Burkert W. Homo necans: the anthropology of Ancient Greek sacrificial ritual and myth (Berkeley; London, 1983). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаBurkert W. Homo necans: the anthropology of Ancient Greek sacrificial ritual and myth / Transl. by Bing P. - Berkeley; London: University of California Press, 1983. - xxv, 334 p.: ill. - ISBN 978-0-520-05875-0

Оглавление / Contents
Translator's Preface ........................................... xi
Preface to the English Edition ............................... xiii
List of Illustrations ........................................ xvii
Introduction .................................................. xix


1. Sacrifice as an Act of Killing ............................... 1
2. The Evolutionary Explanation: Primitive Man as Hunter ....... 12
3. Ritualization ............................................... 22
4. Myth and Ritual ............................................. 29
5. The Function and Transformation of Ritual Killing ........... 35
6. Funerary Ritual ............................................. 48
7. The Sexualization of Ritual Killing: Maiden Sacrifice,
   Phallus Cult ................................................ 58
8. Father God and Great Goddess ................................ 72

II. WEREWOLVES AROUND THE TRIPOD KETTLE ........................ 83

1. Lykaia and Lykaion .......................................... 84
2. Pelops at Olympia ........................................... 93
3. Thyestes and Harpagos ...................................... 103
4. Aristaios and Aktaion ...................................... 109
5. The Delphic Tripod ......................................... 116
6. A Glance at Odysseus ....................................... 130

III. DISSOLUTION AND NEW YEAR'S FESTIVAL ...................... 135

1. From Ox-Slaying to the Panathenaic Festival ................ 136
   Dipolieia .................................................. 136
   Skira ...................................................... 143
   Arrhephoria ................................................ 150
   Panathenaia ................................................ 154
   Excursus: The Trojan Horse ................................. 158
2. Argos and Argeiphontes ..................................... 161
3. Agrionia ................................................... 168
4. Tereus and the Nightingale ................................. 179
5. Antiope and Epopeus ........................................ 185
6. The Lemnian Women .......................................... 190
7. The Return of the Dolphin .................................. 196
8. Fish Advent ................................................ 204

IV. ANTHESTERIA ............................................... 213

1. Testimonia and Dissemination ............................... 213
2. Pithoigia and Choes ........................................ 216
3. Carians or Keres ........................................... 226
4. Sacred Marriage and Lenaia-Vases ........................... 230
5. Chytroi and Aiora .......................................... 238
6. Protesilaos ................................................ 243

V. ELEUSIS .................................................... 248

1. Documentation and Secret ................................... 248
2. The Myth of Kore and Pig-Sacrifice ......................... 256
3. Myesis and Synthema ........................................ 265
4. The Sacrifice in the Telesterion ........................... 274
5. Overcoming Death and Encountering Death: Initiation and
   Sacrifice .................................................. 293

Abbreviations and Bibliography ................................ 299
Index of Cult Sites and Festivals ............................. 309
Index of Names of Gods and Heroes ............................. 313
Index of Persons and Things ................................... 319
Index of Greek Words .......................................... 331

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