Szczygiet R. Metoda oceny ryzyka powstania pozaru lasu wspomagajaca organizacje dzialan ratowniczych (Warszawa, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

Архив выставки новых поступлений | Отечественные поступления | Иностранные поступления | Сиглы
ОбложкаSzczygiet R. Metoda oceny ryzyka powstania pozaru lasu wspomagajaca organizacje dzialan ratowniczych. - Warszawa: IBL, 2009. - 128 s. - (Prace Institytu Badawczego Lesnictwa. Rozprawa i monografie; 12). - ISBN 978-83-87647-77-3

Место хранения: 034 | Институт леса СО РАН | Красноярск | Библиотека

Оглавление / Contents
1. Introduction ................................................. 9
2. Literature review ........................................... 11
3. Aim of the research ......................................... 22
4. Scope and methods ........................................... 24
   4.1. Introduction ........................................... 24
   4.2. Conditions of fire occurrence .......................... 24
   4.3. Development of the model for forecasting the
        litter moisture content depending on weather
        conditions ............................................. 25
   4.4. Development of the method of assessing the risk
        of forest fire outbreak and spread ..................... 26
   4.5. The development of procedures for forest and fire
        services concerning prevention and operational
        actions depending on forest fire hazard ................ 27
   4.6. Development of a software for the method of
        assessing forest fire risk and spread .................. 27
   4.7. Economic analysis of the use of the developed
        method of organizing forest fire prevention actions .... 28
5. Site description ............................................ 29
6. Results ..................................................... 32
   6.1. Conditions of fire occurrence .......................... 32
        6.1.1. Air temperature ................................. 32
        6.1.2. Air relative humidity ........................... 33
        6.1.3. Cloudiness ...................................... 34
        6.1.4. Atmospheric precipitation ....................... 34
        6.1.5. Litter moisture ................................. 37
        6.1.6. Meteorological characteristics of days with
               fires against the characteristics of the
               flammability season ............................. 41
        6.1.7. Litter moisture and forest type ................. 46
   6.2. Regression models of litter moisture depending on
        weather conditions ..................................... 47
        6.2.1. Litter moisture prediction model in the
               afternoon of the same day ....................... 47
        6.2.2. Litter moisture prediction model in the
               morning of the next day ......................... 59
   6.3. The method of assessing the risk of forest fire
        occurrence and spread .................................. 71
   6.4. Software for the assessment of forest fire risk
        and fire spread model .................................. 80
   6.5. Evaluation of the developed forest fire risk
        assessment method ...................................... 90
   6.6. Economic analysis of the use of the forest fire
        risk assessment method ................................. 94
        6.6.1. Comparative analysis of the costs of fire
               protection operations using different methods
               of forecasting fire hazard on the example
               of the Regional Directorate of the State
               Forests in Zielona Gora ......................... 94
        6.6.2. Analysis of the costs of operation of
               the Municipal Headquarters of the State
               Fire Service related to the use of the
               risk assessment method ......................... 103
7. Discussion and summary ..................................... 106
8. Conclusions ................................................ 114
9. List of symbols (in English) ............................... 117
10.Literature ................................................. 119

Архив выставки новых поступлений | Отечественные поступления | Иностранные поступления | Сиглы

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