Vedam M.S. Power quality (Boca Raton, London, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаVedam M.S. Power quality: VAR compensation in power systems / Vedam M.S., Sarma M.S. - Boca Raton: CRC; London: Taylor & Francis, 2008. - 283 p.: ill. - ISBN 978-1-4200-6480-3

Оглавление / Contents
Chapter 1 Power Quality ......................................... 1

1.1. Introduction ............................................... 1
1.2. Importance of Power Quality ................................ 1
1.3. Common Disturbances in Power Systems ....................... 2
1.4. Short-Duration Voltage Variation ........................... 2
1.5. Long-Duration Voltage Variations ........................... 4
1.6. Transients ................................................. 4
     1.6.1. Impulsive Transients ................................ 4
     1.6.2. Oscillatory Transients .............................. 5
     1.6.3. Voltage Imbalance ................................... 5
1.7. Harmonics .................................................. 6
1.8. Interharmonics ............................................. 6
1.9. DC Offset .................................................. 7
1.10.Notching ................................................... 7
1.11.Noise ...................................................... 7
1.12.Voltage Fluctuations ....................................... 8
1.13.Power Frequency Variations ................................. 8
1.14.Solutions to Power Quality Problems ........................ 8
1.15.Ambiguous Terms ........................................... 10
1.16.CBEMA and ITI Curves ...................................... 10
1.17.Features of Voltages in Power Systems ..................... 11
1.18.Grounding ................................................. 11
     1.18.1.Ground Electrodes .................................. 12
   Rods, Ground Rings, Plates ......... 13
   Reference Ground (SRG) ............. 14
     1.18.2.Single-Point and Multipoint Grounding .............. 14
     1.18.3.Ground Loops ....................................... 17
     1.18.4.Isolated Ground .................................... 17
     1.18.5.Electrochemical Reactions Due to Ground Grids ...... 17
1.19.Reactive Power in Power Systems with Harmonic
     Distortion ................................................ 18
     1.19.1.Single-Phase Systems ............................... 18
1.20.Reliability ............................................... 20
1.21.Power Quality Data Collection ............................. 20
1.22.Summary ................................................... 21
Appendix ....................................................... 22
References ..................................................... 24

Chapter 2 Static Var Compensators .............................. 27

2.1. Introduction .............................................. 27
     2.1.1. Increase in Transient Stability Margin ............. 27
     2.1.2. Damping of Power Oscillations ...................... 27
     2.1.3. Voltage Support .................................... 29
2.2. Static Var Compensator Systems Versus Synchronous
     Condensers, Capacitors, and Reactors ...................... 30
2.3. Shunt and Series Compensation ............................. 31
2.4. Fundamentals of Load Compensation ......................... 31
2.5. Reactive Power Relationships Between Wye- and Delta-
     Connected Systems ......................................... 34
2.6. Static Var Compensators for Transmission Systems .......... 39
     2.6.1. SVC Using a TCR and an FC .......................... 40
     2.6.2. SVC Using a TCR and TSC ............................ 42
     2.6.3. STATCOM (SVC Using Self-Commutated Inverters) ...... 42
     2.6.4. SVC Using a Saturated Reactor (SR) ................. 43
     2.6.5. Comparison of Static Var Systems ................... 46
     2.6.6. Specification of SVCs .............................. 46
2.7. A Case Study (Australia): Central Queensland Railway
     Project ................................................... 47
     2.7.1. Limits for Voltage Unbalance ....................... 48
     2.7.2. Three-Phase Power Flow Studies ..................... 49
2.8. Chester-Maine SVC Project ................................. 51
2.9. Conclusions ............................................... 51
References ..................................................... 52

Chapter 3 Control of Static Var Compensators ................... 55

3.1. Introduction .............................................. 55
3.2. Control Systems for SVCs in Transmission System
     Applications .............................................. 55
     3.2.1. Voltage Regulation ................................. 55
     3.2.2. Gain Supervision ................................... 56
     3.2.3. Reactive Power Control and Coordination ............ 57
     3.2.4. Control Signals for System Transient Stability,
            Power Oscillation Damping, and Subsynchronous
            Resonance Damping Enhancement ...................... 58
3.3. Control Systems for SVCs in Traction Applications ......... 59
     3.3.1. Load Compensation .................................. 59
     3.3.2. Voltage Regulation and Balancing ................... 61
     3.3.3. Measurement of Sequence Components ................. 62
3.4. Phase-Locked Oscillator Control System .................... 65
3.5. Implementation Details of a Programmable High-Speed
     Controller ................................................ 65
     3.5.1. Priority Logic ..................................... 66
     3.5.2. Detection of Faults ................................ 66
     3.5.3. Program Sequence ................................... 67
     3.5.4. Special Features of the Programmable High-Speed
            Controller ......................................... 67
3.6. Conclusions ............................................... 67
References ..................................................... 68

Chapter 4 Harmonics ............................................ 71

4.1. Converter Harmonics ....................................... 72
     4.1.1. Effect of Transformer Connections .................. 74
     4.1.2. Harmonics When There Is Overlap in the
            Commutation Process ................................ 75
     4.1.3. Direct-Voltage Harmonics ........................... 76
     4.1.4. Imperfect System Conditions ........................ 77
4.2. Single-Phase Power Supplies ............................... 79
4.3. DC Drives ................................................. 81
4.4. AC Drives ................................................. 81
4.5. Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) .............................. 82
4.6. Telecontrol Signals ....................................... 84
4.7. Cycloconverters ........................................... 84
4.8. Transformers .............................................. 84
     4.8.1. Harmonics in No-Load Exciting Current .............. 84
     4.8.2. Harmonics due to Inrush Current .................... 85
     4.8.3. DC Magnetization ................................... 85
4.9. Harmonics in Rotating Machines ............................ 86
4.10.Harmonics in Arc Furnace Loads ............................ 87
4.11.Harmonics in a Thyristor-Controlled Reactor ............... 87
4.12.TheK-Factor ............................................... 88
4.13.Conclusions ............................................... 90
References ..................................................... 90

Chapter 5 Utility Harmonic Regulations and Standards ........... 93

5.1. Introduction .............................................. 93
5.2. Undesirable Effects of the Harmonics ...................... 93
5.3. Specification of the Harmonic Limits ...................... 96
5.4. Philosophical Differences between IEEE 519-1992
     and IEC 61000-Series Standards ............................ 97
5.5. IEEE 519-1992 ............................................. 97
5.6. IEC 61000-Series Standards ............................... 100
     5.6.1. Assessment Procedure (Harmonic Limits) ............ 101
     5.6.2. Summation Laws for Combining Harmonics ............ 104
5.7. General Comments on the Standards ........................ 105
     5.7.1. Allocation of Harmonic Voltage or Current or
            Both Limits to the Customers ...................... 105
     5.7.2. Empirical Nature of the Standards ................. 106
     5.7.3. Legal Responsibility for Damages due to
            Harmonic Problems ................................. 107
5.8. Application of the Standards ............................. 107
     5.8.1. Application of Standards—B.C. Hydro's Approach .... 108
5.9. Examples of the Harmonic Studies ......................... 111
5.10.Conclusions .............................................. 111
References .................................................... 112
Appendix—IEC 61000-Series Standards ........................... 113

Chapter 6 Harmonic Filters .................................... 117

6.1. Introduction ............................................. 117
6.2. Undesirable Effects of Harmonics ......................... 117
6.3. Harmonic Sources ......................................... 117
6.4. Types of Filters ......................................... 118
     6.4.1. Types of Damped Filters ........................... 118
6.5. AC Network Impedance ..................................... 119
     6.5.1. Overhead Lines .................................... 119
   Line Constants ........................... 120
     6.5.2. Underground Cables ................................ 121
     6.5.3. Transformers ...................................... 121
     6.5.4. Rotating Machines ................................. 122
     6.5.5. Passive Loads ..................................... 123
   Electronic Loads ......................... 123
     6.5.6. Norton Equivalents of Residential Loads ........... 123
6.6. Design of Single-Tuned Filters ........................... 124
6.7. Design of Double-Tuned Filters ........................... 127
6.8. Filter Performance Evaluation ............................ 127
6.9. Design of Damped Filters ................................. 129
6.10.Filter Component Ratings ................................. 130
     6.10.1. Filter Capacitors ................................ 130
     6.10.2. Tuning Reactors .................................. 131
6.11.Outline of Filter Design in Two Queensland (Australia)
     Projects ................................................. 132
     6.11.1. Transmission SVC Project ......................... 132
     6.11.2. Queensland Railway (QR) Project .................. 133
6.12.Conclusions .............................................. 135
References .................................................... 135

Chapter 7 Computational Tools and Programs for the Design
          and Analysis of Static Var Compensators and
          Filters ............................................. 137

7.1. Introduction ............................................. 137
7.2. Computational Tools ...................................... 137
7.3. Digital Computers ........................................ 138
7.4. Analog Computers ......................................... 139
7.5. Special Problems in the Simulation of Power Electronic
     Circuits ................................................. 139
     7.5.1. Constant Topology ................................. 139
     7.5.2. Varying Topology .................................. 140
7.6. Transient Electrical Network Analyzers ................... 141
7.7. Special-Purpose Simulators ............................... 141
7.8. Computer Programs ........................................ 141
     7.8.1. PSS TM E Version 30 ............................... 142
     7.8.2. EMTP .............................................. 143
   Inductance ............................... 143
   Capacitance .............................. 144
   Lossless Line ............................ 144
   Nodal Equations .......................... 146
   Frequency Scan Facility .................. 146
     7.8.3. ATP ............................................... 149
     7.8.4. PSCAD/EMTDC ....................................... 149
     7.8.5. SuperHarm ......................................... 149
   SuperHarm Models ......................... 150
   SuperHarm Solution Procedure ............. 150
   Support Options .......................... 151
   Pricing and Availability ................. 151
     7.8.6    Three-Phase Power Flow Programs ................. 151
   Powerlink Program ........................ 151
   HARMFLO Program .......................... 152
7.9. DADiSP ................................................... 152
7.10.Conclusions .............................................. 153
References .................................................... 154

Chapter 8 Monitoring Power Quality ............................ 155

8.1. Introduction ............................................. 155
8.2. Site Surveys ............................................. 156
     8.2.1. Spectrum Analyzers ................................ 157
     8.2.2. Special-Purpose Power System Harmonic Analyzers ... 157
     8.2.3. Transient-Disturbance Analyzers ................... 157
     8.2.4. Combination Disturbance and Harmonic Analyzers .... 158
     8.2.5. Flicker Meters .................................... 158
8.3. Transducers .............................................. 158
     8.3.1. Measurement of the Frequency Response of
            Instrument Transformers ........................... 159
     8.3.2. Description of the Instrument Transformers'
            Tests ............................................. 162
     8.3.3. Summary of the Conclusions from the Tests ......... 164
   Voltage Transformers ..................... 166
8.4. lEC-Recom mended Measurement Techniques for Harmonics .... 167
     8.4.1. Harmonics ......................................... 167
   RMS Value of a Harmonic Group: Ggn ....... 169
   RMS Value of a Harmonic Subgroup: Gsgn ... 169
     8.4.2. Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) ................... 169
   Group Total Harmonic Distortion (THDG) ... 170
   Subgroup Total Harmonic Distortion
                     (THDS) ................................... 170
   Partial Weighted Harmonic Distortion
                     (PWHD) ................................... 170
     8.4.3. Tnterharmonics .................................... 170
   RMS Value of an Interharmonic
                     Component ................................ 170
   RMS Value of an Interharmonic Group
                     (C/gn) ................................... 171
   RMS Value of an Interharmonic-Centered
                     Subgroup (Qsg,n) ......................... 171
     8.4.4. Relative and Absolute Harmonic Phase Angle
            Measurement ....................................... 172
8.5. Necessity for the Measurement of Harmonic Voltages and
     Currents ................................................. 173
8.6. Harmonic Monitoring System ............................... 173
8.7. Continuous Harmonic Analysis in Real Time (CHART) ........ 173
8.8. Presentation of Harmonic Measurements .................... 175
8.9. Examples of Projects Needing Harmonic Monitoring in
     the Powerlink Queensland System, Australia ............... 177
     8.9.1. Aluminum Smelter Project .......................... 177
     8.9.2. Central Queensland Railway Electrification
            Project ........................................... 178
8.10.Flicker .................................................. 179
8.11.IEC Flicker Meter ........................................ 180
     8.11.1.Short-Term Flicker Evaluation ..................... 183
     8.11.2.Flicker Standards ................................. 184
8.12.Conclusions .............................................. 185
References .................................................... 185

Chapter 9 Reactors ............................................ 189

9.1. Introduction ............................................. 189
9.2. Losses in the Power System ............................... 189
9.3. Switching Surges ......................................... 190
9.4. Shunt Reactor Installations in EHV Lines ................. 191
9.5. Determination of Shunt Reactor Rating .................... 191
9.6. Choice of Voltage Level for Shunt Reactor Connection ..... 192
     9.6.1. Effective Compensation ............................ 192
     9.6.2. Influence on Transformers and Generators .......... 192
     9.6.3. Switchgear Requirements ........................... 193
     9.6.4. Influence on Operation Reliability of the
            System ............................................ 193
     9.6.5. Influence on Insulation and Overvoltage
            Conditions ........................................ 193
9.7. Single-Pole Autoreclosing of Transmission Lines .......... 193
     9.7.1. Arc Extinction with Single-Pole Switching ......... 194
     9.7.2. Laboratory Tests to Determine the Secondary Arc-
            Extinction Time ................................... 195
     9.7.3. Choice of Neutral Reactor ......................... 196
     9.7.4. Secondary Arc Current and Recovery Voltage ........ 197
     9.7.5. Single-Pole Autoreclosing of EHV Lines—Field
            Test Results ...................................... 198
     9.7.6. Effect of X0/X1 Ratio and Xn on the Secondary
            Arc Current and Neutral Voltage ................... 201
     9.7.7. Effect of Transposition Phasing of Double-
            Circuit Lines ..................................... 206
     9.7.8. Selective-Pole Switching of Long Double-Circuit
            EHV Line .......................................... 207
9.8. Types of Reactors Based on Their Function ................ 208
9.9. Construction of Reactors ................................. 208
     9.9.1. Types of Reactors Based on Their Construction ..... 209
     9.9.2. Testing of EHV Reactors ........................... 212
9.10.Conclusions .............................................. 213
References .................................................... 213

Chapter 10 Capacitors ......................................... 215

10.1.Introduction ............................................. 215
10.2.Capacitor Banks .......................................... 216
     10.2.1.Fuses ............................................. 217
10.3.Capacitor Bank Connections ............................... 217
     10.3.1.Ungrounded Wye-Connected Banks .................... 217
     10.3.2.Grounded Wye-Connected Banks ...................... 218
     10.3.3.Delta-Connected Banks ............................. 218
10.4.Protection of Capacitor Banks ............................ 218
     10.4.1.Protection of Grounded Wye-Connected Capacitor
            Banks ............................................. 218
10.5.Capacitor Bank Switching ................................. 226
     10.5.1.Evaluation of Different Methods for Mitigating
            Remote Overvoltages due to Shunt Capacitor
            Energization ...................................... 226
     10.5.2.Series Reactors for Capacitors .................... 228
     10.5.3.Location of Series Reactors for Capacitors ........ 229
     10.5.4.Transient-Free Switching of Capacitors ............ 229
10.6.Series Capacitors ........................................ 230
     10.6.1.Protection of Series Capacitors ................... 231
     10.6.2.NGH Scheme for Damping Subsynchronous Resonance ... 234
     10.6.3.Limitations of Series Capacitor Applications ...... 235
   ........................... 235
   of Synchronous Motors ............ 236
   Resonance ................. 236
   of Induction and
                     Synchronous Machines ..................... 237
10.7.Metal Oxide Varistors (MOVs) ............................. 237
     10.7.1.Modeling of MOVs in Computer Simulations .......... 238
10.8.Conclusions .............................................. 239
References .................................................... 240

Chapter 11 Fast Fourier Transforms ............................ 243

11.1.Fourier Series ........................................... 243
11.2.Symmetrical Properties of Waveforms ...................... 245
11.3.Sine Function ............................................ 246
11.4.Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) ......................... 247
11.5.Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) ............................. 249
     11.5.1.Decimation in Time (DIT) .......................... 249
     11.5.2.Decimation in Frequency (DIF) ..................... 250
     11.5.3.Some Computational Details of FFT Algorithms ...... 252
11.6.Cooley-Tukey Algorithm ................................... 254
11.7.FFT of Two Real Functions Simultaneously ................. 257
11.8.Mixed-Radix FFT .......................................... 258
11.9.Split-Radix FFT .......................................... 259
11.10.FFT Pruning ............................................. 260
11.11.The Convolution Integral ................................ 260
11.12.Auto- and Cross-Correlation Functions ................... 262
11.13.Pitfalls of the Discrete Fourier Transform .............. 262
     11.13.1.Aliasing ......................................... 263
     11.13.2.Spectral Leakage ................................. 263
     11.13.3.The Picket-Fence Effect .......................... 264
11.14.Guidelines for Using FFT for Harmonic Analysis .......... 266

References .................................................... 267

Index ......................................................... 269

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