Burkert W. Structure and history in greek mythology and ritual (Berkeley, 1997). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаBurkert W. Structure and history in greek mythology and ritual. - Berkeley: Univ. of Calif. Press, 1997. - xix, 226 p.: ill. - (Sather classical lectures; 47). - ISBN 0-520-04770-2

Оглавление / Contents
List of Illustrations ......................................... vii
Acknowledgments ................................................ ix
Preface ........................................................ xi
Abbreviations .................................................. xv

I. The Organization of Myth ..................................... 1

1. Tales, Texts, and Reference .................................. 1
2. Propp's Heritage and Illuyankas .............................. 5
3. The Impact of Levi-Strauss and Its Limitations .............. 10
4. Programs of Action .......................................... 14
5. Crystallizations: Kumarbi and Kronos ........................ 18
6. The Tale Applied ............................................ 22
7. The Historical Dimension .................................... 26
8. Successive Layers and Prehistoric Beginnings ................ 29

II. The Persistence of Ritual .................................. 35

1. The Biological Approach ..................................... 35
2. Herms, Libations, and Branches .............................. 39
3. The Demonstrative and the As-If Element in Ritual ........... 45
4. First-Fruits Offerings ...................................... 52
5. The Evolution of Animal Sacrifice ........................... 54
6. Myth and Ritual ............................................. 56

III.Transformations of the Scapegoat ........................... 59

1. Erythrai, Hittites, and Devotio ............................. 59
2. Scapegoat and Pharmakos ..................................... 64
3. The Dynamics of the Pattern ................................. 67
4. Polycrite, The Virgins of Leuctra, and Tarpeia .............. 72

IV. Heracles and the Master of Animals ......................... 78

1. Greek Origins? .............................................. 78
2. The Oriental Evidence ....................................... 80
3. Geryon ...................................................... 83
4. Cacus, Indra, and Melampus .................................. 85
5. Shamans and Caves ........................................... 88
6. Hunter, Hero, Savior ........................................ 94

V.  The Great Goddess, Adonis, and Hippolytus .................. 99

1. The Dying God ............................................... 99
2. Kubaba-Cybele-Meter ........................................ 102
3. From Dumuzi to Adonis Cult ................................. 105
4. The Myths of Dumuzi, Adonis, and Attis ..................... 108
5. Hippolytus ................................................. 111
6. The Hunters Legacy ......................................... 116

VI. From Telepinus to Thelpusa: In Search of Demeter .......... 123

1. Telepinus .................................................. 123
2. Phigalia and Thelpusa: Demeter's Wrath ..................... 125
3. The Plank and the Pectoral ................................. 129
4. Daidala .................................................... 132
5. Eiresione and Daphnephoria ................................. 134
6. The Woods, the Tree, and the Sacrifice ..................... 136
7. Mother and Daughter: The Crystallization of Greek
   Mythology .................................................. 138

Notes to Chapter I ............................................ 143
Notes to Chapter II ........................................... 158
Notes to Chapter III .......................................... 168
Notes to Chapter IV ........................................... 176
Notes to Chapter V ............................................ 187
Notes to Chapter VI ........................................... 203
Bibliography .................................................. 211
Selected Index ................................................ 219


1. Entwined Serpents, Oriental. Relief goblet of Gudea ......... 31
2. Entwined Serpents, Greek. Engraving on bronze helmet
   from Crete .................................................. 32
3. Dolon Pleading for His Life. Gem from the Blakas
   Collection .................................................. 46
4. Prisoners in Bangladesh, Pleading for Their Lives. News
   photograph .................................................. 47
5. Heracles and lolaus Fighting the Seven-Headed Hydra.
   Engraved fibula from Boeotia ................................ 81
6. A God Fighting a Seven-Headed Snake. Seal from Tell Asmar ... 82
7. Heracles and lolaus Fighting Monsters. Daunian stela ........ 87
8. Stylized Man, Three-Horned (?); Stag Below. Neolithic
   cave paintings, near Porto Badisco .......................... 92
9. Three-Horned Heracles-Trecaranus. Daunian stela ............. 93

10.Horse Head with Front Piece: Nude Goddess. Stone
   sculpture from Zincirli .................................... 115
11.Nude Goddess under Sun Disk. Ivory horse plaque from
   Nimrud ..................................................... 116
12.Master of Animals; Two Nude Goddesses. Bronze horse
   plaque from Tell Tainat .................................... 117

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