Nova Acta Leopoldina. Neue Folge; Vol.96, N 356 (Halle, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаLife strategies of microorganisms in the environment and in host organisms: Leopoldina Symposium, Bremen, April 5 to 8, 2006 / ed. by Amani R. et al. - Halle: Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina, 2008. - 112 p. - (Nova Acta Leopoldina. Neue Folge; vol.96, N 356). - ISBN 978-3-2499-0; ISSN 0369-5034

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Оглавление / Contents
Widdel Friedrich
   Preface ...................................................... 7

Thauer Rudolf K.
   Welcome Greetings ............................................ 9

Microorganisms in the Environment - Unique Adaptations,
Basic Metabolism, and Evolution

Stetter Karl O.
   Hyperthermophiles - Life in a Hot and Inorganic
   Environment ................................................. 13

Orphan Victoria J., House Christopher H. and Goffredi
Shana K.
   Archaea, Methane and Oases of the Deep ...................... 19

Parkes R. John
   Microbes in the Deep Biosphere - Who Feeds Them? ............ 25

Fuchs Georg, and Kockelkorn Daniel
   From Inorganic to Organic Prokaryotic CO2 Fixation .......... 33
Thauer Rudolf K.
   Of Methanotrophic and Methanogenic Archaea .................. 41

Russell Michael J.
   On the Emergence and Early Evolution of Life ................ 45

Martin William
   On the Ancestral State of Microbial Physiology .............. 53

Hackstein Johannes H.P.
   Hydrogenosomes, Mitochondria, Mitosomes - Or the Final
   Proof of the Endosymbiont Theory ............................ 61

Microorganisms in Symbioses and Pathogenesis

Bayer Kristina, Siegl Alexander, Schmitt Susanne,
Hoffmann Friederike, and Hentschel Ute
   Unravelling Microbial Diversity and Metabolism
   in Marine Sponges ........................................... 71

Weinbauer Markus G.
   Viruses - The Overlooked Players ............................ 79

Feldhaar Heike, Zientz Evelyn, and Gross Roy
   Metabolic Interactions between the Carpenter Ant
   Camponotus floridanus and its Endosymbiont Blochmannia ...... 85

Sanchez-Contreras Maria, Dowling Andrea, Hares Michelle,
Waterfield Nicholas, and ffrench-Constant Richard
   Photorhabdus Endosymbiosis and Pathogenesis ................. 91

Hacker Jörg, Dobrindt Ulrich, Ölschläger Tobias,
Merkert Hilde, and Blum-Oehler Gabriele
   Evolution of Bacterial Virulence ............................ 99

Achtman Mark
   The Problem of Endemic Bacteria ............................ 105

Roy Craig R.
   Legionella Type IV Effectors that Target Conserved
   Host Proteins .............................................. 109

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