Annual review of physiology; 71 (Palo Alto, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаAnnual review of physiology. Vol.71 / ed. by Julis D., Clapham D.E. - Palo Alto: Annual Reviews, 2009. - xxii, 548 p. - ISBN 978-0-8243-0371-6; ISSN 0066-4278

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Оглавление / Contents
   Jeffrey Robbbins, Section Editor

Sex-Based Cardiac Physiology
   Elizabeth D. Luczak and Leslie A. Leinwand ................... 1

   David E. Clapham, Associate and Section Editor

Convergent Evolution of Alternative Splices
at Domain Boundaries of the BK Channel
   Anthony A. Fodor and Richard W. Aldrich ..................... 19

Mechanisms of Muscle Degeneration, Regeneration,
and Repair in the Muscular Dystrophies
   Gregory Q. Wallace and Elizabeth M. McNally ................. 37

Plant Ion Channels: Gene Families, Physiology,
and Functional Genomics Analyses
   John M. Ward, Pascal Maser, and Julian I. Schroeder ......... 59

Polycystins and Primary Cilia: Primers for Cell
Cycle Progression
   Jing Zhou ................................................... 83

Subsystem Organization of the Mammalian Sense of Smell
   Steven D. Munger, Trese Leinders-Zufall, and Frank
   Zufall ..................................................... 115

   Martin E. Feder, Section Editor

Complementary Roles of the Main and Accessory Olfactory
Systems in Mammalian Mate Recognition
   Michael J. Baum and Kevin R. Kelliher ...................... 141

Pheromone Communication in Amphibians and Reptiles
   Lynne D. Houck ............................................. 161

   Holly A. Ingraham, Section Editor

Transcriptional Control of Mitochondrial Biogenesis
and Function
   M. Benjamin Hock and Anastasia Kralli ...................... 177

   James M. Andehon, Section Editor

The Functions and Roles of the Extracellular Ca2+-Sensing
Receptor along the Gastrointestinal Tract
   John P. Geibel and Steven C. Hehert ........................ 205

Neuroendocrine Control of the Gut During Stress:
Corticotropin-Releasing Factor Signaling Pathways
in the Spotlight
   Andreas Stengel and Yvette Tache ........................... 219

Stem Cells, Self-Renewal, and Differentiation in the
Intestinal Epithelium
   Laurens G. van der Flier and Hans Clevers .................. 241

   Roger Nicoll, Section Editor

Dendritic Spine Dynamics
   D. Harshad Bhatt, Shengxiang Zhang, and Wen-Biao Gan ....... 261

Endocannabinoid Signaling and Long-Term Synaptic
   Boris D. Heifets and Pablo E. Castillo ..................... 283

Sensing Odorants and Pheromones with Chemosensory
   Kazushige Touhara and Leslie B. Vosshall ................... 307

Signaling at Purinergic P2X Receptors
   Annmarie Surprenant andR. Alan North ....................... 333

   Gerhard H. Giebisch, Section Editor

Activation of the Epithelial Sodium Channel (ENaC)
by Serine Proteases
   Bernard C. Rossier and M. Jackson Stutts ................... 361

Recent Advances in Understanding Integrative Control
of Potassium Homeostasis
   Jang H. Youn and Alicia A. McDonough ....................... 381

   Richard C. Boucher, Jr., Section Editor

The Contribution of Epithelial Sodium Channels 
to Alveolar Function in Health and Disease
   Douglas С. Eaton, My N. Helms, Michael Koval,
   Hui Fang Bao, and Lucky Jain ............................... 403

The Role of CLCA Proteins in Inflammatory Airway Disease
   Anand С. Patel, Tom J. Brett, and Michael J. Holtzman ...... 425

Role of HDAC2 in the Pathophysiology of COPD
   Peter J. Barnes ............................................ 451

   Jeffrey M. Drazen, Special Topic Edkor

Aspirin-Sensitive Respiratory Disease
   Sophie P. Farooque and Tak H. Lee .......................... 465

Immunobiology of Asthma
   Qutayba Hamid and Meri Tulic ............................... 489

Noncontractile Functions of Airway Smooth Muscle
Cells in Asthma
   Omar Tliba and Reynold A. Panettieri, Jr. .................. 509


Cumulative Index of Contributing Authors, Volurties 67-71 ..... 537
Cumulative Index of Chapter Titles, Volumes 67-71 ............. 540

An online log of corrections to Annual Review of
Physiology articles may be found at 

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