Algorithmic foundations of robotics V (Berlin; New York, 2004). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаAlgorithmic foundations of robotics V / ed. by Boissonnat J.-D. et al. - Berlin; New York: Springer, 2004. - xiv, 575 p.: ill. - ISBN 3-540-40476-7

Оглавление / Contents
Plenary Session

Algorithms for Motion and Navigation in Virtual Environments
and Games ....................................................... 1
   Mark H. Overmars

Session I

Motion Planning for Knot Untangling ............................. 7
   Andrew M. Ladd, Lydia E. Kavraki

Exact Collision Checking of Robot Paths ........................ 25
   Fabian Schwarzer, Mitul Saha, Jean-Claude Latombe

A Comparative Study of Probabilistic Roadmap Planners .......... 43
   Roland Geraerts, Mark H. Overmars

On the Relationship between Classical Grid Search and
Probabilistic Roadmaps ......................................... 59
   Steven M. La Valle, Michael S. Branicky

Session II

Algorithms for Rapidly Dispersing Robot Swarms in
Unknown Environments ........................................... 77
   Tien-Ruey Hsiang, Esther M. Arkin, Michael
   A. Bender, Sandor P. Fekete, Joseph S.B. Mitchell

Better Group Behaviors Using Rule-Based Roadmaps ............... 95
   0. Burchan Bayazit, Jyh-Ming Lien, Nancy M. Amato

A Delaunay Approach to Interactive Cutting in
Triangulated Surfaces ......................................... 113
   Han-Wen Nienhuys, A. Frank van der Stappen

Stochastic Conformational Roadmaps for Computing Ensemble
Properties of Molecular Motion ................................ 131
   Mehmet Serkan Apaydin, Douglas L. Brutlag,
   Carlos Guestrin, David Hsu, Jean-Claude Latombe

Session III

View Planning via Maximal C-space Entropy Reduction ........... 149
   Pengpeng Wang, Kamal Gupta

Exact and Distributed Algorithms for Collaborative
Camera Control ................................................ 167
   Dezhen Song, A. Frank van der Stappen, Ken Goldberg

Shape Complexes for Metamorhpic Robots ........................ 185
   Robert Ghrist

Flexonics ..................................................... 203
   John Canny, Jeremy Risner, Vivek Subramanian

Session IV

Coordinating Multiple Robots with Kinodynamic Constraints
along Specified Paths ......................................... 221
   Jufeng Peng, Srinivas Akella

Hybrid Motion Planning: Coordinating Two Discs Moving
among Polygonal Obstacles in the Plane ........................ 239
   Shai Hirsch, Dan Halperin

Decentralized Algorithms for Multirobot Manipulation
via Caging .................................................... 257
   Guilherme A.S. Pereira, Vijay Kumar,
   Mario F.M. Campos

Communication Complexity of Multi-robot Systems ............... 275
   Eric Klavins

Session V

Reconstructing the Shape and Motion of Unknown Objects with
Active Tactile Sensors ........................................ 293
   Mark Moll, Michael A. Erdmann

A General Manipulation Task Planner ........................... 311
   Thierry Simeon, Juan Cortes, Anis Sahbani,
   Jean-Paul Laumond

Computation on Parametric Curves with Applications in
Localization and Grasping ..................................... 329
   Yan-Bin Jia

A Near-Quadratic Algorithm for Fence Design ................... 347
   Pankaj K. Agarwal, Robert-Paul Berretty,
   Anne D. Collins

Session VI

Simultaneous Mapping and Localization with Sparse Extended
Information Filters: Theory and Initial Results ............... 363
   Sebastian Thrun, Daphne Roller, Zoubin Ghahramani,
   Hugh Durrant-Whyte, Andrew Y. Ng

Expected Shortest Paths for Landmark-Based
Robot Navigation .............................................. 381
   Amy J. Briggs, Carrick Detweiler, Daniel Scharstein,
Alexander Vandenberg-Rodes

Sensor-Based Coverage: Incremental Construction of
Cellular Decompositions ....................................... 399
   Ercan U. Acar, Howie Choset

Online Scan Coverage of Grid Environments by a
Mobile Robot .................................................. 417
   Yoav Gabriely, Elon Rimon

Session VII

Distributed Motion Planning for 3D Modular Robots with
Unit-Compressible Modules ..................................... 435
   Zack Butler, Daniela Rus

Distributed Manipulation with Rolling Contact ................. 453
   Mark Bedillion, William Messner

Computing Equilibria on Superpositions of
Logarithmic-Radial Potential Fields ........................... 469
   Hyungpil Moon, Jonathan Luntz

Feedback Control for Distributed Manipulation ................. 487
   Todd D. Murphey, Joel W. Burdick

Session VIII

Fast Penetration Depth Estimation Using Rasterization
Hardware and Hierarchical Refinement .......................... 505
   Young J. Kim, Ming C. Lin, Dinesh Manocha

Generalizing Demonstrated Manipulation Tasks .................. 523
   Nancy S. Pollard, Jessica K. Hodgins

Constraint-Based Motion Planning Using
Voronoi Diagrams .............................................. 541
   Maxim Garber, Ming C. Lin

Trajectory Planning for Kinematically Controllable
Underactuated Mechanical Systems .............................. 559
   Prasun Choudhury, Kevin M. Lynch 

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