Біостратиграфічні основи побудови стратиграфічних схем фанерозою Украiни (Киiв., 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаБіостратиграфічні основи побудови стратиграфічних схем фанерозою Украïни: зб. наук. пр. IГН НАН Украïни / Гожик П.Ф., відп. ред.; НАН Украïни, Інститут геологічних наук, Палеонтологічне товариство. - Киïв.: ІГН НАН Украïни, 2008. - 560 c.: іл. - ISBN 978-966-02-4755-0

Оглавление / Contents

Poletaev V.I.
   David E. Aizenverg (to 100th birth anniversary) ............. 15

Vdovenko M.V.
   Nina E. Brazhnikova (to 100th birth anniversary) ............ 18

Ogar V.V.
   Olgerd L. Einor(to 100th birth anniversary) ................. 19



Vdovenko M.V.
   Evolutionary relations of some Early Carboniferous
   Endothyranopsidae and Loeblichiidae ......................... 22

Poletaev V.I.
   Pennsylvanian brachiopods of the family Martiniidae
   (Waagen, 1883) from the Carboniferous of the Donets
   Basin ....................................................... 27

Bragin N.Yu., Aristov V.A.
   Early Carboniferous conodonts and other microfossils
   in chert pebbles of the Upper Jurassic conglomerates 
   of Southern Demerji Mountain, the Crimea .................... 36

Efimenko V.I., Ogar V.V.
   Lower Carboniferous biostratigraphy in the junction
   zone of the Don-Dnieper Trough and the southern limb
   of the Voronezh Anteclise ................................... 38

Boyarina N.I.
   Frond architecture of Late Gzhelian callipterids from
   the Donets Basin ............................................ 49

Isakova T.N.
   Fusulinids from the Protriticites pseudomontiparus -
   Obsoletes obsoletus zone of the Kasimovian Stage at
   Donskaya Luka ............................................... 54

Babayev R.G., Efendiyeva M.A.
   Biostratigraphic basis for the recognition of the
   Upper Permian - Lower Triassic boundary in the
   Nakhchyvan AR of Azerbaijan ................................. 60

Grytsenko V.P.
   Diversity of fossil complexes as a basis for Silurian
   regional stratigraphic schemes of the Volyn-Podillia
   Plate, Western Ukraine ...................................... 64


Pjatkova D.M.
   Stratigraphic and facial significance of the 
   agglutinated foraminifers of the Jurassic of Ukraine ........ 69

Romanov L.F., Grebenschikova N.V.
   Pectinoid (Bivalvia) complexes of the Jurassic seas:
   dynamics of change in the Western Black Sea - Pamir
   region ...................................................... 74

Dorotyak Yu.B.
   Foraminiferal complexes at the Tithonian-Berriasian
   boundary in the Mountain Crimea ............................. 78

Zhabina N.M., Anikeyeva O.V.
   Microscopical characteristics of Oxfordian reef deposits
   in the Mountain Crimea ...................................... 83

Zhabina N.M.
   Tintinnid systematics and distribution in the Upper
   Jurassic-Neocomian deposits of the Tethys ................... 87

Leschukch R., Kukuruza 0., Tuzyak Y.
   Molluscan biostratigraphy in the Lower Cretaceous of
   the Northern Black Sea Foredeep ............................. 93

Plotnikova L.F.
   Cretaceous sediments of the central Alma Depression ......... 99

Shevchuk O.A.
   Palynologic evidence for Callovian and Early Cretaceous
   paleogeography of the eastern Ukrainian Shield ............. 101

Bragina L.G.
   Paleobiogeographic distribution of the Cretaceous
   Radiolarian Multastrum Vishnevskaya ........................ 107

Pestchevitskaya E.B., Nikitenko B.L.
   Valanginian palynology and micropaleontology in
   the Yurkharovskaya-310 borehole, Western Siberia ........... 110

Ischenko I.I.
   New genus of Late Cretaceous Cancellothyridoidea
   (Brachiopoda, Terebratulida) from the Tethyan realm ........ 116

Veklych O.D.
   Stratification of Upper Cretaceous sediments in the
   northern Donbas margin ..................................... 119

Bakayeva S.H.
   Environment and ecology of Santonian-Maastrichtian
   gastropods in Volyn-Podillia ............................... 121


Gozhik P.F., Maslun N.V., Ivanik O.M., Kliushyna G.V.
   Cenozoic stratigraphy of the Black Sea oil and gas
   province of Ukraine ........................................ 125

Bugrova E.M., Andreev V.M., Zakrevskaya E.Yu.,
Tabachnikova I.P.
   Improved Paleogene biostratigraphic correlation
   in the Caucasus-Crimea-Carpathian realm .................... 137

Shpul V.G.
   Paleocene and Lower Eocene palynostratigraphy in the
   northeastern limb of the Voronezh Anteclise ................ 144

Mintuzova L.G.
   Detailed stratigraphy and correlation of the Paleocene
   and Eocene deposits of the Kerch Peninsula ................. 150

Andreyeva-Grigorovich A.S., Oleynik E.S.
   New data on Eocene organic-walled phytoplankton
   from the Bakhchisaray parastratotype boreholes ............. 159

Berezovsky A.A.
   Comparative analysis of the Middle and Upper Eocene
   Bivalvia of Ukraine: 2, Order Heterodonta .................. 164

Ivanova T.A., Stephansky V.L.
   Sponge spicule biostratigraphy in the Upper Eocene
   of the Verchovtsevo Depression, middle Dnieper basin ....... 173

Shevchenko T.V., Bratishko A.V.
   Dinocysts and otoliths from the Oligocene near Zubakino,
   the Crimea ................................................. 180

Ochakovskij V.Y.
   Vegetal succession in the Oligocene of Dnieper-Donets
   Depression and correlative deposits of the Voronezh
   Anteclise and Donbas according to spore-pollen data ........ 168

Zosimovich V.Yu.
   Strati graphic position and age of the Shesterintsy
   flora ...................................................... 192

Andreyeva-Grigorovich A.S., Vashchenko V.O., Hnyiko O.M.,
Kulyanda M.J., Trofimovich N.A.
   Diachronous boundaries of Neogene formations in the
   Boryslav-Pokuttya and Sambir nappes of the Ukrainian
   Ciscarpathians ............................................. 199

Tie-mei Yi, Molchanoff S.A., Cheng-Sen Li
   Preliminary report about Spirematospermum sp. from the
   Lower Miocene deposits of Northern China ................... 205

Kulyanda M.J.
   Distribution of Miocene Foraminifera in the Worotyczcze
   and Stebnik formations and Dobromil Conglomerate,
   northwestern Ukrainian Ciscarpathians ...................... 209

Vernigorova Yu.V.
   Distribution of foraminifers and some questions of
   Konkian stratigraphy of the Northern Prichernomor'e ........ 212

Kovalenko V.A.
   New localities of freshwater pulmonary mollusks
   (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Lymnaeidae) from the middle
   Miocene of the left bank of the Dnieper, Ukraine ........... 220

Prysjazhnjuk V.A.
   New localities of terrestrial mollusks in the Miocene
   deposits of the eastern Dnieper basin, southern Ukraine .... 230

Kravchenko E.N.
   New species of Sarmatian Nassariidae (Molluska:
   Caenogastropoda: Buccinoidea) from the Moldovian
   Transnistria ............................................... 244

Dykan N.I.
   Systematics of Miocene (Sarmatian) ostracodes of the
   Volyn-Podillia region, Western Ukraine ..................... 248

Anistratenko O.Yu., Anistratenko V.V.
   Towards a zoogeographic subdivision of the Sarmatian
   Sea based on gastropod fauna ............................... 254

Melnyk O.V.
   Upper Sarmatian diatomaceous complexes of the Taman
   and Kerch peninsulas ....................................... 260

Bondar O.V.
   Ostracode biostratigraphy of the Maeotian in Southern
   Ukraine .................................................... 266

Rostovtseva Yu.V., Goncharova I.A.
   Structure of Lower Maeotian deep-water deposits at
   Popov Stone Cape, Taman Peninsula, on the Black Sea
   coast ...................................................... 270

Radionova E.P., Golovina L.A.
   Maeotian - Pontian microflora from the Taman section ....... 276

Sinitsa M.V.
   Maeotian small mammals from the Egorovka locality .......... 285

Krakhmalnaya T.V.
   Progress in the study of distribution, age and 
   structure of Late Miocene large mammal communities
   in the Ukraine ............................................. 290

Sotnikova M.V.
   Correlation of Pliocene mammal faunas from Udunga
   (Transbaikalia, Russia) and Odessa Catacombs
   (Ukraine), based on carnivore assemblages .................. 297

Komar M.S.
   The role of vegetative successions in Pleistocene
   palynostratigraphy ......................................... 303

Slozgrin B.D.
   Stratigraphic position of the Primorsk (Nogaisk)
   Micromammal locality ....................................... 308

Hrokhmal A.I.
   Morphometry of the first lower incisors of Early and
   Middle Neopleistocene voles of Ukraine ..................... 313

Popova L.V.
   Middle Pleistocene ground squirrels from Khalepia and
   Malanchin Potik ............................................ 320

Bogucki A.B., Dmytruk R.J., Dumas I.Z., Lanczont M.
   Late Pleistocene mollusks from the Halych section .......... 325

Logvynenko V.N., Derkach T.G.
   Fossil Proboscidea of Southern Ukraine at the Zaporizhia
   Oblast Museum of Local Lore ................................ 332

Bezusko L.G., Bezusko A.G., Grechishkina Yu.V.
   Palynology and radiochronometry of the Upper Holocene
   Lopanske section, Kharkiv Oblast, Ukraine .................. 338

Medeanic S., Sapozhnikov I.V.
   Preliminary data on fungal palynomorphs from the Late
   Paleolithic Bolshaya Akkarzha archaeological site .......... 343


Gladenkov Yu.B.
   Utilization of infrazonal stratigraphy in geological
   research, as exemplified in the Cenozoic of the Russian
   Far East ................................................... 349

Olshtynska O.P.
   Present status of research on Cenozoic diatoms in
   Ukraine .................................................... 351

Nemyrovska T.I., Ueno K.
   Discrepancy in the Moscovian (Carboniferous) deposits
   of Donets and Moscow Basins ................................ 360

Mikhnitska T.P., Prykhod'ko V.L., Podzigun I.M.
   New interpretation of sedimentary-volcanic stratigraphy
   in the Ovrutch Paleorift ................................... 371

Goreva N.V.
   Upper Carboniferous (Upper Pennsylvanian) conodont
   biozonation ................................................ 378

Sirenko E.A.
   Application of new palynological data to the modified
   stratigraphic scheme of the Quaternary in Ukraine .......... 384

Sokolova E.A.
   Global paleoclimatic events in the history of Upper
   Cretaceous planktonic foraminifers ......................... 391

Vishnevskaya V.S.
   Biogeography and origin of some high-latitude
   Cretaceous-Paleogene radiolarians .......................... 397

Ryabokon' T.S.
   Status of research on foraminifers from Kiev Formation
   in the Dnieper-Donets Depression ........................... 404

Rosca V.H.
   The morden interpretation of the Sarmatian Basin
   history and its significance for stratigraphy .............. 420

Rekovets L.I.
   Morpho-evolutionary criteria in small mammals as a
   biostratigraphic tool ...................................... 424

Borysenko Y.A.
   Isotope analysis of fossils: problems and perspectives ..... 430


Barg I.M.
   Appropriate use of the stratigraphic terms "Varna" and
   "Kartveli" in the Konkian regional stage of the Eastern
   Parathetys ................................................. 437

Beniamovski V.N.
   The problem of Hantkenina alabamensis Сushman, 1924,
   as the planktonic foraminifer index species for the
   Keresta Horizon, Middle Eocene ............................. 443

Popov S.V., Zastrozhnov A.S.
   Transgressive-regressive cyclicity and stratigraphic
   boundaries in the Oligocene and Neogene of the Eastern
   Parathetys ................................................. 449

Shlapinsky V.E., Machalskij D.V.
   The Oligocene-Miocene boundary in the Pokutsky Folds,
   Ukrainian Carpathians ...................................... 458


Ivanchenko K.V.
   Remarks on the stratigraphic scheme of Vendian
   deposits of Ukraine ........................................ 464

Menasova A.Sh.
   Recognition of environmental influence in Vendian
   Metazoa of Podillia, Dniester River basin .................. 466

Matveyev A.V.
   Calcareous nannoplankton at the Cretaceous-Paleogene
   boundary in the Eastern Crimea ............................. 468

Volkova V.S.
   The role of palynology in Quaternary stratigraphy of
   Western Siberia ............................................ 470

Zernetsky B.F.
   Significance of large foraminifers in tropical lagoon
   sediments atTarava atoll, west-central Pacific Ocean ....... 472

Makarenko D.E.
   A giant land mollusk from East Africa ...................... 476

ALPHABETICAL INDEX ............................................ 479
APPENDIX TO THE PROCEEDING .................................... 481

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