Borkowski J. Wplyw srodowiska lesnego na populacje jeleniowatych w warunkach restytucji lasu po wielkoobszarowym pozarze (Warszawa, 20090). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаBorkowski J. Wplyw srodowiska lesnego na populacje jeleniowatych w warunkach restytucji lasu po wielkoobszarowym pozarze. - Warszawa: IBL, 2009. - 72 s. - (Prace Institytu Badawczego Lesnictwa. Rozprawa i monografie; 13). - ISBN 978-83-87647-80-3

Место хранения: 034 | Институт леса СО РАН | Красноярск | Библиотека

Оглавление / Contents
1. Introduction ................................................. 9
2. Aim of the study ............................................ 14
3. Study site .................................................. 15
4. Methods ..................................................... 19
   4.1. Habitat use by deer .................................... 19
        4.1.1. Introduction .................................... 19
        4.1.2. Habitat description in the burnedarea ........... 19
        4.1.3. Habitat description in the unburned forest ...... 20
   4.2. Bark Stripping intensity ofpine thickets ............... 21
   4.3. Phenotypic quality of deer ............................. 22
   4.4. Statistical analyses ................................... 23
5. Results ..................................................... 27
   5.1. Deer abundance ......................................... 27
   5.2. Habitat use by deer in the burnedarea .................. 27
   5.3. Habitat use by deer in the unburned forest ............. 30
   5.4. Bark Stripping intensity in pine thickets .............. 34
   5.5. Phenotypic quality of deer ............................. 37
6. Discussion .................................................. 44
   6.1. Deer abundance ......................................... 44
   6.2. Habitat use by deer in the burned area ................. 45
        6.2.1. Impact of the distance from the edge of the
               unburned forest on the intensity of habitat
               use in the burned area .......................... 45
        6.2.2. Comparisonofthe use ofsecurity cover by red
               deer and roe deer ............................... 45
   6.3. Habitat use by deer in the unburned forest ............. 46
        6.3.1. Use ofold-growth Stands ......................... 46
        6.3.2. Impact ofsecurity cover and herbaceous
               Vegetation ...................................... 47
        6.3.3. Comparisonof habitat use by red deer and
               roe deer ........................................ 48
      The roleof herbaceous Vegetation ....... 48
      The role ofsecurity cover .............. 48
      Interspecies relationship .............. 49
   6.4. Bark Stripping intensity in pine thickets .............. 50
        6.4.l.Comparisonofbark Stripping intensity in
              the burned area with other forests ............... 50
        6.4.2. Impact ofage and heightof thickets .............. 50
        6.4.3. Impact of pre-thicket density ................... 52
   6.5. Phenotypic quality of deer ............................. 54
        6.5.1. Impact of forest habitat quality ................ 54
        6.5.2. Impact of weather conditions .................... 56
7. Conclusions ................................................. 59
8. Management implications ..................................... 60

English summary ................................................ 63

Literature ..................................................... 66

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