Narayanasamy P. Molecular biology in plant pathogenesis and disease management; 1 (New York, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаNarayanasamy P. Molecular biology in plant pathogenesis and disease management: in 3 v. Vol.1: Microbial plant pathogens. - [New York]: Springer, 2008. - ix, 249 p. - ISBN 978-1-4020-8242-9

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ........................................................ xv
Acknowledgement .............................................. xvii

1. Introduction ................................................. 1

1.1. Molecular Biology as a Research Tool ....................... 1
1.2. Application of Molecular Techniques ........................ 3
References ...................................................... 6

2. Molecular Techniques for Detection of Microbial Pathogens .... 7

2.1. Detection of Microbial Pathogens by Biochemical
     Techniques ................................................. 9
     2.1.1 Electrophoresis ...................................... 9
2.2. Detection of Microbial Pathogens by Immunoassays .......... 14
     2.2.1. Viral Pathogens .................................... 15
     2.2.2. Bacterial Pathogens ................................ 25
     2.2.3. Fungal Pathogens ................................... 29
2.3. Detection of Microbial Plant Pathogens by Nucleic
     Acid-Based Techniques ..................................... 32
     2.3.1. Detection of Viral Pathogens ....................... 34
     2.3.2. Detection of Viroids ............................... 57
     2.3.3. Detection of Bacterial Pathogens ................... 60
     2.3.4. Detection of Phytoplasmal Pathogens ................ 80
     2.3.5. Detection of Fungal Pathogens ...................... 85

Appendix 1: Electrophoretic Characterization of Strains of
     Bacterial Pathogen Xanthomonas campestris pv.
     vesicatoria (Xcv) (Bouzar et al. 1994) ................... 110

Appendix 2: Detection of Virus-Specific Protein in Infected
     Leaves by Sodium      Dodecyl Sulfate-Polyacrylamide 
     Gel Electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) (Seifers et al. 1996,
     2005) .................................................... 111

Appendix 3: Indirect ELISA for Assessing Titers
     of PABs and MABs Specific to Callalily chlorotic
     spot virus (CCSV) and Watermelon silver mottle
     virus (WSMoV) (Lin et al. 2005) .......................... 112

Appendix 4: Detection of Citrus psorosis virus (CPsV) 
     by Direct Tissue Blot Immunoassay (DTBIA)
     (Martin et al. 2002) ..................................... 113

Appendix 5: Detection of Potato virus Y (PVY) and 
     Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) in Tobacco by 
     Immunostaining Technique (Ryang et al. 2004) ............. 113

Appendix 6: Detection of Citrus tristeza virus (CTV)
     by In Situ Immunoassay (ISIA) (Lin et al. 2000) .......... 114

Appendix 7: Detection of Potyvirus by Western Blot
     Analysis (Larsen et al. 2003) ............................ 115

Appendix 8: Detection of Bacterial Pathogens by
     Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) in
     Seeds (Lamka et al. 1991; Pataky et al. 2004) ............ 115

Appendix 9: Detection of Ultilago nuda Barley Seeds by
     DAS-ELISA (Eibel et al. 2005) ............................ 116

Appendix 10: Detection of Plant Viruses by
     Reverse-Transcription-Poiymerase Chain Reaction
     (RT-PCR) Assay (Huang et al. 2004; Spiegel
     et al. 2004) ............................................. 118

Appendix 11: Detection of Virus (Potato virus Y)
     by Reverse Transcription - DIAPOPS System (Nicolaisen
     et al. 2001) ............................................. 119

Appendix 12: Detection of Grape fan leaf virus (GFLV)
     in Nematode Vector Xiphinema index by RT-PCR
     (Finetti-Sialer and Ciancio 2005) ........................ 121

Appendix 13: Detection of Potato virus Y by Reverse
     Transcription Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification
     DNA (Nie 2005) ........................................... 122

Appendix 14: Detection of Fruit Tree Viroids by a Rapid
     RT-PCR Test (Hassen et al. 2006) ......................... 123

Appendix 15: Membrane BIO-PCR Technique for Detection of
     Bacterial Pathogen (Pseudomonas syringae pv.
     phaseolicola) (Schaad et al. 2007) ....................... 125

Appendix 16: Detection of Bacterial Pathogens by DNA Array
     Technology (Fessehaie et al. 2003; Scholberg et
     al. 2005) ................................................ 126

Appendix 17: Extraction of Genomic DNA from Fungal
     Pathogens (Phytophthora spp.) (Lamour and Finley 2006) ... 128

Appendix 18: Detection of Mycosphaerella graminicola
     in Wheat Using Reverse Transcription (RT)-PCR
     (Guo et al. 2005) ........................................ 129
References .................................................... 130

3. Molecular Variability of Microbial Plant Pathogens ......... 159

3.1. Molecular Basis of Variability of Fungal Pathogens ....... 160
     3.1.1. Isozyme Variation ................................. 161
     3.1.2. Immunological Assay ............................... 162
     3.1.3. Dot-Blot Hybridization Assay ...................... 163
     3.1.4. Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism .......... 163
     3.1.5. Polymerase Chain Reaction ......................... 168
     3.1.6. Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA Technique ........ 175
     3.1.7. Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism
            Technique ......................................... 179
     3.1.8. DNA Fingerprinting ................................ 183
     3.1.9. Microsatellite Amplification ...................... 183
     3.1.10.Single-Strand Conformation Polymorphism
            Analysis .......................................... 184
3.2. Molecular Basis of Variability of Bacterial Pathogens .... 185
     3.2.1. Immunoassays ...................................... 185
     3.2.2. Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism .......... 186
     3.2.3. Polymerase Chain Reaction ......................... 187
     3.2.4. Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA .................. 191
     3.2.5. DNA-DNA Hybridization ............................. 193
     3.2.6. Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism
            Technique ......................................... 195
     3.2.7. PCR-Based Suppression Subtractive
            Hybridization ..................................... 195
3.3. Molecular Basis of Variability of Viral Pathogens ........ 196
     3.3.1. Immunological Techniques .......................... 196
     3.3.2. Nucleic Acid-Based Techniques ..................... 200
3.4. Molecular Basis of Variability of Viroid Pathogens ....... 208

Appendix 1: Microsatellite-Primed (MP) Polymerase Chain
     Reaction for DNA Fingerprinting (Ma and Michailides
     2005) .................................................... 209
Appendix 2: Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP)
     Analysis of Pythium spp. (Garzon et al. 2005) ............ 210

References .................................................... 211
Glossary ...................................................... 227
Index ......................................................... 245

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