Moulijn J. Chemical process technology (Chichester, 2001). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаMoulijn J. Chemical process technology / Moulijn J., Makkee M., van Diepen A. - Chichester: Wiley, 2001. - xii, 453 p.: ill. - ISBN 0-471-63062-4

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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ....................................................... xi

1. Introduction ................................................ 1
2. The Chemical Industry ....................................... 7
   2.1. Introduction ........................................... 7
   2.2. Structure of the chemical industry ..................... 7
   2.3. Raw materials and energy .............................. 10
        2.3.1. Fossil fuel consumption and reserves ........... 10
        2.3.2. Energy and the chemical industry ............... 12
        2.3.3. Composition of fossil fuels .................... 15
   2.4. Base chemicals ........................................ 23
3. Processes in the Oil Refinery .............................. 27
   3.1. Oil refinery - an overview ............................ 27
   3.2. Physical processes .................................... 27
        3.2.1. Desalting/dehydration .......................... 27
        3.2.2. Crude distillation ............................. 29
        3.2.3. Propane deasphalting ........................... 31
   3.3. Thermal processes ..................................... 32
        3.3.1. Visbreaking .................................... 32
        3.3.2. Delayed coking ................................. 33
   3.4. Catalytic processes ................................... 33
        3.4.1. Catalytic cracking ............................. 36
        3.4.2. Hydrotreating .................................. 49
        3.4.3. Hydrocracking .................................. 54
        3.4.4. Catalytic reforming ............................ 59
        3.4.5. Alkylation ..................................... 65
   3.5. Conversion of heavy residues .......................... 70
        3.5.1. Flexicoking .................................... 71
        3.5.2. Catalytic hydrogenation of residues ............ 73
   3.6. Treatment of refinery gas streams ..................... 78
        3.6.1. Removal of H2S from refinery exhaust gases ..... 78
        3.6.2. Recovery of hydrogen from refinery gas
               streams ........................................ 83
   3.7. Current and future trends in oil refining ............. 88
        3.7.1. Reformulated gasoline .......................... 88
        3.7.2. Diesel ......................................... 89
        3.7.3. The use of zeolites for shape selectivity
               in the oil refinery ............................ 90
        3.7.4. Alternative technology and fuels ............... 96
4. Steam Cracking: Production of Lower
   Alkenes ................................................... 109
   4.1. Introduction ......................................... 109
   4.2. Cracking reactions ................................... 110
        4.2.1. Thermodynamics ................................ 110
        4.2.2. Mechanism ..................................... 111
        4.2.3. Kinetics ...................................... 112
   4.3. Industrial process ................................... 113
        4.3.1. Influence of feedstock on steam cracker
               operation and products ........................ 114
        4.3.2. Cracking furnace .............................. 117
        4.3.3. Heat exchanger ................................ 119
        4.3.4. Coke .......................................... 120
   4.4. Product processing ................................... 121
   4.5. Current and future developments ...................... 123
        4.5.1. Selective dehydrogenation ..................... 123
        4.5.2. Other sources of lower alkenes ................ 126
5. Synthesis Gas ............................................. 131
   5.1. Introduction ......................................... 131
   5.2. Synthesis gas from natural gas ....................... 133
        5.2.1. Reactions and thermodynamics .................. 133
        5.2.2. Steam reforming process ....................... 135
        5.2.3. Advances in steam reforming ................... 139
        5.2.4. Autothermic reforming ......................... 140
        5.2.5. Novel developments ............................ 142
   5.3. Coal gasification .................................... 144
        5.3.1. Gasification reactions ........................ 144
        5.3.2. Thermodynamics ................................ 147
        5.3.3. Current coal gasification processes ........... 149
        5.3.4. Recent developments ........................... 153
        5.3.5. Applications .................................. 154
   5.4. Purification and adjustment of synthesis gas ......... 158
        5.4.1. Conversion of carbon monoxide ................. 158
        5.4.2. Gas purification .............................. 159
6. Bulk Chemicals and Synthetic Fuels Derived from
   Synthesis Gas ............................................. 163
   6.1. Ammonia .............................................. 163
        6.1.1. Background information ........................ 163
        6.1.2. Thermodynamic s ............................... 165
        6.1.3. Commercial ammonia synthesis reactors ......... 166
        6.1.4. Ammonia synthesis loop ........................ 169
        6.1.5. Integrated ammonia plant ...................... 169
        6.1.6. Applications of ammonia ....................... 173
   6.2. Methanol ............................................. 180
        6.2.1. Background information ........................ 180
        6.2.2. Thermodynamics ................................ 180
        6.2.3. Synthesis gas for methanol production ......... 183
        6.2.4. Methanol synthesis ............................ 184
        6.2.5. Applications of methanol ...................... 187
   6.3. Fischer-Tropsch process .............................. 193
        6.3.1. Reactions and thermodynamics .................. 194
        6.3.2. Reactors used in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis .... 196
        6.3.3. Carbon removal ................................ 197
        6.3.4. Processes ..................................... 198
        6.3.5. Future developments ........................... 201
7. Inorganic Bulk Chemicals .................................. 205
   7.1. Sulfuric acid ........................................ 205
        7.1.1. Reactions and thermodynamics .................. 206
        7.1.2. S02 conversion reactor ........................ 207
        7.1.3. Modern sulfuric acid production process ....... 208
        7.1.4. Catalyst deactivation ......................... 210
   7.2. Nitric acid .......................................... 210
        7.2.1. Reactions and thermodynamics .................. 210
        7.2.2. Processes ..................................... 212
        7.2.3. NOx abatement ................................. 215
8. Homogeneous Catalysis ..................................... 219
   8.1. Introduction ......................................... 219
   8.2. Wacker oxidation ..................................... 221
        8.2.1. Background information ........................ 222
        8.2.2. Processes ..................................... 224
   8.3. Acetic acid production ............................... 228
        8.3.1. Background information ........................ 228
        8.3.2. Methanol carbonylation process ................ 230
        8.3.3. Process economics ............................. 235
   8.4. Hydroformylation ..................................... 235
        8.4.1. Background information ........................ 236
        8.4.2. Thermodynamics ................................ 237
        8.4.3. Catalyst development .......................... 237
        8.4.4. Processes ..................................... 239
   8.5. Dimethyl terephthalate and terephthalic acid
        production ........................................... 244
        8.5.1. Background information ........................ 245
        8.5.2. Conversion of p-toluic acid intermediate ...... 246
        8.5.3. Processes ..................................... 247
        8.5.4. Process comparison ............................ 249
   8.6. Review of reactors used in homogeneous catalysis ..... 250
        8.6.1. Choice of reactor ............................. 250
        8.6.2. Exchanging heat ............................... 252
   8.7. Review of catalyst/product separation methods ........ 252
        8.7.1. Current separation techniques ................. 253
        8.7.2. Future developments ........................... 254
9. Heterogeneous Catalysis - Concepts and Examples ........... 257
   9.1. Introduction ......................................... 257
   9.2. Catalyst design ...................................... 258
        9.2.1. Catalyst size and shape ....................... 258
        9.2.2. Mechanical properties of catalyst particles ... 260
   9.3. Reactor types and their characteristics .............. 260
        9.3.1. Reactor types ................................. 261
        9.3.2. Exchanging heat ............................... 263
        9.3.3. Role of catalyst deactivation ................. 265
        9.3.4. Other issues .................................. 267
   9.4. Novel developments in reactor technology ............. 268
        9.4.1. Adiabatic reactor with periodic flow
               reversal ...................................... 269
        9.4.2. Structured catalytic reactors ................. 270
        9.4.3. Hybrid systems ................................ 272
   9.5. Selected examples of heterogeneous catalysis ......... 277
        9.5.1. Ethylbenzene and styrene production ........... 277
        9.5.2. Selective oxidations .......................... 286
        9.5.3. Monolith applications ......................... 294
10.Fine Chemistry ............................................ 307
   10.1.Introduction ......................................... 307
   10.2.Plants for the production of fine chemicals .......... 312
   10.3.Batch reactor design ................................. 316
        10.3.1.Mechanically stirred batch reactors ........... 316
        10.3.2.Batch reactors for gas-liquid-solid systems ... 318
   10.4.Batch reactor scale-up ............................... 320
        10.4.1.Temperature control ........................... 322
        10.4.2.Heat transfer ................................. 322
        10.4.3.Example of the scale-up of a batch and semi-
               batch reactor ................................. 323
   10.5.Safety aspects of fine chemicals ..................... 327
        10.5.1.Thermal risks in the production of
               chemicals ..................................... 328
        10.5.2.Safety and process development ................ 328
        10.5.3.Summary of scale-up of batch reactors ......... 330
11.Polymerization Processes .................................. 333
   11.1.Introduction ......................................... 333
   11.2.Polymerization reactions ............................. 334
        11.2.1.Types of polymerization ....................... 334
        11.2.2.Mechanisms of chain-growth polymerization ..... 336
   11.3.Polyethenes - background information ................. 339
        11.3.1.Catalyst development .......................... 339
        11.3.2.Classification and properties ................. 339
        11.3.3.Applications .................................. 341
   11.4.Processes for the production of polyethenes .......... 341
        11.4.1.Monomer production and purification ........... 342
        11.4.2.Polymerization - exothermicity ................ 342
        11.4.3.Production of LDPE ............................ 343
        11.4.4.Production of HDPE and LLDPE .................. 348
        11.4.5.Economics of polyethene production
               processes ..................................... 350
12.Biotechnology ............................................. 353
   12.1.Introduction ......................................... 353
   12.2.Conversion Processes ................................. 355
        12.2.1.Introduction .................................. 355
        12.2.2.Mode of operation ............................. 356
        12.2.3.Type of reactor ............................... 357
        12.2.4.Sterilization ................................. 362
   12.3.Fermentation technology - cell biomass (bakers'
        yeast production) .................................... 363
        12.3.1.Process layout ................................ 364
        12.3.2.Cultivation equipment ......................... 365
        12.3.3.Downstream processing ......................... 365
   12.4.Fermentation technology - metabolic products
        (biomass as renewable energy source) ................. 366
        12.4.1.Ethanol ....................................... 366
        12.4.2.Biogas ........................................ 367
   12.5.Environmental application - wastewater treatment ..... 368
        12.5.1.Introduction .................................. 368
        12.5.2.Process layout ................................ 369
        12.5.3.Biological treatment processes ................ 370
   12.6.Enzyme technology - biocatalysts for
        transformations ...................................... 376
        12.6.1.General aspects ............................... 376
        12.6.2.Production of L-amino acids ................... 378
        12.6.3.Production of artificial sweeteners ........... 379
13.Process Development ....................................... 387
   13.1.Dependence of strategy on product type and raw
        materials ............................................ 387
   13.2.The course of process development .................... 389
   13.3.Development of individual steps ...................... 391
        13.3.1.Exploratory phase ............................. 392
        13.3.2.From process concept to preliminary flow
               sheet ......................................... 392
        13.3.3.Pilot plants/miniplants ....................... 395
   13.4.Scale-up ............................................. 401
        13.4.1.Reactors with a single fluid phase ............ 402
        13.4.2.Fixed-bed catalytic reactors .................. 404
        13.4.3.Catalyst stability and accumulation of
               impurities .................................... 408
   13.5.Safety and loss prevention ........................... 408
        13.5.1.Introduction .................................. 408
        13.5.2.Safety issues ................................. 409
        13.5.3.Reactivity hazards ............................ 415
        13.5.4.Design approaches to safety ................... 417
   13.6.Process evaluation ................................... 419
        13.6.1.Introduction .................................. 419
        13.6.2.Capital cost estimation ....................... 420
        13.6.3.Operating costs and earnings .................. 426
        13.6.4.Profitability measures ........................ 430
   13.7.Current and future trends ............................ 431

Appendix A: Chemical industry - Figures ...................... 437
Appendix B: Main Symbols used in Flow Schemes ................ 441

Index ........................................................ 445

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