Ultrafast optics IV (New York; London, 2004). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаUltrafast optics IV: selected contributions to the 4th international conference on ultrafast optics, Vienna, Austria / ed. by Krausz F. et al. - New York; London: Springer, 2004. - xiii, 495 p.: ill. - (Springer series in optical sciences; 95). - ISBN 0-387-40091-5; ISSN 0342-4111

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Оглавление / Contents
Part I. Generation of Femtosecond Laser Pulses

Compact Femtosecond Oscillators
   W.Sibbett, B.Agate, C.T.A.Brown, A.A.Lagatsky, 
   C.G.Leburn, B.Stormont, E.U.Rafailov ......................... 3

Novel 10- to 40-GHz Telecom Pulse Generating Sources with 
High Average Power
   G.J.Spühler, L.Krainer, S.Lecomte, S.C.Zeller, 
   K.J.Weingarten, R.Paschotta, U.Keller ....................... 23

Single-Cycle Optical Pulses Produced by Coherent Molecular 
   A.V.Sokolov ................................................. 37

A Robust New Concept for Octave-Spanning Chirped Mirrors 
with Minimal Dispersion Ripple
   Günter Steinmeyer	........................................ 49

10-fs, Diode-Pumped Cr:LiCAF Laser
   Philipp Wagenblast, Richard Ell, Uwe Morgner, Felix 
   Grawert, Franz Kártner ...................................... 55

Broadband Phase-Coherent Optical Frequency Synthesis With 
Actively Linked Ti:Sapphire and Cr:Forsterite Femtosecond 
   A.Bartels, N.R.Newbury, I.Thomann, L.Hollberg, 
   S.A.Diddams ................................................. 61

Synthesis of Optical Frequencies and Ultrastable Femtosecond 
Pulse Trains from an Optical Reference Oscillator
   A. Bartels, T.M. Ramond, S.A. Diddams, L.Hollberg ........... 69

Generation of 14.8-fs Pulses in a Spatially Dispersive 
   C.P.Hauri, M.Bruck, W.Kornelis,J. Biegert, U.Keller ......... 75

A Sub-10-Femtosecond Terawatt-Scale Ti:sapphire Laser System
   Jozsef Seres, Enikó Seres, Christian Spielmann, 
   Ferenc Krausz ............................................... 81

Direct Generation of 12-fs Pulses from a Ti:sapphire 
Chirped-Pulse Amplification System
   Hideyuki Takada, Masayuki Kakehata, Kenji Torizuka .......... 87

Generation of 3.8-fs Pulses Through Adaptive Cascaded Hollow 
Fiber Compression
   J.Biegert, B.Schenkel, U.Keller, C.Vozzi, M.Nisoli,
   G.Sansone, S.Stagira, S.De Silvestri, 0.Svelto .............. 91

Generation and Characterization of 3.4-fs Optical Pulses 
with Over-One-Octave Bandwidth
   Keisaku Yamane, Zhigang Zhang, Akira Suguro, Kazuhiko Oka,
   Ryuji Morita, Mikio Yamashita ............................... 97

Part II. Measurement and Shaping of Femtosecond Pulses

Acousto-Optic Spectral Filtering of Femtosecond Laser Pulses
   D.Kaplan, P.Tournois ....................................... 105

Adaptive Femtosecond Quantum Control
   T.Brixner, C.Dietl, G.Krampert, P.Niklaus, 
   E.Papastathopoulos, T.Pfeifer, R.Selle, G.Vogt, 
   D.Walter, С.Winterfeldt, G.Gerber .......................... 119

Measuring Spatial Chirp and Pulse-Front Tilt in Ultrashort 
Pulses Using Single-Shot FROG
   Selçuk Aktürk, Mark Kimmel, Patrick O'Shea, 
   Rick Trebino ............................................... 129

Measurements of Ultracomplex and Ultraweak Pulses with FROG
   Qiang Cao, Aparna P. Shreenath, Stephan Link, Xun Gu, 
   Jing-yuan Zhang, Erik Zeek, Mark Kimmel, Rick Trebino, 
   Mostafa El-Sayed ........................................... 135

Few-cycle Pulse Diagnostics Using Plateau Harmonics
   Vladislav S.Yakovlev, Armin Scrinzi ........................ 143

Part III. Measurement and Control of the Carrier-Envelope Phase

Carrier-Envelope Phase Stabilization of Modelocked Lasers
   Таrа M.Fortier, David J.Jones, Jun Ye, 
   Steven T.Cundiff ........................................... 151

Frontiers of Carrier-Envelope Stabilization Schemes for 
Femtosecond Oscillators
   Günter Steinmeyer, Florian W.Helbing, 
   Ursula Keller .............................................. 165

Direct Locking of the Carrier-Envelope Phase of Femtosecond 
Laser Pulses
   Tae Jun Yu, Jong-Min Lee, Yong Soo Lee, Kyung-Han Hong,
   Chang Нее Nam .............................................. 171

Ultrafast-Laser Stabilization with Application to Pulse 
Amplification by Use of Passive Optical Cavities
   R. Jason Jones, Kevin Holman, Jun Ye, Eric Potma, 
   X. Sunney Xie .............................................. 179

Solid-State Carrier-Envelope Phase Detector
   P.Dombi, A.Apolonski, G.G.Paulus, M.Kakehata, 
   K.Torizuka, R.Holzwarth, Th.Udem, Ch.Lemell, 
   J.Burgdörfer, T.W.Hänsch, F.Krausz ......................... 185

Selection of Pulses Having a Constant Carrier-Envelope Phase 
from a Relatively Noisy Mode-Locked Oscillator
   Masayuki Kakehata, Yoshihiko Fujihira, Yohei Kobayashi, 
   Hideyuki Takada, Tetsuya Homma, Hideo Takahashi, 
   Kenji Torizuka ............................................. 191

Carrier Envelope Phase Measurement Using a Non Phase Stable 
   K. O'Keeffe, J.Seres, E.Seres, H.Drexel, V.Grill, 
   F.Krausz, M.Lezius ......................................... 197

Stabilization and Characterization of the Carrier-Envelope 
Phase in Intense Few-Cycle Pulses
   A.Baltuska, M.Uiberacker, E.Goulielmakis, Th.Udem, 
   M.Hentschel, R.Kienberger, R.Holzwarth,
   T.W.Hänsch, F. Krausz ...................................... 203

Measurement of the Absolute Phase of few-Cycle Laser Pulses
   F.Lindner, G.G.Paulus, H.Walther, A.Baltuska,  
   E.Goulielmakis, M.Lezius, F.Krausz ......................... 209

Part IV. Extreme UV Radiation and Sub-Femtosecond Pulses

Quasi-Phase-Matching of High Harmonic EUV Generation at Very 
High Ionization Levels
   E.A.Gibson, A.Paul, N.L.Wagner, R.Tobey, E.Gagnon,
   D.Gaudiosi, M.M.Murnane, H.C.Kapteyn, L.P.Christov ......... 217

Enhancement and Tuning of High-Order Harmonic Generation 
Using Adaptive Pulse Shaping
   D.H.Reitze, S.Kazamias, F.Weihe, G.Mullot,  
   D.Douillet, F.Аugé, 0.Albert, V.Ramanathan, 
   J.P.Chambaret, D.Hulin, P.Balcou ........................... 223

Multilayer EUV Optics for Applications of Ultrashort High 
Harmonic Pulses
   Th.Westerwalbesloh, U.Kleineberg, Y.C.Lim, 
   P.Siffalovic, M.Drescher, U.Heinzmann ...................... 229

Absolute-Phase Effects of Few-Optical-Cycle Light Pulses in 
Single-Shot High Order Harmonic Spectra
   M.Nisoli, G.Sansone, S.Stagira, S.De Silvestri, 
   C.Vozzi, M.Pascolini, L.Poletto, P.Villoresi, 
   G.Tondello ................................................. 235

Reproducible Generation and Measurement of Isolated Sub-fs 
XUV Pulses with Phase-Controlled Few-Cycle Light
   R.Kienberger, E.Goulielmakis, A.Baltuska,  
   M.Uiberacker, Th.Westerwalbesloh, U.Kleineberg, 
   U. Heinzmann, M. Drescher, F. Krausz ....................... 241

Controlling High-Harmonic Generation via Molecular Alignment
   D.Zeidler. J.Levesque, J.Itatani, K.Lee, P.Dooley, 
   I.Litvinyuk, D.M.Villeneuve. P.B.Corkum .................... 247

Towards Attosecond Half-Cycle Pulses
   Emil Persson, Severin Puschkarski, Xiao-Min Tong,
   Joachim Burgdörfer ......................................... 253

Temporal Characterization of Attosecond Pulses
   F.Quéré. J.Itatani, G.L.Yudin, P.B.Corkum .................. 259

Techniques for Temporal Characterization of Ultrafast XUV 
   Taro Sekikawa, Teruto Kanai, Shuntaro Watanabe ............. 271

Characterization of Attosecond Electromagnetic Pulses
   Ellen M.Kosik, Eric Cormier, Christophe Dorrer, 
   Ian A.Walmsley, Louis F.DiMauro ............................ 285

Characterization of Attosecond Laser Pulses Using Angle-
resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy
   S.Aseyev. Y.Ni, L.J.Frasinski, H.G.Muller, 
   M.J.J.Vrakking ............................................. 293

Part V. Ultraintense Pulses, Hard X-Ray Generation and 
        Particle Acceleration

Isolated Attosecond Pulse Generation in the Relativistic 
λ3 Regime by Reflection/Deflection/Compression
   G.A.Mourou, N.M.Naumova, I.V.Sokolov, В.Ноu, 
   J.A.Nees ................................................... 303

Diode-Pumped Regenerative Amplifier Front End for the 
Petawatt Laser Chain at LULI
   N.Forget, C.Felix, E.Baynard, C.Le Blanc, V.Bagnoud,
   X.Ribeyre, L.Videau ........................................ 315

The Petawatt Laser Glass Chain at LULI: Technical Issues 
and First Results
   C. Le Blanc, C.Felix, N.Forget, J.C.Lagron, 
   Ph.Hollander, A.M.Sautivet, C.Sauteret, A.Migus ............ 321

High Repetition Rate Femtosecond Laser Driven Hard X-Ray 
Source and its Application for Diffraction Experiments
   N.Zhavoronkov, Y.Gritsai, P.Mikheev, A.Savelev, 
   R.Bernath, G.Коrn, Т.Elsaesser ............................. 325

Generation, Amplitude and Phase Characterization of
1021W/cm2 Intensity
   S.-W.Bahk, V.Chvykov, G.Kalintchenko, A.Maksimchuk,
   G.A.Mourou, N.Saleh, V.Yanovsky ............................ 329

Ultrafast Hard X-Rays from Electron Accelerators
   P.H.Bucksbaum, D.A.Reis, J.Hastings ........................ 333

Amplification of Multikilovolt Xe(L) Hollow Atom Transitions 
with Xe Clusters in Confined Plasma Channels
   Alex B.Borisov, Xiangyang Song, Yevgeniya Koshman, Jack 
   Davis, Yang Dai, Keith Boyer, Charles K.Rhodes ............. 341

Asymmetric Pulse Shapes in Grating-Based CPA Compressors 
and Optimal Electron Acceleration in Plasmas
   Csaba Tóth, Jerome Faure, Jeroen van Tilborg, 
   Cameron G.R.Geddes, Carl B.Schroeder, Eric Esarey, 
   Wim P.Leemans .............................................. 349

Part VI. Ultrafast Nonlinear Optics

Progress in Chirped Pulse Optical Parametric Amplifiers
   R.Butkus, R.Danielius, A.Dubietis, A.Piskarskas ............ 357

Optical Parametric Chirped-Pulse Amplification in 
Periodically-Poled KTiOP04 at 1053 nm
   Igor Jovanovic, Jason R.Schmidt, Christoper A.Ebbers ....... 367

Nonlinear Phase-Locking of Parametric Optical Processes: 
the Sliding Resonance Effect
   J.T.Mendonça, H.Crespo ..................................... 373

Low Threshold, High Repetition Frequency, Femtosecond 
Optical Parametric Oscillator Based on Chirped-Pulse 
Frequency Conversion
   Karl A.Tillman, Derryck T.Reid, D.Artigas, 
   J.Hellström, V.Pasiskevicius, F.Laurell .................... 385

Generation of sub-20 fs Tunable Visible Pulses from a 100 kHz 
NOPA For Measuring Ultrafast Heterogeneous Electron Transfer
   R.Ernstorfer, L.Gundlach, C.Zimmermann, F.Willig, 
   R.Eichberger, E.Riedle ..................................... 393

Broadband Sum-Frequency Mixing for Indirect Phase Control of
UV Pulses With a Sub-20-Fs TW-Class TirSapphire Laser System
   Yasuo Nabekawa, Katsumi Midorikawa ......................... 399

New Generation of Photoconductive Few-Cycle Terahertz Emitters
   J.Darmo, G.Strasser, T.Roch, T.Müller, 
   K.Unterrainer, G.Tempea, T.He, A.Stingl .................... 405

Magnetic-Field Induced Enhancement of THz-Radaiation from 
InAs Irradiated with 0.8 μm Laser up to 27 T and InSb 
Irradiated with 1.56 μm Laser up to 5 T
   H.Takahashi, A.Quema, M.Goto, S.Ono, N.Sarukura ............ 411

Part VII. Novel Applications of Ultrashort Light Pulses

Ultrafast Electron Diffraction
   Vladimir A.Lobastov, Ramesh Srinivasan, Franco Vigliotti, 
   Chong-Yu Ruan, Jonathan S.Feenstra, Songye Chen, Sang  
   T.Park, Shoujun Xu, Ahmed H.Zewail ......................... 419

Some Medical and Biological Applications of Ultrafast Lasers
   S.Svanberg ................................................. 437

Adaptive Control of Two-Photon Excitation of Green 
Fluorescent Protein with Shaped Femtosecond Pulses
   Hiroyuki Kawano, Yasuo Nabekawa, Akira Suda, Yu Oishi,
   Hideaki Mizuno, Atsushi Miyawaki, Katsumi Midorikawa ....... 449

Highly Efficient Second-Harmonic Nanosource by Femtosecond 
Pulse Irradiation of a Metal Tip
   M.Zavelani-Rossi, M.Labardi, D.Polli, G.Cerullo,
   S. De Silvestri, M.Allegrini, 0.Svelto ..................... 455

Femtosecond Electron Optics: Towards Atomically Resolved 
Transition States
   Bradley J. Siwick, Jason R. Dwyer, Robert E. Jordan,
   Christoph T. Hebeisen, R.J. Dwayne Miller .................. 461

Application of High-Harmonic Radiation for EUV 
Interferometry and Spectroscopy
   M.Wieland, Ch.Spielmann, U.Kleineberg, U.Heinzmann, 
   T.Wilhein .................................................. 467

Time-Resolved Inner Shell Spectroscopy with Sub-fs EUV Pulses
   M.Drescher, M.Hentschel, R.Kienberger, M.Uiberacker,
   V.Yakovlev, A.Scrinzi, Th.Westerwalbesloh, 
   U.Kleineberg, U.Heinzmann, F.Krausz ........................ 475

A Quantum Theory of Time-Resolved Auger Measurement
   Olga Smirnova, Vladislav S.Yakovlev, Armin Scrinzi ......... 483

Laser Induced Nuclear Reactions
   Friederike Ewald, Heinrich Schwoerer, Joseph Magill,
   Jean Galy, Roland Schenkel, Roland Sauerbrey ............... 489

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