Spatial structure and regional development in China (Basingstoke, 2005). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаSpatial structure and regional development in China: an interregional input-output approach / ed. by Okamoto N., Ihara T. - Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005. - xiii, 230 p.: ill. - (IDE-JETRO). - ISBN-10 1-4039-4348-6; ISBN-13 978-1-4039-4348-4

Оглавление / Contents
List of Figures and Tables .................................... vii
Preface ......................................................... x
Acknowledgements .............................................. xii
Notes on the Contributors .................................... xiii

1. Introduction ................................................. 1
      Nobuhiro Okamoto and Takeo Ihara

Part I   Effectiveness of an Interregional Input-Output
         Approach in China

2. How to Utilize Interregional Input-Output Analysis in
   China ....................................................... 11
      Takeo Ihara

3. Non-Survey Methods for Estimating Regional and
   Interregional Input-Output Multipliers ...................... 24
      Nobuhiro Okamoto and Yaxiong Zhang with Кип Zhao

Part II  Regional Development in China by an Interregional
         Input-Output Approach

4. Analysis of the Characteristics of Regional Development
   of the Society and Economy in China ......................... 49
      Shantong Li and Yongzhi Hou

5. The Differential Factors of Regional Development in China:
   A DPG Approach .............................................. 69
      Takaaki Kanazawa

6. Spatial Linkages of the Chinese Economy .................... 101
      Wenqing Pan and Qiyun Liu

7. Agglomeration, Intraregional and Interregional Linkages
   in China ................................................... 128
      Nobuhiro Okamoto

8. The Magnitude of Interregional Input-Output Spillover
   Effects in China and its Implications for China's Uneven
   Regional Growth ............................................ 154
      Shim Hioki

9. The Spillover and Feedback Effects between Coastal and
   Non-coastal Regions ........................................ 178
      Yaxiong Zhang and Кип Zhao

10.Conclusion: Spatial Structure and Regional Development
   in China ................................................... 201
      Nobuhiro Okamoto and Takeo Ihara

Index ......................................................... 211

List of Figures and Tables


1.1. Regional definition ........................................ 5
6.1. China: regional direct and total relative
     linkages, 2000 ........................................... 122
6.2. China: regional relative linkages on final demand and
     on primary input, 2000 ................................... 123
7.1. Regional and industrial disparity ........................ 132
7.2. Linkages structure of machinery sectors (absolute
     transactions) in the East Coast and the South Coast
     regions .................................................. 145
7.3. Backward and forward linkages structure in the
     East Coast and South Coast regions ....................... 146
7.4. Intraregional and interregional linkages in the
     East Coast and South Coast regions ....................... 148
9.1. Patterns of technology transfer .......................... 191
9.2. Patterns of linkages ..................................... 193
9.3. Patterns of inducing effects ............................. 197
10.1.Spatial structure in China ............................... 207


1.1. Sector classification ...................................... 4

3.1. Measures of closeness between national and provincial
     technical coefficient ..................................... 34
3.2. Measures of closeness between LQ estimated and
     provincial input coefficient ((I-M)A type) ................ 35
3.3. Measures of closeness between national and provincial
     Leontief multipliers ...................................... 35
3.4. Measures of closeness between LQ estimated and
     (I - (I - M)A)-1 type multiplier .......................... 36
3.5. Differences in each multiplier ............................ 37
3.6. Differences of input coefficients between CMRIO
     and LQ estimated model .................................... 38
3.7. Differences of total output ............................... 39

4.1. Basic conditions .......................................... 53
4.2. GDP ....................................................... 54
4.3. Composition of GDP (%) .................................... 55
4.4. Employment structure and urbanization (%) ................. 55
4.5. Infrastructure of transportation (kilometres per 1,000
     square kilometres) ........................................ 56
4.6. Urban infrastructure ...................................... 57
4.7. Conditions of opening to the outside world (part 1, %) .... 58
4.8. Conditions of opening to the outside world (part 2, %) .... 58
4.9. Market scale .............................................. 60
4.10.Residents'purchasing power (yuan) ......................... 60
4.11.Possession of typical consumer durables in urban
     and rural households (set per 100 households) ............. 61
4.12.Living conditions ......................................... 62
4.13.Proportion of investment in fixed assets to the
     nation's total (%) ........................................ 63
4.14.Comparison of the financial situation ..................... 64
4.15.Development of technology, 2000 ........................... 65
4.16.Industrial development, 1997 (%) .......................... 65
4.17.Situations of transport mobility (%) ...................... 66
4.18.Economic growth rates (1999 = 100) ........................ 67

5.1. The DPG results of Northeast region against benchmark ..... 75
5.2. The DPG results of North Municipalities against
     benchmark ................................................. 76
5.3. The DPG results of North Coast region against
     benchmark ................................................. 11
5.4. The DPG results of East Coast region against benchmark .... 78
5.5. The DPG results of South Coast region against benchmark ... 79
5.6. The DPG results of Central region against benchmark ....... 80
5.7. The DPG results of Northwest region against benchmark ..... 81
5.8. The DPG results of Southwest region against benchmark ..... 82
5.9. The types of balance of foreign and domestic trade ........ 84
5.10.Contrast of δA and δF(d) across all sectors at each
     region .................................................... 96

6.1. Direct backward linkages for eight regions ............... 111
6.2. Total backward linkages for eight regions ................ 112
6.3. Total backward linkages on primary inputs ................ 115
6.4. Direct forward linkages for eight regions ................ 117
6.5. Total forward linkages for eight regions ................. 118
6.6. Total forward linkages on final demand ................... 120
6.7. Total forward linkages on exports ........................ 121
     6.A.1. Direct backward linkages for eight regions,
            2000 .............................................. 125
     6.A.2. Total backward linkages for eight regions, 2000 ... 126

7.1. Ratio of provincial to national per capita GDP ........... 133
7.2. Production share of high-ranking provinces by sector,
     2000 ..................................................... 136
7.3. Selection of important transactions ...................... 141
7.4. Basic statistics about the regions studied, 2001 ......... 142
7.5. Number of selected transactions between regions .......... 144

8.1. Main statistical indexes of each region, 1997 ............ 161
8.2. Impact of final demand in a region on the output of
     each region (unit: %) .................................... 163
8.3. Impact of final demand in coastal regions on the 
     output of each region (unit: 10 million yuan, and
     percentage) .............................................. 164
8.4. Impact of the final demand in each region on the
     output of a region (unit: %) ............................. 165
8.5. Output multiplier of each region ......................... 166
8.6. Top five sectors with the largest interregional output
     multiplier from coastal regions to inland regions ........ 169
8.7. Top five sectors with the largest interregional output
     multiplier from Central to other inland regions .......... 170

9.1. Sector classification .................................... 186
9.2. The output and final demand structures of Coastal
     and Non-coastal regions .................................. 188
9.3. The regional and interregional feedback and spillover
     linkages and multipliers ................................. 189
9.4. The normalized regional and interregional feedback
     and spillover linkages and multipliers ................... 190
9.5. The normalized intraregional and interregional
     backward linkages (output multipliers) ................... 192
9.6. The feedback and spillover output inducing effects (%) ... 194
9.7. The contributions of feedback and spillover output
     inducing effects (%) ..................................... 195

10.1.Regional development in China ............................ 205

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