Texts in applied mathematics; 55 (New York, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаAllaire G. Numerical linear algebra / Allaire G., Kaber S.M.; transl. by Trabelsi K. - New York: Springer, 2008. - xi, 271 p.: ill. - (Texts in applied mathematics; 55). - ISBN 978-0-387-34159-0

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Оглавление / Contents
1. Introduction ................................................. 1
   1.1. Discretization of a Differential Equation ............... 1
   1.2. Least Squares Fitting ................................... 4
   1.3. Vibrations of a Mechanical System ....................... 8
   1.4. The Vibrating String ................................... 10
   1.5. Image Compression by the SVD Factorization ............. 12
2. Definition and Properties of Matrices ....................... 15
   2.1. Gram Schmidt Orthonormalization Process ................ 15
   2.2. Matrices ............................................... 17
        2.2.1. Trace and Determinant ........................... 19
        2.2.2. Special Matrices ................................ 20
        2.2.3. Rows and Columns ................................ 21
        2.2.4. Row and Column Permutation ...................... 22
        2.2.5. Block Matrices .................................. 22
   2.3. Spectral Theory of Matrices ............................ 23
   2.4. Matrix Triangularization ............................... 26
   2.5. Matrix Diagonalization ................................. 28
   2.6. Min-Max Principle ...................................... 31
   2.7. Singular Values of a Matrix ............................ 33
   2.8. Exercises .............................................. 38
3. Matrix Norms, Sequences, and Series ......................... 45
   3.1. Matrix Norms and Subordinate Norms ..................... 45
   3.2. Subordinate Norms for Rectangular Matrices ............. 52
   3.3. Matrix Sequences and Series ............................ 54
   3.4. Exercises .............................................. 57
4. Introduction to Algorithmics ................................ 61
   4.1. Algorithms and pseudolanguage .......................... 61
   4.2. Operation Count and Complexity ......................... 64
   4.3. The Strassen Algorithm ................................. 65
   4.4. Equivalence of Operations .............................. 67
   4.5. Exercises .............................................. 69
5. Linear Systems .............................................. 71
   5.1. Square Linear Systems .................................. 71
   5.2. Over- and Underdetermined Linear Systems ............... 75
   5.3. Numerical Solution ..................................... 76
        5.3.1. Floating-Point System ........................... 77
        5.3.2. Matrix Conditioning ............................. 79
        5.3.3. Conditioning of a Finite Difference Matrix ...... 85
        5.3.4. Approximation of the Condition Number ........... 88
        5.3.5. Preconditioning ................................. 91
   5.4. Exercises .............................................. 92
6. Direct Methods for Linear Systems ........................... 97
   6.1. Gaussian Elimination Method ............................ 97
   6.2. LU Decomposition Method ............................... 103
        6.2.1. Practical Computation of the LU
               Factorization .................................. 107
        6.2.2. Numerical Algorithm ............................ 108
        6.2.3. Operation Count ................................ 108
        6.2.4. The Case of Band Matrices ...................... 110
   6.3. Cholesky Method ....................................... 112
        6.3.1. Practical Computation of the Cholesky
               Factorization .................................. 113
        6.3.2. Numerical Algorithm ............................ 114
        6.3.3. Operation Count ................................ 115
   6.4. QR Factorization Method ............................... 116
        6.4.1. Operation Count ................................ 118
   6.5. Exercises ............................................. 119
7. Least Squares Problems ..................................... 125
   7.1. Motivation ............................................ 125
   7.2. Main Results .......................................... 126
   7.3. Numerical Algorithms .................................. 128
        7.3.1. Conditioning of Least Squares Problems ......... 128
        7.3.2. Normal Equation Method ......................... 131
        7.3.3. QR Factorization Method ........................ 132
        7.3.4. Householder Algorithm .......................... 136
   7.4. Exercises ............................................. 140
8. Simple Iterative Methods ................................... 143
   8.1. General Setting ....................................... 143
   8.2. Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel, and Relaxation Methods .......... 147
        8.2.1. Jacobi Method .................................. 147
        8.2.2. Gauss-Seidel Method ............................ 148
        8.2.3. Successive Overrelaxation Method (SOR) ......... 149
   8.3. The Special Case of Tridiagonal Matrices .............. 150
   8.4. Discrete Laplacian .................................... 154
   8.5. Programming Iterative Methods ......................... 156
   8.6. Block Methods ......................................... 157
   8.7. Exercises ............................................. 159
9. Conjugate Gradient Method .................................. 163
   9.1. The Gradient Method ................................... 163
   9.2. Geometric Interpretation .............................. 165
   9.3. Some Ideas for Further Generalizations ................ 168
   9.4. Theoretical Definition of the Conjugate Gradient
        Method ................................................ 171
   9.5. Conjugate Gradient Algorithm .......................... 174
        9.5.1. Numerical Algorithm ............................ 178
        9.5.2. Number of Operations ........................... 179
        9.5.3. Convergence Speed .............................. 180
        9.5.4. Preconditioning ................................ 182
        9.5.5. Chebyshev Polynomials .......................... 186
   9.6. Exercises ............................................. 189
10.Methods for Computing Eigenvalues .......................... 191
   10.1.Generalities .......................................... 191
   10.2.Conditioning .......................................... 192
   10.3.Power Method .......................................... 194
   10.4.Jacobi Method ......................................... 198
   10.5.Givens-Householder Method ............................. 203
   10.6.QR Method ............................................. 209
   10.7.Lanczos Method ........................................ 214
   10.8.Exercises ............................................. 219
11.Solutions and Programs ..................................... 223
   11.1.Exercises of Chapter 2 ................................ 223
   11.2.Exercises of Chapter 3 ................................ 234
   11.3.Exercises of Chapter 4 ................................ 237
   11.4.Exercises of Chapter 5 ................................ 241
   11.5.Exercises of Chapter 6 ................................ 250
   11.6.Exercises of Chapter 7 ................................ 257
   11.7.Exercises of Chapter 8 ................................ 258
   11.8.Exercises of Chapter 9 ................................ 260
   11.9.Exercises of Chapter 10 ............................... 262

References .................................................... 265

Index ......................................................... 267

Index of Programs ............................................. 272

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