Ravindranath N.H. Carbon inventory methods (New York, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаRavindranath N.H. Carbon inventory methods: handbook for greenhouse gas inventory, carbon mitigation and roundwood production projects / Ravindranath N.H., Ostwald M. - New York: Springer, 2008. - xix, 304 p. - (Advances in global change research; 29). - ISBN 978-1-4020-6546-0

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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ........................................................ v
Acknowledgements ............................................... ix

Chapter 1 Introduction .......................................... 1

1.1.  Carbon Dioxide Emissions and Removals from
      Land-Use Sectors .......................................... 3
1.2.  Mitigation Opportunities and Potential
      in Land-Use Sectors ....................................... 4
1.3.  Linkages Between Mitigation and Adaptation ................ 5
1.4.  Why Carbon Inventory? ..................................... 5
      1.4.1.  Carbon Inventory for National Greenhouse
              Gas Inventory ..................................... 6
      1.4.2.  Carbon Inventory for Climate Change Mitigation
              Projects or Programmes ............................ 6
      1.4.3.  Carbon Inventory for Clean Development
              Mechanism Projects ................................ 7
      1.4.4.  Carbon Inventory for Projects Under the Global
              Environment Facility .............................. 7
      1.4.5.  Carbon Inventory for Forest, Grassland
              and Agroforestry Development Projects ............. 8
1.5.  Carbon Inventory Methods and Guidelines ................... 9
1.6.  Purpose, Organization and Target Groups for the
      Handbook .................................................. 9

Chapter 2 Global Carbon Cycle, Carbon Dioxide
          Emissions and Mitigation ............................. 13

2.1.  Carbon Stocks and Fluxes ................................. 13
2.2.  Anthropogenic C02 Emissions .............................. 14
2.3.  C02 Concentration in the Atmosphere ...................... 15
2.4.  Carbon Stocks in Vegetation and Soils of Different
      Biomes ................................................... 15
2.5.  C02 Emissions from Land-Use Sectors ...................... 17
2.6.  Mitigation Potential in the Land-Use Sectors ............. 18
      2.6.1.  Forest Sector .................................... 18
      2.6.2.  Agriculture Sector ............................... 19
2.7    Conclusions ............................................. 19

Chapter 3 Categories of Activities, Programmes and Projects
          Requiring Carbon Inventory ........................... 21

3.1.  National Greenhouse Gas Inventory ........................ 21
3.2.  Carbon Inventory for Climate Change Mitigation
      Projects and Programmes .................................. 23
3.3.  Carbon Inventory for Clean Development Mechanism
      Projects ................................................. 25
3.4.  Carbon Inventory for Projects Under the Global
      Environment Facility (GEF) ............................... 27
3.5.  Carbon Inventory for Forest, Grassland and Cropland
      Development Programmes and Projects ...................... 28
3.6.  Conclusions .............................................. 30

Chapter 4 Carbon Pools and Measurement Frequency
          for Carbon Inventory ................................. 31

4.1.  Features of Carbon Pools ................................. 32
      4.1.1.  Distribution of Different Carbon Pools ........... 32
      4.1.2.  Definition of Carbon Pools ....................... 34
      4.1.3.  Flux of Carbon Pools ............................. 36
4.2.  Criteria for Selection of Carbon Pools ................... 37
4.3.  Key Carbon Pools for Different Programmes and
      Projects ................................................. 38
      4.3.1.  Carbon Mitigation Projects ....................... 38
      4.3.2.  Roundwood Production, Land Conservation
              and Development Projects ......................... 40
      4.3.3.  National Greenhouse Gas Inventories .............. 41
4.4.  Frequency of Monitoring of Carbon Pools .................. 41
      4.4.1.  Above-Ground Biomass ............................. 41
      4.4.2.  Below-Ground Biomass ............................. 42
      4.4.3.  Litter and Deadwood Biomass ...................... 43
      4.4.4.  Soil Carbon ...................................... 43
4.5.  Conclusions .............................................. 44

Chapter 5 Carbon Inventory in Project Development,
          Implementation and Monitoring Phases ................. 45

5.1.  Project Conceptualization ................................ 46
5.2.  Project Proposal Development Phase ....................... 47
5.3.  Project Review, Appraisal and Approval Phase ............. 50
5.4.  Project Implementation Phase ............................. 51
5.5.  Project Monitoring Phase ................................. 51
5.6.  Project Evaluation Phase ................................. 52
5.7.  Carbon Mitigation and Non-Carbon Land Development
      Projects: Implications for Carbon Inventory During
      Project Cycle ............................................ 52
5.8.  Conclusions .............................................. 54

Chapter 6 Methodological Issues in Land-Based Projects ......... 55

6.1.  Baseline ................................................. 55
      6.1.1.  Fundamental Steps in Establishing a Baseline ..... 57
      6.1.2.  Project-Specific and Generic Baselines ........... 57
      6.1.3.  Fixed and Adjustable Baselines ................... 58
      6.1.4.  Baseline Scenario for Carbon Mitigation
              and Land-Based Development Projects .............. 59
6.2.  Additionality (UNFCCC) or Incrementality (GEF) ........... 60
6.3.  Permanence ............................................... 61
6.4.  Leakage .................................................. 62
6.5.  Project Boundary ......................................... 64
6.6.  Scale of the Project ..................................... 65
6.7.  Conclusions .............................................. 65

Chapter 7 Carbon Inventory Under Baseline and Project
          Scenarios ............................................ 67

7.1.  Broad Approaches to Estimating Carbon Stocks ............. 67
      7.1.1.  Approach Based on Default Value .................. 67
      7.1.2.  Approach Based on Cross-Sectional Field
              Studies .......................................... 69
      7.1.3.  Approach Based on Modelling ...................... 69
7.2.  Carbon Inventory Under Baseline Scenario ................. 70
      7.2.1.  Selection of Fixed or Adjustable Baseline ........ 70
      7.2.2.  Baseline Carbon Stock Estimation at Different
              Phases of Project Cycle .......................... 72
      7.2.3.  Baseline Carbon Stock Estimation and
              Projection During Project Development Phase ...... 72
      7.2.4.  Baseline Carbon Stock Monitoring During
              Monitoring Phase ................................. 75
      7.2.5.  Baseline Estimation Through Use of Models ........ 78
7.3.  Carbon Inventory Under Project Scenario .................. 78
      7.3.1.  Project Development Phase ........................ 78
      7.3.2.  Monitoring Carbon Stock Changes
              in the Project Scenario .......................... 80
      7.4.  Summary of Methods ................................. 83

Chapter 8 Techniques for Estimation and Monitoring
          of Project Areas and Boundary ........................ 85

8.1.  Approach to Selecting a Method ........................... 86
8.2.  Ground Methods ........................................... 88
      8.2.1    Physical Measurement ............................ 88
      8.2.2.  GPS Approach ..................................... 90
      8.2.3.  Participatory Rural Appraisal .................... 91
8.3.  Remote Sensing Methods ................................... 93
      8.3.1.  Aerial Photography ............................... 94
      8.3.2.  Passive Satellite Data ........................... 96
      8.3.3.  Active Satellite Data ............................ 96
8.4.  Estimating and Monitoring Land-Use Change ................ 97
8.5.  Conclusions .............................................. 98

Chapter 9 Generic Methods for Inventory of Carbon Pools ........ 99

9.1.  Approaches to Estimating Carbon Stock Changes ............ 99
      9.1.1.  Carbon "Gain-Loss" Method ....................... 100
      9.1.2.  Carbon "Stock-Difference" Method ................ 100
      9.1.3.  Comparison of "Gain-Loss"
              and "Stock-Difference" Approaches ............... 101
9.2.  Methodological Options for Estimating Carbon Pools ...... 102
9.3.  Methods for Estimating Above-Ground Biomass ............. 103
9.4.  Estimation of Below-Ground Biomass or Root Biomass ...... 107
9.5.  Estimation of Litter and Deadwood Biomass ............... 108
9.6.  Estimation of Soil Organic Carbon ....................... 109
9.7.  Conclusions ............................................. 111

Chapter 10 Methods for Estimating Above-Ground Biomass ........ 113

10.1. Selection of Land-Use Category, Project Activity
      or Vegetation Type ...................................... 115
10.2. Definition of the Project Boundary and Mapping
      of the Land-Use Category or Project Area ................ 115
10.3. Stratification of the Project Area or Land-Use
      Category ................................................ 117
      10.3.1. Stratification for Baseline Scenario ............ 118
      10.3.2. Stratification for Project Scenario ............. 118
      10.3.3. Stratification Under Land-Use Change ............ 119
      10.3.4. Approach to and Steps in Stratification ......... 120
      10.3.5. Application of Remote Sensing and GIS
              for Stratification .............................. 121
10.4. Selection of a Method for Estimation of Above-Ground
      Biomass: the "Plot Method" .............................. 121
10.5. Selection of Appropriate Frequency of Measurement
      for the Above-Ground Biomass Pool ....................... 122
10.6. Identification of the Parameters to be Measured
      For Estimating the Above-Ground Biomass Pool ............ 122
10.7. Selection of Sampling Method and Sample Size ............ 124
      10.7.1. Sampling Principles ............................. 124
      10.7.2. Type and Shape of Sample Plots .................. 125
      10.7.3. Number of Plots ................................. 127
      10.7.4. Size of the Plot ................................ 130
10.8. Preparation for Field work and Recording of
      Information ............................................. 131
10.9. Sampling Design ......................................... 132
10.10.Location and Laying of Sample Plots ..................... 134
10.11.Field Measurement of Indicator Parameters ............... 137
      10.11.1.Above-Ground Biomass of Trees ................... 138
      10.11.2.Shrubs .......................................... 141
      10.11.3.Herbs ........................................... 143
      10.11.4.Grass Production ................................ 143
      10.11.5.Measurement of Palms and Lianas ................. 144
10.12.Recording Data and Compilation .......................... 145
      10.13.Long-Term Monitoring for Above-Ground Biomass ..... 145
      10.14.Conclusions ....................................... 147

Chapter 11 Methods for Below-Ground Biomass ................... 149

11.1. Below-Ground Biomass: Features and Broad Methods ........ 149
11.2. Excavation of Roots ..................................... 150
11.3. Monolith for Deep Roots ................................. 152
11.4. Soil Core or Pit for Non-Tree Vegetation ................ 153
11.5. Root to Shoot Ratio ..................................... 154
11.6. Allometric Equations .................................... 155
11.7. Long-Term Monitoring of Below-Ground Biomass ............ 155
11.8. Conclusions ............................................. 156

Chapter 12 Methods for Dead Organic Matter: Deadwood
           and Litter ......................................... 157

12.1. Deadwood ................................................ 158
      12.1.1. Standing Deadwood ............................... 158
      12.1.2. Fallen Deadwood ................................. 159
12.2. Litter Biomass .......................................... 160
      12.2.1. Annual Litter Production Method ................. 161
      12.2.2. Litter Stock Change Method ...................... 162
12.3. Long-Term Monitoring of Deadwood and Litter ............. 163
12.4. Conclusions ............................................. 163

Chapter 13 Methods for Estimating Soil Organic Carbon ......... 165

13.1. Soil Carbon Inventory for Land-Use Projects and
      Greenhouse Gas Inventory ................................ 166
      13.1.1. Soil Carbon Inventory for Mitigation
              Projects ........................................ 166
      13.1.2. Soil Carbon Inventory for National
              Greenhouse Gas Inventory ........................ 167
13.2. Methods for Inventory of Soil Organic Carbon ............ 167
13.3. Broad Procedure for Soil Carbon Inventory ............... 172
      13.3.1. Selection of Land-Use Category or Project
              Activities, Stratification of the Area and
              Demarcation of Project Boundary ................. 173
      13.3.2. Determination of the Frequency of
              Measurement ..................................... 174
      13.3.3. Selection of Method for Estimation .............. 174
      13.3.4. Selection of Sampling Technique ................. 174
      13.3.5. Preparation for Fieldwork ....................... 175
      13.3.6. Locating Sampling Points in the Field ........... 175
      13.3.7. Measurement of Bulk Density Parameters .......... 176
      13.3.8. Field Procedure for Sampling Soil
              for Laboratory Analysis ......................... 178
      13.3.9. Laboratory Analysis of Soil Samples ............. 178
      13.3.10.Calculation of Soil Organic Carbon .............. 179
      13.3.11.Long-Term Monitoring of Soil Organic
              Carbon .......................................... 179
13.4. Conclusions ............................................. 180

Chapter 14 Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques for
           Terrestrial Carbon Inventory ....................... 181

14.1. Implications for Carbon Inventory ....................... 182
14.2. Data from Remote Sensing ................................ 182
      14.2.1. Remote Sensing and Ground Reference Data ........ 189
      14.2.2. Calibrating Remote Sensing Data ................. 190
14.3. Methods to Estimate Biomass ............................. 190
      14.3.1. Estimating Biomass Based on Remote Sensing
              Vegetation Index ................................ 191
      14.3.2. Estimating Biomass Based on Remote
              Sensing-Derived Land-Use Change Classes
              and GIS ......................................... 193
14.4. Uncertainty and Accuracy ................................ 195
14.5. Feasibility of Remote Sensing for Different
      Project Types ........................................... 196
14.6. The Role of GIS ......................................... 197
14.7. The Future for Remote Sensing and GIS ................... 197
14.8. Conclusions ............................................. 199

Chapter 15 Modelling for Estimation and Projection
           of Carbon Stocks in Land-Use Systems ............... 201

15.1. Types of Models and Application in Estimating
      and Projecting Carbon Stocks ............................ 202
      15.1.1. Biomass Equations ............................... 202
      15.1.2. PROCOMAP ........................................ 204
      15.1.3. C02FIX .......................................... 204
      15.1.4. CENTURY ......................................... 206
      15.1.5. ROTH3 C-26.3 .................................... 207
      15.1.6. Application at National Level for
              Greenhouse Gas Inventory ........................ 207
15.2. Description of Models, Data Needs and Procedure ......... 207
      15.2.1. Steps in Applying Biomass Equations ............. 207
      15.2.2. Steps in Applying PROCOMAP ...................... 208
      15.2.3. Steps in Applying C02FIX (Version 3.1.0) ........ 210
      15.2.4. Steps in Applying CENTURY (V. 5) ................ 212
      15.2.5. Steps in Applying ROTH .......................... 213
15.3. Conclusions ............................................. 214

Chapter 16 Carbon Inventory Methods for National
           Greenhouse Gas Inventory ........................... 217

16.1. The Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines ........................ 219
16.2. The IPCC 2003 and 2006 Guidelines ....................... 219
16.3. Carbon Inventory Methods for Land-Use Categories ........ 221
16.4. What IPCC 2003 and 2006 Inventory Guidelines
      Provide ................................................. 221
16.5. What IPCC 1996, 2003 and 2006 Inventory
      Guidelines do not Provide ............................... 222
16.6. Application of Carbon Inventory Methods to National
      GHG Inventory ........................................... 223
16.7. Approach to Generating Carbon Emission and Removal
      Factors for National GHG Inventories .................... 224
      16.7.1. Tier Definition and Selection for GHG
              Inventory ....................................... 224
      16.7.2. Key Category Analysis ........................... 226
      16.7.3. Land-Use Categories and Stratification .......... 227
      16.7.4. Selection of Land-Use Categories,
              Estimation of Area and Preparation
              of Spatial Maps of the Land-Use Categories ...... 228
16.8. Estimation and Monitoring of Biomass Stocks and
      Changes ................................................. 229
      16.8.1. Sampling Method and Location of the Plots ....... 229
      16.8.2. Permanent Plot Method for Biomass Carbon ........ 229
      16.8.3. Parameters to be Monitored for Biomass
              Carbon Inventory and Frequency of
              Monitoring ...................................... 230
      16.8.4. Preparation for Fieldwork, Data Formats
              and Field Measurement Procedures ................ 231
      16.8.5. Methods of Analysis and Calculation
              Procedure for Biomass Carbon .................... 231
16.9. Estimation and Monitoring Stocks and Change
      in Stock of Soil Organic Carbon ......................... 231
16.10.Reporting of GHG Inventory Estimates for LULUCF
      or AFOLU Sector ......................................... 233
16.11.Uncertainty Estimation and Reduction .................... 233
16.12.Quality Assurance and Quality Control ................... 234
16.13.Remote Sensing Techniques for National
      Carbon Inventories ...................................... 235
16.14.Conclusions ............................................. 235

Chapter 17 Estimation of Carbon Stocks and Changes
           and Data Sources ................................... 237

17.1. Above-Ground Biomass of Trees ........................... 238
      17.1.1. Estimating Tree Biomass Using the Harvest
              Method .......................................... 238
      17.1.2. Estimating Tree Volume .......................... 238
      17.1.3. Estimating Tree Biomass Using Volume Tables ..... 240
      17.1.4. Estimating Tree Biomass Using Mean Tree
              Weight .......................................... 241
      17.1.5. Biomass Equations ............................... 242
      17.1.6. Biomass Conversion and Expansion Factors ........ 246
      17.1.7. Application of Methods for Estimating
              Above-Ground Biomass ............................ 247
17.2. Above-Ground Biomass of Non-Trees ....................... 248
      17.2.1. Shrub and Herb Biomass .......................... 248
      17.2.2. Grass Biomass Production: Above the Ground ...... 249
17.3. Below-Ground Biomass .................................... 249
17.4. Calculation of Deadwood and Litter Biomass .............. 251
      17.4.1. Deadwood ........................................ 252
      17.4.2. Litter .......................................... 253
17.5. Soil Organic Carbon ..................................... 254
17.6. Formulae and Calculations for Estimating
      Different Carbon Pools .................................. 254
      17.6.1. Calculation of Carbon Stocks and Changes
              for Climate Mitigation Projects ................. 257
      17.6.2. National Greenhouse Gas Inventories ............. 258
      17.6.3. Calculation of Biomass Stocks and Changes
              for Roundwood Production Projects ............... 258
      17.6.4. Carbon Inventory for Agroforestry,
              Shelterbelt, Grassland Management
              and Soil Conservation Activities ................ 259
17.7. Data and Sources of Data ................................ 260
      17.7.1. Data Needs for a Carbon Inventory ............... 261
      17.7.2. Sources of Data ................................. 262
      17.7.3. Criteria for Evaluation and Selection
              of Parameters ................................... 267
      17.7.4. Steps in Selection and Use of Carbon
              Inventory Parameter Values ...................... 268
17.8. Conclusions ............................................. 269

Chapter 18 Uncertainty Estimation, Quality Assurance
           and Quality Control ................................ 271

18.1. Causes of Uncertainty ................................... 272
18.2. Estimation of Uncertainty ............................... 273
      18.2.1. Simple Error Propagation ........................ 274
      18.2.2. Monte Carlo Simulations ......................... 275
18.3. Uncertainty Analysis .................................... 276
18.4. Reducing Uncertainty .................................... 276
18.5. Quality Assurance, Quality Control and Verification ..... 277
      18.5.1. Quality Control Procedures ...................... 278
      18.5.2. Quality Assurance Review Procedures ............. 279
      18.5.3. Verification .................................... 279
18.6. Conclusions ............................................. 279

Chapter 19 Implications of Climate Change for Carbon
           Stocks and Inventory ............................... 281

19.1. C02 concentrations and Climate Projections .............. 282
19.2. Impact of Climate Change on Forest Ecosystems ........... 282
19.3. Models for Projecting Carbon Stock Changes
      Under Climate Change Scenarios .......................... 284
19.4. Implications of Climate Change for Carbon Inventory ..... 286
19.5. Conclusions ............................................. 287
References .................................................... 289

Index ......................................................... 299

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