Nanomaterials (Amsterdam; Boston; London, 2006). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаNanomaterials: from research to applications / ed. by Hosono H. et al. - 1st ed. - Amsterdam; Boston; London: Elsevier, 2006. - xvi, 458 p.: ill. - ISBN 0-080-44984-6

Оглавление / Contents
Preface	 ........................................................ x

Materials Research at the Tokyo Institute of Technology
Seizo Miyata ................................................... xi

List of Contributors .......................................... xiv

Part I Revolutional Oxides

1. Function Cultivation in Transparent Oxides Utilizing
   Natural and Artificial Nanostructures ........................ 3
      Hideo Hosono and Masahiro Hirano

1.1. General Introduction ....................................... 4
1.2. Transparent Oxide Semiconductors ........................... 7
1.3. Transparent Nanoporous Crystal 12СаО-7А120з ............... 24
1.4. Encoding of Periodic Nanostructures with Interfering
     Femtosecond Pulses ........................................ 40
References ..................................................... 57

2. The Role of Lattice Defects in Oxides ....................... 62
      Mitsuru Itoh

2.1. Introduction .............................................. 62
2.2. Magnetic Materials (Spin Crossover in Oxides) ............. 63
2.3. Ferroelectric Materials ................................... 72
2.4. Lithium Ion Conductivity in Oxides ........................ 79
2.5. Concluding Remarks ........................................ 91
2.6. Clue to the Design of New Functional Oxide Materials ...... 93
References ..................................................... 95

3. Size Effect of Ferroelectric and High Permittivity
   Thin Films .................................................. 99
      Hiroshi Funakubo

3.1. Introduction .............................................. 99
3.2. Size Effect of Ferroelectricity in PZT Thin Films ........ 101
3.3. Size-Effect-Free Characteristics of Bismuth Layer
     Structured Dielectrics ................................... 107
3.4. Summary and Future Aspects ............................... 131
References .................................................... 131

Part II State-of-the-Art Polymers

4. Photonic Devices using Liquid Crystal Nanostructures ....... 137
      Hideo Takezoe

4.1. Photonic Effect .......................................... 137
4.2. basing from CLCs ......................................... 148
4.3. Optical Diode ............................................ 160
4.4. Concluding Remarks and Future Problems for Practical 
     Applications ............................................. 167
References .................................................... 168

5. Nanocylinder Array Structures in Block Copolymer
   Thin Films ................................................. 171
      Kaori Kamata and Tomokazu Iyoda

5.1. General Introduction ..................................... 171
5.2. Synthesis of Block Copolymers ............................ 172
5.3. Self-organization and Phase Behavior of Block 
     Copolymer Microdomains ................................... 173
5.4. Phase-segregated Nanostructures in Block Copolymer
     Thin Films ............................................... 191
5.5. Phase-segregated Nanostructures in Thin Films
     Effective for Practical Use Cylindrical Phases
     in Block Copolymer Thin Films ............................ 194
5.6. Nanocylindrical-structured Block Copolymer Templates ..... 210
5.7. Summary and Future Directions. 215 References ............ 216

6. Nano-Size Charge Inhomogeneity in Organic Metals ........... 224
      Takehiko Mori

6.1. Introduction ............................................. 224
6.2. Universal Phase Diagram of the G-Phase ................... 226
6.3. Charge Order ............................................. 231
6.4. Theoretical Background and Estimation of V ............... 240
6.5. Discussion ............................................... 255
6.6. Summary .................................................. 257
References .................................................... 258

Part III Nanostructure Design for New Functions

7. Size Control of Nanostructures by Quantum Confinement ...... 265
      Hiroyuki Hirayama

7.1. Introductory Remarks ..................................... 265
7.2. Quantum Well States in Surface Nanostructures ............ 267
7.3. Size Control of Nanostructures via Quantum
     Confinement .............................................. 278
7.4. Practical and Future Applications ........................ 291
7.5. Summary .................................................. 295
References .................................................... 295

8. Grain Boundary Dynamics in Ceramics Superplasticity ........ 297
      Fumihiro Wakai and Arturo Dominguez-Rodriguez

8.1. Introduction ............................................. 297
8.2. Motion and Topological Evolution of Grains ............... 298
8.3. Physical Characteristics of Ceramics Superplasticity ..... 304
8.4. Grain Refinement and Suppression of Grain Growth ......... 305
8.5. Diffusion Enhancement .................................... 306
8.6. Superplastic Forming ..................................... 309
8.7. Future Prospects ......................................... 310
References .................................................... 310

9. Nanostructure Control for High-strength and
   High-ductility Aluminum Alloys ............................. 315
      Tatsuo Sato

9.1. Introduction ............................................. 315
9.2. History of High-strength and High-ductility
     Aluminum Alloys .......................................... 316
9.3. Discovery of GP Zones .................................... 319
9.4. Clusters in the Early Stage of Phase Decomposition ....... 320
9.5. Ductility and PFZ Control by Nanoclusters ................ 342
9.6. Summary .................................................. 344
References .................................................... 344

Part IV Nanostructure Architecture for Engineering

10.Nanoporous Materials from Mineral and Organic Templates .... 349
      Kiyoshi Okada and Kenneth J.D. MacKenzie

10.1.Historical Background and Development .................... 349
10.2.Review of the Porous Properties of Nanoporous
     Materials Produced Using Mineral Templates ............... 357
10.3.Practical/Future Applications Related to Various
     Properties ............................................... 373
10.4.Summary .................................................. 378
References .................................................... 379

11.Enhancement of Thermoelectric Figure of Merit through
   Nanostructural Control on Intermetalhc Semiconductors
   toward High-temperature Applications ....................... 383
      Yoshinao Mishima, Yoshisato Kimura and Sung Wng Kim

11.1. Background and Principles ............................... 384
11.2. Bulk Intermetallic Semiconductors for Future
      High-temperature Applications ........................... 390
11.3. A Breakthrough in ZT: Nanostructured Materials .......... 405
References .................................................... 414

12. Smart Coatings - Multilayered and Multifunctional
    in-situ Ultrahigh-temperature Coatings .................... 419
       Hideki Hosoda

12.1. Introduction ............................................ 420
12.2. Oxidation Resistance of Ir .............................. 421
12.3. Design of Multifunctional and Multilayered Coating
      Based on IrAl ........................................... 423
12.4. Physical Properties of IrAl Alloys ...................... 425
12.5. Oxidation Behavior of Ir-rich IrAl ...................... 433
12.6. Oxidation Behavior of Al-rich IrAl Alloys ............... 437
12.7. Oxidation Behavior of Co-added IrAl ..................... 440
12.8. Summary ................................................. 444
References .................................................... 445

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