Childs G. Tibetan diary. From birth to death and beyond in a Hymalayan valley of Nepal (Berkeley, 2004). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаChilds G. Tibetan diary. From birth to death and beyond in a Hymalayan valley of Nepal. - Berkeley: Univ. of Calif. Press, 2004. - xi, 217 p.: ill. - ISBN 0-520-24109-6

Оглавление / Contents
List of Illustrations ......................................... vii
Acknowledgments ................................................ ix
Prologue ........................................................ i

1. Raising the Curtain .......................................... 7
2. The Lay of the Land ......................................... 19
3. Life Begets Death, Death Begets Life: The Life
   Course Begins ............................................... 38
4. Adolescent Discord: Family Needs versus
   Spiritual Deeds ............................................. 56
5. Growing Through Travel: The Pilgrimage for
   Knowledge and Prestige ...................................... 74
6. The Merits of Matrimony: Commencing the Householder Life .... 98
7. High Peaks and Deep Valleys: The Imponderable Nature of
   Everyday Life .............................................. 114
8. Anticipating the End of the Life Course: The Anxieties
   of Old Age ................................................. 129
9. Parting Breaths: Death Is But a Transition ................. 142
10.Transcending Death: Rising Corpses and Reincarnations ...... 157

Appendix: Place Names ......................................... 171
Notes ......................................................... 175
Glossary ...................................................... 189
References .................................................... 195
Index ......................................................... 213



Nubri in Relation to Nepal and Tibet ........................... 20
The Nubri Valley ............................................... 21


(Following page 128)

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