Statistical abstract of the United States (Washington, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

Архив выставки новых поступлений | Отечественные поступления | Иностранные поступления | Сиглы
ОбложкаStatistical abstract of the United States. – 128th ed. - Washington: U.S. Census Bureau, 2008. – xviii, 982 p. - ISBN 978-081535-5; ISSN 0081-4741

Оглавление / Contents
Guide to Tabular Presentation ................................. xiv
Telephone and Internet Contacts ............................... xvi

Sec. 1. Population (Tables 1-76) ................................ 1

Estimates and projections by age, sex, race, and Hispanic
origin .......................................................... 9
States, metropolitan areas, cities ............................. 17
Mobility status ................................................ 35
Profiles of elderly, racial, and Hispanic-origin populations ... 37
Native and foreign-born populations ............................ 42
Immigration .................................................... 45
Ancestry, languages ............................................ 48
Marital status and households .................................. 50
Religion ....................................................... 60

Sec. 2. Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Divorces
        (Tables 77-123) ........................................ 61

Births ......................................................... 63
Life expectancy ................................................ 74
Deaths ......................................................... 77
Marriages and divorces ......................................... 92

Sec. 3. Health and Nutrition (Tables 124-210) .................. 93

National Health Expenditure Accounts ........................... 95
Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP ................................. 100
Health insurance .............................................. 105
Employment .................................................... 109
Hospitals ..................................................... 113
Health measures ............................................... 127
Food consumption, nutrition ................................... 133

Sec. 4. Education (Tables 211-294) ............................ 137

School enrollment ............................................. 139
Educational attainment ........................................ 145
Technology in schools ......................................... 163
Degrees conferred ............................................. 181

Sec. 5. Law Enforcement, Courts, and Prisons
        (Tables 295-343) ...................................... 185

Crime rates ................................................... 188
Courts ........................................................ 201
Juveniles, child abuse ........................................ 204
Prisoners and inmates ......................................... 207

Sec. 6. Geography and Environment (Tables 344-379) ............ 211

Land and water ................................................ 213
Air quality ................................................... 220
Municipal hazardous waste ..................................... 221
Weather ....................................................... 225

Sec. 7. Elections (Tables 380-409) ............................ 235

Vote results .................................................. 237
Campaign finances ............................................. 255

Sec. 8. State and Local Government Finances and Employment
        (Tables 410-450) ...................................... 257

Governmental units ............................................ 259
Aid to state and local governments ............................ 261
State and local governments ................................... 265
State government finances ..................................... 278
Local government finances ..................................... 284
Employment and payroll ........................................ 292

Sec. 9. Federal Government Finances and Employment
        (Tables 451-484) ...................................... 299

Budget receipts, outlays, debt ................................ 302
Income taxes .................................................. 309
Federal employment and payroll ................................ 318

Sec.10. National Security and Veterans Affairs
        (Tables 485-518) ...................................... 321

National defense outlays ...................................... 324
Military manpower ............................................. 326
Veterans ...................................................... 332
Homeland security ............................................. 334

Sec.11. Social Insurance and Human Services
        (Tables 519-566) ...................................... 339

Government transfer payments .................................. 343
Social security ............................................... 346
Public aid, federal food programs ............................. 356
Child care, child support ..................................... 358

Sec.12. Labor Force, Employment, and Earnings
        (Tables 567-644) ...................................... 365

Labor force status ............................................ 369
Multiple jobholding ........................................... 381
Occupations ................................................... 384
Projections ................................................... 389
Employees and earnings ........................................ 399
Benefits ...................................................... 414
Injuries ...................................................... 416
Union membership .............................................. 419

Sec.13. Income, Expenditures, Poverty, and Wealth
        (Tables 645-701) ...................................... 421

Gross domestic product ........................................ 425
Personal income ............................................... 433
Consumer expenditures ......................................... 438
Money income .................................................. 442
State income and poverty ...................................... 450
Poverty status ................................................ 452
Wealth ........................................................ 458

Sec.14. Prices (Tables 702-721) ............................... 461

Consumer price index .......................................... 465
Cost of living index .......................................... 469
Producer price index .......................................... 474

Sec.15. Business Enterprise (Tables 722-768) .................. 481

Sole proprietors, partnerships, corporations .................. 483
Establishments, employees, payroll ............................ 491
Women- and minority-owned businesses .......................... 498
Bankruptcy, patents ........................................... 499
Investment, capital expenditures .............................. 501
Economic indicators ........................................... 504
Corporate profits ............................................. 506
Multinationals ................................................ 507

Sec.16. Science and Technology (Tables 769-792) ............... 509

R&D funds, outlays ............................................ 510
Science and engineering degrees ............................... 515
Science and engineering employment ............................ 518
Space program ................................................. 520

Sec.17. Agriculture (Tables 793-835) .......................... 521

Farms and farmland ............................................ 523
Farm balance sheet, income .................................... 525
Foreign trade ................................................. 529
Crops, livestock .............................................. 532

Sec.18. Natural Resources (Tables 836-880) .................... 541

Timber, lumber ................................................ 544
Fishery ....................................................... 549
Petroleum, natural gas, coal .................................. 557

Sec.19. Energy and Utilities (Tables 881-918) ................. 563

Energy consumption, expenditures .............................. 566
Crude oil ..................................................... 573
Nuclear ....................................................... 575
Electric power ................................................ 576
Gas utilities ................................................. 582

Sec.20. Construction and Housing (Tables 919-963) ............. 585

Construction spending ......................................... 588
Home sales .................................................... 595
Homeownership ................................................. 604
Home remodeling ............................................... 611

Sec.21. Manufactures (Tables 964-1003) ........................ 613

Manufacturing summary ......................................... 616
Industry reports by subject and subsector ..................... 627
Consumer electronics .......................................... 632

Sec.22. Wholesale and Retail Trade (Tables 1004-1023) ......... 637

Wholesale trade ............................................... 640
Retail trade .................................................. 643

Sec.23. Transportation (Tables 1024-1085) ..................... 651

Transportation system ......................................... 656
Air transportation ............................................ 661
Port traffic .................................................. 666
Motor vehicle registration .................................... 673
Motor vehicle accidents ....................................... 677
Transit ridership ............................................. 685

Sec.24. Information and Communications (Tables 1086-1124) ..... 691

Information industries ........................................ 693
Media usage ................................................... 695
Newspapers .................................................... 697
Books ......................................................... 699
Recording media ............................................... 702
Telecommunications ............................................ 705
Internet access and use ....................................... 709

Sec.25. Banking, Finance, and Insurance
        (Tables 1125-1187) .................................... 713

Establishments, receipts ...................................... 715
Flow of funds, financial assets, and liabilities .............. 716
Financial institutions ........................................ 719
Payment instruments, credit and debit cards ................... 723
Consumer credit, mortgage debt ................................ 725
Money stock, interest rates ................................... 728
Stocks and bonds, equity ownership, mutual funds .............. 729
Insurance, real estate ........................................ 738

Sec.26. Arts, Recreation, and Travel (Tables 1188-1232) ....... 741

Employees, establishments, and payroll ........................ 742
Performing arts ............................................... 745
Leisure activities ............................................ 747
Sports ........................................................ 750
Parks and wildlife activities ................................. 755
Travel ........................................................ 759

Sec.27. Accommodation, Food Services, and Other Services
        (Tables 1233-1245) .................................... 763

Professional, scientific, and technical services .............. 768
Administrative and support and waste management ............... 770

Sec.28. Foreign Commerce and Aid (Tables 1246-1271) ........... 773

International transactions .................................... 776
Foreign investments ........................................... 780
Foreign grants and credits .................................... 784
Exports and imports ........................................... 787

Sec.29. Puerto Rico and the Island Areas
        (Tables 1272-1284) .................................... 797

Sec.30. International Statistics (Tables 1285-1361) ........... 803

World maps .................................................... 806
World population; vital statistics ............................ 813
Economic measures ............................................. 825
Labor force ................................................... 833
Agriculture ................................................... 836
Energy ........................................................ 840
Finance ....................................................... 848

Appendix   I.

Guide to Sources of Statistics ................................ 857
Guide to State Statistical Abstracts .......................... 871
Guide to Foreign Statistical Abstracts ........................ 875

Appendix  II.

Metropolitan and Micropolitan Statistical Areas:
Concepts, Components, and Population .......................... 877

Appendix III.

Limitations of the Data ....................................... 897

Appendix  IV.

Weights and Measures .......................................... 921

Appendix   V.

Tables Deleted From the 2008 Edition of the Statistical
Abstract ...................................................... 923

Index ......................................................... 925

                           New Tables

Table                                                         Page
number                                                       number

      Sec. 1. POPULATION ........................................ 1

45    Refugee Arrivals and Individuals Granted Asylum
      by Country of Nationality: 2005 to 2007 .................. 45
72    Croup Quarters Population by Type of Croup Quarter
      and Selected Character istics: 2006 ...................... 58
74    Religious Composition of U.S. Population: 2007 ........... 59

      Sec. 2. BIRTHS, DEATHS, MARRIAGES, AND DIVORCES .......... 61

88    Infants Who Were Ever Breastfed by Maternal Age
      and Race-Ethnicity: 1999-2006 ............................ 68
96    Outcomes of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)
      Procedures: 2000 to 2005 ................................. 72
99    Abortions—Number and Rate by State: 2000 to 2005 ......... 73

      Sec. 3. HEALTH AND NUTRITION ............................. 93

155   Osteopathic Physicians: 2001 to 2008 .................... 109
180   Children and Youth With Disabilities Served
      by Selected Programs: 1995 to 2006 ...................... 121
181   Children Under 18 Years of Age Receiving Special
      Education or Early Intervention Services: 2006 .......... 122

      Sec. 4. EDUCATION ....................................... 137

240   Public Schools Using Selected Safety and Security
      Measures, by School Characteristics: 2000 to 2006 ....... 156
256   Percentage of Students Participating in After-School
      Activities, by School Activity and Student
      Characteristics: 2005 ................................... 165
257   Percentage of Students Participating in Weekly
      Nonparentai After-School Care Arrangements, 
      by Activities, Arrangement Type, and Student
      Characteristics: 2005 ................................... 165

      Sec. 5. LAW ENFORCEMENT, COURTS, AND PRISONS ............ 185

332   Detainees Under the Jurisdiction of the Bureau of
      Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE):
      2000 to 2006 ............................................ 206

      Sec. 6. GEOGRAPHY AND ENVIRONMENT ....................... 211

345   U.S.-Canada and U.S.-Mexico Border Lengths .............. 214
346   Coastline and Shoreline of the United States by State ... 214
347   Largest Lakes in the United States ...................... 215

              EMPLOYMENT ...................................... 257

423   State and Local Governments—Total Revenue and
      Expenditures by State: 2000 to 2005 ..................... 269


497   Military Retirement System: 2007 ........................ 330

      Sec.11. SOCIAL INSURANCE AND HUMAN SERVICES ............. 339

519   Selected Payments to Individuals by Function:
      1960 to 2006 ............................................ 342
536   Characteristics of U.S. Households Owning IRAs: 2007 .... 352
537   Percent Distribution of Assets in IRAs, by Type
      of IRA: 2007 ............................................ 353

      Sec.12. LABOR FORCE, EMPLOYMENT, AND EARNINGS ........... 365

616   Employed Adults in Selected Work-Related Formal
      Learning Activities by Form of Employer Support:
      2004-2005 ............................................... 404
630   Labor Force Violations: 2003 to 2007 .................... 413

      Sec.14. PRICES .......................................... 461

719   Import and Export Price Indexes by End-Use Category:
      1990 to 2007 ............................................ 479

      Sec.16. SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY .......................... 509

776   Academic and Industrial Research and Development
      (R&D) Performed by State: 2005 .......................... 514
783   Science and Engineering (S&E) Doctorates by State:
      2005 and 2006 ........................................... 516
784   Scientists and Engineers by Selected Demographic
      Characteristics: 2006 ................................... 517
787   Employment and Earnings in Science & Engineering
      (S&E) Occupations by Industry: 2006 ..................... 518

      Sec.18. NATURAL RESOURCES ............................... 541

855   Marketable Aquaculture Sales by Species: 2005 ........... 550
856   Sales of Aquaculture Products by Type, by State: 2005 ... 550
870   Supply, Disposition, and Ending Stocks of Crude Oil
      and Petroleum Products: 2006 ............................ 557

      Sec.20. CONSTRUCTION AND HOUSING ........................ 585

944   Homeownership and Rental Vacancy Rates by State: 2007 ... 600
945   Homeownership and Rental Vacancy Rates by
      Metropolitan Area: 2007 ................................. 600

      Sec.24. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS .................. 691

1111  Average Annual Telephone Service Expenditures by
      All Consumer Units: 2001 to 2006 ........................ 706
1118  Household Internet Usage In and Outside of the Home,
      by Selected Character-istics: 2007 ...................... 709
1119  Household Internet Usage by Type of Internet
      Connection and State: 2007 .............................. 710
1124  Online News Consumption, by Selected Characteristics:
      2000 to 2008 ............................................ 712

      Sec.25. BANKING, FINANCE, AND INSURANCE ................. 713

1144  Noncash Payments by Method of Payment and ATM
      Cash Withdrawals: 2003 and 2006 ......................... 723

      Sec. 26.ARTS, RECREATION, AND TRAVEL .................... 741

1197  Total State Arts Agency Legislative Appropriations:
      2007 to 2008 ............................................ 746
1217  Expenditures for Wildlife-Related Recreation
      Activities: 2006 ........................................ 757
1226  Chain-Type Price Indexes for Direct Tourism Output:
      1998 to 2007 ............................................ 760

      Sec.29. PUERTO RICO AND THE ISLAND AREAS ................ 797

1278  Tenure by Household Type in Puerto Rico: 2006 ........... 800
1279  Selected Social, Demographic, and Housing
      Characteristics in Puerto Rico: 2006 .................... 800

      Sec.30. INTERNATIONAL STATISTICS ........................ 803

1306  Real CDP per Capita and per Employed Persons,
      by Country: 1980 to 2006 ................................ 826
1313  Indexes of Living Costs Abroad: 2008 .................... 830
1316  Percent of Women in National Parliaments
      by Country. 2008 ........................................ 832
1347  Research and Development (R&D) Expenditures,
      by Country .............................................. 847
1356  Household Expenditure on Recreation and Culture
      as a Percentage of CDP: 1970 to 2006 .................... 854
1357  Development Assistance, by Country: 2005 and 2006 ....... 854

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