenchaf ...... 555

Inverse Problem for a Nonlinear Helmholtz Equation
   Emmanuel Jalade ............................................ 561

On Masking Operations for the Point-Source Method Solving
Inverse Boundary Value Problems
   Klaus Erhard, Roland Potthast .............................. 567

Some Inverse Problems for the Equation —(pu')' = λru
   Anton Monsef ............................................... 573

Dynamic Identification of the Deformed Body Parameters
   Alexander Kravchuk, Pekka Neittaanmäki ..................... 577

Underground Cavity Detection Based on Elastodynamic
Boundary Element and Topological Derivative Approaches
   Marc Bonnet, Bojan B. Guzina, Sylvain Nintcheu Fata ........ 582

Reconstruction of the Original Tsunami Waveform on
the Insular Arc Bottom Topography by the Coastal
Observations Inversion
   Tatjana Voronina, Veacheslav Gusjakov,  Vladimir
   Tcheverda .................................................. 588

A Numerical Method for Solving a Class of Inverse 
Eigenvalue Problems. Application to Optical Fibre Design
   Chokri Bekkey, Rabia Djellouli, Mouna Youssef .............. 593

Destabilization of Inertial Waves in a Rotating Cylinder
   Y.Duguet, J.F. Scott, L. Le Penven ......................... 599

Part XIV Inverse Scattering

Parameter Retrieval in Electron Microscopy by Solving
an Inverse Scattering Problem
   Kurt Scheerschmidt ......................................... 607

Interior Transmission Problem for Anisotropic Media
   Fioralba Cakoni, Houssem Haddar ............................ 613

A Modified Frozen Newton Method to Identify a Cavity
by Means of Boundary Measurements
   Tuong Ha-Duong, Mohamed Jaoua, Faiza Menif ................. 619

On the Solution of Inverse Obstacle Acoustic Scattering
Problems with a Limited Aperture
   Rabia Djellouli, Radek Tezaur, Charbel Farhat .............. 625

Resolution Estimation for Imaging and Time Reversal
in Scattering Media
   Liliana Borcea, George Papanicolaou, Chrysoula Tsogka ...... 631

Inverse Scattering by Rough Surfaces in the Time Domain
   Claire Lines, Simon Chandler-Wilde ......................... 637

Global and Selective Focusing Using Acoustic Time
Reversal Mirrors in the Frequency Domain 
   Christophe Hazard, Karim Ramdan ............................ 643

On the Validation of the Linear Sampling Method in
Electromagnetic Inverse Scattering Problems
   Francis Collino, M'Barek Fares, Houssem Haddar ............. 649

Part XV Multipole Methods and Fast Solvers

Complex Industrial Computations in Electromagnetism
Using the Fast Multipole Method
   Guillaume Sylvand .......................................... 657

Using the Multipole Techniques for the Far to Near
Field Transformation
   Nathalie Bartoli, Francis Collino, Fabrice Dodu ............ 663

Coupling of a Fast Multipole Method and a Microlocal
Discretization for Integral Equations of Electromagnetism
   Alain Bachelot, Eric Darrigrand, Katherine Mer-Nkonga ...... 669

Fast Direct Solver for a Time-harmonic Electromagnetic
Problem with an Application
   Janne Martikainen, Tuomo Rossi, Kevin Rogovin, Jari
   Toivanen ................................................... 675

Part XVI Nonlinear Waves

A Finite Element Method for the Solution of a Time-Dependent
Nonlinear Wave Propagation Equation
   C.J. E. M. Fortes, J.L.M. Fernandes, M.A. Vaz dos Santos ... 683

Elimination of First Order Errors in Time Dependent Shock
   Malin Siklosi, Gunilla Kreiss .............................. 688

On the Numerical Simulation of the Constrained Wave Motion:
a Penalty Approach
   Roland Glowinski, Alexander Lapin, Serguei Lapin ........... 694

Nonlinear Supratransmission: Energy Transmission by
Nonlinear Mode Generation
   F. Geniet, J. Leon ......................................... 700

A Half Plane Problem Related to the Stability of Viscous
Shock Waves
   Gunilla Kreiss, Heinz-Otto Kreiss .......................... 706

The Propagation of Nonlinear Water Waves in a Bounded
Domain Beatrice Pelloni ....................................... 711
   Homoclinic Structures

for Nonlinear Integrable Wave Equations: New Approach
   E.V. Doktorov, V.M. Rothos ................................. 717

Nonlinear Coupled Thermomechanical Waves: Modelling
Shear Type Phase Transformation in Shape Memory Alloys
   Linxiang Wang, Roderick Melnik ............................. 723

Evans Function for the AKNS Problem with Algebraic
   Dmitry E. Pelinovsky,  Vassilis M. Rothos .................. 729

Nonlinear Focusing and Rogue Waves in Deep Water
   С.М. Schober ............................................... 735

Part XVII Numerical Methods

Mixed Spectral Elements for the Helmholtz Equation
   Gary Cohen, Marc Durufle ................................... 743

Three Dimensional Plane Wave Basis Finite Elements for
Short Wave Modelling
   Omar Laghrouche, Peter Bettess, Jon Trevelyan .............. 749

Methods for Computing Synthetic Seismograms and
Estimating Their Computational Error
   Robert J. Geller, Nozomu Takeuchi, Hiromitsu Mizutani,
   Nobuyasu Hirabayashi ....................................... 754

Numerical Simulation of Thermoelastic Wave and Phase-
Transition Front Propagation
   Arkadi Berezovski, Jiiri Engelbrecht, Gerard A. Maugin ..... 759

Finite Volume Methods for Wave Phase Conjugation in Active
   Alain Merlen, Peter Voinovitch,  Vladimir
   Preobrazhensky, Philippe Pernod ............................ 765

Convergence of a Collocation Scheme for a Retarded Potential
Integral Equation
   Dugald В Duncan, Penny J. Davies ........................... 770

Numerical Stability of Schemes for Time Domain Scattering
from a Thin Strip
   Penny J. Davies ............................................ 776

The Use of Nonlinear Solitary Waves for Computing Short
Wave Equation Pulses
   John Steinhoff, Meng Fan, Lesong Wang, Min Xiao ............ 782

On a Class of Preconditioners for Solving the Discrete
Helmholtz Equation
   Y.A. Erlangga, C. Vuik, C.W. Oosterlee ..................... 788

Wavelet Analysis in Solving the Cauchy Problem for
the Wave Equation in Three-Dimensional Space
   Maria V. Perel, Mikhail S. Sidorenko ....................... 794

Backward Error Analysis for a Multi-Symplectic Integrator
   A.L. Islas, C.M. Schober ................................... 799

Time-Periodic Solutions of Wave Equation via
Controllability and Fictitious Domain Methods
   Roland Glowinski, Jacques Periaux, Jari Toivanen ........... 805

Part XVIII Resonances

Asymptotics of Bound States, Bands and Resonances for
Waveguides and Layers Coupled Through Small Windows
   Igor Yu. Popov ............................................. 813

Spectral Theory of Resonances in Electromagnetic Gratings
   H. Paul Urbach ............................................. 818

Absence of Positive Eigenvalues for the Linearized
Elasticity System. The Half-space Case
   Mourad Sini ................................................ 824

Optimal Design of Waveguide-Grating Resonances
   Gang Bao, Kai Huang ........................................ 830

Resonances of an Elastic Plate in a Confined Flow
   A.S. Bonnet-Ben Dhia, J.-F. Mercier ........................ 836

Part XIX Schrödinger Equations

The Scattering Amplitude for the Schrödinger Operator
in a Layer
   Michel Cristofol, Patricia Gaitan .......................... 845

Adaptive Absorbing Boundary Conditions for Schrödinger-
type Equations
   J. Alonso-Mallo, N. Reguera ................................ 851

Shallow Potential Wells for the Discrete Schrödinger
   Joel A. Rodriguez-Сeballos, Peter N. Zhevandrov ............ 857

Paraxial Approximation in a Tilted Frame for Laser Wave
   Remi Sentis, Marie Doumic, Frangois Golse .................. 862

Wavepacket Dynamics in Superfluid Helium
   Lauri Lehtovaara, Jussi Eloranta ........................... 868

Part XX Seismic Waves

Mathematical Analysis of Diffusion Models in Poro-Elastic
   Helene Barucq, Monique Madaune-Tort, Patrick Saint-
   Macary ..................................................... 873

Seismic Wave Modeling with the Generalized Screen Propagator
   Frank Prat, Helene Barucq, Bertrand Duquet ................. 879

An Upgrade in Linearized Modeling of Wave Propagation
   Florence Delprat-Jannaud, Laure Pelle, Patrick Lailly ...... 885

Spectral Laguerre Method for Viscoelastic Seismic Modeling
   Boris Mikhailenko, Alexander Mikhailov, Galina Reshetova ... 891

Numerical Modeling of P-wave AVOA in Media Containing
Vertical Fractures
   Tatiana Chichinina, Vladimir Sabinin, Gerardo Ronquillo
   Jarillo .................................................... 897

Part XXI Viscoelasticity

Uniqueness of the Solution to the Reflection-Transmission
Problem in a Viscoelastic Layer
   Angelo Morro ............................................... 905

A Time Domain Method for Modeling Wave Propagation
Phenomena in Viscoacoustic Media
   Jean-Philippe Groby, Chrysoula Tsogka ...................... 911

Mathematical and Numerical Modeling of Wave Popagation
in Linear Viscoelastic Media
   Eliane Becache, Abdelaaziz Ezziani, Patrick Joly ........... 916

Numerical Model of Seismic Wave Propagation in
Viscoelastic Media
   Vladimir Sabinin, Tatiana Chichinina, Gerardo
   Ronquillo Jarillo .......................................... 922

Author Index .................................................. 929

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