The historical perceptions of Korea and Japan (Gyoha-eup Kyeonggi-do, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаThe historical perceptions of Korea and Japan. Its origins and points of the issues concerning Dokdo-Takeshima, Yasukuni Shrine, comfort women, and textbooks / ed. by Dae-song H. - Gyoha-eup Kyeonggi-do: Nanam, 2008. - 465 p.: ill., maps. - ISBN 978-89-300-8364-5

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ......................................................... 9
Notes to Readers ............................................... 21
Introduction The Historical Perceptions of Korea and Japan ..... 23

PART I The Dokdo · Takeshima Issue

Chapter 1

The Dokdo · Takeshima Issue: Its Origins and the Current
   Hyun Dae-song ............................................... 37

Introduction ................................................... 37
1. Controversial Points Over the Claim of Sovereignty
   Over Dokdo and Relevant Research ............................ 40
2. Controversies Over Historical Facts ......................... 48
3. Controversial Points From the Perspective of
   International Law ........................................... 72
4. Confrontations Over Interpretations of a Series
   of Measures Taken in the Period Between the Pacific
   War and the Korea-Japan Treaty on Basic Relations ........... 81
Conclusion ..................................................... 89

Chapter 2

Japan's Incorporation of Takeshima into Its Territory
in 1905
   Hori Kazuo .................................................. 93

Introduction ................................................... 93
1. Knowledge and Consciousness of Dokdo. Takeshima
   as a Territory .............................................. 95
2. Japan' s Invasion of Korea's Outlying Islands .............. 111
3. Japan's Territorial Incorporation of Takeshima ............. 124
Conclusion .................................................... 136

Chapter 3

Questions Concerning the Japanese Theory on Takeshima as
Japan's Inherent Territory
   Naito Seichu ............................................... 139

Introduction .................................................. 139
1. Wasn't Ulleungdo Korean Territory? ......................... 143
2. Questions Surrounding the Permission of Passage to
   Takeshimav ................................................. 148
3. Questions Surrounding the Takeshima Ikken and
   the Passage Prohibition .................................... 153
4. Questions Surrounding the Testimony of Ahn Yong-bok ........ 160

Chapter 4

Japan's Policy towards Territorial Disputes in East Asia
   Wada Haruki ................................................ 171

Introduction .................................................. 171
1. Problems: Defeat in the War, Occupation and Territories .... 172
2. The San Francisco Peace Treaty ............................. 176
3. The Sovereignty Issue in Bilateral Relations ............... 179
4. Changes in the Situation and a Failed Effort ............... 186
   Concluding Remarks: Reconciliation and Coexistence -
   A Time for Turnabout in Territorial Disputes ............... 189

Part II The Issues of Yasukuni Shrine, 'Comfort Women',
        and Textbooks

Chapter 5

Yasukuni Shrine: A Controversial Historical Issue
Involving Japan and Korea
   Takahashi Tetsuya .......................................... 197

Introduction .................................................. 197
1. What is Yasukuni Shrine? ................................... 198
2. The Issue of Class 'A' War Criminals ....................... 202
3. Souls of Koreans Enshrined in Yasukuni Shrine .............. 208
4. Demand for the Cancellation of the Enshrinement
   of Fallen Korean Soldiers .................................. 210
Concluding Remarks: How Korean Demands for
the Cancellation of the Enshrinement of Their
Family Members at Yasukuni Shrine will be Dealt with? ......... 211

Chapter 6

Controversies Surrounding the Question of the Japanese
Army's Comfort Stations and 'Comfort Women'
   Youn Myoung-sook ........................................... 213

Introduction .................................................. 213
1. Overview of the Issue ...................................... 216
2. Two Main Issues: "Were the Women Forcefully Taken
   Away?" and "Did the Comfort Stations System Consist
   of Licensed Houses of Prostitution?" ....................... 218
3. Japanese Government's Legal Responsibility for
   the Comfort Stations System ................................ 221
Conclusion .................................................... 226

Chapter 7

Historical Conflict and Dialogues Between Korea and Japan:
With the Focus on the Current Issue Concerning Japanese
Historical Textbooks
   Chung Jae-jeong ............................................ 229

Introduction .................................................. 229
1. Historical Perspectives and Conflict ....................... 231
2. Disputes Over Historical Textbooks and History-related
   Dialogues .................................................. 241
Conclusion .................................................... 254

PART III The Evolution of Conflict Between Korea
         and Japan in the Post World War II

Chapter 8

The 'Treaty on Basic Relations' and the 'Agreement
on Claims' between the Republic of Korea and Japan
   Kim Chang-rok .............................................. 261

Introduction .................................................. 261
1. Article 2 of the Basic Treaty .............................. 263
2. Agreement .................................................. 265
3. Present Situation of Righting the Wrongs of the Past
   between Korea and Japan .................................... 273
Concluding Remarks: What Should be Done? ...................... 277

Chapter 9

The Cold War and Relations between Japan and Korea
   Kimiya Tadashi ............................................. 279

Introduction: Purpose and Significance of This Article ........ 279
1. Japan - Korea Relations in the Early Cold War Period:
   Initial Conditions in the Bilateral Relations .............. 282
2. The Political Process of Negotiations for
   the Normalization of Relations Between Japan
   and Korea: With the Focus on Korea's Claims
   for Compensation for Japanese Colonial Rule ................ 289
3. Conclusion of the Negotiations for the Normalization
   of Relations between Japan and Korea ....................... 295
   Concluding Remarks: The Cold War and the Relations
   Between Japan and Korea Following the Signing of
   the Korea-Japan Treaty on Basic Relations .................. 298

Chapter 10

Current Situation of Compensation for Koreans Mobilized
Forcefully During Japan's Colonial Rule: With the
Focus on the Period Following the Disclosure of the
Documents Related to the Korea-Japan Negotiation for
the Normalization of Bilateral Relations
   Choi Bong-tae .............................................. 305

Introduction .................................................. 305
1. Disclosure of the Documents and Steps Taken by
   the Korean Government ...................................... 306
2. Actions Taken by Victims After the Disclosure
   of the Documents ........................................... 311
3. Noticeable Actions Occurred Recently in Japan .............. 313
4. Expected Controversial Points .............................. 316
Conclusion .................................................... 319

PART IV Beyond the Past and Confrontation

Chapter 11

Background to History-Related Conflicts Between Korea and
Japan: Japanese Nationalism Against Korea
   Kang Deok-sang ............................................. 325

Introduction .................................................. 325
1. Seikanron .................................................. 329
2. Korea and the Popular Rights Movement in Japan ............. 332
3. Korea As a Forward Base for Japan's March Toward
   the Asian Continent ........................................ 336
4. Significance of Japan's Annexation of Korea ................ 339
5. Policy of Harsh Oppression ................................. 340
6. Suppression of the March First Independence Movement ....... 341
7. Speaking up for Democracy Internally, and Invading
   Other Countries ............................................ 343
8. Public Order Preservation Act and Koreans .................. 344
9. "Subjects of the Japanese Empire" During Wartime ........... 345
10.Reality of Forced Wartime Mobilization ..................... 346
11.Do the Japanese Feel Remorseful About the Wrongs
   Perpetrated During Their Colonial Rule Over Korea? ......... 347
Conclusion .................................................... 347

Chapter 12

What are the Japanese to Koreans?: The Past, Present
and Future
   Kim Young-jak .............................................. 349

Introduction .................................................. 349
1. Views of Each Other in Pre-Modern Times: Confrontation
   Between the Korean Sense of Cultural Superiority Over
   the Japanese and the Japanese Sense of Military
   Supremacy and Self - image As a Divine Land ................ 355
2. Modern Times: The Conflict Over the "Peripheral
   Supremacy of Korea'and Japan's Dual Image as
   a Model for Modernization and /or as a Foreign Pressures ... 360
3. Modern Times (Post-liberation Period): Relations
   Between Korea and Japan - The Need for the Settlement
   of Past Wrongs Perpetrated by Japan and the
   Establishment of a New Relationship As Virtual
   Allies and Economic Cooperation ............................ 368
   Concluding Remarks: Issues to be Settled-Will
   the Two Countries Be the Key Actors in the 
   Launch of the "Northeast Asian Community?" ................. 374

Chapter 13

For Comprehensive Management of Relations with Japan:
The Dokdo Issue, a Stumbling Block to Smooth Bilateral
   Gong Ro-myung .............................................. 377

Introduction: The Gap Between the Reality and
the Best Possible Approach .................................... 377
1. Lack of Perspective When Recognizing Historical Facts ...... 378
2. "A Matter Concerning Takeshima"(1696) and
   the Dajokan(Imperial Japanese Council of State)'s
   Instruction (1877) ......................................... 379
3. The Edo Bakufu's Prohibition of Japanese Voyages
   to Ulleungdo ............................................... 381
4. The Various Names for Dokdo Used by the Japanese ........... 382
5. Inshu shicho goki (Records of Observations of Inshu) ....... 382
6. Finding a Desirable Way of Settling the Dokdo Issue ........ 383
7. Need to Take Care of it Patiently as One Requiring
   Long-term Care ............................................. 384
8. What is Japan to the Koreans? .............................. 385
Concluding Remarks: Political Leadership Required ............. 387


Chronology of the Historical Perceptions of Korea and Japan ... 390
Index ......................................................... 447
Contributors .................................................. 461

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