Peabody Museum bulletin; 8 (Cambridge, 2000). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаThe geography of Neandertals and modern humans in Europe and the Greater Mediterranean / ed. by Bar-Yosef O., Pilbeam D. - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000. - x, 197 p.: ill., maps. - (Peabody Museum bulletin; 8) - ISBN 0-87365-958-9

Оглавление / Contents
CHAPTER 1. Introduction ......................................... 1
              Ofer Bar-Yosef and David Pilbeam

Acknowledgments ................................................. 2
Bibliography .................................................... 2

CHAPTER 2. A Geographic Perspective on the Middle to Upper
           Paleolithic Transition in the Iberian Peninsula ...... 5
              Eduald Carbonell, Manuel Vaquero, Julia Maroto,
              Jose M. Rando, and Carolina Mallol

Introduction .................................................... 5
Relief of Iberian Peninsula ..................................... 6
Climate and Vegetation of the Iberian Peninsula ................. 8
Present Climate and Vegetation .................................. 8
Climatic Changes during OIS 5-3 ................................. 9
Regional Distribution of the Sites ............................. 10
Northern Zone .................................................. 10
Eastern Zone ................................................... 18
Southern Zone .................................................. 23
Western Zone ................................................... 25
Central Zone ................................................... 25
Conclusions .................................................... 28
Historical Factors ............................................. 28
Geological and Geomorphological Factors ........................ 28
Acknowledgments ................................................ 30
Bibliography ................................................... 31

CHAPTER 3. The Archaeological Records of
           the Neandertal-Modern Human Transition
           in France ........................................... 35
              Paul Mellars

Introduction ................................................... 35
Archaeological Context ......................................... 36
Conclusions .................................................... 44
Note ........................................................... 44
Bibliography ................................................... 45

CHAPTER 4. The Late Middle and Early Upper
           Paleolithic in Italy ................................ 49
              Steven L. Kuhn and Amilcare Bietti 

Introduction ................................................... 49
Background ..................................................... 49
Late Mousterian ................................................ 50
Uluzzian ....................................................... 57
Aurignacian .................................................... 60
Synthesis and Discussion ....................................... 66
Conclusions .................................................... 71
Notes .......................................................... 72
Bibliography ................................................... 72

CHAPTER 5. The Problem of Cultural Continuity between
           the Middle and Upper Paleolithic in Central
           and Eastern Europe .................................. 77
              Janusz K. Kozlowski

Introduction ................................................... 77
Evolutionary Trends in Technology Based on Levallois Cores ..... 77
Technological Evolution Based on Bifacial Tool Shaping ......... 87
Szeletian ...................................................... 87
Bryndzenian .................................................... 90
Streletskian ................................................... 90
Evolution Based on Blades used as Blanks for Leaf Points ....... 92
Evolutionary Trends Based on Blade Technology and
   Backed Tools ................................................ 95
Discussion ..................................................... 95
Conclusions .................................................... 99
Bibliography .................................................. 103

CHAPTER 6. The Middle and Early Upper Paleolithic
           in Southwest Asia and Neighboring Regions .......... 107
              Ofer Bar-Yosef

Introduction .................................................. 107
The Paleoclimatic Conditions .................................. 108
The Chronology of the Levantine Entities ...................... 111
The Hominids .................................................. 111
The Study of Lithic Industries ................................ 113
The Late Levantine Middle Paleolithic ......................... 116
The Definition of Lithic Industries ........................... 116
Mortuary Practices ............................................ 119
Subsistence ................................................... 119
Settlement Patterns ........................................... 120
Early Upper Paleolithic Entities in the Levant ................ 123
The Dating of the Levantine Early Upper Paleolithic ........... 128
The Ahmarian .................................................. 130
Other Archaeological Aspects of the Levantine Early Upper
   Paleolithic ................................................ 130
The Levantine Aurignacian ..................................... 132
The Middle and Upper Paleolithic of the Taurus-Zagros
   Region ..................................................... 137
The Middle and Upper Paleolithic in Northeast Africa .......... 140
Discussion .................................................... 141
Note .......................................................... 143
Acknowledgments ............................................... 143
Bibliography .................................................. 143

CHAPTER 7. Modern-Nonmodern Hominid Interactions:
           A Mediterranean Perspective ........................ 157
              Jean-Jacques Hublin

Introduction .................................................. 157
Geographical Presentation ..................................... 158
North Africa .................................................. 159
Southwestern Asia ............................................. 161
Europe ........................................................ 163
Discussion and Conclusions .................................... 169
Notes ......................................................... 172
Bibliography .................................................. 172

Chapter 8. Afterword .......................................... 183
              David Pilbeam and Ofer Bar-Yosef

Bibliography .................................................. 186
Appendix ...................................................... 189


CHAPTER 2. A Geographic Perspective on the Middle
           to Upper Paleolithic Transition in the
           Iberian Peninsula

Figure 1. Location of the Iberian Peninsula in the
          European continent .................................... 6
Figure 2. Main geographical and geological units of the
          Iberian Peninsula ..................................... 7
Figure 3. Bioclimatic zones of the Iberian Peninsula ............ 8
Figure 4. Location of the site distribution zones .............. 10
Figure 5. Distribution of Middle and Early Upper
          Paleolithic sites in the Northern Zone ............... 16
Figure 6. Distribution of Neandertal and anatomically
          modern human remains in the Iberian Peninsula ........ 18
Figure 7. Distribution of Middle Paleolithic and Early
          Upper Paleolithic sites in the Eastern Zone .......... 19
Figure 8. Stratigraphic sequence of Abric Romani ............... 20
Figure 9. Retouched artifacts from level Jb of
          Abric Romani ......................................... 21
Figure 10.Retouched artifacts from level H of Arbreda Cave ..... 22
Figure 11.Distribution of Middle Paleolithic and Early
          Upper Paleolithic sites in the Southern Zone ......... 24
Figure 12.Distribution of Middle Paleolithic and Early
          Upper Paleolithic stes in the Western Zone ........... 26
Figure 13.Distribution of Middle Paleolithic and Early
          Upper Paleolithic sites in the Central Zone .......... 27
Figure 14.Distribution of Early Upper Paleolithic sites
          (Aurignacian and Chatelperronian) in the Iberian
          Peninsula ............................................ 29

Chapter 3. The Archaeological Records of the
           Neandertal-Modern Human Transition in France
Figure 1. The distribution of Aurignacian sites in France ...... 37
Figure 2. The distribution of Chatelperronian sites
          in France ............................................ 38
Figure 3. Absolute age determinations for
          Chatelperronian sites in southwest France and
          northern Spain, and for early Aurignacian sites in
          northern Spain ....................................... 39
Figure 4. Radiocarbon dates for early Aurignacian
          levels in southwest France and northern Spain ........ 43

CHAPTER 4. The Late Middle and Early Upper Paleolithic
           in Italy              

Figure 1. Dated and undated Mousterian sites in
          Italy discussed in the text .......................... 51
Figure 2. The S. Francesco "Denticulate Mousterian"
          assemblage ........................................... 52
Figure 3. Stone tools from Buca della Iena and
          Grotta del Capriolo .................................. 53
Figure 4. Assemblage from most recent layers at
          Grotta Breuil, Monte Circeo .......................... 54
Figure 5. Assemblage from levels 9 and 10 at Riparo
          del Poggio, Campania ................................. 58
Figure 6. The early Uluzzian of Grotta del Cavallo ............. 59
Figure 7. The Middle or "evolved" Uluzzian of
          Grotta del Cavallo ................................... 61
Figure 8. Uluzzian artifacts from Grotta la Fabbrica,
          Castelcivita ......................................... 62
Figure 9. "Proto-Aurignacian" artifacts from Riparo
          Mochi, layer G. ...................................... 63
Figure 10.The earliest Aurignacian of more recent southern
          Italian sites ........................................ 64
Figure 11.Artifacts from layer F of Riparo Mochi, Liguria ...... 65
Figure 12.Relevant portions of key stratigraphic sequences,
          with absolute dates marked ........................... 67
Figure 13.Distribution of late Mousterian, Aurignacian,
          and Uluzzian sites from 40-35 ka B.P. ................ 68
Figure 14.Distribution of late Mousterian, Aurignacian,
          and Uluzzian sites from 35-30 ka B.P. ................ 68

CHAPTER 5. The Problem of Cultural Continuity Between
           the Middle and Upper Paleolithic in Central
           and Eastern Europe

Figure 1. General scheme of Early and Middle Upper
          Paleolithic units in Europe .......................... 78
Figure 2. Temnata Cave, Bulgaria, sector TD-II, layer
          VI. Levallois double platform blade cores ............ 81
Figure 3. Temnata Cave, Bulgaria, sector TD-II, layer
          VI. Upper Paleolithic cores with narrow flaking
          face and lateral crests transformed into flat
          cores with broad flaking face ........................ 82
Figure 4. Temnata Cave, Bulgaria, sector TD-II, layer
          VI. Retouched tools: Mousterian points, side- and
          endscraper, endscrapers, burins ...................... 83
Figure 5. Korolevo II, complex II: Double platform
          blade core with central crest. Korolevo I,
          complex la: volumetric blade core with crest
          on the narrow side, volumetric residual blade
          core with sequence of detached tablets ............... 85
Figure 6. Stranska Skala, Moravia. Bohunician
          reconstructed cores .................................. 86
Figure 7. Vedrovice V, Moravia. Discoidal core, single
          platform unprepared core, polyhedral-spherical
          flake cores, unprepared blade cores .................. 88
Figure 8. Dzierzyslaw, Poland. Szeletian single and
          double platform unprepared blade-flake cores ......... 89
Figure 9. Streletskian tools: Kostenki I., Russia, layer V.;
          Kostenki 6 (Streletskaya). Endscrapers, triangular
          leaf points with concave base (Sungir points),
          sidescraper, blade with lateral retouch,
          unfinished foliates .................................. 91
Figure 10.Gorodtsovian tools: Kostenki 15, Russia.
          Sidescrapers, endscrapers ............................ 93
Figure 11.Jerzmanowician leaf points: Jerzmanowice,
          Nietoperzowa Cave, layer 6 and Wierzchowie,
          Poland, Mamutuwa Cave. Leaf points on blades
          (pointes a face plane), bifacially worked
          foliates ............................................. 94
Figure 12.Arched backed blades from Krakow-Zwierzyniec I.,
          Poland, layer 12-14, in sectors J.3, 4a, and 4b ...... 96
Figure 13.Arched backed blades and microlithic
          trucations from Klisoura Cave I., Greece, layer V. ... 97
Figure 14.Chronological relationships between particular
          "transition units" and the Aurignacian in
          Central and Eastern Europe ........................... 98
Figure 15.Most important sites dated to the period
          50-40 ka B.P. ....................................... 100
Figure 16.Most important dated sites from the period
          40-35 ka B.P. ....................................... 101
Figure 17.Most important regions of settlement in
          the period 35-30 ka B.P. ............................ 102

CHAPTER 6. The Middle and Early Upper Paleolithic
           in Southwest Asia and Neighboring Regions

Figure 1. Map of the regions discussed in the text ............ 108
Figure 2. Generalized chronology of the Middle and
          Upper Paleolithic sites in the Levant ............... 109
Figure 3. Map of Late Levantine Mousterian sites
          ("Tabun B-type") .................................... 112
Figure 4. Middle Paleolithic artifacts from Qafzeh
          Cave (a "Tabun C-type" industry) .................... 117
Figure 5. Middle Paleolithic artifacts from Kebara
          Cave (a "Tabun B-type" industry) .................... 118
Figure 6. Middle Paleolithic settlement patterns:
          Mt. Carmel/Galilee; Southern Jordan ................. 122
Figure 7. Map of the Levant with the earliest Upper
          Paleolithic sites ................................... 125
Figure 8. Early Upper Paleolithic artifacts from Ksar 'Akil
          and layers XXV-XXIV in Kebara: points, chamfered
          flakes and blades (chanfreins), endscrapers,
          cores ............................................... 126
Figure 9. Early Upper Paleolithic tools from Boker
          Tachtit, levels 1 and 2 ............................. 127
Figure 10.Early Upper Paleolithic tools from Umm el
          Tlel, layer Illbase and III2a: Umm el Tlel points,
          blade, cores ........................................ 128
Figure 11.Dates of the Late Middle and Early Upper
          Paleolithic in the Levant ........................... 129
Figure 12.Map of the Ahmarian sites in the Levant ............. 131
Figure 13.Map of the Aurignacian sites in the Eastern
          Mediterranean ....................................... 133
Figure 14.Levantine Aurignacian stone artifacts from
          Hayonim Cave: Dufour and retouched bladelets,
          carinated and nosed scrapers, carinated burin,
          burin on truncation, Aurignacian blades,
          endscrapers on retouched blades ..................... 134
Figure 15.Levantine Aurignacian bone, tooth, and antler
          artifacts from Hayonim Cave and Kebara Cave ......... 135
Figure 16.Middle Paleolithic artifacts from
          KarainCave .......................................... 138
Figure 17.Middle Paleolithic artifacts from Kunji
          Cave in the Zagros .................................. 139
Figure 18.Hypothetical colonization routes in the
          eastern Mediterranean ............................... 142

Chapter 8. Afterword

Figure 1. Map showing TL and 14C dates for the Late
          Mousterian in the Greater Mediterranean region ...... 184
Figure 2. Map showing TL and 14C dates for the Early Upper
          Paleolithic in the Greater Mediterranean region ..... 185

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