U.S. Geological survey. Professional paper; 1715 (Washington, 2005). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаDu Bray E.A., Petrology of the Crazy Mountains dike swarm and geochronology of associated sills, south-central Montana / Du Bray E.A., Harlan S., Wilson A.B. - Washington: U.S. Geological Survey, 2005. - iii, 21 p. - (U.S. Geological survey. Professional paper; 1715). - ISBN 1-411-306-58-9

Оглавление / Contents
Abstract ........................................................ 1
Introduction .................................................... 1
Acknowledgments ................................................. 5
Geology ......................................................... 5
Analytical Methods .............................................. 5
Petrography ..................................................... 8
Geochronology .................................................. 11
Whole-Rock Chemistry ........................................... 15
Major-Oxide Data ............................................... 15
Trace-Element Data ............................................. 17
Discussion ..................................................... 17
Conclusions .................................................... 19
References Cited ............................................... 19


1. Maps showing regional geologic setting for the Crazy
   Mountains dike swarm ......................................... 2
2. Generalized geologic map of the Big Timber stock ............. 4
3. Total alkali-silica variation diagram showing compositions
   of samples from the Crazy Mountains dike swarm ............... 9
4. Graphs showing 40Ar/39Ar age spectra for hornblende and
   biotite separates from alkaline intrusive rocks in the
   Crazy Mountains ............................................. 12
5. Variation diagrams showing abundances of major oxides
   and zirconium in samples from the Crazy Mountains dike
   swarm ....................................................... 16
6. Trace-element tectonic setting-discrimination variation
   diagram for samples from the Crazy Mountains dike swarm ..... 17
7. Ternary AFM diagram showing compositions of samples
   from the Crazy Mountains dike swarm ......................... 18
8. Ternary variation diagram showing the relative
   proportions of Rb, K, and Sr in samples from the Crazy
   Mountains dike swarm ........................................ 18


1. Composition of selected samples of the Crazy Mountains
   dike swarm ................................................... 6
2. Data for 40Ar/39Ar step heating of samples of alkaline
   sills in the Crazy Mountains ................................ 13
3. Summary of isotopic dating results for alkaline sills
   in the northern Crazy Mountains ............................. 15

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