Abhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesanstalt; 63 (Wien, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаAbhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesanstalt. Bd.63: The K/T boundary of Gams (Eastern Alps, Austria) and the nature of terminal Cretaceous mass extinction / ed. by Grachev A.F. - Wien: Geologische Bundesanstalt, 2009. - 199 p. - ISBN 978-3-85316-048-0; ISSN 0378-0864

Оглавление / Contents
The K/T Boundary of Gams (Eastern Alps, Austria) and
the Nature of Terminal Cretaceous Mass Extinction ............... 1
Preface ......................................................... 3
   by A.F. Grachev .............................................. 7

Chapter 1. A Review of the Geology of the Late Cretaceous-
           Paleogene Basin of Gams (Eastern Alps, Austria)
              by H.A. Kollmann .................................. 9

1.1. Introduction ............................................... 9
1.2. Outline of the Tectonic History ............................ 9
1.3. The Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary in Alpine Deposits ...... 10
1.4. The Gosau Group of Gams ................................... 10
1.5. Termination of the Gosau Cycle ............................ 13
1.6. Locations of Sections Studied and Samples Preparation ..... 13

Chapter 2. Biostratigraphy
              by O.A. Korchagin and H.A. Kollmann .............. 19

2.1. Introduction .............................................. 19
2.2. Foraminiferal Assemblages ................................. 19
2.3. Preservation of Foraminifera .............................. 21
2.4. Terminal Maastrichtian .................................... 21
2.5. Lower Paleogene ........................................... 22
2.6. Association of Planktonic Foraminifera .................... 23

Chapter 3. Geochemistry of Rocks in the Gams Stratigraphic
              by A.F. Grachev .................................. 39

3.1. Introduction .............................................. 39
3.2. Methods of Material Preparation and Studying .............. 39
3.3. Whole Rock Chemistry ...................................... 41
3.4. Trace and Rare Earth Elements ............................. 43
3.5. Isotopic Composition of Helium, Carbon, and Oxygen ........ 54

Chapter 4. Minerals of the Transitional Layer in
           Gams Sections
              by A.F. Grachev, S.E. Borisovsky, and
              V.A. Tsel'movich ................................. 59

4.1. Introduction .............................................. 59
4.2. Sampling Procedure, Sample Preparation Techniques, and
     Study Methods ............................................. 59
4.3. Mineral Paragenesis in the Gams Transitional Layer ........ 61
     4.3.1. Native elements and metallic alloys ................ 61
     4.3.2. Sulfides ........................................... 69
     4.3.3. Oxides ............................................. 71
     4.3.4. Carbonates ......................................... 81
     4.3.5. Sulphates .......................................... 81
     4.3.6. Phosphates ......................................... 81
     4.3.7. Silicates .......................................... 82
     4.3.8. Vertical mineralogical zonation as an indicator
            of environments of the transitional layer
            formation .......................................... 87
4.4. Conclusion ................................................ 88

Chapter 5. Magnetic Properties of Rocks of the Gams Section
              by D.M. Pechersky, D.K. Nourgaliev, and
              Z.V. Sharonova ................................... 89

5.1. Introduction .............................................. 89
5.2. Methods of Petromagnetic Studies .......................... 90
5.3. Results of Petromagnetic Studies of the Rocks From
     Gams-1 Section ............................................ 95
     5.3.1. Paramagnetic magnetization ........................ 111
     5.3.2. Discussion of petromagnetic results ............... 111
5.4. Characterization of the Boundary Layer in the Gams
     Sections ................................................. 113
5.5. Comparative Characterization of Sections Including
     the K/T Boundary ......................................... 123
5.6. Conclusion ............................................... 133

Chapter 6. Cosmic Dust and Micrometeorites: Morphology and
           Chemical Composition
              by A.F. Grachev, O.A. Korchagin, and
              V.A. Tsel'movich ................................ 135

6.1. Introduction ............................................. 135
6.2. Results of Investigations ................................ 136
6.3. Discussion ............................................... 143
6.4. Conclusion ............................................... 143

Chapter 7. Mantle Plumes and Their Influence on
           the Lithosphere, Sea-level Fluctuations and
              by A.F. Grachev ................................. 147

7.1. Introduction ............................................. 147
7.2. Mantle Plumes and Lithosphere ............................ 147
7.3. Underplating, Topography and Sea-Level Changes ........... 152
7.4. Mantle Plumes and Atmosphere ............................. 157

Chapter 8. Nature of the K/T Boundary and Mass Extinction
              by A.F. Grachev ................................. 165

8.1. Introduction ............................................. 165
8.2. A Two-Stages Evolution of the Transitional Layer ......... 166
8.3. Mantle Plumes and Mass Extinctions ....................... 167
     8.3.1. Arsenic at the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary ...... 169
     8.3.2. Poisoning by toxic elements at the K/T
            boundary: The killing mechanism sensu stricto ..... 170
   by A.F. Grachev ............................................ 173

References .................................................... 175
Electronic Supplement ......................................... 188
Author Index .................................................. 189
Subject Index ................................................. 195

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