Tyszka J. Hydrologiczne funlcie lasu w malych nizinnych zlewniach rzecznych (Warszawa, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаTyszka J. Hydrologiczne funlcie lasu w malych nizinnych zlewniach rzecznych. - Warszawa: IBL, 2008. - 215 s. - (Prace Institytu Badawczego Lesnictwa. Rozprawa i monografie; 10). - ISBN 978-83-87647-76-6

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Оглавление / Contents
1. Introduction ................................................. 9
2. Review of major approaches concerning forest hydrology ...... 11
   2.1. Methods and impact research ............................ 11
   2.2. The effect of forests on precipitation ................. 13
   2.3. Atmosphere-forest-soil water transfer .................. 14
   2.4. The role of forests on the outflow ..................... 17
3. Aim and scope of hydrological-forest research ............... 21
   3.1. Aim of research ........................................ 21
   3.2. Scope of research ...................................... 22
4. Research methods ............................................ 24
   4.1. Criteria of catchment selection ........................ 24
   4.2. Methods of catchment hydrological description .......... 25
   4.3. Elaborations result of hydrological study .............. 26
   4.4. Parameterisation of forest characteristic research
        catchments ............................................. 27
   4.5. Methods and scope of statistical analyses .............. 29
5. Research results ............................................ 31
   5.1. Hydrological conditions in river catchments ............ 31
        5.1.1. Catchment physical and geographic
               characteristics ................................. 31
        5.1.2. Year rainfalls and runoffs ...................... 32
        5.1.3. Distribution of monthly runoffs ................. 36
        5.1.4. Catchment retentive properties .................. 37
   5.2. The role of forest in water circulation in the
        period of climatic drought ............................. 44
        5.2.1. Characteristics of the selected post-drought
               period .......................................... 44
        5.2.2. The impact of physical geographic conditions
               on minimum runoffs .............................. 46
        5.2.3. The impact of catchment forest cover on
               rainfall and runoff in summer half-years
               in the drought period ........................... 48
        5.2.4. The effect of stand volume in the catchment
               area on water circulation ....................... 59
        5.2.5. The impact of catchment forest cover on
               precipitation/outflow ratio under different
               orographic conditions ........................... 62
   5.3. The role of forest on the runoff during wet years ...... 67
        5.3.1. Conditions of maximum runoffs ................... 67
        5.3.2. The effect of forest on extreme runoffs
               and discharges .................................. 71
        5.3.3. The value and dates of discharges and
               specific runoffs ................................ 78
   5.4. Hydrological parameters in forest catchments and
        their relationship with habitat conditions ............. 84
        5.4.1. Water resources in forest catchments ............ 84
        5.4.2. Characteristics of forest habitat and
               stand parameters ................................ 85
        5.4.3. Trends and cycles of changes of hydrological
               parameters ...................................... 86
        5.4.4. Variations in the runoff response to rainfall ... 90
        5.4.5. Variation of runoff ............................. 92
   5.5. Chemical composition of waters flowing from the
        forest catchment areas ................................. 94
        5.5.1. Variation in ion leaching from the catchment
               area ............................................ 94
        5.5.2. Physicochemical properties water and their
               relationship with the outflow ................... 96
   5.6. Stand demand for water ................................ 100
        5.6.1. The impact of the age stands for the
               dynamics of groundwater ........................ 100
        5.6.2. The use of water resources by forest stands .... 102
        5.6.3. Dependence growth on the climatic and
               hydrological conditions ........................ 104
   5.7. The effect of habitat conditions on water resources
        in the forested catchments during the precipitation
        deficit period ........................................ 110
        5.7.1. Categorisation of catchments with regard
               to habitat use ................................. 110
        5.7.2. The value of the summer half-year runoff
               resulting from different habitat conditions .... 1ll
        5.7.3. Variation in catchment responses to monthly
               rainfall in the summer half-year ............... 115
6. Results and conclusions .................................... 118
7. Abbreviations and symbols (in Polish) ...................... 129

Summary with the list of abbreviations and symbols
(in English) .................................................. 131
Literature .................................................... 136
Tables ........................................................ 145

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