Active flow control (Berlin; Heidelberg, 2007). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаActive flow control: Papers contributed to the conf. "Active flow control 2006", Berlin, Germany, september 27 to 29, 2006 / ed. by King R. - Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2007. - xiii, 440 p. - (Notes on numerical fluid mechanics and multidisciplinary design (NNFM); 95). - ISBN 978-3-540-71438-5; ISSN 1612-2909

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Оглавление / Contents
The Taming of the Shrew: Why Is It so Difficult to
Control Turbulence?
   Mohamed Gad-el-Hak ........................................... 1

Part I: Actuators

Electromagnetic Control of Separated Flows Using Periodic
Excitation with Different Wave Forms
   Christian Cierpka, Tom Weier, Gunter Gerbeth ................ 27

Pulsed Plasma Actuators for Active Flow Control at MAV
Reynolds Numbers
   B. Göksel, D. Greenblatt, I. Rechenberg, Y. Kastantin,
   C.N. Nayeri, C.O. Paschereit ................................ 42

Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Boundary-Layer
Influence Using Plasma-Actuators
   S. Grundmann, S. Klumpp, С. Tropea .......................... 56

Designing Actuators for Active Separation Control
Experiments on High-Lift Configurations*
   Ralf Petz,  Wolfgang Nitsche ................................ 69

Closed-Loop Active Flow Control Systems: Actuators
   A. Seifert .................................................. 85

Part II: State Estimation and Feature Extraction

State Estimation of Transient Flow Fields Using Double
Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (DPOD)
   Stefan Siegel, Kelly Cohen, Jurgen Seidel, Thomas
   Mclaughlin ................................................. 105

A Unified Feature Extraction Architecture*
   Tino Weinkauf Jan Sahner, Holger Theisel, Hans-Christian
   Hege, Hans-Peter Seidel .................................... 119

Part III: Air Foils

Control of Wing Vortices
   J. Gursul, E. Vardaki, P. Margaris, Z. Wang ................ 137

Towards Active Control of Leading Edge Stall by Means of
Pneumatic Actuators
   C.J. Kähler, P. Scholz, J. Ortmanns, R. Radespiel .......... 152

Computational Investigation of Separation Control for
High-Lift Airfoil Flows*
   Markus Schatz, Bert Grünther, Frank Thiele ................. 173

Steady and Oscillatory Flow Control Tests for Tilt Rotor
   M. Schmalzel, P. Varghese, I. Wygnanski .................... 190

Part IV: Cavities

Reduced-Order Model-Based Feedback Control of Subsonic
Cavity Flows - An Experimental Approach
   M. Samimy, M. Debiasi, E. Caraballo, A. Serrani,
   X. Yuan, J. Little, J.H. Myatt ............................. 211

Supersonic Cavity Response to Open-Loop Forcing
   David R. Williams, Daniel Cornelius, Clarence W. Rowley .... 230

Part V: Bluff Bodies

Active Drag Control for a Generic Car Model*
   A. Brunn, E. Wassen, D. Sperber, W. Nitsche, F. Thiele ..... 247

Continuous Mode Interpolation for Control-Oriented Models
of Fluid Flow*
   Marek Morzynski, Witold Stankiewicz, Bemd R. Noack,
   Rudibert King, Frank Thiele, Gilead Tadmor ................. 260

Part VI: Turbomachines and Combustors

Active Management of Entrainment and Streamwise Vortices
in an Incompressible Jet
   D. Greenblatt, Y. Singh, Y. Kastantin, C.N. Nayeri,
   C.O. Paschereit ............................................ 281

Active Control to Improve the Aerodynamic Performance and
Reduce the Tip Clearance Noise of Axial Turbomachines
with Steady Air Injection into the Tip Clearance Gap
   L. Neuhaus, W. Neise ....................................... 293

Part VII: Optimal Flow Control and Numerical Studies

Drag Minimization of the Cylinder Wake by Trust-Region
Proper Orthogonal Decomposition
   Michel Bergmann, Laurent Cordier, Jean-Pierre Brancher ..... 309

Flow Control on the Basis of a FEATFLOW-MATLAB Coupling*
   Lars Henning, Dmitri Kuzmin, Volker Mehrmann, Michael
   Schmidt, Andriy Sokolov, Stefan Turek ...................... 325

On the Choice of the Cost Functional for Optimal Vortex
Reduction for Instationary Flows
   Karl Kunisch, Boris Vexler ................................. 339

Flow Control with Regularized State Constraints*
   J.C. de los Reyes, F. Troltzsch ............................ 353

Part VIII: Closed-Loop Flow Control

Feedback Control Applied to the Bluff Body Wake*
   Lars Henning, Mark Pastoor, Rudibert King, Bernd R.
   Noack, Gilead Tadmor ....................................... 369

Active Blade Tone Control in Axial Turbomachines by Flow
Induced Secondary Sources in the Blade Tip Regime*
   0. Lemke, R. Becker, G. Feuerbach, W. Neise, R. King,
   M. Moser ................................................... 391

Phase-Shift Control of Combustion Instability Using
(Combined) Secondary Fuel Injection and Acoustic Forcing*
   Jonas P. Moeck, Mirko R. Bothien, Daniel Guyot,
   Christian Oliver Paschereit ................................ 408

Vortex Models for Feedback Stabilization of Wake Flows
   Bartosz Protas ............................................. 422

Keyword Index ................................................. 437

* These papers are results of the Collaborative Research
  Center ...................................................... 557

"Control of complex turbulent shear flows" (SFB 557, TU Berlin)
and are printed according to the regulations of and funded by
the DFG (German Research Foundation).

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