Schwerk A. Model of the rate of succession of epigeic carabid beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) on degraded areas (Warsaw, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаSchwerk A. Model of the rate of succession of epigeic carabid beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) on degraded areas. - Warsaw: Warsaw University of life science, 2008. - 72 p. - ISBN 978-83-87647-74-2

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Оглавление / Contents
1. Introduction ................................................. 5
2. Today's knowledge ............................................ 6
3. Carabidae and succession ..................................... 8
   3.1. Carabidae as indicators of succession ................... 8
   3.2. Patterns in time and space: how to separate
        directed processes (succession) from stochastic
        processes? .............................................. 8
4. Understanding of a model in the context of this study ........ 9
5. Working hypotheses .......................................... 10
6. Study sites and field methods ............................... 12
   6.1. Organisation of sampling hierarchy ..................... 12
   6.2. Study sites, sampling plots and traps .................. 13
        6.2.1. Scientific research object "Martew" ............. 13
        6.2.2. Scientific research object "Krzywda" ............ 13
        6.2.3. Ash heap and brown coal mining heap at
               Belchatow ....................................... 18
   6.3. Collection of data ..................................... 18
7. Statistical methods ......................................... 19
   7.1. Organisation of data ................................... 19
   7.2. Mean Individual Biomass(MIB) of Carabidae .............. 20
   7.3. Ordination methods ..................................... 20
   7.4. Test statistics ........................................ 21
8. Results ..................................................... 21
   8.1. General results ........................................ 21
        8.1.1. Total catching results .......................... 21
        8.1.2. Research object "Martew" ........................ 21
        8.1.3. Research object"Krzywda" ........................ 26
        8.1.4. Study areas at Belchatow ........................ 26
   8.2. Detecting succession, its speed and direction .......... 34
        8.2.1. General changes in numbers of species,
               numbers of individuals, biomass and MIB
               values .......................................... 34
        8.2.2. Mean individual biomass during the early
               phase of succession ............................. 41
        8.2.5. Ordination methods .............................. 41
   8.3. Synthesis of results ................................... 46
9. Themodel .................................................... 47
   9.1 Model construction ...................................... 47
        9.1.1. Qualitative description of the model ............ 47
        9.1.2. Quantification of the model ..................... 48
   9.2. Transfer of the model to a long-term study on
        a post-industrial area ................................. 52
        9.2.1. Summary of the research on the colliery
               spoil heap Waltrop .............................. 52
        9.2.2. Transfer of the model ........................... 52
10.Discussion .................................................. 54
   10.1.Discussion of the model and underlying assumptions ..... 54
   10.2.Practical use of the model ............................. 57
11.Summary ..................................................... 59

Acknowledgements ............................................... 61
References ..................................................... 63

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