The Mandelbrot set, theme and variations (Edinburgh; NY.; Melbourne; Madrid, 2000). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаThe Mandelbrot set, theme and variations / ed. by Lei T. - Edinburgh; NY.; Melbourne; Madrid: Cambridge University Press, 2000. - xx, 365 p.: ill. - (London Mathematical Society lecture note series; 274). - ISBN 0-521-77476-4

Место хранения: 013 | Институт математики СО РАН | Новосибирск | Библиотека

Оглавление / Contents
Introduction .................................................. vii
   Tan L.

Preface ...................................................... xiii
   J. Hubbard

The Mandelbrot set is universal ................................. 1
   С. McMullen

Baby Mandelbrot sets are born in cauliflowers .................. 19
   A. Douady, with the participation of X. Buff, ft. Devaney
   & P. Sentenac

Modulation dans I'ensemble de Mandelbrot ....................... 37
   P. Haissinscy

Local connectivity of Julia sets: expository lectures .......... 67
   J. Milnor

Holomorphic motions and puzzles (following M. Shishikura) ..... 117
   P. Roesch

Local properties of the Mandelbrot set at parabolic points .... 133
   Tan L.

Convergence of rational rays in parameter spaces .............. 161
   C. Petersen and G. Ryd

Bounded recurrence of critical points and Jakobson's
Theorem ....................................................... 173
   S. Luzzatto

The Herman-Swiatek Theorems with applications ................. 211
   C. Petersen

Perturbation d'une fonction linearisable ...................... 227
   H. Jellouli

Indice holomorphe et rnultiplicateur .......................... 253
   H. Jellouli

An alternative proof of Mane's theorem on non-expanding
Julia sets .................................................... 265
   M. Shishikura and Tan L.

Geometry and dimension of Julia sets .......................... 281
   Yin Y.-C.

On a theorem of M. Rees for the matings of polynomials ........ 289
   M. Shishikura

Le theoreme d'integrabilite des structures presque
complexes ..................................................... 307
   A. Douady, d'apres des notes de X. Buff

Bifurcation of parabolic fixed points ......................... 325
   M. Shishikura

References .................................................... 365 

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