Generalized nets in artificial intelligence; 4 (Sofia, 2007). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаGeneralized nets in artificial intelligence. Vol.4: Generalized nets, uncertain data and knowledge engineering / Chountas P. at al. - Sofia: Prof. M.Drinov, 2007. - 149 p. - ISBN 978-954-332-255-1

Оглавление / Contents
Chapter 1 ....................................................... 7

Introduction .................................................... 7

1.1. Treatment of Uncertainty in Non-Static Data Repositories ... 7
1.2. Data Uncertainty in Perception ............................. 7
1.3. Uncertainty in Databases .................................. 10
1.4. Definition of Ignorant & Uncertainty Information .......... 10
1.5. Ignorance in OLAP & Data-Warehouses ....................... 13
1.6. Conclusions ............................................... 15

Chapter 2 ...................................................... 17

Generalized Nets and Intuitionistic Fuzzy OLAP ................. 17

2.1. Introduction .............................................. 17
2.2. Semantics of the IF Cube in Contrast to Crisp Cube ........ 18
2.3. Basic Operators ........................................... 22
2.4. Extended Operators ........................................ 26
2.5. Group Operations & Operators .............................. 28
2.6. The Case for Knowledge Based OLAP-KNOLAP .................. 31
2.7. GN Model of Selection Operation over IF OLAP Cube ......... 36
2.8. GN Model for Querying Operators over Multiple IF OLAP
     Cubes ..................................................... 41
2.9. GN Model of Binary Operations over IF OLAP Cubes .......... 48
2.10.Conclusions ............................................... 54

Chapter 3 ...................................................... 55

Generalized Net Representation of Data Mediation ............... 55

3.1. In traduction ............................................. 55
3.2. Data Integration Approaches ............................... 56
3.3. Principles of Data Integration ............................ 57
3.4. Partial Values & Background Knowledge in Mediation ........ 59
3.5. Mediation and Constraints ................................. 63
3.6. Functioning of the Intuitionistic Fuzzy Mediator .......... 67
3.7. Querying Probabilistic and Null Values in a Common Way .... 72
3.8. Intuitionistic Fuzzy Depiction of Probabilistic Data ...... 75
3.8.1. Performing Selection Operation Using IFRDBMS ............ 76
3.8.2. Performing join using IFRDBMS ........................... 77
3.9. Intuitionistic Fuzzy Depiction of Null Values ............. 78
3.10. Data Storage-Requirements ................................ 81
3.11. Conclusions .............................................. 83

Chapter 4 ...................................................... 85

Generalized Nets and Evolving Intuitionistic Fuzzy Data
Warehouses ..................................................... 85

4.1. Introduction .............................................. 85
4.2. The Concept of Time ....................................... 86
4.3. Time Concepts and Types of Temporal Information ........... 87
4.4. Time and Types of Data .................................... 91
4.5. Conceptual Model for Versioning Data Warehouses ........... 93
4.6. Query Model for Versioning Data Warehouses ................ 98
4.7. Alternative Approaches for Non Versioning Data
     Warehouses ................................................ 99
4.8. Query Model for XML Data Warehouses ...................... 103
4.9. GN-model of Unary and Binary Read-Only Operations
     in a Data Warehouse ...................................... 105
4.10.GN-model of Common Read-Only Operations in a Data
     Warehouse ................................................ 107
4.11.GN-model of Unary and Binary Read/Write Operations
     in a Versioned Data Warehouse ............................ 111
4.12.GN-model of Common Read/Write Operations in a
     Versioned Data Warehouse ................................. 113
4.13.Conclusions .............................................. 117

Chapter 5 ..................................................... 119

Conclusions ................................................... 119
Appendix A .................................................... 123
Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and H-IFSs .......................... 123
Basic definitions ............................................. 123
IFS Over Hierarchical Universes ............................... 125
Appendix В .................................................... 131
Generalized Nets .............................................. 131
Basic definitions ............................................. 131
Bibliography .................................................. 140

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